Washington's Haunted places list (scary stuff)

Jan 18, 2007
Aberdeen - Billy's Bar and Grill - This Building has two floors, the first floor has the restaurant, the second floor used to contain a prostitution house some of the ladies and a very infamous ghost named Billy Ghol may haunt the place lights go on and off at night cold spots and fog on the plate glass mirror.

Arlington - Old Arlington High School - A man doing maintenance on the auditorium roof fell through and hit his neck on the back of one of the chairs. He broke his neck and died. A cheerleader is also said to have died and they both can be seen at night walking on the top floor of the school. The Maintenance worker can also be seen in the auditorium. There is also said to be a "lost room" underneath the high school. It is probably just a bomb shelter.

Arlington - Eagle Creek - Sometimes Indians can be seen next to the creek, also in a mobile home park one trail is known that people get lost, and end up miles off.

Arlington - Old Presidents Elementary - In the upstairs floor of the gym building that is condemned you can see a class walking up there. They are wearing older fashions though.

Auburn - Auburn High School Auditorium - A young girl has been sighted wandering around the PIT area and in the rafters (cat Walk). She falls from the catwalk during and early period play.

Auburn - Auburn High School Auditorium Pit and Cat Walk areas - In the early 1950's, a little girl fell from the catwalk during a production. Ever since, she has been seen walking around the pit area and being heard in the rafters (cat walk).

Auburn - Cinema 17 (super mall theater)- There is reported that a spirit is in the projection area. Movies turn off by them selves in theater numbers 2, 9, and 17 for no apparent reason.

Auburn - Fred Meyer Shoe Department and Stock room - Many of the employees of the Fred Meyer in Auburn, WA, have experienced strange activities. They have heard boxes being thrown around while one employee was in the Apparel stock room, but no one else was there, and no mess was left behind. The stock room is connected to the shoe department, where people, employees and customers frequently have shoes thrown at them. While no one has seen an apparition, some events are too weird to be coincidental.

Battleground - Buzz's Sport's Bar & Grill - A worker claims to have pictures of the ghosts 1 caught ectoplasm on the film ,There is a history to the property since the building has only been there 9 years. The second is from a surveillance camera. When they open some mornings one of the TVs will be on and the night bartenders and workers swear they made sure everything had been turned off. Workers made it a point to turn it off. Customers feeling cold chills pass through them. Togo boxes falling off the freezer, looked like someone just swipes them off with their arm or something. Dimes in the till on each side you put them back and a while later they are back where they shouldn't be, and lots more. Hasn't been investigated yet, but hope too.

Bellingham - Bayview Cemetery - Their have been reports of a ghostly apparition floating along the stone walls of the cemetery. Inside the walls there are 3 hot spots and a monument called the "death bed", it is said that when one lies upon this monument they expedite their death. The other "haunted" monument is called "angel eyes", it is believed that the apparition that is seen wandering the stone enclosure is the spirit of the person buried beneath that statue.

Bellingham - Mount Baker Theatre - A woman that seems to want nothing more then to watch over her property and its present owners!!!

Bellingham - Shuksan Rehab - Rooms with moving objects, call lights going on and off by themselves, you can hear someone walking with walker in middle of night. Two RNs saw ghosts in hallway walk through door. Building was built on old school from 1800's lot in 1950's.

Bellingham - The Mansion - a man pacing and a woman screaming in pain are heard here, where a woman had died in childbirth.

Bellingham - The Old Town Caf - People who work there at night saw clean dishes went up in space for 15 min. and went down to the same place. Some heard Piano music without a piano anywhere. Someone outside saw a female ghostly spirit in the second floor looking down. The building as called "Overland Block" built in 1890.

Bellingham - Theater-Sunset 6 - There is an old woman that sits in auditorium number 1 in the very back and a child that roams 3 and 4. An employee has noticed weird noises and whispers in number three and a cold feeling down by the screen when no one else is in there...

Beverly - Beverly dunes - About 5 miles east of Beverly {grant county} near the old town site of Jericho where the old Milwaukee train line crosses crab creek have been reports of a beautiful Indian girl dressed in nightclothes who disappears into thin air with no trace.

Biggs Junction - Maryhill Museum - Maryhill Museum is a reproduction Italian villa (mansion) , after the mansion became a state museum, curators reported odd noises at night. Many of the local volunteer docents and cleaners also report noises and chills throughout the four-story, century-old villa.

Birch Bay - Cabana Club Condominiums - Restless spirit. Moves about the condo at night moving small articles from one place to another. Rustles through bags, knocks on doors, displaces small objects. Enjoys centering objects that it has moved.

Black Diamond - Black Diamond Cemetery - On foggy nights, if you look at the cemetery, you can see the swinging lights of a coal miner's lanterns, you can sometimes hear whistling in the wind, supposedly that of the coal miners. It is also reported that a white horse is seen trotting around headstones.

Bremerton - Bremerton Community theater - Rumor is that the theater that there is some Ghost sightings. One person said she saw a guy in the auditorium wearing a top hat and a cape. It is also said that there has been a sighting in the girls bathroom. There is also a ghost up in the catwalk above were the lights are for the stage. Some times you can also hear some strange sounds.

Bremerton - Chester Apartments - Chester Apts originally was a hospital. After it was turned into apartments, spirits of patients and orderlies can be seen walking the halls and in the rooms.

Burien - Lakeside Milam Treatment Center - a young boy who was in treatment there hung himself several years ago. The workers see him he wanders the halls, and tries to hide.

Carnation - Carnation Cemetery - Witnesses report quite a few things happening in that grave yard.
1.strong pains almost every time they enter
2. hearing footsteps behind them and and/or around them
3. seeing figures in corners of their eyes and just when they are plain staring at something.
4.hearing whispers in their ears
5. seeing a woman in a white dress numerous times. along with a boy

Carnation - Fall City/Carnation Back Road - Reports of a white ghostly looking dog, the witness accelerated (no way dog could keep up) 3 miles down the road dog was sitting and watching.- Side Note: There is a song camp counselors teach the kids about a dog that a local ranger had lost. The song was called "Blue Walking" and was about the dog wandering around the hills in the area.

Carson - Carson Hotsprings - Has known to have a ghost in an upstairs room and up the staircase you'll feel the presents as a cold chill moves past you, and not a window or door are open. It is said to be a former owner.

Central Kitsap - Holland Road - So the story goes, an older man had just gotten back from a vacation late in the night and went out to his mailbox to grab his mail. A group of inebriated teenagers were driving along the road with their lights off, and they struck the man as he got his mail, killing him. The story goes that if you drive down the road slowly with your lights off, you'll see shadows and whatnot. Another Story is that a couple of guys were driving slowly with their lights off, and all of the sudden a big horse was in front of them. When they turned their lights on, there was nothing there.

Chehalis - the steps - years ago this place was a school house for little kids until one day a man burnt it down with the kids stuck inside...if you go there you will see a little boy playing with the wagon occasionally he will come up and dance around you.

Cheney - Eastern Washington University - Dryden Hall 2nd floor - A contorted face of a man can be seen in the grain of the wood on door 203. Reportedly a young man committed suicide in the room in the 1960's. Strange cold spots, odors, and senses of panic have also been noticed on this floor.

Clarkston - Lancer Lanes - The spirit of a woman is often seen pacing along the sides of the alleys when it's not too crowded. Workers there have become accustomed to her.

Concrete - Mount Baker Hotel - Make it known that if you are going to this hotel, and you go upstairs be prepared, you will see a little girl about 4, with red hair and blue jean shorts on, with a pink shirt on! She might try to push you down the stairs (Do Not Be Alarmed!) but it does not work. All you can feel is a sort of tingle go through your body. You can hear a little girls voice saying "The bad womans gonna hurt me!" Also you might hear "Turn around, the bad woman will hurt you!" People say that her mother used to beat her to death.

Coupeville - Ebey's Landing, Sunnyside Cemetery - Accounts have said that his ghost, both with a head and headless, have been seen in the cemetery and in an old cabin his family occupied after his death.

Coupeville - Old 1 Room School House - is now used as a rental unit. The ghost is pretty well known to long-time locals. It's of a small girl dressed in period clothing. Some have reported seeing the ghost while driving by the schoolhouse looking out the window or out on the front porch of the old school.

Curlew - Sedrowooly - Curlew/Cascade Job corps. - a former student of Curlew Job corps has heard many of the same stories; how ever, they are set there on the Curlew campus. The tunnel story for the Curlew campus is very likely true, for that campus was a S.A.C. radar compound before the corps took it over. The Dish is still up on top of the hill lovingly referred to as "Radar hill". Cascade however, has always been a Job corps campus. Curlew is definitely haunted. Colville Native American Elders believe that the site where the Curlew campus is in the heart of sacred land. Normally sacred land reacts badly to being tampered with, but the Job corps is a place where children go to heal troubled hearts, pasts, and souls. This campus has a 98% success rate because the spirits there are helping where the staff cannot. - July 2005 Update/ Correction - Cascade Job Corps is housed in what was originally Northern State Hospital for the Insane. The Hospital opened for business in 1912 and remained an insane asylum until I believe right around 1970. Locally it is referred to simply as Northern State Mental Hospital. Hopefully we will get permission to post the experience in our Ghost Experiences Page In the dorms there are reports of feeling suffocated and seeing shadows. There have been local rumors that people where buried up there. Recently the County has admitted to this fact.

