*Warning: The Official Spoiler Thread* Vol. We Spoiling Everything B!

how is does Nebula from da future kill Nebula from her past & her future self is still alive? isn't that basically a dog eatin their tail?
Looks like Theon is dead in this episode.

Is that my bae Melissandre? :nerd:
Honestly considering the history.. don't think cap should have been right there in the front.. was a little pet peeve to me

Cap should have been with his crew and them comforting him because cap should still have a bit of the guilt for being a D and tony being right

But if happy and Rhodey are together, cap shoulda been with his crew in the back respectfully staying out of the way and leaving that for family and then his best friends and spidey
No I'm talking about right when Tony died on the battlefield.

Rhodey, Spidey, and Pepper all had words. He fell back with Thor all misty eyed.

how is does Nebula from da future kill Nebula from her past & her future self is still alive? isn't that basically a dog eatin their tail?
Nah. They made it clear that you can't change your past and it'll affect you.

All it'll do is create a new timeline where Nebula is dead.

But it depends what Tony did with his snap. He either killed Thanos and his army or he sent them all back to 2014 and erase their memory.
Bronn kills jamie . while jamie is saving tyrion .Arya takes jamies skin. Kills cersei. Dany still mad about jon being aegon turns on jon. Dany kills jon . arya kils dany
Arya goes back to bravos. Sansa is queen of the 7 kingdoms
Bran turn as into the new nighr king restarting the whole story.
Bronn kills jamie . while jamie is saving tyrion .Arya takes jamies skin. Kills cersei. Dany still mad about jon being aegon turns on jon. Dany kills jon . arya kils dany
Arya goes back to bravos. Sansa is queen of the 7 kingdoms
Bran turn as into the new nighr king restarting the whole story.

Im cool with that until the NK stuff starting all over.
Bronn kills jamie . while jamie is saving tyrion .Arya takes jamies skin. Kills cersei. Dany still mad about jon being aegon turns on jon. Dany kills jon . arya kils dany
Arya goes back to bravos. Sansa is queen of the 7 kingdoms
Bran turn as into the new nighr king restarting the whole story.

Is that for real? I'm gonna be heated if that's how they do Jon and Jaime. All to prop Arya up. :smh:
No I'm talking about right when Tony died on the battlefield.

Rhodey, Spidey, and Pepper all had words. He fell back with Thor all misty eyed..

See this was done right

But dude was far closer with banner than cap
with Far from Home coming out soon, what year is it suppose to be set in?

if Infinity War was (2018) and End Game was five years later (2023)

that leaves a lot of questions

does Tony finger snap just kill Thanos and his crew?
or does it reset everything back to 2018 with no stones or Thanos at all?

i think they left enough holes so they could always go back and make more movies based off of that
Nah.. they in 2023 or 2024

Tony's stipulation was everything he gained, his daughter, would survive
Couldn’t see the video of Rhaegal dying because the link’s down but really... by Euron’s fleet??

LOL man, this is going to be some hot trash.

:smh: at Missanbei :frown::frown:

Bet she gets sent as an emissary to negotiate terms of surrender & Cersei says f that. We want the smoke.

Brienne and Jaime happens, huh? Wonder if we see some Tarth *******.
Meh.. we'll see how this plays out but ain't making me feel confident
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