We often say "if I had the money that celeb had i'd never go broke or work again"

Mar 11, 2010
but do you really believe that deep down?

I ask this because I often hear people on forums say this when it comes to folks like your jay-z's, will smith's, etc

alot of these celebrities that you might don't like or the one's that are constantly putting out music that is average or keep starring in terrible movies probably aren't doing it because they love to make music, or play in movies, they probably do it because their lifestyle is about spending spending spending....so they have to keep working in order to keep up with their car notes, mortgage, other expenses.

i say this because I see bow wow is dropping another mixtape soon, and I'm sure he's working on another album that's coming up.........now his fan base that he use to have BEEN LEFT, so his sales clearly won't be the same, but he still decides to make music.....then every now and then you see him making videos coming out of these expensive clothing stores with 10 to 12 boxes, or driving these expensive cars and you wonder, is this dude making music because he actually loves it? or is he doing it because he has bills to pay because he's spending too much money.

birdman is another example, and even though im a die hard mayweather fan, I ask myself the same question about floyd....is he boxing cus he truly loves it? or is he doing it because he's simply blowing too much money and needs to keep fighting in the boxing business to pay off whatever he needs to pay off.

if you got a  shot to get 10 mill off a movie or made this much touring off of your music in the course of a year, do you think you could actually go away forever and never return to that business you were in?or do you see yourself spending almost all of that money if you decided to give up your music, acting career, etc

posting for later lol interested in what people have to say
yes i do believe you gave me 10 million and place me the middle of the jungle, i'd triple my worth in a year

Like you said, it would depend on how much expenses a person has. I love to spend money on random crap so no, if I had as much money as a celeb, I probably would need a financial adviser to help me stretch that money out over my lifetime otherwise I would blow it within a couple years.
Sure. Just make some sound investments.

-Take half of it and hire an awesome property manager then set up an affordable housing llc that rents property to low-income or poor people

-Flip 2-5 houses a year (find a wealthy partner to limit the risk)

-Don't by stocks & bonds until your properties start generating income

- if you have the stomach for it. invest in a nationally recognized franchise and hire a general manger that has worked in the industry their entire career. then you shut up and stay out  of their way unless they are blatantly making things worse

- try to find a partner to go half with you on the franchise

dude you can do all of that with 5 mill and let the rest chill because liquid cash is king. the income that is generated from your investments will have you popping tags everyday.... if that's what u want to do
man I don't know about that celebrity life and having to uphold an image or maintain a lifestyle. I just know even with $500,000 I'd be living a whole different lifestyle. I'd be baby balling. My own spot, a Range Rover, a Mercedez CL neither have to be BRAND NEW BRAND NEW just 2 or 3 years old. A whole new wardrobe. A whole new entertainment system in my household. A few vacations and frequently eating out. It would be a whole 180 degree turn

and I forgot about pimpin, man do you know how easy pimpin is when you have the show money and a couple of meaningless assets that attract females? I've seen it with my own eyes you could have a whole prostitution ring and have you bottom B run it for you
The thing is, most people would go broke even if you gave them 100 million dollars.

It's embedded in our minds to spend every chance we get.

Say you find $50 bucks on the sidewalk. The first thing that goes through your head is "what should I buy with this?" Instead of throwing it into savings.

With that kind of mindset you will be drowning in debt even when you are making a lot of money.
Give me the money without the fame and ill make sure my grand children are living good.
I think I'd be able to manage it... I'd get a few purchases out of the way, but I wouldn't go to far.

...I think.
invest and make the money work for you. whats so hard when you have THAT much?

me personally, ive done the touring and recording with my old band and had a blast doing it so i would probably do it until i couldnt anymore. whether i was getting paid 10 mil or 10 bucks.
Originally Posted by Donny Walker Blaq

Sure. Just make some sound investments.

-Take half of it and hire an awesome property manager then set up an affordable housing llc that rents property to low-income or poor people

-Flip 2-5 houses a year (find a wealthy partner to limit the risk)

-Don't by stocks & bonds until your properties start generating income

- if you have the stomach for it. invest in a nationally recognized franchise and hire a general manger that has worked in the industry their entire career. then you shut up and stay out  of their way unless they are blatantly making things worse

- try to find a partner to go half with you on the franchise

dude you can do all of that with 5 mill and let the rest chill because liquid cash is king. the income that is generated from your investments will have you popping tags everyday.... if that's what u want to do

   fambs.... everything you said was
 until liquid cash being king.

i think that money should be turned into something else, because the value of the dollar continues to go down...

maybe some bars of gold... then, whenever you spend up one bar, go and sell another one.

other than that...

i'm with you all the way

*glass clink*

Yes, with $10 million I am very confident I would never have to work again and I could retire immediately as I received that money.

That is much more than I have ever wanted, I could buy my 3 dream cars (all used of course), a nice small apartment in the city and live quietly for the rest of my life. And I'd share a lot of it with other people.

I'd pick up a job I really loved and just stick with that until I wanted to stop working forever.
Originally Posted by The Natural Mystic

The thing is, most people would go broke even if you gave them 100 million dollars.