Dayton - Pioneer Park - People talk of a Blue light hovering in the trees at pioneer park, and of a ghostly woman standing beside the road late at night

Des Moines - At the Des Moines Marina Park, the ghost of a little girl named Diana is seen walking the beach and swinging on the beach at night every January 8th.

Duvall - Duvall Cemetery - Witnesses report, noises, strange feelings and being frightened.

Duvall / Maltby - Maltby Cemetery - It is hidden off to the right hand side of the Redmond Duval Road. (20 miles East of Seattle.) It has about 35 grave sights and strange, unexplained things happen there. People have seen women and children, dressed in old, raggedy looking close, wondering around the gravesites. Witnesses have also felt physical things like being hit.February 2005 additional information: There used to be a staircase that began at ground level and descended 13 steps below ground. I believe the legend/story was that it was a below-grade entrance to the opulent tomb of a locally wealthy family. In any case, kids used to get drunk near or in the cemetery and would walk down these steps late at night. It is unsure whether there were doors or simply a dirt wall at the bottom of these steps. Regardless, once you reached the bottom of the stairs and turned around you supposedly no longer saw the cemetery but a vision of Hell. The similarity in this story to yours is that this vision drove the subject to insanity. Anyone watching the subject walk down the stairs witnessed them stop, turn, and fall dumbfounded to their knees. Ive heard that several children emerged nearly comatose from the steps many of them never uttered another word. the story goes that these steps were bulldozed over (depending on the age of the storyteller, the bulldozing occurred anywhere from 1992 to the early 1960s) and that the severe NO TRESPASSING limitations were a result of that. Furthermore, There is rumor of illegal late night expeditions kids with shovels hoping to unearth Maltbys 13 Steps to Hell. It is suggested independently researching this tale. Either way, its a great story.

East Wenatchee - East Wenatchee Cemetery - At dusk shadows of people dressed in white appear on North hill. Also on top, * generals row* a man dressed in army apparel has been seen wandering around soldiers graves. On the west side a dark figure has been seen wandering outside the orchards.

Edmonds - Edmonds Theater - The building, before its renovation, was built at the turn of the century. Witnesses claim to have seen a glowing figure of a man floating down the isle inside the theater. The apparition was shadowy with sort of a glowing aura surrounding him.

Edmonds - Frances Anderson Leisure and Cultural Arts Center -The original structure was called Edmonds Elementary School and was built in 1929. It is now owned and operated by the Edmonds Parks and Recreation Department. It was named after a longtime teacher and principal for the school, Frances Anderson. Employees and visitors have reported haunting activity for years. Many experiences involve spirits of children walking the hallways and the ghost of Frances Anderson herself, who died in the 1980's.

Ellensburg - Central Washington University - Kamola Hall - Kamola Hall is haunted by the ghost of a former student that committed suicide there when she found out that her fianc had been killed during the war. She hung herself from the rafters of the top floor where her room was located. People have reported unusual noises and sightings over the years. Even today, some of the students residing in the building have reported strange occurrences such as doors opening and closing by themselves and doors being knocked on but nobody there.

Ellensburg - liberty theatre - people say they have heard sounds and screaming in the theater only at night and the bathroom doors opening and closing doors.

Ellensburg - Olmstead place - This Old homestead was the first homestead in Kittitas valley and was once used as an Indian fort and is now a state park, People have reported the feeling of being watched there and sightings of Indians have been reported along the creek, others have reported hearing a woman screaming and a baby crying during the full moon!

Enumclaw - Haunted Gauntlet at Battersby Asylum - The land of evil spirits invites you to visit one of Washington States LARGEST Haunted Attractions (30,000 sq. feet). Loaded with special effects and animatronics, once you enter the depths of this industrial sized gauntlet, it'll spit you out altered. An Enumclaw Parks Dep. haunted attraction benefiting the E.H.S class of 2005 and others.

Everett - Everett High School Auditorium - The story goes that when the building was being built a construction worker fell and was killed. Many people have seen him in the school and the grounds.

Everett - Everett Inn - After the sun starts to set and housekeeping has left the basement and turned out the lights, an interesting show starts down there that is caught on the security camera. (Unfortunately, there is no videotape capability for the security camera to catch these events on tape.) On several occasions a shadowy man dressed in a blue or gray janitor's suit was seen to walk up and down the hallway. On other occasions there is the sound of someone noisily opening the washer or dryer although while observing via the camera, it is obvious no one is there and the machines are not being moved. Various clanking and the sound of things being moved around happen about once a night, once again with no one present in the basement. On a separate occasion a cloud of ectoplasm was seen to float across the top view of the camera in the basement, followed by a thunking noise off to the right off camera (the direction the ectoplasm was headed). A final odd incident, a guest's young daughter had the knack of tricking the elevator in to taking her down there -despite the supposed lock on the elevator to prevent such things- and was seen on one occasion holding a conversation with someone who could not be seen, but was heard as a mumbling male voice. Upon inspection by the front desk, there was no one down in the basement, but they experienced an uneasy feeling while retrieving the girl. The hotel has changed ownership twice since being built, so the identity of the gentleman in the basement is unknown. He was not an employee of the current owners. It is thought that he was an elderly maintenance man that died and continues to return to his job despite the change in staff, owners and a hotel name change.

Everett - INC - At certain times of year, you can hear the organ played by a red-eyed organist. If you happen to be a minister, you hear footsteps of the choir members when there are none (must be annoying when you're praying) Ghost hunters are not allowed in for investigations or anything, so you have to be really lucky.

Everett - Mallard Cove apt. - In 1999, Bill Stien, a taxi driver employed by Everett Yellow Cab Co., had a heart attack in the parking lot at Mallard Cove Apartments ( Airport Road and Admiralty Way). Now he haunts the (g) building. He sometimes sneaks into people's apartments, picks up the phone and writes down a real address: In the morning residents find his mysterious notes by the phone, and find the door open. People who have seen Bill describe his ghost as a man in his late 40's and wearing a Mariner b-ball cap, sweats, and a beer in his right hand.

Everett - Mariner High School - At around midnight, the lights are supposed to be on like a normal school. Yet, on some nights, the lights shut off and if you're close enough, you can see and sense eyes staring at you from within the school. The only thing you can see is the eye. It looks like floating eyes from a distance. It's too dark to see the body but you can see the eyes because they have a subtle glow to it. Some sources say, if you stare at them for a while, you can see a figure of a winged man.

Everett - The old Everett movie theatre/Auditorium - Located in downtown of north Everett, the theatre has had several people in the last 20 or so years, see an apparition or ghost from time to time. It is believed to be a man; either an old deceased patron or worker of the theatre. Psychics have been called in and have reported they felt very much a supernatural presence.

Everett - Rucker mansion - The Rucker mansion is haunted by Mrs. Rucker, who committed suicide by jumping from the bedroom window on the top floor. Sometimes she can be heard playing the grand piano when no one is in the room.

Everett - U.S.S. Fife dd-991 - the destroyer, Fife" has scene the death of a crewmember, a former captain, and a civilian contractor onboard. on her decks, and in her corridors, crewmembers have scene, and heard things, they could not explain. Main engine room number one has been reported several times to be occupied with ghost of a dead civilian worker. Engineers have heard duct tape, footsteps on the deck plates, and voices. the mid ship's quarterdeck is where a young sailor committed suicide, and many crewmembers see the ghost on dark underway nights.

Fort Lewis - At night sightings of ghost apparitions are seen in the woods on North Fort Lewis and a few people say they have seen mysterious cloaked spirits along with spirits of Native Americans.

Fort Lewis - Fort Lewis Inn - Museum - Reported lights going off and on. When the employees were trying to close things up doors would open and shut.- February 2006 Additional info: After an exorcism because of too many visitors, nothing has happened for about 3 or 4 years now.

Fort Lewis - North Fort Old Barracks - A former housekeeper reports, doors slamming & cleaning carts moving on their own.

Fort Lewis - North Fort Lewis - The cadences of platoons of soldiers running is often heard early in the morning, long before any unit of this size is conducting runs. Soldiers look outside to see whom it is, and no one is there.

Franklin County - Calvin Theater - This used to be a family run theater. The family is said to still haunt it. Behind the stage, a little girl looks out the window. It is said if you put powder or fresh paint down and leave, when you return, little footprints and handprints appear. The old projection room, which is now blocked off, is said to have a strong force pushing you back out the door. Downstairs there are strange noises, lights and sounds.

Friday Harbor - Roche Harbor Resort - The Mausoleum by the cemetery in Roche Harbor. There are stories that late at night on a full moon you can walk up the long trail that leads to the mausoleum and once you get there you can see the six people that are buried under the seats around the table will be sitting there laughing and talking. Other stories about are ones that are told that when it is raining you can go up there sit at the table and even though there is an opening in the roof of the mausoleum no rain will come in.

Friday Harbor - U.W. Labs dinning hall - This place was an old naval station a long time ago. Strange things happen off and on. Windows and doors open by themselves, apparitions can be seen out of the corners of you eye. It is rumored that an Indian is buried on the property.

