**Washington Wizards Offseason Thread** Blatche re-upped....5 years/35 mil

And here we go....

From Sunday's WaPo:

A King for Washington: Why LeBron James should sign with the Wizards

By Michael Abramowitz
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Picture it: the opening home game of the Wizards' 2010-2011 season. Tied score, fourth quarter. Rookie point guard and top pick John Wall snags a rebound and races out on a fast break, whipping the ball to Gilbert Arenas for a jumper from the corner. Gilbert -- in his rehabilitated, unselfish and unarmed incarnation -- takes a quick look at the basket but pump-fakes, freezes a defender and instead feeds the ball to the Wizards' glorious new small forward trailing down the middle, who takes off from the free-throw stripe for an insane, jaw-dropping dunk.

rest of article in link

Good read from the dudes over at BF

Everyone thought that John Wall only brings happy thoughts, but he actually should be causing the Wiz quite a bit of stress on one front. I want to be clear that winning the draft lottery and the right to draft John Wall is the best thing to happen to this franchise in a long, long time. I believe, however, getting Wall creates a situation for the team that makes Ernie Grunfeld and co.'s job this offseason much more difficult than it would have been had we gotten any other pick. With any other pick , we would have continued with a 'regular' rebuilding process, but the Great Wall of Chinatown instantly makes us a playoff contender (read: better than the Nets) when paired with Gilbert Arenas and Andray Blatche. The general rule in sports is that you want to either be contending for a title, or completely  rebuilding; and we suddenly find ourselves as one of those 'tweener' teams. Do we suddenly try to join the free agent bonanza or do we stay the course and rebuild? The easy answer is rebuilding, but we will likely not have a high lottery pick next year, and most of the spots/minutes on this team are already filled, leaving little room to develop more players. I know, know, I should stop and smell the roses, but hear me out after the jump

After drafting John Wall, I think the next easy decision for Ernie Grunfeld is to continue to try to trade Gil. I realize that his value could not be lower, but a team can not win a championship with him being paid almost $20 million unless King James miraculously decides to come here. The irony is that, outside of the salary cap space, in order to attract top talent we need to get Gil off of this franchise, as I don't think anyone wants to play with him. More importantly though, we need that contract off of the books, and do not need anything in return to make that a good move. The Knicks sound like the only possibility for a trade partner, and only if the right combination of desperation hits them in free agency.

The other easy 'decision' for the Wiz is to throw our hat into the ring for Lebron; As a wise man once told me, "You've got to be in it to win it." I do not think the Wiz should go after every free agent, just Lebron. I know our hatred runs deep, but he is the best player on the planet and would be a pleasure to watch and support as he teamed with John Wall. He instantly would make our team, or any other, a title contender and thanks to John Wall we at least have a tiny chance at him.

rest of article in link:

Ok....lemme ask you guys this: Would you be in favor of bringing in Greg Oden via trade? Yes, he's oft-injured, but he's young and is a defensive presence at the 5. If the Wizards were to inquire about him, what kind of deal would work to bring him in?
Mike Wilbon suggested (on PTI) that the Wizards trade Gilbert for Hedo....straight up, it won't work....but on the trade machine, I did this:


Hedo Turkoglu
Reggie Evans



And in screwing around.....




#35 pick
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Mike Wilbon suggested (on PTI) that the Wizards trade Gilbert for Hedo....straight up, it won't work....but on the trade machine, I did this:


Hedo Turkoglu
Reggie Evans



And in screwing around.....




#35 pick

I think I'd rather try and keep Gil, but I would honestly be down for either of those trades too.  I think Gil will be about his business next year.  Last year he was putting up solid numbers before the gun incident.  I think he could do well as the 2 guard.  Wall, Gil, and Lebron would be ridiculous. 
From CSN's Chris Miller via Twitter:

Mike Miller told me with the Wizards landing the number one pick it changes everything. He would love to play with John Wall calling him a shooters dream.


I think MM would thrive on a better team...seriously. I love what he brings to the table. I'd bring him back if he'd promise to shoot at least 10-12 times per game

If I was MM, I'd wait and see what the other big FA's are going to do.....he'd be a great fit in Chicago especially if Lebron signs w. the Bulls. Actually, he'd be a good fit on a bunch of teams. MM seems like a different type of dude and may stay loyal to the Wizards, so who knows....maybe he'll end up back in DC w. a 3 year contract or something along those lines.
From Wizards beat reporter, Michael Lee via Twitter:

From what I hear, Reebok is looking for a new franchise face with Allen Iverson retired. Wall could be the future - but he has options.
Wall is not going to sign with Reebok, that boy is up to his neck in Nike connections. They better get at Evan Turner.

