Wanting what you cant have unnapprecation.

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

It's not that hard; want what you can have.

Pretend that y'all are already together and there's this other chick you wish you could be with instead of her.

Now go after that other chick.

good advice old man
Man i feel you but with me it's not about girls.I been going to the gym for the past 3 and a half months and sometimes I feel like I'm not doing $#%!It's so frustrating when you bust your +!! doing something you want really badly and you feel like your not getting anywhere. Sucks bro. But yeah just dowat some guys are saying, make moves or just move on. If she feelin you she'll eventually come to you after her and her man are over. Happened to me lol
I don't think I've ever wanted anything I can't have. I've learned to be complacent with what I have. Progression comes with time; be patient.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

It's not that hard; want what you can have.

Pretend that y'all are already together and there's this other chick you wish you could be with instead of her.

Now go after that other chick.

but....its not actually her. its only pretend. and in this case, you're messing with another person not involved who may actually want you for you,while you're only using her because you cant have what you want.
I know what you mean, but the anticipation is usually more exciting than actually having what you wanted.
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