Georgetown - Beacon Hill - Comet Lodge Cemetery - Apparitions and shadows seen.

Gig Harbor - Gig Harbor Grange - An observer will notice an energy about the grange. Along with late evening lights being turned off & on as if to draw attention to itself. The drop off recycle bins surrounding the grange often is disheveled overnight and creep-out other would be recyclers. One of the former grange office holders is believed to be unhappy with the unsightly recycle bins.

Granger - Cherry Hill - There is an old legend which describes a tale regarding a young woman and her son traveling the narrow road on Cherry Hill when she lost control of her car and ventured over the side of the steep cliff. Her face is reportedly seen engraved in the bark of tree trunks along the Yakima River which flows adjacently below Cherry Hill.

Index - The Bush House Country Inn - In 1889 the Bush House was build. It was build for miners who where moving to Index. At the turn of the century there was a young woman named Annabel that came to Index to wed. Her future husband worked in the mines. Well there was an explosion and word got down the valley to Annabel that her husband to be had been killed in the explosion. After getting word of this she hung herself. Turned out that her future husband had not been killed and went to get Annabel and found that she was dead. Rumor is that he then killed himself. Annabels ghost still haunts The Bush House today. Along with some other people that have died there. She hung herself in room 9. And table 2 is Annabels table.

Grapeview - Benson lake - Residents in the park would see a reflection of an old man in mirrors, rocking chairs seems to rock by themselves, and feelings of being watched.

Hoquiam - Polson museum - a story of a lady in white that is in this place and a ghost of a child in the nursery area.

Kent - East hill Elementary School - a man committed suicide by hanging himself from the stairs. the school children and staff have admitted to seeing an apparition of a man hanging from the stairs. they have also heard him moaning and choking. when walking near the stairs some people report feeling like their throats have been constricted and they suddenly feel chills up their spines. some other children say they can hear him whispering

Kirkland - Central Tavern - Employees and after hours guests have seen a "pink lady" near the back of the room.

Kirkland - Williams / Web Building - Several Residents (upstairs) have seen a short man in a hat, reported footsteps, cold spots, minor moving objects, rapping. A pair of residents (sisters) reported being "sat upon" while sleeping, one resident reported whispers in her ear. Restaurant workers (below) have spotted a shadowy figure

Lacey - Nisqually Middle School - A picture taken showed an orb in the "7b" hallway. Rumored to be the spirit of a kid who attended the school in the 80's who died while he attended. There's a plaque commemorating him in the front-left of the school near the bus lane.

Lake Stevens - A woman was killed while driving through a railing into Lake Stevens. People have claimed to see her floating above the water, staring at people as they drive by.

Lakewood - Thornewood Castle Bed and Breakfast Inn - This is the building that Stephen King filmed the movie Rose Red, but other real life things have been found there. Orbs and Ectoplasm are the most that they have found yet.

Leavenworth - Leavenworth cemetery - this place was once the burial site for railroad workers in the late 1800's, if you enter the cemetery at night you may see the workers carrying their lanterns, and some claimed to have heard the hammering of railroad spikes, and the workers whistling

Long Beach - The Lamplighter Restaurant - They had a ghost inhabiting the bar area, who would play pool (while others were trying to have a game, of course) and do various other obnoxious things like turning lights on and off. They somehow managed to track down the source, and had the ashes of the deceased patron suspected of being the ghost sitting on the mantle of the restaurant's fireplace removed. Most activity stopped when this was done. - February 2004 Update: the owner of the lamplighter restaurant in long beach and the manager would like to let you know that the ashes of the deceased owner (Louie) are still on the mantle and that there is still a lot of strange things going on here.

Long Beach - Lighthouse Resort - The Lighthouse Resort then known as The Lighthouse Motel was built in the 1950's. The older "ridge" cabins are haunted. Guests write in journals that are in the rooms and there are entries of TV s turning on and off. Rocking chairs rocking for ten minutes or more for no reason. Doors opening and closing with no explanation. Waking up and finding the living room furniture re arranged and moved. The words, "I can't breath" & "burn" have been whispered in a visitors ear while sleeping.

Longview - Heron Point - This place was supposedly built on an old Indian burial ground. Some people have reported seeing Indians walking the streets at night and that they just disappear. Another ghostly sighting has been a tall man dressed in all black with a black hood and a long kind of satin like material than drags down to the ground. People usually see him in the back of the park, walking up and down the old driveways and he likes to scare people at night by appearing behind them and whispering something. Then he would disappear when they turn around. My friends and I have seen him in the early morning while walking to the bus stop and we also see him on the grounds of the bus stop too. The Indians have been reported in houses too.

Longview - Monticello Middle School - Legend has it that while this school was being built, a young girl died. She took cookies to the workers often, but was victim to a terrible fate one day when she fell in an area of freshly poured cement. Her ghost has been seen wandering the halls of the school at night, humming a tune. The girls footsteps have been heard as well.

Mabton - Old Mabton High School - It is a creepy feeling by just looking at it. It is said that you can heard kids walking, screaming, and running down the stairs. You hear pans from the kitchen banging. The shutters opening and shutting. The school was just shut down due to it being unsafe, it is now all boarded up and graffited.

Marysville - Allen Creek Elementary - Around midnight, if you walk in the halls of the school you will hear a banging noise saying LET ME OUT!

Marysville - Stanwood - This road is many miles long and ends up a dead end. There is a hill to drive up at the beginning. People see somebody running up this hill keeping pace with there cars, looking in their windows as they are going up a steep hill. (35 to 40 mph). They also see Indians standing on the side of the road and look in the rearview mirror after they have passed and see no one. This road is on an Indian reservation (Tulalip). Some say they have seen people sitting in their backseat in the rearview mirror and turn to look and no one is there.

Marysville - State Street - A dog by the name of bud got sick one day and so his owner got his gun and put him out of his misery. They say if you say his name late at night a little girl appears, and says "don't hurt him he is my dog go away." she stares at you and walks away.

McChord Air Force Base - A C-141 transport aircraft assigned there was used to transport the bodies back from Jonestown (Jim Jones) Maintenance personal experience hearing voices and footsteps. The auxiliary power goes on and off when no one is a round.

Mission Park -At the mission park there has been sites of 3 children playing on the toys although you cant see them you can hear the laughter of the little children. Some also say that if you go to the splashdown there you can see a hung little girl on the big dipper. Also if you stay in the bottom of the pool a little while you can see a guy swimming around trying to pull people under.

Moses Lake - Columbia Basin Alternative High School - This haunting has been described as mysterious noises that happen around 11:30 P.M., and also a smoke-like apparition with only the legs showing is seen running down the hallway. An alarm has also been heard

Moses Lake - Frontier Middle School - On the date of February 6, 1996, the way of life in Frontier Middle School was shattered forever when a student by the name of Barry Loukaitis stepped into his Algebra class with a high powered hunting rifle and opened fire on the students. Since that time, both students and teachers claim they can still hear the echo of gunshots and the screams of the students from that part of the building, and many students attest to a feeling of panic whenever they are in or around that area.

Moses Lake - Moses Lake High School - Theater - In the theatre the curtains sway when no one is there. The lights turn on when there is no one there. There is a cat walk above the seats where they can be heard swaying when the door to the stairway is locked tight, and the stairs creak also when the door is locked tight. When you go to the costume room you can feel the atmospheric imprint of people there.

Moses Lake - White homestead - The White homestead is a house that was built in 1903 and according to actual witnesses, there has been a murder that took place in that house and the ghost of the young lady w/ child that was murdered is still there. They have since moved the house off of its foundation, down the block and started renovating it. The workers that have been there still hear the faint screaming of a young woman.

Mount Vernon -Walker Valley - Big Lake - Reports of flash lights stop working, only to work when away from the site and footsteps heard down the stairs.

Mukilteo - Harbor point middle school - during the night, if you walk past this school you can see a boy standing is the window of the closest wall. The rumor is the boy was thrown out this window by a science teacher who didn't like the boy. There are also two girls that look like normal humans but disappear if you look at them to long. Waiting for their brother to get out of school. The rumor behind this haunting is the two girls were shot walking to get their brother. Nobody knows the two girls' names.

Napivine - Frostys Bar and Grill - old bar established in the 1900's the say it is haunted by an old logger

Ocean Shores - Shiloh Restaurant and Lounge - A female spirit has been seen walking through the halls on numerous occasions by many people (including a former assistant manager). Once all the lights in the parking lot went off simultaneously and the registers in the restaurant disconnected for days. When the repairmen came they could find no reason.

Olalla/Port Orchard - Starvation Heights - A woman named Dr. Linda Burfield Hazzard ran a sanitarium back in the early 1900's or so. Her theory was that any disease could be cured by fasting(going for weeks, sometimes months, on end without food). It is said that she intentionally starved her "patients" (I prefer to refer to them as victims)to death and buried them on the sanitarium grounds, planting a tree over each body, and when she ran out of room for bodies, she threw them off of the cliff on the back side of where the building once stood. Her reason for killing the "patients" was out of greed: she had wills written up (some of them fake)that gave her full possession of her deceased "patients'" money and valuables, causing her to gain a fortune by their deaths. All that stands of the sanitarium today is the foundation, and the incinerator in which she reportedly cremated some of the bodies. And the trees that act as sinister headstones to the many nameless innocent people who fell victim to the woman's twisted, immoral and cruel scheme.

