(VIDS UP)CNN reports briefing in Washington on UFOs **IT'S ABOUT TO GET REAL YALL**

Thats why the all seeing eye was placed on our dollar by a Freemason president, it why we have cities like Memphis and obliseks disguised as national monuments. Ritualism, sub consious manipulation and occult tradtions.

But why ? To manipulate us for the sake of making money ?
Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

The mind is where all the answeres lay. You just have to "open" it
word to the socratic method.

[font=Arial,Helvetica,Univers,Zurich BT,sans-serif][size=-1]To know truly, to seek wisdom, one must work towardunderstanding. If the question "what" leads us to see what we do and do not know, then the question "why" leads us to understand our worldin a more full and fundamental manner.[/size][/font]

Socrates was concerned with ideas... but not as they were defined, but as what they REALLY were. What they were in themselves.

"understanding is having the power to see things for what they are... and not what they present themselves to be... itcompletes the cipher" (yes i am quoting a nas song peep FLYNY's yuku page)

the only way to find such truths is by relentless questioning. from a philosophy book i just started reading:
"it sometimes seems as if socrates is only pretending not to know the answer (by asking questions)...in order to force his interlocutor to engage in dialogue and reach a truth by himself, or revise his false opinions. He wanted to be a midwife like his mother: to coax truths out of their hiding place, where they lie ready to emerge into the light of day, waiting for us to grasp them and bring them out.

.....but if socrates thought he could lead his interlocutors to the truth to the truth by his questioning, it was because he believed that the truth was already in us, albeit often unknown to us:it accompanies us as we move on from our previous incarnation, so that when we learn the truth we are not really learning it, but remembering what we once knew and have forgotten. And it is with the help of reason that we can learn all that is important for us to know"
which ties into.....
Originally Posted by Frankie Valentino

Humans seem to have this constant need to believe in something. I'm sure most of you here don't believe in organized religion and laugh at the idea of an all knowing God or heaven. Yet here we are in this thread, believing in things coming down from the heavens and destroying us, as told to us by the enlightened prophets to deliver us from evil, although we lack true proof. Miracles or grainy camcorder footage, 2012 or Revelations, what's the difference anymore.

.... the fact that we (society) have our heads in a cloud. we just accept things as they are given to us. i think what it all comes down to is that we arescared. we are scared to open up our eyes and see the harsh reality- that we know nothing. so we distract ourselves with beliefs.... try to find a purpose...try to fill the void.. try to satiate the hunger in our mind. so we blindly follow these silly ideas......hoping that there is something more to this menialexistence.

this epiphany can be terrifying. i know this kind of contradicts the socratic method... but the way i see it is that you can only KNOW so much. How can youknow the truth if you are disillusioned? skepticism and understanding are conducive to consciousness.. but....the wayi would explain my experience is........knowledge-which is the key to freedom; unlocking the shackles of ignorance that confine our minds and souls, is thevery same thing that drives us (me) insane, asking questions with no answers. it's like you wake up from the dream or trance you were in... you see thelight.... and then you tumble down the rabbit hole. what a conundrum.

i'm sorry if i make no sense but my brain just... cannot coherently express the fear that i feel.. my thoughts are discordant... and my words get muddled..and then i get the feeling in my chest like i'm having an asthma attack
i would really appreciate if anyone could beat some sense into me.

do you guys really feel that the end is near? or perhaps an end?
Originally Posted by Tony Goalie

More like a new beginning.


[size=+1]William Butler Yeats (1865-1939)[/size]

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: a waste of desert sand;
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Wind shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Too many people in here claiming to know THE truth.

Well, I'm from the South and I eat a lot of Dairy Queen so I have no control over my own mind since I stare at their logo a lot. On the other hand, many ofmy fellow NT brethren who, like me, have a strong fascination with shoes and collect them, are somehow a cut above the rest and can resist their mind controltechniques. As such, they can spit the truth over the interweb while avoiding the ever present MIB. I think the irony in a lot of these posts is that theyaren't willing to listen to any type of mainstream source, and yet are willing to gobble up the goods on any other stream of media, as if their owntheories don't rule out the possibility of them already being fed disinformation, which means all this truth they think they have, is only taking themfurther away from the truth.
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

i'm sorry if i make no sense but my brain just... cannot coherently express the fear that i feel.. my thoughts are discordant... and my words get muddled.. and then i get the feeling in my chest like i'm having an asthma attack
i would really appreciate if anyone could beat some sense into me.

do you guys really feel that the end is near? or perhaps an end?

You should look into meditation. You should not be fearfull, but at peace. Talking about it(even if it's on NT) will probably help you get closer tofinding yourself and being at peace. As as for the or an end being near... Supposedly a end of an age is near. Maybe it'swhat you feel? Do some research on it. I havnt, but it's something I'll look into in the future.

Originally Posted by upstateboibeats

can someone fill me in as to what exactly was said? i didnt see this this morning

Check my blog in my sig.
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Too many people in here claiming to know THE truth.

The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.

we know nothing. and we probably never will.
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Too many people in here claiming to know THE truth.

The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.

we know nothing. and we probably never will.
Exactly why peopel should stop pretending like they know the truth, unless you are witness to it yourself.
Well, I'm from the South and I eat a lot of Dairy Queen so I have no control over my own mind since I stare at their logo a lot. On the other hand, many of my fellow NT brethren who, like me, have a strong fascination with shoes and collect them, are somehow a cut above the rest and can resist their mind control techniques. As such, they can spit the truth over the interweb while avoiding the ever present MIB. I think the irony in a lot of these posts is that they aren't willing to listen to any type of mainstream source, and yet are willing to gobble up the goods on any other stream of media, as if their own theories don't rule out the possibility of them already being fed disinformation, which means all this truth they think they have, is only taking them further away from the truth.
Lies you speak. All lies. We see through you and your disinformation. You're a tool of THEM! THEM! THEM!!!!

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