(VIDS UP)CNN reports briefing in Washington on UFOs **IT'S ABOUT TO GET REAL YALL**

Originally Posted by Frankie Valentino

Humans seem to have this constant need to believe in something. I'm sure most of you here don't believe in organized religion and laugh at the idea of an all knowing God or heaven. Yet here we are in this thread, believing in things coming down from the heavens and destroying us, as told to us by the enlightened prophets to deliver us from evil, although we lack true proof. Miracles or grainy camcorder footage, 2012 or Revelations, what's the difference anymore.
Leave, Now.

I got you Seeko .

This is why I can never understand why people are hardcore into religion .

The answers are all around us in everything we do .

Most of the things that the government is hiding from us is because of religion ...

If everything that is being told in the Church was 100% proof , why would they bother hiding it ?

Nothing wrong with having faith & believing , at ALL .

But ...

Religion = Control , we gotta be better y'all .
Originally Posted by YoungSole93

Originally Posted by Frankie Valentino

Humans seem to have this constant need to believe in something. I'm sure most of you here don't believe in organized religion and laugh at the idea of an all knowing God or heaven. Yet here we are in this thread, believing in things coming down from the heavens and destroying us, as told to us by the enlightened prophets to deliver us from evil, although we lack true proof. Miracles or grainy camcorder footage, 2012 or Revelations, what's the difference anymore.
Leave, Now.


Frankie's post is one of the few that actually made sense in this thread full of trash...and you're telling him to leave? Come on dude.
Originally Posted by YoungSole93

Originally Posted by Frankie Valentino

Humans seem to have this constant need to believe in something. I'm sure most of you here don't believe in organized religion and laugh at the idea of an all knowing God or heaven. Yet here we are in this thread, believing in things coming down from the heavens and destroying us, as told to us by the enlightened prophets to deliver us from evil, although we lack true proof. Miracles or grainy camcorder footage, 2012 or Revelations, what's the difference anymore.
Leave, Now. Really.

You're just lost looking for something to believe in.
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Originally Posted by YoungSole93

Originally Posted by Frankie Valentino

Humans seem to have this constant need to believe in something. I'm sure most of you here don't believe in organized religion and laugh at the idea of an all knowing God or heaven. Yet here we are in this thread, believing in things coming down from the heavens and destroying us, as told to us by the enlightened prophets to deliver us from evil, although we lack true proof. Miracles or grainy camcorder footage, 2012 or Revelations, what's the difference anymore.
Leave, Now.


Frankie's post is one of the few that actually made sense in this thread full of trash...and you're telling him to leave? Come on dude.
Thats where my 20,000 profile view came from! I was being sarcastic.
Originally Posted by Frankie Valentino

Originally Posted by YoungSole93

Originally Posted by Frankie Valentino

Humans seem to have this constant need to believe in something. I'm sure most of you here don't believe in organized religion and laugh at the idea of an all knowing God or heaven. Yet here we are in this thread, believing in things coming down from the heavens and destroying us, as told to us by the enlightened prophets to deliver us from evil, although we lack true proof. Miracles or grainy camcorder footage, 2012 or Revelations, what's the difference anymore.
Leave, Now. Really.

You're just lost looking for something to believe in.
To many youtube specials for you. Naw im kidding. You make a lot of sense I just needed a laugh.
Originally Posted by Frankie Valentino

Originally Posted by YoungSole93

Originally Posted by Frankie Valentino

Humans seem to have this constant need to believe in something. I'm sure most of you here don't believe in organized religion and laugh at the idea of an all knowing God or heaven. Yet here we are in this thread, believing in things coming down from the heavens and destroying us, as told to us by the enlightened prophets to deliver us from evil, although we lack true proof. Miracles or grainy camcorder footage, 2012 or Revelations, what's the difference anymore.
Leave, Now. Really.

You're just lost looking for something to believe in.

And what are you doing with your life? Believing in nothing? No purpose? I'm just curious...
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by Frankie Valentino

Originally Posted by YoungSole93

Originally Posted by Frankie Valentino

Humans seem to have this constant need to believe in something. I'm sure most of you here don't believe in organized religion and laugh at the idea of an all knowing God or heaven. Yet here we are in this thread, believing in things coming down from the heavens and destroying us, as told to us by the enlightened prophets to deliver us from evil, although we lack true proof. Miracles or grainy camcorder footage, 2012 or Revelations, what's the difference anymore.
Leave, Now. Really.