Oshkosh - Grand Opera Theater - on the opening nights of performances u can see a little boy walking around on the railing of the balcony were he fell to his death

Oysterville - School House - Oysterville Schoolhouse is said to be haunted by a child who died from an epileptic seizure. The old schoolhouse was built in the very early turn of the century, it stands in Oysterville WA on the Longbeach peninsula.

Packwood - Packwood Library - Its an old library that was once the town first post office. Strange noises are heard from the attic as well as boxes being moved to different locations. Also there have been reports of children being heard through the ceiling coming from the attic.

Paradise - Paradise Inn - When working in the preseason you can hear what sounds like furniture being moved and someone walking in the hallways and rooms above in the Annex part of the Inn. You also get the feeling of being watched when you are working all alone. The wind also sounds like voices in some of the dormer windows throughout the Inn. Nothing is known to have happened in the Inn but people who have stayed at the Inn and went on to climb the mountain have died on the mountain in various places. That fact has been verified.

Peshastin - Old Orchardists Home - this three story home was once the home of an Orchardist who died of a heart attack years ago. Inhabitants of this home have heard laughter coming on the second floor, footsteps coming down the stairs and lights have been known to flicker on and off occasionally. While in the kitchen, several claim someone had just walked into the room when no one was there.

Pierce county - Tacoma - former site of "Children's Industrial Home" - Original orphanage building burned down. The newspapers report no fatalities. Current youth group home built using original foundation. Current residents complain of hearing children crying in one end of building. Adult staff members have seen ghosts of children playing in yard and around building.

Port Townsend - Holly Hill House - Has been removed by owner's request. there are no hauntings.

Port Townsend - Manresa Castle - During the early 1900s a young girl named Kate stayed at the castle, after it was turned into a bed and breakfast. When she heard the news that her fianc had been lost at sea the committed suicide and jumped from her third floor room, 306. It is said that singing can be heard from the bathroom at night. Also the heat goes through many changes as if she is changing the heat herself. There is a broken clock that chimes. A book was once left in the room so that guests could record their experiences, but was taken out because it scared guests so much they asked for a room change. But Kate is a friendly ghost and there is said to be a portrait of her hanging in the lounge and the back wall. Numerous apparitions have been seen in the castle. One Visitor took a picture in the room they where staying and there was clearly an image of a woman staring out the window towards the ocean. She was clothed in late 1800's attire with a bonnet. It is also rumored that a monk hung himself in the attic. Lights go on and off by themselves, doors open and close in the same fashion. Was featured on the television show "Sightings". True ghost hunters will agree it is well worth a night's stay to truly see evidence of the supernatural. Open to the public, reasonably priced. Good restaurant.

Prosser - Whitstran - passed gravity hill - it was said that in a barn near gravity hill they raped girls and killed them. Some high school kids decided to go and hang out. It is called gravity hill because on the hill if you put your car in neutral it will roll up hill. But if you put dirt of powder of some sort you can see fingerprints. Some kids were there and they were in a truck and there were three people the one in the middle turned to look at the passenger, he was in the middle, it looked like he wanted to cry. He leaned forward and saw the face of a girl inches away from his face. They said that all you can see is the outline of her eyes with long black hair over her face. They said that it looked like she had come out of the canal cause her hair looked wet but it couldnt be. There was no water in the canal. Another time a high school student was driving by the canal alone one night in November. He was terrified to see a young woman with long black hair jump into the canal off of a little bridge over the canal. Some other kids were at the hill. They turned their car off. The car begs to move. They looked back and a young woman was trying to push the car, as if she wanted to them to leave.

Purdy - Purdy Bridge - in the late seventies a child was hit by a car on the Purdy bridge. (since his death a guardrail has been put in place.) Occasionally you can see him dart across the bridge. no predicting when he appears.

Puyallup - Fairgrounds - Some nights the large Ferris wheel starts going and one of the seats start to rock and screaming is heard.

Queets - Native American Burial Ground - Several people visiting the burial ground have reported hearing strange noises resembling the beat of drums and Indian singing.

Quinault - Lake Quinault Lodge - Sometime in the early 1900's there was a fire here that destroyed a couple of buildings. There was only one fatality, a cleaning woman caught in the attic. After the rebuild, most of the original attic was saved and restored. You can still feel her when you go up there (it's a small conference room now) and in the kitchen, she throws glasses and silverware where nobody was there before. Call them, they'll tell you the story there.

Raymond - Riverview - A man in white has been sited in past years primarily during the summer in the evening has said to follow those who have noticed his presence for about a week then disappears and a friend without knowing that the other persons have seen this man will talk about it and it will just create an confusion.

Renton - Maple Valley Highway - Maple Valley Highway is a very dangerous and dark road and there have been many accidents there. When you drive down the road late at night, you experience weird unexplained fog, and right after you pass through the fog you can see a teenage girl standing along side the road crying. She appears to be looking for something. Different people have tried to communicate with her to find out what she is looking for, and it appears to be a locket that she lost when she was in the car accident that took her life. Also, on Maple Valley Highway there is an old haunted house that has lights go off and on by themselves even though there hasn't been electricity in the house for years.

Renton - Renton high school - the ghost is known as the phantom of Renton high. The story of how the phantom came to be is that a girl was raped and murdered by an old janitor who hung her body from the rafters in the old auditorium, which has recently been torn out. she would make herself known to small groups only. she would play the piano turn off the light and some times manifest on the balcony. it is also said she haunts the 4th floor and the tower which are off limits to students.

Ridgefield - Barn House - This house was built along time ago back when are small town was just starting off. A family had just moved in the place and everything was calm for a little bit. After a few months weird noises could be heard followed shortly by an apparition that looked like an older women. Things would be moved around at night making feel like you were never alone. The legend says that an older women died in the house so maybe that is who still walk's the place.

Ritzville - Crab Creek - Griffin Cemetery - this place was founded in the early 1900's mostly kids lay to sleep here.. but however their souls wonder over this grounds one grave the flower are put out by another ghost on a childes grave the flowers never die. and one ghost likes to trick you into falling right on top of his open coffin landing face to face with his skull.. this place is peaceful until exactly 12:00 midnight then the fog rolls in your better be gone or your car, bike, truck, motorcycle will be pulled into the fog and if or when u make it out there will be small child like hand prints all over your car etc.

Roslyn - Brick Tavern - once a jailhouse for criminal miners, people claim to have felt a presence in the basement where the cells used to be. Noises can often be heard before closing time and a few have seen an apparition of a lost miner.- July 2005 Update: The jail cells where built as a movie set for the movie The Runner Stumbles with @#%$ Van **** is 1978 or 1979.

Roslyn - Old School House - Toilets flush when no one is there; lockers slam at midnight; pencils fly across empty rooms; according to numerous reports, walking into the guys locker room, you can feel someone grabbing your neck and hear them yelling 'Get away from me!'

Rosario Resort - Orcas Island - Some people who were long time workers for the resort have seen the deceased wife of the man who originally owned the resort before it became one. Common story will be seeing her on the 2nd or 3rd floor wearing a Red dress of the 1930's and believe it or not, she will be driving through the 2nd floor on her old favorite motorcycle.

Roy - Old Roy High School Gym - There was originally a high school in the town of Roy, Where the elementary school now stands. All that remains of this is the Gym, the rest having burned to ground in the 50's. In the Old Gym, there are many cold spots and an altogether spooky feeling. the old locker room lies frozen in time, un touched since the items were removed when the school burned and you can hear voice and foot steps from the old game viewing area above the court, and the old sealed off storage rooms.

Seattle - Andrew's Rainbow House - A young man named Andrew who was gay finally decided to tell his father he was gay. His father freaked out and killed his son and himself. The next morning the house was painted rainbow colors on the front and the back of the house is an array of colors and swirls. There is also colored tile on the roof and a gray letter "A" in the tile roof. The house has been painted before but the next day the house is always backing to the rainbow colors. The house was shown on "Unsolved Mysteries" for the unexplained activity.

Seattle - Capitol Hill - The "South Annex" - The South Annex now houses a Dental Office and the English Institute of Seattle Central Community College. In the past, it was the Burnley School of Art. There is a story that a young male student at Burnley committed suicide and since then his spirit has haunted the building; mostly moving objects -- pushing them off shelves, etc. Some folks have claimed to see his ghost.

Seattle - Capitol Hill Methodist Church - a presence haunts the church and it's origin is not known.

Seattle - Civil War Cemetery - There is a small Civil War cemetery next to the Lakeview Cemetery where has been seen ghosts walking around in Civil War uniforms.

Seattle - D.A.R. Building - Witnesses have claimed to hear strange voices and eerie music inside this old church. There have even been reports of a young female apparition walking down the front stairs. She is dressed in a gown from the 1800s.

Seattle - Elliatt Ave. - An apartment building that's located right off Elliott Avenue. Have seen someone walking through the hallways of the apartment building, but it disappears without any of the doors being opened.

