We are all born Atheist.


All humans are born with a part of the brain that "believes in a higher power" or some say is connected to "a higher power" not gonna go ABH in here tho.

When people look up it often releases endorphins from the spinal cord. which is why we subconsciously associate heaven with Up. 

Atheism and the thousands of religions are just human natures need for separatism. 
Even if you didn't grow up with a religious background I think everyone starts at some point to wonder where everything came from, and that is where people could be pointed to a god
Even if you didn't grow up with a religious background I think everyone starts at some point to wonder where everything came from, and that is where people could be pointed to a god
I think we are all born apathetic to religion. Once it is introduced (through deistic beliefs, or atheism) then we form our beliefs.
I think we are all born apathetic to religion. Once it is introduced (through deistic beliefs, or atheism) then we form our beliefs.
cartune wrote:
When people look up it often releases endorphins from the spinal cord.


Must be why my internal swag meter shows an increase of ten points whenever I get my cocky youngbuck with his chin up walk goin on.

cartune wrote:
When people look up it often releases endorphins from the spinal cord.


Must be why my internal swag meter shows an increase of ten points whenever I get my cocky youngbuck with his chin up walk goin on.

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif, sans-serif]A belief in an higher power is something we are all born with rather it be past ancestors or�monotheistic�its something we are alll born with not taught. We are later taught what to define that feeling. And the doctrices of that feeling becomes a religion.[/font]
I wouldn't say that feeling we feel is a belief in a higher power but more so wonderment for our existence and the existence of the Universe.

Bingo Johnny. I'm non-religious but I still possess that part of my brain that leads me to contemplate the mysteries of our existence and the seemingly infinite cosmic sea that is our universe.  Specific "religions" are most definitely taught and not innate in any way. If I were born in Saudi Arabia, chances are I would be taught to be Muslim. No one is born a Christian, or a Muslim. What is the point of missionary work and efforts to convert others to your religion if it isn't learned?

I can't stand missionary work either. Why must we force our beliefs on others just as long as their lifestyle isn't od primal with the whole sacrificing virgins (I'm tolerant man but Idk if I could dig that).
And I've strayed from the whole concept of religion as well, Anton.  Baptized a Catholic and I'll raise my children that way (along with incorporating some Eastern principles--those philosophies (Hinduism and Buddhism) should touch more lives than they do) since from a spiritual standpoint it has many beautiful teachings, but all the corruption and murder and molestation, I can't mess with that anymore. That's why I like to alternate between using God and the Universe since I really don't know what it is out there, but whatever it is, it's something special.
When people look up it often releases endorphins from the spinal cord.
So does smiling, albeit not from the chord but still.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif, sans-serif]A belief in an higher power is something we are all born with rather it be past ancestors or�monotheistic�its something we are alll born with not taught. We are later taught what to define that feeling. And the doctrices of that feeling becomes a religion.[/font]
I wouldn't say that feeling we feel is a belief in a higher power but more so wonderment for our existence and the existence of the Universe.

Bingo Johnny. I'm non-religious but I still possess that part of my brain that leads me to contemplate the mysteries of our existence and the seemingly infinite cosmic sea that is our universe.  Specific "religions" are most definitely taught and not innate in any way. If I were born in Saudi Arabia, chances are I would be taught to be Muslim. No one is born a Christian, or a Muslim. What is the point of missionary work and efforts to convert others to your religion if it isn't learned?

I can't stand missionary work either. Why must we force our beliefs on others just as long as their lifestyle isn't od primal with the whole sacrificing virgins (I'm tolerant man but Idk if I could dig that).
And I've strayed from the whole concept of religion as well, Anton.  Baptized a Catholic and I'll raise my children that way (along with incorporating some Eastern principles--those philosophies (Hinduism and Buddhism) should touch more lives than they do) since from a spiritual standpoint it has many beautiful teachings, but all the corruption and murder and molestation, I can't mess with that anymore. That's why I like to alternate between using God and the Universe since I really don't know what it is out there, but whatever it is, it's something special.
When people look up it often releases endorphins from the spinal cord.
So does smiling, albeit not from the chord but still.
Religion is the manipulation of the feeble-minded, regardless of age (though younger children are more susceptible to manipulation *see the Easter bunny) .  [The following is from the extreme spectrum, I know there are exceptions, and there are intermediates when speaking about anything].  The concept of God and religion are not innate, nor is the dismissal (atheism) of either theory innate.  Each individual is taught and manipulated to believe one or the other.  Once that momentum begins, those individuals persuade and convince themselves that only that specific religion is right, and through that blind dedication, they believe that they are obligated to only accept what is theirs and dismiss all other thoughts and concepts.  Through years of worship, they further reinforce their ideals.  The concept of God and fate is the easy way out to those that fear the unknown.  It's their fail safe and their fall back.  They can't accept that there is no answer (yet).  They don't ask questions unless the answer is in their holy book, granted these "answers" are often misconstrued and manipulated due to others' ulterior motives (*see politicians, kings, dictators, religious leaders).  Do you think the Bible you read right now, is the exact carbon copy, word for word of the first ever written?  Think about how many times it has been transcribed and translated.  Anyone could easily slip in a few extra verses and stories.  Take into consideration, those that live by quotes from the Bible.  Often times, these are misquotes which were never in the bible at all.  So are these followers of Jesus Christ or Sidney Algernon?

