Usher Pulls A Kanye on TRL: Blasts All The Silly Rumors & Gossip [Vid]

May 30, 2006
�talk about getting sh.. off your chest
Can't blame him for expressing how he feels, but it's been stated plenty of times that his mother is NOT a fan of his wife. Like he said thoughit's all hearsay to him. It is what it is and he doin his thing. I think the album reflects where he is at in his life.
I feel him. I've been saying this for the longest. Dude stepped up to the plate like no other. We all thought he would marry some exotic tender, but weshould be elated that he married a black woman and set an example for those out there that are consumed with the idea that "light is right". It isunbelievable how many black woman down him for making the choice he made.
Real talk....I never understood why dudes want to critique another man's woman.

Cats everywhere talking like "Usher coulda have someone way more finer"..

Like this broad hit him with some kinda sick hypnosis...the guy married who he wanted to marry. Explain to me why this is even an issue...

You tell them Usher.

It's refreshing to hear artists stand up for themselves against though trashy celeb gossip.

Originally Posted by grittyman20

Real talk....I never understood why dudes want to critique another man's woman.

Cats everywhere talking like "Usher coulda have someone way more finer"..

Like this broad hit him with some kinda sick hypnosis...the guy married who he wanted to marry. Explain to me why this is even an issue...

Real talk.......Goes to show there aren't some people who as shallow as they appear.
My review is in the STEEL CITY FORUM that ninjas don't post in NO MORE lol.

Naw but Honestly this is the hottest Mixtpae I've heard flow wise for a couple...
This is Fam as well, and this is Pittsburgh... Feel me??!
Originally Posted by YoungHovLucas

My review is in the STEEL CITY FORUM that ninjas don't post in NO MORE lol.

Naw but Honestly this is the hottest Mixtpae I've heard flow wise for a couple...
This is Fam as well, and this is Pittsburgh... Feel me??!

I aint buyin that %#* sounds like he tryna concince himself...
He just mad that his wife is 2 steps away from RuPaul status....
and thats bein way 100.
I am glad that Usher addressed some of those things that were mentioned as far as gossip is concerned.
Yeah, i know that alot of women out there as well as men tend to say that usher could have done alot better with his choice for a woman as far as physicalappearance goes but what other people say just doesnt make any difference. She is not bad and if Usher loves her for who she is then i am happy for thebrother. Opinions dont really mean much anymore plus it is more than all about looks. America is definitely brainwashed at an all time high, one!
I give props to Usher for stepping to the plate and acknowledging his role as a step dad as well. It shows humility to be able to look past that woman'sphysical appearance and baggage and still profess his love for her like that. But with that said, he still comes out lookin like a sucka
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