Seattle - Georgetown - Central Baptist Church - Mysterious sounds, slamming doors, and strange old man sightings haunt this Korean Baptist church. This was a former Masonic church which was once used to sacrifice animals and supposedly humans. Visit this building alone and you'll experience first hand of the level of demonic hauntings in this building.

Seattle - The Good Shepard Center - The place used to be a girls reform school in the twenties and was closed in the late fifties. There is an eerie presence there

Seattle - GreenLake - Ghosts and apparitions have been seen by numerous amounts of people. Some say that it may be the ghost of some one who died in the lake.

Seattle - Hamilton Middle School - Hamilton Middle School is a very haunted school and there are many sightings whenever you are alone in the bathroom, there are strange footsteps heard and the door opens and closes on its own. The bathroom is on the 2nd floor. It is heard that a girl got pregnant and died at this school.

Seattle - The Harvard Exit - This is now a movie theater but used to be a meeting hall for a women's organization. People have reported seeing the ghost of a hanging woman in the hallway, as well has hearing footsteps and laughter.

Seattle - Hotel Andra - Formerly listed as Claremont Hotel - Employees have reported sounds as of a violent, riotous party from the 1920's and the Prohibition era complete with period jazz music and the sounds of breaking glass. A worker fell to her death from the hotel's upper floors in the 1960's, possibly adding to the ghostly air of the place. Visitors have experienced a levitating paperweight, which crashed back to the glass-covered top of the desk. The staff has become painfully aware of the manifestations, and most have started to notice them. Complaints about the noise are common among hotel guests, but, as one former employee put it, "How do you turn off a ghost?". When staff members investigate the disturbances, which seem to come largely from the 9th floor, the noise abruptly stops, only to start up again later.

Seattle - Lewis Studio - many people have seen the shadowy ghost that haunts this building.

Seattle - Martha Washington Institute - sometime in the 40s-50s a janitor at this womens institution weft crazy and murdered several patience and some staff before being subdued by police. Its said that he, carried the bodies to a near by dock and threw several into the water. Me and some friends got drunk and decided to test our nerves by walking the grounds "only a foundation, dock and small forest "we split up and one friend Jessie fell down several times claiming to have been grabbed by some force around the ankles "small scratches around the sock area confirmed this". I heard what I believe to be footsteps and a woman or child crying. Natives to Rainer Ave dont go near it and cursed us when we pulled over to ask directions.

Seattle - Nathan Hale High School - Apparently, a long time ago someone was raped in one of the halls in this school. Some people have hear odd noises and there is a place in one of the halls where people have walked right thru it and a rush of fear came over their whole body.

Seattle - old slave mansion - there is a gate that goes around this mansion and it is said that if you step one foot into the gate you have to fully enter and walk past a forest that is on a huge hill and at the top of the hill is a wishing rock that makes wishes true and if you don't you will have bad luck forever. But the mansion presuming haunted by the past slaves and many have said that they have seen ghosts there and one friend has said that there cousin has been in that building and a ghost of an old woman has pushed her out the window of the second floor fortunately the girl did survive with minor injuries.

Seattle - Old Well's Fargo Bank - There has been reports of a dark shadowy figure with no eyes. Lights being shut off and on. Sounds of running water when no one is in the building.

Seattle - Pike Place Public Market - The ghost of a Native American woman has been seen at night when all the tourists and shoppers have gone home. The site was sacred somehow to Indians until the market was built. The woman still hangs out. Also at pike place market at the bead emporium, the ghost of a child haunts. When renovations were done to this business a few years ago, it was discovered that in the wall was a basket of beads from when the store opened until the present though there was no way to access this space as the door had been painted shut many years before the store opened.

Seattle - The Rivoli - a turn of century building where the spirit of a young Eskimo girl who came to Seattle to start a new life has been felt and seen. Her mentally ill Cuban boyfriend stabbed her to death and her body was hidden behind a Murphy bed. The door to her apt. was padlocked and she wasn't discovered for several weeks until her neighbor noticed a strange smell.

Seattle - Rainer - At around midnight a kid will come up to u and choke you. You can feel it but not see him. youll here him say give me money and food.

Seattle - Rite Aid - West Seattle - Rite Aid used to be a mining place in west Seattle and it is rumored it has a spirit that will turn off lights, set off alarms, and even call employees and hang up.

Seattle - Screaming Well - They say if you look into the well you can hear screaming of people who fell into the well years before. They say sometimes the voices follow you home.

Seattle - St. Edwards State Park/ Bastyr University - Reports of children playing on the playground and running around, chandeliers were swaying back and forth, cold spots, as well as things moving in the basement around the chalkboards and chairs

Seattle - University of Washington - Columns Amphitheater - After dark, there is an entity at the Columns Amphitheater who does not like visitors. A couple sitting on a bench is a favorite target. The entity shakes the closest bush or shrub violently, and growls very low if you do not pay attention. Some people are unable to enter the amphitheater at night because of the forbidding, brooding feelings within. The Columns Amphitheater was named for the four columns from the original University of Washington building located closer to downtown.. Have no idea if the entity came from the original building or is some angry student, but he seems to be male and a young adult. Someone might consider taking a camera in there!

Seattle - University YMCA - Many times from 1990-1993, while cleaning basement work-out room, heard footsteps and voices coming from upstairs, although all members had left the building. Also felt presence in furnace room. Building was built in 1951.

Seattle - West Seattle - Suicide Bridge - There's a bridge located in Seattle. Supposedly, a person had committed suicide by jumping off a bridge with his dog. You can see the chalk marks still when you go there and around 2-4 am people have seen the man with is dog by the beach near there staring at people.

Seattle - The Sorrento Hotel - Many unexplained occurrences go on here all the time. >From footsteps, glasses moving in full view of the guests in the Hunt Club Bar. Guests report sightings of a woman on the 4th floor near her room 408.

Sedro Woolley - Cascade Job Corps - formally Northern State Hospital - This place has a lot of bad energy. Back in the early 1900's is was a mental institution. The first place to do the frontal lobotomy. It is said that there are over a 1000 unmarked graves behind the gymnasium. There is a prankster ghost who we call Fred, who causes mischief. Sheet pans will fly off of the racks all by them selves. The Hospital still stands.

Sedro Woolley - Northern State Hospital / Cascade Job Corps - In the old superintendents mansion several people have been frightened by a bright light on the second floor. Most of the old dorms are very cold even in the heat of summer. In the old nurses dorm, faint voices can sometimes be heard. The gymnasium has also had supernatural activity since the 50's.

Sedro Woolley - Cascades Job Corps - students have seen a little girl roaming the halls of the dorms with a red ball. In the nurses station they can see a figure of a body hanging up in the window. There are tunnels that lead all over under the campus that have been known to be haunted. You can here moaning and screaming at night. There is also a man that roams outside looking for the little girl.

Selah - Eagle Mountain - In the area of the Eagles Graveyard at night you can sometimes hear an eagle or see people running around yelling, "The eagle is back" (this area is now a development area and can not be reached, but ask anybody about eagle mountain and you will be able to see the area).

Silvana - Silvana graveyard - In the very small town of Silvana, high up on a hill stands an old white church that is surrounded by tombstones. Many local teens drive to Silvana late at night to see what all the hype is about and many never go back. Strange sounds are heard in daylight and you never feel like your alone.

Skykomish - Skykomish Hotel Bed & Breakfast - It's the home of the blue lady. The story goes that on the very top floor of this place it use to be a speak easy, where the lady's of the night entertained and where gambling went on. One of the prostitutes had a new boyfriend. The boyfriend walked in on her as she was doing business with a "John". He was so enraged. Forgetting what her line of business was he killed her.

Snohomish - Maltby Cemetery - night time is the best always to see paranormal activity so it is known when walking down the headstone paths reading the headstones, when you get to the end and start back an obvious headstone changes from a grave marker to a magnificent headstone. This isnt seen right in front of the face but when you realize theres something different thats what it is. Also whispers had been heard in the wind and trees and only sometimes a woman is looking for her child. Reports of a ghost that guards the entrance to the den. Many claim if you go in the den, you will lose your mind or never be seen again.NO TRESSPASSING - You must have proof you have relatives in this cemetery, violators will be prosecuted.

Snohomish - The Cabbage Patch Restaurant - A nine year old girl is said to have fallen to her death down a flight of stairs inside the building. She is said the walk up and down the stairs.

Snohomish - The Oxford Saloon - "This old saloon contains around 18 ghosts upstairs and down. Workers have in the past had quite frightening experiences with spirits of the old saloon girls who operated a brothel upstairs. A police officer that was stabbed and killed their remains, and a young teenager who was killed in the street by a car as well. There are too many to list, but ask someone behind the bar, and they will provide you with a detailed list compiled by psychics.

Snohomish - Snohomish public library - This is an old library that was built in the early 1900's. The first librarian died of unknown causes and people say they see her ghost walking around in the basement. Many of the workers hear her footsteps downstairs after hours and some claim to have seen her ghost. Some people have researched her death and went to her gravesite only to find out that her grave was unmarked. They believe that if they buy a tombstone and have another ceremony she will be put to rest to no longer haunt the library. The library will be moving to a new location within the year and they hope to have her settled by then.