"God helps those who help themselves" is not in the bible. The quote is by Sidney Algernon (1622-1683) in his "Discourses on Government."

The problem with religion is the issue of pride and power.  Those that want to be "right", and feel the need to assert who is "right" to everyone else (goes each way *atheists, catholics, etc).  Pride over who is right, leads to conflict which leads to nonsense wars that have no justifiable end (then again, is war ever justifiable?).  *see The Crusades.  A bitter long war, in which fighters were granted remission of their sins and ascension into heaven for fulfilling their holy duties.  After at least 11 crusades and millions of deaths from both sides, what was there to prove? What was there to gain?  And to think people were ignorant enough to trade their lives for the motives of higher authorities they didn't even know.  Caught up in the thrill of killing their "enemies" and asserting their "correct" ideals, and with promises of a free ticket to heaven; and to think this would cycle itself 11 times over??  How blind is religion, its followers, and its leaders?  Are they doing this for God, or are they doing this for their own human motives.

I don't believe in fate, and I don't believe in God playing a hand in our lives.  If there were a God, he does not have time (if it even exists in his dimension) nor care enough to facilitate all of our petty human affairs.  We thank God for the awards we've won, the luxuries we have, and the food on our table.  But did God really give that to us?  Should we be thanking him for putting food on our table or should we be thanking our parents for going to work to earn the money spent towards our food?  Following this same concept, those that starve to death such as children all around the world, are they not worthy of God?  How come God won't give them any food to be thankful for?

I have always followed the idea that each individual is responsible for themselves and their futures.  There is no divine hand that assists us in our endeavors.  There is hard work and there is luck (but that is a different story, that I've yet to figure out).

So what am I?  I am a biology student.  I believe in Science and I believe there is a God.  I respect everyone's perspectives and views on religion, but I find myself enjoying a number of books on Buddhism (I was born and raised Catholic if that matters).  I am not here to tell you I'm right nor that you are wrong.  I am just here to give another perspective on religion.

Aside:  Once one delves into the massive world of Science, one would truly learn how the world around them works.  You TRULY TRULY begin to respect Nature and how far it has come.  Cellular respiration, metabolism, glycosylation, evolution, dehydration reactions, and everything in between, it is absolutely mind blowing.  Science is able to explain so much that is unable to be explained, but as it delves deeper with its questions and finding, one would have to believe that a God had to have created something so majestic. 

Yes, I'm aware that 2/3 of NT is void of literate capacity, and would much rather me post a .gif.  I am also prepared for the "Did not read" .gifs.

However, if you enjoyed my perspective, I have a blurb on my thoughts about death and the after-life.
Religion is the manipulation of the feeble-minded, regardless of age (though younger children are more susceptible to manipulation *see the Easter bunny) .  [The following is from the extreme spectrum, I know there are exceptions, and there are intermediates when speaking about anything].  The concept of God and religion are not innate, nor is the dismissal (atheism) of either theory innate.  Each individual is taught and manipulated to believe one or the other.  Once that momentum begins, those individuals persuade and convince themselves that only that specific religion is right, and through that blind dedication, they believe that they are obligated to only accept what is theirs and dismiss all other thoughts and concepts.  Through years of worship, they further reinforce their ideals.  The concept of God and fate is the easy way out to those that fear the unknown.  It's their fail safe and their fall back.  They can't accept that there is no answer (yet).  They don't ask questions unless the answer is in their holy book, granted these "answers" are often misconstrued and manipulated due to others' ulterior motives (*see politicians, kings, dictators, religious leaders).  Do you think the Bible you read right now, is the exact carbon copy, word for word of the first ever written?  Think about how many times it has been transcribed and translated.  Anyone could easily slip in a few extra verses and stories.  Take into consideration, those that live by quotes from the Bible.  Often times, these are misquotes which were never in the bible at all.  So are these followers of Jesus Christ or Sidney Algernon?