You're just lost looking for something to believe in.

And what are you doing with your life? Believing in nothing? No purpose? I'm just curious...

I pride myself on following the lonely road. I myself do not believe in god... can check myspace thingy if you want I didn't change it. I have a purpose, Iam not letting my environment influence me. I am well on my way to going to college. I am taking AP classes to further advance myself in scholastics and insuremy acceptance. I am looking forward to majoring in History. Any more questions.... BTW I JUST turned 16 on the 10th of this month.
Originally Posted by YoungSole93

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by Frankie Valentino

Originally Posted by YoungSole93

Originally Posted by Frankie Valentino

Humans seem to have this constant need to believe in something. I'm sure most of you here don't believe in organized religion and laugh at the idea of an all knowing God or heaven. Yet here we are in this thread, believing in things coming down from the heavens and destroying us, as told to us by the enlightened prophets to deliver us from evil, although we lack true proof. Miracles or grainy camcorder footage, 2012 or Revelations, what's the difference anymore.
Leave, Now. Really.

You're just lost looking for something to believe in.

And what are you doing with your life? Believing in nothing? No purpose? I'm just curious...

I pride myself on following the lonely road. I myself do not believe in god... can check myspace thingy if you want I didn't change it. I have a purpose, I am not letting my environment influence me. I am well on my way to going to college. I am taking AP classes to further advance myself in scholastics and insure my acceptance. I am looking forward to majoring in History. Any more questions.... BTW I JUST turned 16 on the 10th of this month.

Cool. Anyways, I don't think you speak from ignorance but just a strong viewpoint. That's fine. But check back in 10 years. Your mind might change morethan you'd think.
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by Frankie Valentino

Originally Posted by YoungSole93

Originally Posted by Frankie Valentino

Humans seem to have this constant need to believe in something. I'm sure most of you here don't believe in organized religion and laugh at the idea of an all knowing God or heaven. Yet here we are in this thread, believing in things coming down from the heavens and destroying us, as told to us by the enlightened prophets to deliver us from evil, although we lack true proof. Miracles or grainy camcorder footage, 2012 or Revelations, what's the difference anymore.
Leave, Now. Really.

You're just lost looking for something to believe in.

And what are you doing with your life? Believing in nothing? No purpose? I'm just curious...

Well I come from a Mexican Christian family, which means family culture and religion sort of always went hand in hand, but where i am in life i questioneverything. I do believe it all came from 'something', i even sort think of the Big Bang as 'god', although religion has some positive aspectsto teach most notably the golden rule. However one of the things that has ironically helped me make sense of it all has been absurdism. The idea that sometimesthings don't have a deeper meaning beyond what is, making the best of it and finding comfort in that.

As for aliens, i do believe they exist, mathematically it just has to be so. I don't believe they've made intelligent contact on earth with our speciesthough, although cosmic bacterium from another planet traveling via meteorite and landing on earth isn't implausible to me because after all we are made ofstars*. The theories of how Egyptians made contact with aliens doesn't sit right with me, you dismiss their ideas on the afterlife, but the stories of'strange visitors' seem more possible? How were the Egyptians and Aztecs able to build pyramids at the roughly the same time? Well if you notice,skyscrapers are a relatively new invention, high 'straight' buildings require a bit of engineering that just wasn't possible yet in ancient times.

As for the conspiracy theories of the government hiding things from us. Sure, the government hides a lot of things from us, and sometimes the suddenadvancement of technology almost seems 'alien'. I just think sometimes people give too much credit to humans, hiding things of this magnitude is hard,and other times too little, we're more clever than you think.

Did this scare anybody? I felt like I was thinking about something while I watched it I just don't know what.

Sounds dumb but I'm very serious.
Originally Posted by DROOPY7


Did this scare anybody? I felt like I was thinking about something while I watched it I just don't know what.

Sounds dumb but I'm very serious.
Didn't scare me.
Originally Posted by Smedroc

okay...so there's seemingly all this symbology hidden all over the place.

what purpose does it serve??

When the pyramid raiders began cracking open the capstone of the pyramids, they could not believe the things that they saw. They wanted to know everything theycould about these people, their beliefs and their society.

