"Welcome to America....Now Speak English!!"

how would someone that doesnt speak english be able to read the bumper sticker?
Call me whatever, but I agree with it. I'm sorry, but I encounter stuff like this on a daily basis. Where I work (AT&T), we get people that call in andare mad because we dont have anyone to translate what they're sayin. Why should we have to? I understand it's a difficult language, but damn...if youkeep getting everything catered to you, you have no incentive to try and learn the language, and there will always be communication barriers. I have absolutelyNOTHING AT ALL against those who came to this country for a better way of life...however, if you came here, learn the language.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

the different approached to teaching kids who speak AAVE

that it was acknowledged and school systems were trying to help students who speak it since the 70s at least...

how the media kinda fueled the negative attitudes towards it...even Jerimiah Wrigts sermons were used in a classrooms...

def. something i'll probably keep looking into on my own just cuz there is so much i didn't even touch the surface on...
yeah, standard language ideologies + the stigma attached to "ebonics" is ultimately what did the campaign in Oakland in...

i figure, if they accept bi-lingual education as beneficial to the students, i don't see why dialect-centered lessons wouldn't do the same for others....

while i'm interested in the usual aspects of teaching native speakers of AAVE how to codeswitch between the "standard" dialect and their native dialect, i'm MUCH MORE interested in the language itself....(from the perspective of writing on it)

the amount i learned in that class still amazes me...

(this is interesting, ask a group of black people what language they speak, assuming you're in the US, it'll be 'english'. Ask them if they always speak "proper" english, and when they say "no", ask them "then what do you call the language you speak, since it isn't 'proper' english?" they'll respond something like "slang"...ask them if they speak "ebonics". it's interesting that people are more willing to say they speak slang than ebonics, when really, noone speaks a "slang" of english.....terms are slang, a fully-functioning language is a dialect. Standard Language Ideologies are most powerful, next to like racism, imo. People are so stuck on "proper" english, they dimishish their own unique dialect, calling it "slang" and being ashamed of it. Dialects give people identity, identity to their race, culture, region, friends, etc., and it's disgusting that standard language ideologies make a majority of people who speak self-conscious about their own dialect.)

So what do you consider what we write in terms of books and papers? I always thought that was the standard.
Originally Posted by CE0 Mal

English is not an easy language to learn

English, along with Spanish are actually two of the easiest languages to learn.

I believe Spanish is easy but when it comes to grammar I think English can be very tuff (tough). See what I just did there
As someone who is bi-lingual and working on a third language right now, immigrants should not be forced to learn English as if it were one of the strongerfibers of the Constitution. American English is easily one of the hardest idioms or dialects in the world to learn, never mind master. Especially when youconsider all the diphthongs and silent letters and under stressed syllables.

If anything, I feel that immigrants should have a functional proficiency of the English language at best. More importantly, immigrants need to be proficientin Spanish. The minorities are quickly becoming the majorities here in America and will easily be by 2030, if not 2020.
dude can put whatever he wants on his car. why don't you just mind your own. not saying I agree, or disagree, just that people spend too much time worryingabout what other people do. you probably do something that annoys him too so try to take care of your own mess and let other people do the same
I agree that immigrants should learn to speak english.

I used to work w/ a girl who always complained about how poor she was and how difficult her childhood was.

I found out her parents lived in the US for over 30 years and have no desire to learn english.

I wanted to tell her, that could be the very reason why her childhood was rough!

No I don't "piki panich" and I am NOT your "primo" gtfomf with all that. I can't STAND them
sticker is wrong but the statement is right. im usually the one to stand up for everyones rights but you need to learn english if youre gonna live here and useour resources and jobs
Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae


No I don't "piki panich" and I am NOT your "primo" gtfomf with all that. I can't STAND them
Slow down there Jack. Who's "THEM" that you're referring to? If you're singling out Spanish speakers (which you are) thenyou're just making yourself sound like a bigot. Straight up. There's a lot of contempt in the words you just wrote. Protesting against someone'slack of English skills shouldn't be an excuse to express yourself in such a bigoted manner.

People should learn the language of their host country to become part of the bigger audience, but some of you making certain groups of people a scapegoat orcondoning the undercover bigotry of those who would go so far as campaign against "them" are just as bad.

Like I said earlier in this discussion, if you go so far as to parade around with a bumper sticker on your car with a message that's verging on hatetowards certain people, then it's most likely not coming from a good place.