Spanaway - Spanaway Lake High School - sometimes at night the lights will turn on and off. at night at about midnight, you can see a janitor that has once been killed by another student. the legend goes on. it is told from generation to generation, the story is, one day in the spring, it was a quiet morning, a troubled boy had brought a gun to school and supposedly the janitor made him upset because the janitor told him to clean some tables at a lunch detention. The boy told the janitor No and pulled out a gun. put the gun to the janitor's head and shot him. all the children were astonished/shocked. they ran for safety. then the boy who had shot the janitor ran with the gun somewhere in the school. nobody has ever seen the boy since. the legend has it, that the boy lives in the school, and when he gets hungry he goes to the kitchen and finds food to eat.

Spanaway - Spanaway Jr. High School - Lights flicker and alarms go off when no ones around.

Spanaway - Spanaway Lake Park Children that have drowned in the lake are said to be heard playing in the play ground above the park at nighttime when the park is closed. Also a fisherman reported seeing the pale corpse of a girl who drowned and was never found, is said to be seen floating 4 feet under water on the south side of the lake in the early morning.

Spokane - Bowdish Middle School - [Rumor] A long time ago a little before the school was made a boy named Jon was killed. Jon was between the ages 13-15. He was walking by the area of the school that was being built at around 7:00pm Pacific Time. A man in dark clothes grabbed him and stabbed him 10 times. 4 times in the face, 2 in the arm, and 4 in the chest area. A person in a car drove by and saw a body on the ground. It was Jon. They never caught the man who killed him. [Fact] At school kids and some adults see a dark figure that is blurred out in corners and darker areas. Girls and women reported seeing figures in a bathroom by the cafeteria. The figure roams the halls most of the time between 12:00 in the afternoon till about 5:00pm.

Spokane - Broadway - hammers keep floating up in front of peoples faces as workmen try to fix it up.

Spokane - Cameo Catering Event Facility - Mysterious noises, levitations primarily in the basement of assorted objects. Men talking when the building is empty. The building was a Masonic hall for IOOF for years. Story goes members who have passed on object to "guests" in the building, as their rites were secret.

Spokane - Carlyle care center - people have reported seeing shadowy figures and multiple electronic disturbances. Also, one woman reported hearing a little girls laughter.

Spokane - Centennial Middle School (formerly Park Junior High) - In the library students have witnessed an old woman with no legs "floating around" and at the side entrance there is supposedly two people, a man and a young woman, hanging from the ceiling.

Spokane - Double Tree Hotel - Every night, since last October of 1998 Halloween a mysterious noise occurs from the 15 floor. People have seen mysterious shadows but so far no one has been hurt.

Spokane - Fairchild Air Force Base - Kc 135 - is haunted by 2 people dying on it in flight at different times. Occurrences include strange groaning, loss of power for short periods of time, them being re-gained. Objects drop off of their securing points. Fuel leaks that come and go.

Spokane - Fairchild Air Force Base - weapons storage area - is believed to be haunted by a ghost called the "Goat Man". There have been many sightings by on duty Security Forces in the area.

Spokane - Geiger Corrections Center - a scream was caught on tape of an empty floor, no one heard it when it happened.

Spokane - Gonzaga Prep High School - The ghost of a teenage girl supposedly haunts the halls. Her story is as follows: back when Prep was an all-boys school, there was a football player who told his girlfriend to meet him after a game. He told her to wait in a small underground tunnel area that leads to the furnace. She snuck into the school and followed his directions, hunkering down in the tunnel to wait. When the boy arrived and opened the trapdoor the scent of burnt flesh wafted up. The heater had kicked on, burning the girl against the wall. Students have reported hearing a girl whispering, and doors in the downstairs hallway, where the girl supposedly died, have been known to open on their own when left unlocked. One female student even wrote a short story about a girl dying in the tunnel before she had ever heard the tale of the haunting. After hearing the tale, she claimed "This can't possibly be a coincidence!".

Spokane - Gonzaga University - Monaghan Hall - Monaghan Hall is the music building for Gonzaga University. The structure used to be the private residence for James Monaghan, who was brutally murdered in the structure. Many strange occurrences have happened here including the organ being played when no one is there and various musical instruments playing by themselves. People hear the haunting music all the time. The culprit is believed to be the ghost of Mr. Monaghan himself. Strangely enough, the music heard by witnesses is the song that was played at Monaghan's funeral. Growling noises and other unseen forces also make themselves known to unsuspecting individuals. In the 1970s, Father Leedale even performed an exorcism. It was obviously done in vain because the hauntings still occur.

Spokane - Home, Heart, and Friends - Apparently its haunted by an older woman wearing a long gray dress, probably from the 1900's. She has been seen walking up and down the staircase.

Spokane - ICT Group - This building used to be a department store. No matter how much work they do on the elevator, it always breaks. Opens and closes and goes up and down without anyone there also. The womens bathroom also has a strange presence. Its a little intimidating. The elevator also opens when you walk up to it. Almost like motion detecting. While sitting alone, you can feel like people are right behind you and hear the chairs creak, like someone just sat down in it. Yet no one is there.

Spokane - Mead Middle School - formerly Mead High School - In the 1930's when the high school was first built a drunk Scottish man fell off his ladder and was killed. On school grounds in places you can smell the strong scent of whiskey and hear mindless muttering. Also, inside the school, doors leading to the outside open on their own.(on windless days)

Spokane - Mirabeau Park Hotel - Formerly the Valley Doubletree - A woman and her two children have been seen wandering the halls of this hotel. At night they have been known to cause mischief in various rooms. Numerous employees have experienced very frightening encounters with these ghosts. - December 2006 additional information / Correction: A former employee reports there are many places in the hotel that are haunted by different things. A man committed suicide in one of the rooms close to the front desk and none of the housekeepers like that room. The 3rd floor in the back has a friendly gentleman ghost that asks the housekeepers and night bellman for towels and such but is gone before they can get a room number. There are a couple of rooms that the more intuitive employees won't get anywhere near.

Spokane - Northwest Christian Colbert Campus - many mysterious occurring. Some say it is the ghost of old Mr. Altmeyer telling them to leave.

Spokane - Patsey Clarks restaurant - Patsey Clarks is an old mansion converted into an elite restaurant. The old wine cellar is haunted by three ghost that at various times and for no reason will pick up objects, usually wine bottles and throw them across the room. Many employees witnessed this.

Spokane - Riverpark Square - In 2003 a man jumped off the top escalator to fall to his death on top the painted map of Inland Washington Lakes. Now when you ride the escalator here a man whispering into your ear but you cant make out what he says. If you stare at the painted map long enough you can see visions of blood and skull pieces.

Spokane - Spokane Falls Cemetery - There's a number of steps leading from the side of the road up to the cemetery dubbed the 1000 steps. These steps lead up to a place where satanic rituals are supposedly held. No one is said to be able to make it to the top step (except Steve and Joe)due to overwhelming fear.

Spokane - St. Xavier Church - On several occasions the face of a dead nun has been seen on one of the east windows. She appears to be standing with her face over a candle and screaming. There have also been mysterious shadows, some resembling the shape of a nun.

Spokane - West Valley High School - If your walking around in the auditorium with two walkie talkies on around the stage you can hear an old guy talking on them. Reason said to be is because when the auditorium was where the cafeteria is now a janitor was on the catwalk during a play and fell down and died instantly.

Stanwood - Pioneer Cemetery - A black figure has been seen towards the back of the cemetery, towards a tree that overlooks a memorial like headstone, breaking a tree branch, about six inches thick broke, and chasing the visitors. All of the families around there have had strange happenings. Someone has said to have had seen lanterns in the graveyard held by unknown persons. Others have experienced the lanterns in their own yards, displaying a kind of light show. Once you walk out to investigate it, they stay for a moment, start coming towards you and than disappear.

Stanwood - Stanwood Museum - People who have lived next to this house say that late at night when the museum is closed you can see candlelight and the curtains open and close. Some times even driving by you can see a curtain pulled back like someone is peering out, and then when you stop to look the curtain goes back.

Steilacoom - ER Rogerss restaurant - there is a lot of history behind this mansion. Many employees have reported abnormal occurrences with in the building. One of the owners wives killed herself in the mansion and still haunts it, but it has been reported that multiple ghost or entities reside there. At one time it was a B&B during the depression.

Steilacoom - Fairy Train Tracks - Steilacoom - is notorious for its ghost encounters and has established a well-known history for all of those who live in the surrounding areas of the town. Located on the train tracks directly in front of the fairy pier you can sometimes hear a faint ghostly sound of a phantom train whistle followed by a distinct scream from a person supposedly to have been struck by a train. The fairy pier is said to have strange occurrences itself. Late at night, the ghostly figure of a young child can be seen from a distance playing along the pier. While walking towards it however, it slowly maturates into a much older and feebler looking figure until it slowly fades away.

Sumner - Boneylake - In this old house has been reported that a women had birth with 5 children and they all died and so had she the same day reporting 6 orbs flying around and night reported about 10:00pm.

