(VIDS UP)CNN reports briefing in Washington on UFOs **IT'S ABOUT TO GET REAL YALL**

Originally Posted by drsfinest72

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by drsfinest72

Originally Posted by 10508 Cardo Jr Ln

Originally Posted by blazinjkid

It is pretty confusing, Haze. But these dudes were talking about some real !!*!. One of them said something along the lines of how disclosure must happen because of how important the stage of human evolution we are approaching is

My optimism may be getting the best of me, but the fact that CNN showed some real, legitimate UFO discussion and not some "quacks" interests me to say the least.

Reminded me of the things dude was talkin about in this thread

Ya'll keep typing.. ima keep reading
crazy. thats true. so aliens visited our planets before and introduced ancient civilizations with new technologies.. so maybe they coming back again on 2012 to introduce us to new technology.. or to kill us all.
... man theres so many possibilities it aint even funny.

Read The Sirius Mystery and keep positive thoughts.
ima look that up. good looks. read the chariots of the god whenever you can. also have ya heard about the center of the earth theory? think it can play a role with 2012?

I've heard about this book. I'll have to check it out when I get the chance.
Originally Posted by JamesOnNT

what happened to NothingBefore?

A lot of the %!!! he said was crazy but these type of threads are the best on NT.

My man Haze .. elaborate. What should we be looking for heading towards/into/through 2012?

The Universe and our world is in perfect order.

Just look at everything in nature and how it fits together perfectly like a complex puzzle.

It is only the human mind, which is in disarray and confusion. And we are born a blank slate, phsyically perfect, capable of achieving things that arecurrently unimaginable. Why is it that something as highly advanced, fine tuned and evolved as the human brain is not being used aywhere close to its capacity?

That confusion has been planted and tended to by interested parties because they have read the writing on the walls a long time ago.

We were a more elevated being thousands of years ago. Through metu-neter people were able to communicate telepathically and on higher planes. Just look at thepyramids and the ancient Egyptian/Kemetic sciences...we are still in awe and trying to figure out their brilliance centuries later.

Bodies in space are acting on us right now and moving closer and closer to Earth. There is new stardust in the atmosphere that can be inhaled and used fprphysical and spiritaul well being. The ancients knew all of this and many in the ruling class know it as well.

Pranayama (Sanskrit: pr
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze


Red Bull gives you wings....

Baal's cult animal was the bull, which symbolized his power and fertility, though at times and in different places he was also associated with goats and even flies. He is sometimes shown in Near Eastern art standing on the back of a bull

Look familiar?

"Illumati want my mind soul and my body...secret society, trying to keep their eye on me.."

Right now a war for the hearts and minds of the world's population is coming to a head, Just be careful what you put your belief in because it is becoming of critical importance. Our minds and consciousness are being infiltrated and we don't even know it.

Yeah man. Symbolism is all around us. Since I've been introduced to the idea, I see it so much. I'm pretty sure the yellow circle behind the bulls is the Sun/Osiris/Lucifer. Word to:


Translate "Sun Trust"


dang i missed this,i hope they show it again. anyways the world is going to H.E. double hockey sticks in 2012 .somebody please put a video up or something
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by JamesOnNT

what happened to NothingBefore?

A lot of the %!!! he said was crazy but these type of threads are the best on NT.

My man Haze .. elaborate. What should we be looking for heading towards/into/through 2012?

The Universe and our world is in perfect order.

Just look at everything in nature and how it fits together perfectly like a complex puzzle.

It is only the human mind, which is in disarray and confusion. And we are born a blank slate, phsyically perfect, capable of achieving things that are currently unimaginable. Why is it that something as highly advanced, fine tuned and evolved as the human brain is not being used aywhere close to its capacity?

That confusion has been planted and tended to by interested parties because they have read the writing on the walls a long time ago.