The psychology of placing a bumper sticker with this kind of message on one's car isn't too far removed from those yahoos you saw protesting duringthe Teabag protests recently or the protests during the last Presidential election with people clad in American flags talking slick. Think about it. Do youreally want to group yourself with that kind of population?
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

I think that people should learn English, but that bumper sticker is sorta tasteless.


The thing is if these people can't speak English then they probably can't read/comprehend it that well either. Which makes the whole point of his bumper sticker useless, since his target audience wouldn't understand his point.
Exactly. Although my grandfather is an exception to this....
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae


No I don't "piki panich" and I am NOT your "primo" gtfomf with all that. I can't STAND them
someone's lack of English skills are just as bad.

People should learn the language of their host country to become part of the bigger audience
Originally Posted by rickybadman

Originally Posted by E3LAL

Originally Posted by tru2theegame

Originally Posted by DuckTailsxaintxI

Originally Posted by 49ers650

Originally Posted by rickybadman

All immigrants should learn to speak English. If you come to a country you can't except everyone else to change to make life easier on you. [color= rgb(0, 0, 0)]I actually[/color] would be in favor of making the official national language English. I know some people living in the U.S, gotten green cards and citizenship but yet can speak proper English.
What's the problem then?
creates a communication barrier. what do you think.
^^I think it's quite funny that you would judge those that cannot speak proper English, yet your English is horrible...
got 'em
Damn one typo and you guys are all over me.
Two typos, plus your sentence structure is horrible. Guess you shouldn't be a citizen either. What is worse? A person who goes through theUnited States of America's education system (which I imagine rickybadman did or is currently completing) and cannotconjure a proper discourse regarding how they feel on the issue at hand, or a person who migrates to a new country (many/most of the time because of a want orneed to mitigate their situation) and cannot quickly adapt to the language/lifestyles/culture of their new society? The reason I say quickly is because mostof the immigrants who exhibit the type of language barriers and deficiencies are in most cases "fresh newcomers", people who have recently migratedto the USA. Once these immigrants adapt and are able to speak English they move on and become more unnoticed by the people who not so long ago complainedabout their English speaking deficiencies. The job which they left behind is quickly filled by a "fresh newcomer" who will struggle, just like theirpredecessor, to adapt to their new society. This cycle will continue and has continued for a long time.

The exception to this is areas where the community in which the immigrant resides provides such an atmosphere where their native language is the one beingprimarily used. There are many places like this around the USA i.e. N.Y.C., various parts of California (L.A. being a prime example), many parts of Texas,etc. Their culture, their lifestyle, and their language are promoted and embraced in these communities and therefore there are less attempts by the immigrantto make an effort to adapt to something different (which in this case would be to learn English to the best of their ability). Now this is not to say that allpeople within these communities do not strive to better their situation by learning the new culture and language, just saying that it breeds a different typeof mentality, as opposed to an immigrant living in a community where they represent less then 5% and have to quickly realize that learning the language isindispensable in their case.

There are many exceptions, just like there are lazy people in English speaking population there are lazy people in the non-English speaking immigrantpopulation. There are people who go decades in the USA without even making a attempt to learn the language, and I frown upon that. With this said it is myhumble opinion that this should be a two way street, because at the end of the day these people who many of you are so bothered by are part of your community. Whether you accept them or not is your prerogative, but they ultimately are an integral part of the city, town, or county you call home. Many of them performjobs and roles that are not performed by English speaking citizens or in some cases English speaking immigrants. The reason I said "two way street"is because only through mutual understanding and patience will our communities move forward and perform to their optimum. The attitude of "learn Englishor leave" many times leads to bad racial relations and resentment in our communities and this type of atmosphere is ultimately detrimental not only toour immediate communities but also to our national and global community.

The mentality many of you have of, "why should I have to adapt to them rather than them adapt to our language" is perplexing to me. I doubt thereare many immigrants who go home after an encounter with a person who doesn't speak Spanish and complain about the language barrier. In most cases it wouldbe beneficial to most of you, if not all of you, to learn the alternate language. Not only would you be expanding your knowledge of languages, but you wouldalso be aleviating the frustration many of you seem to face when dealing with people that lack proficiency in English.

Just my .02
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

this is my thing...

i've traveled to other countries...