Tacoma - Gog-li-hi-ti Wetlands - Just to the South of the Wetlands Park was one of the places that the Puyallup Indian tribe buried their dead, along the banks of the Puyallup River. Many persons fishing there have seen a canoe paddled by a Native American pull up to the bank, then disappear. There have been reports of singing and voices near the river. The Army Corp of Engineers now fences off the area. Late at night workers and fisherman report an old man with a yellow dog walking the banks of the North Levee Rd. People report seeing the man because of an angry expression on his face. Sometimes a dog can be heard wailing from the site.

Tacoma - Hollywood on the Flats - immediately adjacent to the Wetlands, also known as "Hooverville". The last transient was evicted in 1952. The old transient, wearing a batter tan shirt and pants held the Pierce County Sheriff Deputies and Tacoma Police at bay with a shotgun, refusing to leave his "home". The standoff ended with a single gunshot, when the man took his life rather than be evicted. His old yellow mixed breed Lab dog was heard wailing.

Tacoma - Old City Hall - Security guards there have reported elevators moving on their own accord, lights being turned off and on, and doors that were locked being checked and found unlocked. There is a spooky vibe there, and several guards have quit rather than work at that location.

Tacoma - Lakewood - The Old Western State Sanitarium -Feelings of being watched, panic and sadness. On some rainy foggy night when the Moon is full, you can hear moans and footsteps in the late to early morning hours. Believed to be patients that once were institutionalized there. That place is in ruins now but there remains and boiler room underground that is where most the sounds are heard. The fence around also shakes when no one else is with you.

Tacoma - Lakewood - Pierce Lake - There is a lake in the woods that is located behind pierce college on the way to the old Western state sanitarium. At night early morning hours you feel a presence, see hazy apparitions and hear voices around the lake. They belonged to a woman that drowned there many years ago.

Tacoma - Point Defiance Park - 5 Mile Drive - In the late 1980's a 14 year old girl named Jennifer B disappeared while riding her bike in the park. Her body was later discovered and her killer was never caught. Late at night the sound of a bicycle can be heard around the 5 Mile Drive. Several years later a couple flagged down a Park Police officer and admitted she had been driving on the drive after the park was closed. She said as she was rounding the turn by the Narrows viewpoint, she observed a young girl standing next to the side of the road with a light colored bicycle. She pulled over and her boyfriend got out to ask the girl if she was okay, since it was late and the park was closed. The boyfriend screamed and jumped back in the car and kept screaming at her to go. As she was leaving, in the red tail lamp glow, she saw the girl vanish. The boyfriend was shaking and later told her the girl had no eyes but was smiling at him. Several other people have said that they have seen a girl riding alone near dusk and whenever they stop or look back at her, she vanishes.

Tacoma - Point Defiance Park - The Pagoda - The Pagoda used to be the trolley terminus at Point Defiance in the early part of the 20th century. The building was remodeled and is now rented out for weddings/parties. Visitors, workers, and the Police have reported hearing footsteps made with hard soled shoes walking around the building after dark. The footsteps seem to be walking down the stairs on the east side of the building, then abruptly stop. Sighing can be heard at other times and there are cold spots in the storage area below the building. A tale has been told about a young newlywed couple during the 1920's. The husband and wife would catch the trolley to Point Defiance and the husband would see his wife off for the day to visit her parents on Vashon Island. Small groups of boats would shuttle people to the island for a fee. The husband would return in the evening to meet his wife. As the small launch she was riding in approached the Boathouse area, it took on water. Many people were thrown overboard in the confusion and the husband observed with his pocket spyglass his wife flailing in the water in her heavy period clothes as she went under. Overcome with grief, he walked down the stairs to the marbled restroom, pulled out a small pocket pistol and shot himself in the head. It is said it is his ghost that haunts the Pagoda.

Tacoma - Puget Sound Mental Hospital - the Puget Sound Mental Hospital, is an enormous facility for the mentally disturbed (is also a drug and alcohol rehab). Parts of this 8-story complex are no longer in use. Half of the facility lies in darkness and is used for storage or is closed off because it is "unsafe". All of the buildings of this facility are highly haunted. Most of the staff there are willing to tell you the tales of the many ghostly personalities that reside there. The most famous is that of an old woman and her walker that can be seen and heard going up and down the hallways of the 4th floor. As you walk down the hallways and through the stairwells, you can feel that the place is very much alive with activity. This place is a real facility so you will need permission to run equipment, and or just tour the campus.

Tacoma - Puyallup Tribal Administration Office - The building is an old Hospital. It is said that many people died of TB there. In the basement there is an incinerator they used to burn the bodies. People walking can be heard through out the building. On the 5th floor a woman cries for her child and/or husband. The elevators move from floor to floor on their own. Childrens voices can be heard. In the basement(used to be the morgue) a woman complains of being cold. The fifth floor is known to be the most spiritually active.- Update: Building is gone now,6/03.It is going to be the new location of the {Emerald Qween Casino Hotel}

Tacoma - Thornewood Castle - Both guests and employees have seen apparitions and noticed lights flickering. The Stephen King mini series, 'Rose Red', was filmed here, adding to the ghostly presence.

Tacoma - University of Puget Sound - It is widely believed that Ted Bundy killed his first victim and dumped her in the foundation of a building being built at the University of Puget Sound. Although her body was never found people have reported seeing a girl, believed to be her, walking the halls of the building and odd noises.

Tacoma - University of Puget Sound - Inside Theatre - The Inside Theatre (the name may have changed in the past few years)is haunted by an unseen, but essentially benign presence. The ghost does not appear physically, but manifests itself by shifting scenery, turning on and off lights, slamming doors, rattling paint cans, etc. There is one case in which a student was leaning over the catwalk to change a light and lost her balance. She felt an unseen force jerk her backwards onto the catwalk, ostensibly preventing her from falling..

Tacoma - Western State Lunatic Asylum - Reports of cold spats, sounds of people and the cold sense of a presence. The blood on the wall reading JOE... a hand print, and the long dried blood that almost seemed to be dripping.-Update: For a brief summary and directions visit Western State Sanitarium

Taholah - Taholah school - people hear things when they are cleaning after school is out. They also hear people calling their names out loud and nobody is there. A picture of a guy on the wall and he will come out at night. There is to many to list.

Thorp - Thorp cemetery - People have reported sightings of the ghost of an Indian woman by the name of Suzy who was lynched by persons unknown in the thorp area around 1890. She has been seen riding a white horse and crying among the tombstones on moonlit nights

Tokeland - Tokeland Inn - Reports of apparitions (dog, cat, and a Chinese man) and strange sounds.

Toppenish - Public Library / museum - There is a weird woman and man on the top floor. you can see them looking out the window and you get a weird chill down your bones and at night when you walk pass the window fly Open. the curtains wave in an eerie motion while you see the shining of the blade since there is a museum on the top floor

Vancouver - Fort Vancouver - At Fort Vancouver, the ghost of Dr. John McGloughlin still haunts his old house, they say you can hear his heavy foot steps walk up and down the halls. Some say there are people in the look out tower that can be seen from the ground.

Vancouver - The Grant House - The Grant House is a part of Officer's Row. The row is a strip of colonial style houses that was housing for officers of the Vancouver Barracks, which have stood since the mid 1800's. The Grant House was the first built and was once home to President Ulysses S. Grant during his tenure before his presidency. Anyways, a former officer named Sully haunts the house. The ghost is even mentioned in the pamphlet at the front door. (The house is now a folk art museum and restaurant). I used to work in the kitchen and my boss claimed to have heard and felt Sully's presence, as have many others.

Vancouver - Hazel Dell - Dark Park - It is said that two little boys haunt the park late at night in the wooded area. No one will go down there alone night or day. Even during the day there is the feeling of not being alone and wanting to leave

Vancouver - Fort Vancouver Barracks - The old army barracks, which are still occupied, were built a stone's throw from the old Fort Vancouver, which was a trading post of the Hudson's Bay Co. and was the first settlement in the Pacific Northwest. It is believed that the barracks were constructed over several old colonial graves. Many stories have been told of ghosts haunting the auditorium, the officer's housing, etc.

Vancouver - Former site of Fort Vancouver High School - When the school was built in the 1930's a maintenance man died while putting up a basketball hoop 40 feet in the air his ladder broke and he fell to his death...Some people say that late at night when you are in the gym you can hear the sound of a ladder falling and a loud crash along with a man falling from what looks like thin air and when he hits the ground you hear a loud crack...one of the past teachers that worked there said to a couple of the new teachers that they saw the same thing, plus when the went to look at the man they saw his bones poking out of his neck then he disappeared into thin air.

Vancouver - Officer's Row - Nelson Residence - Reported in the local paper - There is a house two spaces left of The Grant House on Officer's Row and the house is home to Admiral Paul Nelson a great grandson of the former president William Howard Taft. when you enter the house on a Saturday, Sunday, Monday or Tuesday then you will see that the grass in front of the house is dead and brown and when you go inside there is a substance that looks like blood dripping from the walls...in the paper it said that Admiral Nelson's wife has spent hours among hours scrubbing the walls and the blood keeps appearing, no one knows for sure why blood drips from the walls or why the grass keeps dying and coming back to normal. - WARNING if you don't look up Admiral Nelson's phone number and ask him if you may come check the house out then he will consider you trespassing and you will be arrested and if he does let you in he frisks you for cameras and audio recording....no joke so be careful.