"God helps those who help themselves" is not in the bible. The quote is by Sidney Algernon (1622-1683) in his "Discourses on Government."

The problem with religion is the issue of pride and power.  Those that want to be "right", and feel the need to assert who is "right" to everyone else (goes each way *atheists, catholics, etc).  Pride over who is right, leads to conflict which leads to nonsense wars that have no justifiable end (then again, is war ever justifiable?).  *see The Crusades.  A bitter long war, in which fighters were granted remission of their sins and ascension into heaven for fulfilling their holy duties.  After at least 11 crusades and millions of deaths from both sides, what was there to prove? What was there to gain?  And to think people were ignorant enough to trade their lives for the motives of higher authorities they didn't even know.  Caught up in the thrill of killing their "enemies" and asserting their "correct" ideals, and with promises of a free ticket to heaven; and to think this would cycle itself 11 times over??  How blind is religion, its followers, and its leaders?  Are they doing this for God, or are they doing this for their own human motives.

I don't believe in fate, and I don't believe in God playing a hand in our lives.  If there were a God, he does not have time (if it even exists in his dimension) nor care enough to facilitate all of our petty human affairs.  We thank God for the awards we've won, the luxuries we have, and the food on our table.  But did God really give that to us?  Should we be thanking him for putting food on our table or should we be thanking our parents for going to work to earn the money spent towards our food?  Following this same concept, those that starve to death such as children all around the world, are they not worthy of God?  How come God won't give them any food to be thankful for?

I have always followed the idea that each individual is responsible for themselves and their futures.  There is no divine hand that assists us in our endeavors.  There is hard work and there is luck (but that is a different story, that I've yet to figure out).

So what am I?  I am a biology student.  I believe in Science and I believe there is a God.  I respect everyone's perspectives and views on religion, but I find myself enjoying a number of books on Buddhism (I was born and raised Catholic if that matters).  I am not here to tell you I'm right nor that you are wrong.  I am just here to give another perspective on religion.

Aside:  Once one delves into the massive world of Science, one would truly learn how the world around them works.  You TRULY TRULY begin to respect Nature and how far it has come.  Cellular respiration, metabolism, glycosylation, evolution, dehydration reactions, and everything in between, it is absolutely mind blowing.  Science is able to explain so much that is unable to be explained, but as it delves deeper with its questions and finding, one would have to believe that a God had to have created something so majestic. 

Yes, I'm aware that 2/3 of NT is void of literate capacity, and would much rather me post a .gif.  I am also prepared for the "Did not read" .gifs.

However, if you enjoyed my perspective, I have a blurb on my thoughts about death and the after-life.
Originally Posted by NikeAirForce1

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

ironically it's always 'atheist' who want to talk about god.
it's not a question of whether or not god exits. how can you 'not believe' in something if it doesn't exist?

 if 'it' doesn't exist whatever 'it' happens to be..how could you express disbelief? 

Do you believe in unicorns? Santa Claus? Leprechauns?


Stay on the level your on where you further your argument with Santa Claus and leprechauns. Who taught you how to do that? Anton?
Originally Posted by NikeAirForce1

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

ironically it's always 'atheist' who want to talk about god.
it's not a question of whether or not god exits. how can you 'not believe' in something if it doesn't exist?

 if 'it' doesn't exist whatever 'it' happens to be..how could you express disbelief? 

Do you believe in unicorns? Santa Claus? Leprechauns?


Stay on the level your on where you further your argument with Santa Claus and leprechauns. Who taught you how to do that? Anton?
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by NikeAirForce1

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

ironically it's always 'atheist' who want to talk about god.
it's not a question of whether or not god exits. how can you 'not believe' in something if it doesn't exist?

 if 'it' doesn't exist whatever 'it' happens to be..how could you express disbelief? 

Do you believe in unicorns? Santa Claus? Leprechauns?


Stay on the level your on where you further your argument with Santa Claus and leprechauns. Who taught you how to do that? Anton?

He's a big boy, pretty sure he came up with that on his own. Certain people can live their lives not being told what to believe in. My grandma told me Christianity is the right religion and I will follow blindly....that's the intelligent thing to do. Praise Yahweh.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by NikeAirForce1

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

ironically it's always 'atheist' who want to talk about god.
it's not a question of whether or not god exits. how can you 'not believe' in something if it doesn't exist?

 if 'it' doesn't exist whatever 'it' happens to be..how could you express disbelief? 