Mexico doesn't accommodate English...if i'm in Ajijic, and i want an apple soda, i'm pretty much on my own......

i wouldn't imagine trying to do a complex transaction in mexico, knowing i don't speak spanish.....

if i can't point to it and hand money over for it, i wouldn't even ATTEMPT it...

meanwhile, 40 percent of stock in grocery stores is either half-spanish or FULL-spanish...

i think that's quite ridiculous.

When you can live and function in the United States and not even bother learning any English, i take offense...

i take offense that when i call U.S. T mobile, i'm asked if i want to speak Spanish before I'm even greeted...

does the Mexican t mobile ask everyone in Mexico "para englas, habla englas" when you call?

undoubtedly, NO.

but back to the OP, the bumper sticker is tasteless, but i agree, we shouldn't accommodate people who don't know the [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]official language[/color]......

Your argument is simply flawed. To begin there is no official language so I don't know what you are referring to in your last statement.

Second and most importantly your argument is flawed because the two situations you describe and try to contrast are in no way comparable or equitable.
The day that the Mexican population is composed of over 39 MILLION English speaking Residents/Citizens, is the day your argument will become valid. How canyou expect to go a part of Mexico like Ajijic and expect to be "accommodated." If you've been to Ajijic then its pretty safe to assume that youhave been to Guadalajara(Which is a short drive from Ajijic), where I assure you there are plenty of businesses and establishments that not only accomodate theEnglish Language but also many others. Point I am making is that the difference is due to the texture of the population which is completely different to thatof the USA's population.

"does the Mexican t mobile ask everyone in Mexico "para englas, habla englas" when you call? "

Let me correct your attempt to make a point. "does the Mexican T-Mobile ask everyone in Mexico "For english, press 1" when you call?"

By the way in Mexico it would not be T-mobile, it would be Telmex or Telcel, which are both controled by this gentelmen:
[table][tr][td]Carlos Slim Helu[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [/tr][tr][th=""] Born[/th] [td]January 28, 1940 (1940-01-28) (age 69)
Mexico City, Mexico[/td] [/tr][tr][th=""] Nationality[/th] [td] Mexican[/td] [/tr][tr][th=""] Occupation[/th] [td]Chairman and CEO, Telmex, Telcel and América Móvil[/td] [/tr][tr][th=""] Net worth[/th] [td]▼US$35 billion (2009).[sup][1][/sup][/td] [/tr][tr][th=""] Religious beliefs[/th] [td]Maronite Catholic[sup][2][/sup][/td] [/tr][/table]

"meanwhile, 40 percent of stock in grocery stores is eitherhalf-spanish or FULL-spanish...

i think that's quite ridiculous.

When you can live and function in the United States and not even botherlearning any English, i take offense...

i take offense that when i call U.S. T mobile, i'm asked if i want tospeak Spanish before I'm even greeted..."

Why take offense to such miniscule things? Is there something else brewing inside of you that is actually triggering this "offense"? Why not go tothe groceries buy what you need and "keep it moving", instead of getting your feelings hurt over labels? At the end of the day the people produccingthese labels are companies that know it is in their best interest to print multilingual labels in order to sell more units.

Now if you want to get into the political side of things then we can.
The same rights that enable a person to place a bumper sticker (Such as the one the OP described) are the same rights that protect a person from HAVING tospeack a certain language. As long as a language is not enforced (on a FEDERAL level) then all your arguments as to why they have to speak it become futile.

I would like to see someone attempt to run a political campaign which includes the message, "If you cant or WONT speak english and live in the USA then wedont want you here, get out!", and actually be ELECTED.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae


No I don't "piki panich" and I am NOT your "primo" gtfomf with all that. I can't STAND them

now, this is a disgusting statement...

they can go and do whatever they want, just don't act like we should accommodate you by talking to you in spanish or having text in spanish

and dude above me, that's all fine and dandy...

if we didnt have products in spanish, it wouldn't be as easy to "not learn english because their neighborhoods and culture are primarily of their native language"

how would a non-english speaker pay his tmobile bill if it didnt ask "para espanol, digame, espanol" BEFORE IT EVEN GREETS YOU IN ENGLISH

i have no problem with you if you wanna go against the grain and not learn english...

my problem is with all the special accomadations that only exacerbate the situation...
What situation? The situation people like you like to create? What special accommodations? They pay taxes, why cant their money go towardsgovernment forms (Tax forms, Hospital forms, etc.) which the language printed is native to them therefore making that situation easier? They are not"special" they are payed for by the taxes they pay, therefore the GOVERNMENT MUST accommodate their needs whether they be in a foreign language ornot.

