Wearable Shoe Trees for the Black Cements?

Jan 29, 2011
Hey guys, I picked up my first pair of Black Cements recently, and I just have a quick question for all of you sneakerheads. Do you guys usually use wearable shoe trees on your 3's? I know they crease a lot easier, but do you think they are worth investing in to help minimize the creasing? If so, which are the best? Or do you guys just just let your sneakers just crease? Thanks
ive used mine on my white cement 3s from day one and ive worn them 10 times or more and no creases at all. I would say its worth it.
I let them crease. When the paint starts chipping the creases won't seem like such a big deal
Ive used them for my white cements and black cements. both only have very minimal creasing. Im talking you have to stare very very closely to see any hint of it.
*sigh* shoes crease people, deal with it....lol...

People gonna have some serious foot problems wearing their shoes with this crap in them. I like my space, shoes are meant to be comfy.

Or do what I do, the shoes I don't want to crease I don't wear. They're on ice until I can find another pair or two.
when i first read the title, i thought of the wood shoe tree's I use inside of my kicks when i'm not wearing them..
     although I have mainly only used force fields inside my air forces.. i've seen others use them in jordans and had plenty of success.. the key to using them is buying the correct size for your shoes since the come in sm, med, lrg, etc.. and then putting them in properly.. although it does take up some room on the inside of the shoe, it is hardly noticeable once you've worn them a time or two and is no way uncomfortable or causes problems.. if it is, then you probably didn't put it in right.. 
One of my boy has them for his 3's and 13's he said they work amazing simple concept too crazy how nobody did this before.
i wear sneaker shields in my 3s and air maxes everyday and i have no blister on my feet ! 09 true blues still have 0 creases after 100 plus wears.
if they hurt its because you didnt trim the sides enough, i trim sides where my pinky toe is and im good to go, you cant even feel them.
I've been wearing them in my white/cements and DB 3's and they are working great. Still look DS. They will be going in my black/cements also.
Originally Posted by airbetlog

Any links where you can purchase them? I found http://www.sneakershields.com/ but most of the "Protector" Sneaker Shiel packs are SOLD OUT !!! The only ones that are available are the "Universal" ones. Not sure what the differences are. I hope some of the members on here can shine some light.

I also found these as an alternative: http://www.thedecreaser.com/
I brought the sneaker shields from that website, im pretty sure I got the universal ones since they aren't firm like the "protector" advertises.  They work MIRACLES I wear them with all of my J's and they do not crease at all.  I am so happy that I brought them, if you are anal about how your shoes look how can you NOT own a sneaker shield?? Just my 2cents!
The guy who invented these is a sneaker saving genius. You can't even feel them.
Force fields were so uncomfortable for me, and always peeled off.  Waste of $10 with them, and you can even interchange them and use them with any shoe. 

At least with sneaker shields, you can remove them after and put them on another shoe so easily. 
Eh I made my own with the trees they come with. They do wonders. I use them on my TB and no creases at all. I can't remember how many times I've worn them, but it's a lot.
Originally Posted by rtdix214

if they stopped creasing opn the black cements I gotta go cop some
they stopped creasing if you dont wear them. sometimes the shoes are already creased so to stop that dont buy them
They cements were a must have just didn't know I was going to have to deal with the creasing instantly
thanks for the info. glad i found this. i have recently been lookin to get some black cement 3s but keep hearing how bad the quality is
I use wearable shoe trees in all my shoes and they work. No creasing. But you also loose some comfort in the shoe.
I have two pairs from the site, but I can't wear them without having a huge blister on my pinky toe!
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