"Welcome to America....Now Speak English!!"

Dude must be a HUGE John Rocker fan...


(Who would have ever thought Rocker would date a black girl?)
Originally Posted by cesarhpr1986

USA doesnt have an Official language so
why should english be forced upon people

if you learn another language, the only one that benefits from
it is yourself.
No the USA should adopt english as the official language... it just simplifies everything for everybody involved... There should be no more testsavailable in different languages...

it really is like going to China, not bothering to learn the language & then getting upset when you ahve trouble doing everything... makes no sense...

I don't have issue w. his feelings at all...my problem is w. the bumper sticker, considering who he works with....
It's common sense really. I wouldn't put a tacky sticker like that on my car, but it does have a point.

It's not a "racist" matter as many like to label it as. If I was to move to a foreign-speaking country, would I be right in calling the nativesracist because they expect me to learn their language?
If they're adults and work full time, I can understand that taking classes might become less of a priority but its completely essential.

What I don't understand is the children of these immigrants that are born in the US. And take ESOL classes all the way through High School.

You serious man?
whether you agree that they should learn to communicate effectively(you really should if you plan to reside in said nation, but many people have done otherwisesuccessfully) It's real douchebaggy and ignorant to exclaim it like that on a bumper sticker, and i bet it's a problem he'll never encounter/hasnever encountered.
if they cant speak/read in english.. how are they supposed to read the sticker?
Usually when people have such a strong view -- strong enough to be advertising it on one's automobile with a bumper sticker - it doesn't come from agood place. It's borderline hate in my opinion.
I don't think its the immigrants that are complaining about stuff not being translated to their language. I think its us being lazy and changing things sothey can understand instead of us wasting money teaching them.
For all intents and purposes, the US is an English-speaking country. It is extremely frustrating working with a customer who doesn't speak or understand alick of English. Why must I learn the language of another country just to survive (or rather, get a leg up) in the workforce?

I don't think there is anything wrong with the bumper sticker.
Originally Posted by Los Angeles Fresh

americans should learn english also

I speak decent spanish but when ppl come into my store asking if i speak spanish i just say no hahaha
Originally Posted by rickybadman

All immigrants should learn to speak English. If you come to a country you can't except everyone else to change to make life easier on you. I actually would be in favor of making the official national language English. I know some people living in the U.S, gotten green cards and citizenship but yet can speak proper English.
Originally Posted by Los Angeles Fresh

what about tourists? should they learn english before they come visit? or, how about us when we go over seas?
from what i've seen most people try to learn some basics...please thank you...ask for directions so why wouldn't people do the same ifthey come here?
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