Do you believe in unicorns? Santa Claus? Leprechauns?


Stay on the level your on where you further your argument with Santa Claus and leprechauns. Who taught you how to do that? Anton?

He's a big boy, pretty sure he came up with that on his own. Certain people can live their lives not being told what to believe in. My grandma told me Christianity is the right religion and I will follow blindly....that's the intelligent thing to do. Praise Yahweh.
Originally Posted by kiendienn

I don't believe in fate, and I don't believe in God playing a hand in our lives.  If there were a God, he does not have time (if it even exists in his dimension) nor care enough to facilitate all of our petty human affairs.  We thank God for the awards we've won, the luxuries we have, and the food on our table.  But did God really give that to us?  Should we be thanking him for putting food on our table or should we be thanking our parents for going to work to earn the money spent towards our food?  Following this same concept, those that starve to death such as children all around the world, are they not worthy of God?  How come God won't give them any food to be thankful for?

I have always followed the idea that each individual is responsible for themselves and their futures.  There is no divine hand that assists us in our endeavors.  There is hard work and there is luck (but that is a different story, that I've yet to figure out).
Which is why he gave us free will.
Unfortunately that free will has a direct correlation with those around us that either inhibits or allows us to be blessed.
I've dabbled with the idea of a predetermined destiny, but I can't get around the whole issue of possible maliciousness that could be bestowed on others, so I'm kinda still up in the air on that one.
I really wanna get high on some psychedelic and figure all this out one day. There's much more to our existence and the Universe's than the quasi-simplistic viewpoints of atheists. At the end there's science, but the inability to decipher what created everything around us today shows that science isn't just the answer (whether that means God exists and the afterlife slash reincarnation is true, I don't know, but we'll see one day when we die).
Originally Posted by kiendienn

I don't believe in fate, and I don't believe in God playing a hand in our lives.  If there were a God, he does not have time (if it even exists in his dimension) nor care enough to facilitate all of our petty human affairs.  We thank God for the awards we've won, the luxuries we have, and the food on our table.  But did God really give that to us?  Should we be thanking him for putting food on our table or should we be thanking our parents for going to work to earn the money spent towards our food?  Following this same concept, those that starve to death such as children all around the world, are they not worthy of God?  How come God won't give them any food to be thankful for?

I have always followed the idea that each individual is responsible for themselves and their futures.  There is no divine hand that assists us in our endeavors.  There is hard work and there is luck (but that is a different story, that I've yet to figure out).
Which is why he gave us free will.
Unfortunately that free will has a direct correlation with those around us that either inhibits or allows us to be blessed.
I've dabbled with the idea of a predetermined destiny, but I can't get around the whole issue of possible maliciousness that could be bestowed on others, so I'm kinda still up in the air on that one.
I really wanna get high on some psychedelic and figure all this out one day. There's much more to our existence and the Universe's than the quasi-simplistic viewpoints of atheists. At the end there's science, but the inability to decipher what created everything around us today shows that science isn't just the answer (whether that means God exists and the afterlife slash reincarnation is true, I don't know, but we'll see one day when we die).
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by NikeAirForce1

Do you believe in unicorns? Santa Claus? Leprechauns?


Stay on the level your on where you further your argument with Santa Claus and leprechauns. Who taught you how to do that? Anton?

He's a big boy, pretty sure he came up with that on his own. Certain people can live their lives not being told what to believe in. My grandma told me Christianity is the right religion and I will follow blindly....that's the intelligent thing to do. Praise Yahweh.
So you lived your life coming up with everything you know on your own?
ok...nobody told you what to believe in..how does that make any sense? we're told everything but if you cant see then thats YOUR problem. 
You always throw out Christianity and following it blindly like the erroneous religion of a past people defines the almighty God who created the universe, because you can't use your intelligence outside your pharmacy books. 

God is not organized religion. 

Do you believe in your own soul? If you don't I won't either. 

Even if you don't, we all have a soul. This reality is an illusion. The afterlife is real. 
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by NikeAirForce1

Do you believe in unicorns? Santa Claus? Leprechauns?


Stay on the level your on where you further your argument with Santa Claus and leprechauns. Who taught you how to do that? Anton?

He's a big boy, pretty sure he came up with that on his own. Certain people can live their lives not being told what to believe in. My grandma told me Christianity is the right religion and I will follow blindly....that's the intelligent thing to do. Praise Yahweh.
So you lived your life coming up with everything you know on your own?
ok...nobody told you what to believe in..how does that make any sense? we're told everything but if you cant see then thats YOUR problem. 
You always throw out Christianity and following it blindly like the erroneous religion of a past people defines the almighty God who created the universe, because you can't use your intelligence outside your pharmacy books. 