It's embedded in our minds to spend every chance we get.

Say you find $50 bucks on the sidewalk. The first thing that goes through your head is "what should I buy with this?" Instead of throwing it into savings

With that kind of mindset you will be drowning in debt even when you are making a lot of money.

so true. thats why I try to put 15-20% of all my cash in savings
$10m is a lot of money. how old are you now? if you're 20, and worked til you're 75, this would be an equivalent of over $180k/yr

how much you making now? how much would be your dream raise? double your pay? triple your pay? if you can't make ends meet with $180k/yr, you're doing something wrong...

fancy house = $2m?
supercar = $1/2m?
$7.5m and all the time in the world to do something

this is also why i pray to find a finger whenever i buy fast food.  $10m to give up mcd's for life?  you best believe it
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

I'd never go broke but I wouldn't say I never work. Minute you stop working you die.
Originally Posted by 504 D1 Prospect

Originally Posted by jm2000

Give me the money without the fame and ill make sure my grand children are living good.

this x1000, being famous means nothing 2 me.
Same here.. Don't want the fame at all
If I got ten million like that, I would walk away. I don't like working and I'm not greedy. I'd probably build a lil house on a Caribbean island, invest a portion of the money and just sit on the rest. I'd live the rest of my days in paradise just chilling. No stunting, partying, just relax.
Originally Posted by ricky409

Originally Posted by Donny Walker Blaq

Sure. Just make some sound investments.

-Take half of it and hire an awesome property manager then set up an affordable housing llc that rents property to low-income or poor people

-Flip 2-5 houses a year (find a wealthy partner to limit the risk)

-Don't by stocks & bonds until your properties start generating income

- if you have the stomach for it. invest in a nationally recognized franchise and hire a general manger that has worked in the industry their entire career. then you shut up and stay out  of their way unless they are blatantly making things worse

- try to find a partner to go half with you on the franchise

dude you can do all of that with 5 mill and let the rest chill because liquid cash is king. the income that is generated from your investments will have you popping tags everyday.... if that's what u want to do

   fambs.... everything you said was
 until liquid cash being king.

i think that money should be turned into something else, because the value of the dollar continues to go down...

maybe some bars of gold... then, whenever you spend up one bar, go and sell another one.

other than that...

i'm with you all the way

*glass clink*


I understand your reasoning homie. Pesonally I wouldn't buy gold bars but to each its own

I could've worded that last statement better tho

The reason I would keep five mill in liquid cash is to ensure I have money to take advantage of great deals I come across: houses, cars, electronics, etc

You ever tried to nagotiate with someone on a price for  shoes, clothes, cars, electronics, etc?

once you get them down to a reasonable price they are gonna want that cash money immediately. No cards(unless debit), No gold, they want cash playboy. 

Having cash allows you to get steals not deals..... steals>>>deals. imho
Jay made like 30 million last year, right? Something like that. I could easily live off of $400K a year for the rest of my life. That'd give me 75 years of $400K/year. I'm not about expensive cars and houses. I would buy a moderately priced home and drive used Honda Accords. I'd spend most of my money on good food, traveling, and clothes.
A lot of people will still go broke. Tons of family and friends come out the woodwork. People get trapped in the lifestyle and don't think money is gonna end. Everybody always has these "great" ideas to invest, but some "great" ideas were just great on paper, not when you actually invested it and the venture went sour.
Every single person that has shared their idea/plan swears in the greatest idea ever and it's gonna be 1000% profitable
Originally Posted by Mr Jordan04

A lot of people will still go broke. Tons of family and friends come out the woodwork. People get trapped in the lifestyle and don't think money is gonna end. Everybody always has these "great" ideas to invest, but some "great" ideas were just great on paper, not when you actually invested it and the venture went sour.
Every single person that has shared their idea/plan swears in the greatest idea ever and it's gonna be 1000% profitable

This is why I'm a firm believer of investing in yourself.
Milk the career for everything its got and then don't be reckless. Doesn't mean you can't splurge a little or you have to count every penny. Easy if you have at least a drop of self control.
I actually learned this lesson on a smaller scale.
I graduated from college three months ago and got a job that pays 40k. After taxes and expenses and all that, I'm gettin $800 a month to just play around with or save.

I told my dad that it would be EASY to save up, easy to stash that extra $$ into my savings. But then he dropped that father knowledge, "you  tend to spend what you make"

Now here I am a few months later, spending wildly at the bars and going out to eat at nice places. Buying expensive food at the grocery store and then letting it go moldy cause I never look at it again. It's not out of control, but my dad was right.

The advantage that I (and most of the working class) have over rappers/athletes is that my money is steady and predictable, despite being far less. Guys like Antoine Walker that notoriously went broke.... they were living crazy lives while in the league, but once the contracts expired, he didn't have anything saved up. Luckily my contract won't expire until I want it to.

As far as 10 million? I am pretty confident that I could cruise through the rest of my life living comfortably with some stashed away... but you never know. I can't say until it happens.
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