DJs, who would you like to see the Wiz get with the #30 and #35 picks? i love Greivis, but he's not the guy for us.. it'd be a big mistake to take him when we have concerns inside that need to be addressed.
Originally Posted by DT43

Wall is not going to sign with Reebok, that boy is up to his neck in Nike connections. They better get at Evan Turner.

DJs, who would you like to see the Wiz get with the #30 and #35 picks? i love Greivis, but he's not the guy for us.. it'd be a big mistake to take him when we have concerns inside that need to be addressed.
We need a defensive minded-forward with one of those picks...Javaris Varnado, Larry Sanders, Gani Lawal....but what scares me, is that the Wizards couldn't develop Dominic McGuire who was just as defensive minded when he came out of Fresno as some of the guys I mentioned.....with the other pick, a combo guard like Dominique Jones/Terrico White, or a SG like Lance Stepehnson would be nice additions.
Some good stuff from Michael Lee....

[h4]John Wall vs. Gilbert Arenas[/h4]
Mike, Not if but when the Wizards draft John Wall, does Gilbert realize that he won't be the face of this franchise? Is Arenas ready to take this on? If not, their might be major problems in the locker rooma again.


Michael Lee writes:

From what I've heard, Gilbert is actually open to staying in Washington with the knowledge that Wall will be the face of the franchise. Of course, actions speak louder than words and it's a lot easier to say that now when Wall has yet to arrive and take up the spotlight. I've said all along that I'm not positive that Arenas would handle it very well, since he was used to having free reign over the franchise the past few years. Arenas still is the highest paid player on the Wiz, but as one team insider told me, though, Arenas doesn't have the "juice" he once had. That is an adjustment that will be difficult for anyone to handle. The problem for Arenas and the Wizards is that if they want to part ways, his contract and inability to play the past three years make him difficult to move. Until he is moved, he'll have to deal with it as best he can.

– June 07, 2010 12:02 PM

[h4]The other draft picks[/h4]
We all know that John Wall is pretty much a lock at number 1 for the Wizards. Any ideas or opinion on what they are looking at for the 30th and 35th pick? Should we prepare for the Wizards to acquiring more picks?


Michael Lee writes:

You know there are so many names that it would be difficult to mention four or five guys. The thing about the 30th pick is that you never know which player is going to slide down or get snatched higher than expected.  I think you have to think Devin Ebanks, Quincy Pondexter, Willie Warren, Jordan Crawford, Dominique Jones, Trevor Booker, Gani Lawal and Tiny Gallon. I also wouldn't rule out Greivis Vasquez, who isn't slated to go that high but really impressed the coaching staff with his workout. Again, with a pick that late, anything is possible. But these are very important picks, because all three will be among the building blocks for the future. 

Ted Leonsis hasn't hid his desire to buy some draft picks and I'm pretty sure Memphis, Minnesota and possibly Atlanta would be willing to listen. This is where all of that salary cap space will come in handy. They can get a pick, take back a bad contract and move on.

– June 07, 2010 12:05 PM

[h4]John Wall/Gilbo[/h4]
The rumors about the Wizards trying to get rid of Arenas before he "influences" Wall seemed legitimate but a recent video clip of some pre-draft workouts showed Gil right at Leonsis side. What should we believe here? I still think the Wiz are quietly shopping Gil.


Michael Lee writes:

I wouldn't put any stock in Gilbert standing next to Ted Leonsis at a pre-draft workout. The two met at Leonsis's house a few weeks ago and it seems that everything went well, but you can like somebody and still have him playing on another team. I'm not saying that Ted is looking to move him, because I think he sincerely would like to get off to a good start with Arenas.

I think the Wizards would certainly be open to moving Arenas if there is a team willing to take him - and that $80.2 million contract - off their hands. Ernie Grunfeld keeps saying that he expects Gilbert to be back and I'm sure part of him would love to see Arenas earn some of that huge contract here in Washington (so far, the Wizards have only gotten 34 games - out of a possible 164 - from the guy since he signed the deal). But I've yet to hear anyone say how much they WANT Arenas around. So, I think if they get a nice offer, possibly from a team that whiffs in free agency, I don't think the Wizards hesitate.