God is not organized religion. 

Do you believe in your own soul? If you don't I won't either. 

Even if you don't, we all have a soul. This reality is an illusion. The afterlife is real. 
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Stay on the level your on where you further your argument with Santa Claus and leprechauns. Who taught you how to do that? Anton?

He's a big boy, pretty sure he came up with that on his own. Certain people can live their lives not being told what to believe in. My grandma told me Christianity is the right religion and I will follow blindly....that's the intelligent thing to do. Praise Yahweh.
So you lived your life coming up with everything you know on your own?
ok...nobody told you what to believe in..how does that make any sense? we're told everything but if you cant see then thats YOUR problem. 
You always throw out Christianity and following it blindly like the erroneous religion of a past people defines the almighty God who created the universe, because you can't use your intelligence outside your pharmacy books. 

God is not organized religion. 

Do you believe in your own soul? If you don't I won't either. 

Even if you don't, we all have a soul. This reality is an illusion. The afterlife is real. 

God is real I seen him, he's inside me right now and inside all of us. The afterlife is definitely real I've been there. Pastor told me some people's souls go to heaven while others go to hell, that is definitely a fact.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Stay on the level your on where you further your argument with Santa Claus and leprechauns. Who taught you how to do that? Anton?

He's a big boy, pretty sure he came up with that on his own. Certain people can live their lives not being told what to believe in. My grandma told me Christianity is the right religion and I will follow blindly....that's the intelligent thing to do. Praise Yahweh.
So you lived your life coming up with everything you know on your own?
ok...nobody told you what to believe in..how does that make any sense? we're told everything but if you cant see then thats YOUR problem. 
You always throw out Christianity and following it blindly like the erroneous religion of a past people defines the almighty God who created the universe, because you can't use your intelligence outside your pharmacy books. 

God is not organized religion. 

Do you believe in your own soul? If you don't I won't either. 

Even if you don't, we all have a soul. This reality is an illusion. The afterlife is real. 

God is real I seen him, he's inside me right now and inside all of us. The afterlife is definitely real I've been there. Pastor told me some people's souls go to heaven while others go to hell, that is definitely a fact.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

He's a big boy, pretty sure he came up with that on his own. Certain people can live their lives not being told what to believe in. My grandma told me Christianity is the right religion and I will follow blindly....that's the intelligent thing to do. Praise Yahweh.
So you lived your life coming up with everything you know on your own?
ok...nobody told you what to believe in..how does that make any sense? we're told everything but if you cant see then thats YOUR problem. 
You always throw out Christianity and following it blindly like the erroneous religion of a past people defines the almighty God who created the universe, because you can't use your intelligence outside your pharmacy books. 

God is not organized religion. 

Do you believe in your own soul? If you don't I won't either. 

Even if you don't, we all have a soul. This reality is an illusion. The afterlife is real. 

God is real I seen him. The afterlife is definitely real I've been there. Pastor told me some people's souls go to heaven while others go to hell, that is definitely a fact.
Your an atheist. 
Your a Nigerian. Your not an African American. We are a covenant people. It really bothers you when brothers really believe in something because your hollow.You don't believe in your own soul..don't try to reclaim it when the tides turn. I can see you jokingly trying to now...you know whats good brother
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

He's a big boy, pretty sure he came up with that on his own. Certain people can live their lives not being told what to believe in. My grandma told me Christianity is the right religion and I will follow blindly....that's the intelligent thing to do. Praise Yahweh.
So you lived your life coming up with everything you know on your own?
ok...nobody told you what to believe in..how does that make any sense? we're told everything but if you cant see then thats YOUR problem. 
You always throw out Christianity and following it blindly like the erroneous religion of a past people defines the almighty God who created the universe, because you can't use your intelligence outside your pharmacy books. 

God is not organized religion. 

Do you believe in your own soul? If you don't I won't either. 

Even if you don't, we all have a soul. This reality is an illusion. The afterlife is real. 

God is real I seen him. The afterlife is definitely real I've been there. Pastor told me some people's souls go to heaven while others go to hell, that is definitely a fact.
Your an atheist. 
Your a Nigerian. Your not an African American. We are a covenant people. It really bothers you when brothers really believe in something because your hollow.You don't believe in your own soul..don't try to reclaim it when the tides turn. I can see you jokingly trying to now...you know whats good brother
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