(VIDS UP)CNN reports briefing in Washington on UFOs **IT'S ABOUT TO GET REAL YALL**


These guys might be crack pots but I believe! I've always believed!
That said, even if the government does have all this info, I'm not sure letting the public know is the best idea. People would freak the crap out! Whatwould the world's religions do?!
oh @%%+!!! man this is pretty creepy... area 51 any1? i bet that guy is going to get assassinated

I'm waiting for the day someone gives irrefutable actual PROOF of this UFO %!%% going down...because it's always just talk.
@ this dude for having "contrast issues" with his slides... He claims he will upload them to a website, but I doubt we'll ever see them.
if it was that major, it would be on CNN...the tv channel, not just an interwebs vid.
Originally Posted by ienycepnoyi

independence day is coming up...kinda
Well at least we already have the blueprint to defeat them, get Will Smith and Jeff Goblum to fly the alien spacecraft into the mothership andplant a virus to lower their shields. We then will proceed to blast the hell out of them
Originally Posted by buggz05

Website is taking too long

bluebeam? or for reals?

SOMEBODY Video capture this

Sorry man. I couldnt capture it because I dont have software for that, however, I will find something to to have prepared in case anything else comes up inthe future. For those who saw it, were they saying that they are pushing for the government to disclose information in May of 2009 or 2010? I got that alittle confused.

Edit: Buggz, at closure, they said they are pushing for the US government to disclose information in May of 2009 or 2010(I'm not clear yet) but they saidif the government refuses or attempts to delay their withholdings too long that they have a strong belief that another nations government will disclose theirfiles or they will begin to release information themselves (not sure exactly who "they" are. Can anyone clear that up?) due to more pressure.
I seen something the other day about Obama coming out with all UFO info.....

A bunch of Astronauts who claim to have seen things were demanding it...
Hmm.. Not that I don't believe these guys because I'm a total nut for this kinda stuff.. but this press conference/briefing just sounded like a bunchof researchers asking for more money to carry on with their hobby.. Come on Obama, pay these guys! There's gotta be a tiny bit of chump change after allthose bailouts!
(LIVE)CNN reports briefing in Washington on UFOs **IT'S ABOUT TO GET REAL FAKE YALL**



There is something inevitable and deeper going on people. Don't got distracted by the diversion tactics. Do that independent research. Things are happeningin space that can't be stopped, so they are training and directing people's perception and reality of whats about to go down into the sphere of sci-fifiction and spookism.
Originally Posted by tree4twenty


All I see is Ashton Kutcher and P Diddy on Larry King Live...

It's over. If anyone captured it, please post, or hopefully itwill show up on YouTube soon.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

(LIVE)CNN reports briefing in Washington on UFOs **IT'S ABOUT TO GET REAL FAKE YALL**



There is something inevitable and deeper going on people. Don't got distracted by the diversion tactics. Do that independent research. Things are happening in space that can't be stopped, so they are training and directing people's perception and reality of whats about to go down into the sphere of sci-fi fiction and spookism.

Word. But the fact that they are taking any action at all is very important weather they're trying to steer people in the right or wrong direction. I'm currently reading "The Sirius Mystery". Good information.
It is pretty confusing, Haze. But these dudes were talking about some real !!*!. One of them said something along the lines of how disclosure must happenbecause of how important the stage of human evolution we are approaching is

My optimism may be getting the best of me, but the fact that CNN showed some real, legitimate UFO discussion and not some "quacks" interests me tosay the least.
I'm very interested in this stuff also, but I just don't see why Aliens would be very interested in our planet. Unless to just observe a "primalspecies", or we were the only other life forms they've found. They'd be so far advanced they'd probably have nothing to learn from us.
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