Was I wrong?(Election related)

MY girl is a republican and voting for McCain... she texted me reminding me to vote. And I just said Well I already know who should win. And she responded withsome "May the best candidate ready to take office win" crap

And I responded, we both know that would be Obama.

She hasnt said anything since.
devildog1776 wrote:
People at my job been giving me the stoneface cuz I told them I'm not voting... its funny cuz these are the same people who dont watch NO type of news or arent into politics any other time in their lives except election season... People act like voting is really gonna change the way our govt is ran.... its been bought out a LONG time ago... If that were the case there would be more than 2 partys to vote for cuz I know this country is alot more diversified than that

There are more than 2 parties. There are just two major ones. as far as your gov't being bought out theory, politicians feel like they can do what theywant because people are not gonna vote anyway. Take Bloomberg in NYC for example. He pulled the gangsta move and bought out the city council so the would makehim eligible to run again, but if the people of new york overwhelming vote for his opponent then theres nothing he can do. We still get the last say, despiteall his money.
You should make a choice. This is a very important election, and don't forget people died for their right to vote.

Originally Posted by MrMoneyInDaBank

My texted my ex this morning to ask if she voted. she told me she wasn't going to and when I asked why she told me I was getting on her nerves, which to me means she didn't have a good reason not to. I went off on her. For a person who complains about the economy and how much she pays for college where do you get off not voting? Also coming from another country(shes from Trinidad), all the US ask that you do is participate in the government of the country that you wanted to be a part of. You enjoy all the freedoms that we enjoy so why can't you go vote? I understand you have the right not to but it you take it to that extreme what would happen if we all chose not to vote? Is anyone else upset that there are people who aren't voting and don't have a valid reason not to?

Shame on you if its the EX that I think it is
Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by MrMoneyInDaBank

My texted my ex this morning to ask if she voted. she told me she wasn't going to and when I asked why she told me I was getting on her nerves, which to me means she didn't have a good reason not to. I went off on her. For a person who complains about the economy and how much she pays for college where do you get off not voting? Also coming from another country(shes from Trinidad), all the US ask that you do is participate in the government of the country that you wanted to be a part of. You enjoy all the freedoms that we enjoy so why can't you go vote? I understand you have the right not to but it you take it to that extreme what would happen if we all chose not to vote? Is anyone else upset that there are people who aren't voting and don't have a valid reason not to?
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I stopped reading right there[/color]
i was able to bear with it
Its none of your business if she voted or who she voted for.
Edit: and if she's your ex, why does she have to answer to you?
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