The ancient Kemites had the natural sciences almost perfected after centuries of intense study. They had great insight into the way the human body and mindworked. They knew that certain colors, made the human sub-conscious react in certain ways (see the colors used in fast food joints), certain shapes immediatelymade your mind flash to a certain object or concept (circular shape for example). Just like in nature certain animals develop bright colors to ward offpredators and eventually predators and their children associate certain colors to certain danger, the human mind works the same way. When you see a Paramountsign or an ABC logo, you pupils may dilate and your sub-consious will submit to authority. Those companies may seem to be as natural as the moon to you. Itsmind manipulation and occult ritualism.

The Masons and leaders of the world began mimicking the rituals and symbology of the innitates and teachers of the ancient mystery school.

Thats why the all seeing eye was placed on our dollar by a Freemason president, it why we have cities like Memphis and obliseks disguised as nationalmonuments. Ritualism, sub consious manipulation and occult tradtions.
Originally Posted by DROOPY7


Did this scare anybody? I felt like I was thinking about something while I watched it I just don't know what.

Sounds dumb but I'm very serious.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by Smedroc

okay...so there's seemingly all this symbolism hidden all over the place.

what purpose does it serve??

When the pyramid raiders began cracking open the capstone of the pyramids, they could not believe the things that they saw. They wanted to know everything they could about these people, their beliefs and their society.

The ancient Kemites had the natural sciences almost perfected after centuries of intense study. They had great insight into the way the human body and mind worked. They knew that certain colors, made the human sub-conscious react in certain ways (see the colors used in fast food joints), certain shapes immediately made your mind flash to a certain object or concept (circular shape for example). Just like in nature certain animals develop bright colors to ward off predators and eventually predators and their children associate certain colors to certain danger, the human mind works the same way. When you see a Paramount sign or an ABC logo, you pupils may dilate and your sub-conscious will submit to authority. Those companies may seem to be as natural as the moon to you. Its mind manipulation and occult ritualism.

The Masons and leaders of the world began mimicking the rituals and symbolism of the initiates and teachers of the ancient mystery school.

That's why the all seeing eye was placed on our dollar by a Freemason president, it why we have cities like Memphis and obelisks disguised as national monuments. Ritualism, sub conscious manipulation and occult traditions.
Exactly. On an exponentially smaller scale, it's the reason why we have surveillance cameras in retail and food service stores. Even if theydon't work, people (and organisms in general) will act differently if they believe they are being monitored.
Originally Posted by DROOPY7

Mateen Cleaves said:
Originally Posted by DROOPY7


Did this scare anybody? I felt like I was thinking about something while I watched it I just don't know what.

Sounds dumb but I'm very serious.

Yo no se.

that's an example of fractal geometry. fractals are complex algorithms like what you would put into a graphing calculator but only a million times moreconfusing. if I can recall back to my 10th grade geometry class, they were theorized/hypothesized a long time ago and only during like the 70's and80's were they able to get actual glimpses of what a fractal looked like because it requires (obviously) a relatively complex computer to work out all thatmath to graph it.

I think it's self-repeating aka endless
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by Smedroc

okay...so there's seemingly all this symbology hidden all over the place.

what purpose does it serve??

When the pyramid raiders began cracking open the capstone of the pyramids, they could not believe the things that they saw. They wanted to know everything they could about these people, their beliefs and their society.

The ancient Kemites had the natural sciences almost perfected after centuries of intense study. They had great insight into the way the human body and mind worked. They knew that certain colors, made the human sub-conscious react in certain ways (see the colors used in fast food joints), certain shapes immediately made your mind flash to a certain object or concept (circular shape for example). Just like in nature certain animals develop bright colors to ward off predators and eventually predators and their children associate certain colors to certain danger, the human mind works the same way. When you see a Paramount sign or an ABC logo, you pupils may dilate and your sub-consious will submit to authority. Those companies may seem to be as natural as the moon to you. Its mind manipulation and occult ritualism.

The Masons and leaders of the world began mimicking the rituals and symbology of the innitates and teachers of the ancient mystery school.

Thats why the all seeing eye was placed on our dollar by a Freemason president, it why we have cities like Memphis and obliseks disguised as national monuments. Ritualism, sub consious manipulation and occult tradtions.

This guy's dope. Always assisting with the knowledge.
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