Welcome our 9 new NikeTalk moderators!

9 is OD. Especially if they all gon be on at the same time.

Exactly what I was thinking. 9 at one time is just dumb. BTW, who chooses Moderators? Jada2001Retro should def. be added to that list of new Mods :wink:

MagsXL AND Jumpmanst?

Is it my birthday?
"If you say 'last shots or breds', you better be talking about alcohol or Wonderbread."
Congrats to all. Its good now to have worldwide moderation. Those 2-3 am nonsense posts should simmer down a bit.
New Page 1
It was November 4th......I last held your hand......It seemed our time would last forever
You said don't ever leave.......I thought you'd never go.......
I wish I could just remember your name...

You're just a memory now.......Like all the ones before.........But with your pain I've had to suffer
Your eyes alight with flame.........As the picture burns.........
I hear the screams from long ago.......

wow, 9 of them. crazy.

i was wondering why all the old mods were becoming admins :lol:

I want to get down on my knees and start pleasing jesus, i wanna fell his warm salvation all over my face-south parkstill team anti ds.
IMO 9 new mods is great. Dirty and collie cant do all the work in the Nike Retro fourm. So many useless posts in there daily. And flaming, and just plain dumb talk. Great to see the nomination of new mods. And time for a NT Cleaning.
kingcrux :pimp:

sneakers are not just shoes. they're a kind of art. so, what shoes should i wear next to break necks?
Congrats everyone... finally someone can clean up the music forum
Death is the best thing that can happen to a rapper. Almost dying isn't bad eitherKanYe West
Steez-about DAMN time
ijapino-about DAMN time

The rest I couldn't be more indifferent about.

At yall for not considering me. Nah jp congrats to all.
I refuse to lose, Eff them 22's, I got an AP 10
And a throwaway Tech 9 so you know you can't Eff with mine!
Ninja, it's that Sac of Indo Killafornia State of mind
Where ninjas put their gangster gear on, and bend corners
In a Chev 69
I go through the trouble of attempting to introduce you with dignity, to play up your qualifications and maturity... and in your first post as a staff member you manage to misspell the word 'moderator.'

Someone get KMD on the line. We may have a vacancy after all

Jerk... don't build his hopes up for nothing. :lol:

Always a bridesmaid, never a bride...

Well taken sir... a graceful loser. And KMD IN 2006!!

PS: Jason, get back at me... I want those size 9's.

PPS: An update of the FAQ Forum about mods couldn't hurt either. :b

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