– June 07, 2010 12:16 PM

[h4]Wizards' Draft Strategy[/h4]
Michael, we've heard that the Wizards are looking to acquire more pick(s). How high of a draft pick you think the Wiz can acquire? Another lottery pick? A pick in the late teens? Thanks


Michael Lee writes:

I doubt if they can get a lottery pick. You usuallmy have to give up something of substance to get a lottery pick in return. Teams in the lottery are usually there because they need help. The Wizards don't have much to offer, unless a team is willing to take a chance on Nick Young or something. In the past, teams like Boston or Portland have acquired picks in the late teens or early 20s. Memphis, Minnesota, Oklahoma City and Atlanta all have picks in that range.

– June 07, 2010 12:16 PM

[h4]Wall or the World?[/h4]
Do you think Ted will sign a max free agent or is he just going to build around Wall slowly, but surely?


Michael Lee writes:

Even before the Wizards got the No. 1 pick, I didn't think they would sign a max free agent (mostly because I don't think a max free agent would want to come). Now that they have Wall, I don't see the need to sign a max free agent and possibly stunt Wall's development. If you look at what Oklahoma City did with Kevin Durant, it cleaned the slate - trading Ray Allen and Rashard Lewis - so that Durant could get the experience of developing that franchise guy/top guy mindset.

You see how Durant is already a mega, mega star after just three years? That probably wouldn't have happened if either one of those veteran guys was hanging around.

Why do we continue to hear nothing outside of this area (and even that's debatable) about the Wizards being in the James sweepstakes? You can't tell me that Leonsis isn't bold/smart enough to make such a move. As one of the few teams with the cap space available to land him, they're almost obligated to, at the very least, TRY to talk to him, right? And with Wall in the fold, now there's really almost no excuse not to.


Michael Lee writes:

I think the reason why you hear nothing outside of this area (aside from Ms. Cleo), is that it doesn't seem like a realistic destination if LeBron James is looking to win championships right away. And for James to cement his legacy, he needed to start winning titles yesterday. Joining the Wizards would prolong the process for him, especially with them having few pieces to build with.

That being said, James is very close with Wall. They apparently hung out on Sunday after Game 2 in Los Angeles. But then again, Jonny Flynn was with them, and I don't see any LBJ-Minnesota talks going on.

I'm sure the Wizards will at least contact LeBron and his people to talk. They have the right to do that. I've also heard - and I cannot get this confirmed, so take it for what it's worth - that LeBron actually sent Ted Leonsis a congratulatory text message after the Wizards won the lottery. He also has a relationship wiht Leonsis and is quoted on the back of Leonsis's book.

I was called a "wet blanket" by Lavar Arrington's radio show for failing to join the LBJ-to-DC bandwagon, so I'll just step back and let all of you folks hold on to your hopes - until LeBron signs with Chicago, or New Jersey, or Miami, or Cleveland. Maybe those LBJ-to-DC folks should have a march on Verizon Center like Clippers fans had here a few weeks ago. 

– June 07, 2010 12:41 PM

[h4]Wizards picks[/h4]
Please tell me the Wizards are looking to add post depth with both of the later picks and not falling in love with Vasquez?! Although teams have been impressed with GV this offseason we dont need him! We can resign Livingston to do the same thing.


Michael Lee writes:

You best believe that the Wizards are looking to add some size and some beef with those later picks. But they have needs all over the place, so they have to take the best players, regardless of position.

– June 07, 2010 12:49 PM

[h4]Trade the No. 1[/h4]
Just from a public relations stand point i guess it wouldn't be feasible ... but wouldn't you be tempted to trade the No. 1 this year? With all the Wall type, I would think they could get something great. I can't see a point guard with little shooting ability being a No. 1 type game changer, no matter his leaping ability. In draft history, I don't see many No. 1 point guard types: Rose, Iverson, and John Lucas are the only ones that come to mind ...


Michael Lee writes:

They are not trading the pick. The last time a team traded the No. 1 pick was Chris Webber for Penny Hardaway and about 50 first-round picks. Of course, at the time, the Magic already had Shaquille O'Neal. The Wizards have...

In 1986, the Philadelphia 76ers made the terrible decision to trade Brad Daugherty for Roy Hinson. Of course, at the time, the 76ers already had Charles Barkley. Again, the Wizards have...

They have to keep this pick.

I've read on numerous sites that people consider John Wall to be a "high-character" kid. What is this based on? I heard he was arrested for a breaking and entering last year?? Also, is he coachable?


Michael Lee writes:

The character is based a lot on his appearance and attendance at a Christian academy. He worked with his AAU coaches and advisors, Brian and Dwon Clifton, who convinced him to cut off his braids and avoid any tattoos, though Wall wanted to get a tattoo his late father on his chest. I asked Wall about the B&E and he admitted that he made a mistake, but from what I hear, nothing was taken from this abandoned home and there was no forced entry. Just kids doing stupid stuff.