We were a more elevated being thousands of years ago. Through metu-neter people were able to communicate telepathically and on higher planes. Just look at the pyramids and the ancient Egyptian/Kemetic sciences...we are still in awe and trying to figure out their brilliance centuries later.

Bodies in space are acting on us right now and moving closer and closer to Earth. There is new stardust in the atmosphere that can be inhaled and used fpr physical and spiritaul well being. The ancients knew all of this and many in the ruling class know it as well.

Pranayama (Sanskrit: pr
2 weeks ago i traveled through different levels of energy. I felt it and understood it.
It made perfect sense to me. So many things we do not understand because our minds arent
At the level of understanding. Shamans know it. Native americans know it. The myans, ancient egyptians.
The earth bares these "teachers" that teach us.

I traveled into the deapths of the mind..... They told me dont come back because im not ready
There were eyes everywhere. I had no control over my body because i had no control over my mind
The mind is where all the answeres lay. You just have to "open" it
Originally Posted by CherryRed

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze


Red Bull gives you wings....

Baal's cult animal was the bull, which symbolized his power and fertility, though at times and in different places he was also associated with goats and even flies. He is sometimes shown in Near Eastern art standing on the back of a bull

Look familiar?

"Illumati want my mind soul and my body...secret society, trying to keep their eye on me.."

Right now a war for the hearts and minds of the world's population is coming to a head, Just be careful what you put your belief in because it is becoming of critical importance. Our minds and consciousness are being infiltrated and we don't even know it.

Yeah man. Symbolism is all around us. Since I've been introduced to the idea, I see it so much. I'm pretty sure the yellow circle behind the bulls is the Sun/Osiris/Lucifer. Word to:


Translate "Sun Trust"


they all around us, large corporations are all in it.as a distraction.

the egyptian god, ra


The sun:
Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

2 weeks ago i traveled through different levels of energy. I felt it and understood it.
It made perfect sense to me. So many things we do not understand because our minds arent
At the level of understanding. Shamans know it. Native americans know it. The myans, ancient egyptians.
The earth bares these "teachers" that teach us.

I traveled into the deapths of the mind..... They told me dont come back because im not ready
There were eyes everywhere. I had no control over my body because i had no control over my mind
The mind is where all the answeres lay. You just have to "open" it
damn fam
i've always felt like something super human built those pyramids....its so damn complex....especially the insides of them
Originally Posted by drsfinest72

Originally Posted by CherryRed

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze


Red Bull gives you wings....

Baal's cult animal was the bull, which symbolized his power and fertility, though at times and in different places he was also associated with goats and even flies. He is sometimes shown in Near Eastern art standing on the back of a bull

Look familiar?

"Illumati want my mind soul and my body...secret society, trying to keep their eye on me.."

Right now a war for the hearts and minds of the world's population is coming to a head, Just be careful what you put your belief in because it is becoming of critical importance. Our minds and consciousness are being infiltrated and we don't even know it.

Yeah man. Symbolism is all around us. Since I've been introduced to the idea, I see it so much. I'm pretty sure the yellow circle behind the bulls is the Sun/Osiris/Lucifer. Word to:


Translate "Sun Trust"

they all around us, large corporations are all in it.as a distraction.

the egyptian god, ra


The sun:

Dairy Queen is part of it too?
my man Haze

i remember that "european ideology" thread you made over the summer

anyways...i figure i'll drop some jewels



and to my dude that said he wanted to learn how to meditate...pick up this book

Haze, dont forget about fidelity, texaco,the other chrystler, exxon (double cross) pentagon building....its everywhere. There is noway they
Create these symbols for looks. They all have meaning as do any other symbols.Thts why they are called symbols, because they symbolize something I work for avery large financial institution and i see bank symbols all the time. So many pyramids, eyes and triangles. The conference rooms are Covered with the pyramidon the dollar. They are called the inlightened ones because they know the truth.
u guys are scaring me.

this thread > dirty pyp.

in the running for best thread of 2009
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