Verne Lundquist Unappreciation

Nov 25, 2007
how many picks is he gonna call n start yelling when the wr clearly catches the ball?...hang it up my man
I still think they way Danielson just tells it how it is is

I just used "is" twice in a row. Holy +!+%
Verne +#%%* up about two dozen times per game, but it's comedy to me.

Verne will probably do this until he hits Andy Rooney's age, retire, then pass two weeks later.
All he does is co-sign commentary, because he's clueless. 'I think that ball came out' Mmm-hmm. 'I don't think the ball even had the distance' I think you're right. He also over-exaggerates his laugh with his HAR HAR HAR. Unappreciated.
His "golly geez" and all of that crack me up. Hes probably wild in real life, cuz he plays his character way to straight laced.
"Goodness gracious golly geez almighty that was a great... and there it is again!"

Guy is nothing but a few phrases and co-signing his partner, just as bad listening to him as it is Musteataburger and Herbie. I can't listen to ABC primetime games cause of them. Herbie can't pick a winner to save his life and Mustburger is so dry it is unbearable.
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