– June 07, 2010 1:03 PM

There's a lot more in the link....but I gotta run for a second....

Good stuff.

I agree with you about Mike Miller, DoubleJs.  I hope he's a Wizard next season, but I'd have nothing against him if he decided to find a better situation.  Either way, he needs to shoot the damn ball more.
It's official...


a NEW era in DC hoops....

NBA board of governors unanimously approves sale of the Wizards to Ted Leonsis, the league announced.

Howard Beck via Twitter....
Mark that down as the biggest move of the offseason that no one will talk about until about 5 years from now.
Originally Posted by Proshares

Mark that down as the biggest move of the offseason that no one will talk about until about 5 years from now.

I've got such faith in the man....he's made his mistakes in ownership, but he learned from them....dude will re-build this team the right way.  Unfortunately, I'm sure DC will keep the "Wizards" nickname, but with Leonsis on board, that can pretty much guarantee we're going to have a new colorway within the next 2 years....R/W/B seems to be logical. 

*I hope he also changes up that God-awful purple upholstery on the seats in the VC.....Abe put them in purple because they were Irene's favorite color.  If the Wizards can duplicate the atmosphere that the VC has (rock the Red, etc etc) with the Caps, there will be a MAJOR home-court advantage.  It all starts with Ted and John Wall...LET'S GET IT!

This franchise is definitely going to be near .500s next season.

Talk about a complete turnaround.
[h1]Caron Butler: "This is still home"[/h1]


Thomas Petri, the Crown Prince of Denmark, Caron Butler.

Caron Butler rode his bicycle down Pennsylvania Avenue with two Congressmen and the Crown Prince of Denmark on Monday morning, and then for a longer tour around the monuments and National Mall. Before that happened, they all stopped to talk to the media.

The Crown Prince, it turns out, drew more media members than Caron, but there were a few of us there to ask him about coming back to D.C.

"I mean, this is still the crib for me," he said. "I'm gonna still stay in the area. My wife loves Fairfax, obviously this is a great area for children and kids to be raised in. This is still home. Outside of the business side of it, I don't work here any more, but I still get work done here."

Butler's wife is expecting their second child, so he'll be here for much of the offseason. He's been playing pick-up games in Chantilly, and is still continuing some of his charitable efforts here. And he said that even after the trade to Dallas, he continued following the Wizards.

"I mean, when you play for an organization, you put so much into it," Butler said. "You're always gonna follow that team and that organization and wish them well. You understand the business side. You know, I'm mature enough to understand the business side, so I understand what had to be done, but at the same time I'll follow the careers of Andray, Nick, Gilbert, some of the young guys like JaVale, and just continue to wish them success. You know, we went through a lot together. Whether it was good or bad, we went through a lot, so we'll always have ties to the franchise."

And Butler -- who has repeatedly talked about his fondness for Abe and Irene Pollin -- said he was glad to see the Wizards win the draft lottery this spring.

"I thought that was great," he said. "I thought that was great for the franchise. Sitting there watching the draft [lottery], and seeing Mrs. Pollin having Abe's ring, it was a great moment I think for the franchise and Ted Leonsis. I was happy for them."


Which leaves the biking thing. Butler has been donating hundreds of bikes to kids since his cousin in Racine had a bike stolen years ago, and he's now associated with biking culture, even taking a 20-mile ride over the weekend. The League of American Bicyclists asked Butler to be involved in this event -- which was celebrating the bike lanes on Pennsylvania Avenue -- and so he rode along with Thomas Petri (R-Wisc.), James Oberstar (D-Minn., pictured below in full biking garb) and Frederick Andre Henrik (Crown Prince-Denmark).

"Man, he's cool," Butler said of the crown prince. "He unbelievable. Just kicking it with him right now. We call it parlaying, that's all we're doing, me and the prince. Parlaying. Use that in your blog."


("I just had the time of my life today riding the bike with the prince of denmark. Ballin!" Butler later wrote on Twitter.)

(Also, Oberstar said this: "We need to convert from the hydrocarbon society to the carbohydrate society." Good line, Sir.)

Butler said he hopes to continue such events here in the future, wherever he winds up playing basketball.

"I've got a lot of ties here in the city," he said. "Even though I'm not with the organization, with the Washington Wizards, there's people here I've got a lot of ties to, and that don't change. People accepted me with open arms and it'll always be the same back. So there's a lot of love here in Washington."


By Dan Steinberg |  June 7, 2010; 12:38 PM ET
Categories:  Media , NBA , Wizards
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