Watchout you non-tippers... you might get banned from a restaurant one day..

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

tipping paid off yesterday for me, i went to this restaurant yesterday with my friend for happy hour food specials because im cheap.

the server was courteous and on the ball, noticed when i needed refills for my drink, gave me extra ranch for my fries and chicken, hooked it up with desert and gave a discount on the other stuff i ordered.

i tipped him half of what everything came out to and let him know that i appreciated the really good service. the server game me his number and told me to call or text him before i come in and that if he wasn't there he'd tell his coworkers to hook me up, or that if we came on days he was working drinks would be free and all food would be damn near free.

now i got a new food hookup.
Good work right there
This whole thread can be broken down like this...

Is tipping a legal requirement as a conclusion to a meal or is it a common courtesy?
If the tip is too small, was it stated by management they have the right to refuse admission?

If the answer to both is YES, then I have no problem with the restaurants action but if any of them are NO that restaurant can go to hell and isnt worth the patronage. I'm not saying dont tip but its the customers choice unless that right is taken away. From what I read she was originally charged 18% for a party of 3.

They should pay their workers more or charge more for the meals to begin with....cot damn fools with some nonsense
Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Trust me my life would be easier if I knew what to expect in terms of cost, but in countries where there is no tipping at all the service is %%%! and non-existent. They take your order and you don't see them again until its time to get the check.

At least with tipping here in the States it gives the employees an incentive to push and provide the best service possible. If they got hourly wages (low I might add) as other countries they would slack here as well.

But to rationalize NO TIPPING (not you sn00pee) esp if you are getting some good service at a nice restaurant? I can't buy that logic it makes no sense.
You've never been to Japan then. Best customer service and no tipping. No incentive? how bout no job if they dont...

Add Germany and Austria to the list as well. Food is better, less expensive, service is still better, and they don't expect you to tip them. Waiters sure ask for a lot in terms of wages for somebody who is a glorified runner, as if that's some rare skill and use meaningless terms like "service" and "difficult customers" like no other sector of employment has to deal with the same to try and justify expecting exhorbitant monetary reward for carrying drinks back and forth and putting food in bags. 
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