*** \V/ N*E*R*D - Seeing Sounds Album Discussion Thread \V/ *** (UPDATED)

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Love Bomb is that joint...good god...and Anti Matter came through like I knew it would..Ithought I almost blew my speakers out when it first came on[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I'm afraid my car and iPod wont be getting much action from any other artist for atleastthis summer...[/color]
after a first run through of each track ONCE... spazz - on point

love bomb - smooth

you know what - cool track

everyone nose - dope jam

anti matter - same on point status as spazz

.....IF IT STAYS THIS WAY (and i feel like its going to be), this will easily top fly or die...
i hope they go on tour again after they hit up the international places in august..

cause they never hit the west coast (Bay Area/ SF) on their little promo tour
^songs are just leaking out one by one. album collectively isn't out as of yet.
Originally Posted by blazersfan

^yea whole album out now, no grouprip yet though

aww shhh...good looking out.

damn...i usually wait for the GR's...but all these
's making me impatient.
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