Vancouver - Officers Row - Veterans Hospital- On the third floor of the building is where all the mentally disturbed patients were put. It is said that you can still hear their hysterical screams, and any paper that enters the room floats to the ceiling and sticks there. You pull them off and they float back up.

Waitsburg - The Haunted Tunnel - It is said that a ghost walks the tunnel with it's severed head with the machinery that killed him following behind.

Waterville - Old Brick School House - There is an old school house a couple miles out of town where you can see candle light emanating from the shattered and boarded up windows. if you go in to the building with a flashlight or candle they will go out when you enter the main schoolroom. this building was built in 1864, and the nearest house owner says he can hear children playing and the squeaking of a swing set that is no longer there.

Wenatchee - Cherub Bed & Breakfast Inn - A husband came back from vacation to find his wife cheating on him. The husband killed the other man on the stairs, and it is reported that you can hear someone walking up and down the stairs when no one is there. There are also blood stains on the stairs that when washed disappear for a few moments and then re-appear

West Seattle - Kabuta Garden - The place is a big Japanese garden and at night you can supposedly hear ghosts whispering at night. Strange howls of winds could also be heard as you go down the path nearing the house.

Whidbey Island - Fort Casey - Weird noises and figures and a woman screaming there is also weird drawings on the walls. Something scratches on the wall like claws.

Woodinville - Chateau Ste Michelle Winery Manor House - This beautiful winery is set up on 150 acres previously owned by Seattle lumber and dairy baron Fredrick Stimson. Although the winery itself was constructed in the mid-1970s, Mr. Stimson's old (early 1900s) mansion still occupies the land (manor house). Legend has it that Mr. Stimson had a love affair with one of his servants (supposedly named Elizabeth) and got her pregnant. When Mrs. Stimson found out about this, the servant had an "accident" and fell down a back stairwell, which leads to the kitchen. Kept in its original state, the house is still used constantly for meetings and dinners. Staff at the winery for years has had paranormal experiences here. There have been many reports of cold spots that follow you, strange shadows, and noises. Elizabeth seems to be particular to one of the upstairs restrooms by opening the window, closing the door, and turning the light on. Late night cleaning staff has reported hearing footsteps upstairs when no one is there. Other occurrences include lights turning on, toilets flushing by themselves, and security systems going on the fritz. There always seems to be something behind you and you get the chills right down to your bones when walking through the house alone at night. There have been reports of janitor crews leaving after being scared by something and never cleaning the manor house again. *disclaimer* - these are just stories and reports from people who have been to or worked in this place. No one knows for sure if the Elizabeth "accident" really occurred or if it is just a myth. This portion of the story cannot be considered fact but merely a tale until someone does some historical investigating.

White Swan - Old Fort Simco State park - Witnesses have reported a woman looking out of one of the back windows of the commanders house. she is thought to be the wife of the commander who died of fever in the 1800s. The fort may be the source of the Toppenish ghost lights seen in the area in 1973.

Whitman - Lacrosse - School house - Sometimes when you walk in the house you will get a feeling someone is watching you& feelings of being bumped or pushed when alone.

Whitman - LaCrosse School - inside the school you can see a shadow of a person walking down the hallways hitting the lockers.

Yakima - Capitol Theatre - Well there has been many reports of people seeing and hearing things in the theatre. A lot of the time things happen at night during clean-up after a show. It has been said that there is only one that they know of and he loves the theatre. He doesn't bother or hurt anyone but loves to give people a little spook.

Yakima - Cherry Park - It has been reported more than 100 times at night in cherry park you can see, children running around in circles screaming at the top of there lungs. This goes on for a good half an hour, while you smell a strong scent of sulfur in the air.

Yakima - St. Paul's School - About 20 years ago a lady named Sister Sabiena who taught at St. Pauls died and people say that she jumped out the window or died in the elevator but no one really knows. When you go to the 4th floor you always hear a little scream of see a little shadow of her very short body even when youre not on the 4th floor you hear noises from above and even in the girls bathroom you hear flushing and water turning on and then you look and no one or nothing is there.

Yakima - Yakima Memorial Hospital - Most of the occurrences happen on the elevator and around the morgue, the elevator opens and closes, goes up and down with no one in it. Cold Drafts inside the elevator. Near the morgue it always seems like someone is watching you, but thats only by the morgue, you also catch some thing in the corner of your eye someone walking or running or sitting down, but when you turn to see them fully they disappear.

Yakima - Yakima canyon - Reported to be haunted recently by a young Hispanic male who was murdered there and an elderly man with gray hair and beard that committed suicide in the same area (area is about two miles north of the roza recreation area on the left)
Team Pacific Northwest​
Auburn - Fred Meyer Shoe Department and Stock room - Many of the employees of the Fred Meyer in Auburn, WA, have experienced strange activities. They have heard boxes being thrown around while one employee was in the Apparel stock room, but no one else was there, and no mess was left behind. The stock room is connected to the shoe department, where people, employees and customers frequently have shoes thrown at them. While no one has seen an apparition, some events are too weird to be coincidental.
"talk some smack Rooney..do your thing"
most of those places are weak, such as suicide bridge and pike place, and UW, etc. Anyone know of any real haunted places to go?? I went to the insane assylum in Tacoma, and the walk to the place was creepier than the actual assylum
Aim: sndttan88
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.COUNTERFITTIN.com
^its usually like that...
usually the walk to the place is scarier than the actual place
..i used to do this w/ friends during the summer, trying to get something to happen
we usually end up scaring ourselves hahah

i've been to suicide bridge at the "right" times, a couple parks around the U district
i heard about the rainbow house being a gate to hell hahah
and some other stuff about some other place..
a place we used to have dance practice in was haunted..

supposedly there is a story about a mother who lost both of her sons in the same public bathroom while waiting for them outside, both at different times..bodies of the sons would dissapear only to reappear mutilated somewhere else...she died on the bench outside of it waiting for her last son to come out..supposedly during a certain time of the night if you sit at that bench...she'll approach you asking if you've seen her sons...ur supposed to reply no..cuz if you say anything else she'll become all crazy and @#%$
..its scarier when the story is told right before you walk into the park

hahaha..its fun for me hahah i'm one of them scaredy-cats ahah
and the stories are usually juss 'hype' for nothing (i haven't experienced ANYTHING on any of these trips)..but its all for fun
bunch on college kids wanting to do somehting other than drink for the night
Seattle - West Seattle - Suicide Bridge - There's a bridge located in Seattle. Supposedly, a person had committed suicide by jumping off a bridge with his dog. You can see the chalk marks still when you go there and around 2-4 am people have seen the man with is dog by the beach near there staring at people.
#1 in pacific northwest</div>​
Seattle - Nathan Hale High School - Apparently, a long time ago someone was raped in one of the halls in this school. Some people have hear odd noises and there is a place in one of the halls where people have walked right thru it and a rush of fear came over their whole body.

My school's haunted.
Auburn - Auburn High School Auditorium - A young girl has been sighted wandering around the PIT area and in the rafters (cat Walk). She falls from the catwalk during and early period play.

Auburn - Auburn High School Auditorium Pit and Cat Walk areas - In the early 1950's, a little girl fell from the catwalk during a production. Ever since, she has been seen walking around the pit area and being heard in the rafters (cat walk).
tha everGREEN state​
i went to the rainbow house and i dont know about the stories but there ARE 2 dogs that bark and chase u when u leave the alley....very freaky
Team Pacific Northwest​
Auburn - Auburn High School Auditorium Pit and Cat Walk areas - In the early 1950's, a little girl fell from the catwalk during a production. Ever since, she has been seen walking around the pit area and being heard in the rafters (cat walk)
Team Pacific Northwest​
I dont know about the highschool but i used to live up the hill before the casino was made and there used to be a small cemetary like a block away from my house and whenever i used to walk passed it i used to see little kittens heads on the road, i think people did some black magic in the back woods by there. creepy though when i saw that it scared the s*** out of me
tha everGREEN state​
Renton - Maple Valley Highway - Maple Valley Highway is a very dangerous and dark road and there have been many accidents there. When you drive down the road late at night, you experience weird unexplained fog, and right after you pass through the fog you can see a teenage girl standing along side the road crying. She appears to be looking for something. Different people have tried to communicate with her to find out what she is looking for, and it appears to be a locket that she lost when she was in the car accident that took her life. Also, on Maple Valley Highway there is an old haunted house that has lights go off and on by themselves even though there hasn't been electricity in the house for years.

that gave me chills for some reason haha
almost everyday i took that highway home at different hours in the morning from 1am - 5am during the summer...fog at times...but still...if i seen that girl i woulda crashed

SUMMIT!!! :lol:

co-sign hahaha
hahha, a summit? im down, if markymark goes :b
Air Max Family and Pacific Northwest​
damn, both my schools are on there Hamilton Middle School and Nathan Hale High School, im scared.
Ray Allen = G.S.O.A.T.
phew... oak harbor isn't on the list. but ive been to the coupeville sites for a pnw class, in a picture me&my friends took up at the lighthouse theres a foggy image covering my friends face.
i think but i always see people get kicked out because they are underage or really high
Team Pacific Northwest​
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