It seems to me you have issues with calling T-mobile, maybe you should call them and ask them to please greet the MAJORITY first before they greet the secondlargest group in the USA.

Businesses run in a manner which suits them best and make them more profitable. T-mobile will keep addressing people in Spanish first because they know thatit is easier for a Spanish speaking person to press one (that way ensuring they wont get lost, end up speaking to a rep in English, and waste time gettingtransferred to a Spanish speaking rep) then it is for an English speaker to get lost with a one liner ("Para Español, oprima uno") when they call.

Money is money, it speaks no languages. If the money is right all the services that you subscribe to will quickly make changes in order to cater to a specificdemographic. They don't do it out of the goodness in their heart, they do it because they reap benefits from it. If T-mobile only had a 0.1% Hispaniccustomer population the greeting would be as follows, "Welcome to T-mobile..." and that's that.
some people might get upset when i say this... but foreigners sometimes write better than US citizens, that is a very very bad thing..
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Yeah, i've been to guad....horrible example. I actually fly into and out of guad, in the airport, noone has ever spoken english to me throughout all 10 trips through customs...ever.[/color]

If it weren't for so many Immigrants/Minorities working in our airports it would be the same here in the USA. In most airports in the USA non-English speaking Immigrants don't have special accommodations".

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]the only place that's english-accommodating in mexico is cancun, and STILL you'll have problems not speaking spanish...[/color]

This is not true but dont feel the need to say much on this, as any intelligible person can identify an ignorant statement such as this one.

you came in here like you were disproving my entire post, when you didn't...

Your main argument was "Ive traveled to other countries..." stating they don't accommodate then contrasting that to how we accomadate immigrants "40% of stock in grocery stores are is either half-spanish or FULL-spanish... i think that's quite ridiculous".

That is disproved by this:
"your argument is flawed because the two situations you describe and try to contrast are in no way comparable or equitable.
The day that the Mexican population is composed of over 39 MILLION English speaking Residents/Citizens, is the day your argument will become valid"

lol@spanish tmobile, sorry i didn't know it was Telmex.....you think Telmex customers are greeted with "Hi, Welcome to Telmex, for English, say english" before they are greeted in spanish?

the answer is, no.

Obviously not, and again I say:
"your argument is flawed because the two situations you describe and try to contrast are in no way comparable or equitable.
The day that the Mexican population is composed of over 39 MILLION English speaking Residents/Citizens, is the day your argument will become valid".

i'm sure if we had 30 million french here, we'd get some french labels as well...

So if you get this then whats your point?

the point is, go to a federal post office and speak ONLY in spanish...if one of the workers doesnt HAPPEN to speak spanish, you're !%%@@#. point blank.

regardless of an "official" official language or not....

Not everywhere. More importantly if you look at the situation from a socialogical perspective immigrants tend to form clusters and they remain in them. You rarely see immigrants reside in areas where there are not many more of them. With this being said, at the current rate that the immigrant poplulation is growing(Especially the hispanic population), it is not unimaginable that in the near future there will be almost no businesses with non-Spanish speaking employees in these concentrated areas. Many Socialogy experts predict a shift in what used to be believed, that people would have to adapt to the english language while the Spanish language would remain "Underground" as you so eliquently put it. This shift they predict will put the Spanish language on the same necessity level as its English counterpart.

how about, go outside, commit a crime, when the police come, don't speak ANY english...lets see how enjoyable that ordeal will be for you....

(until, of course, they get the spanish-speaking officer to come ACCOMADATE you)

That is unfortunate but it does happen as we all know.

Why capitalize "ACCOMADATE", they have to accomadate non-English speaking residents' needs. The taxes that the non-English speakers pay compose as much of a part of that officers pay, as the English speaking residents taxes do. So if there are enough non-english speaking residents in a particular area (for discussion purposes hispanics) then it only make sense that their tax money be reflected in certain accomadations, such as spanish speaking officers, forms, etc.

my problem is this, nowhere else in the world, besides the USA, is a minory language accomadated at such length...

other countries, of course, accoadate for english, but not even as hardcore as we do spanish...

There is no other country in the world that hosts a foreign hispanic population of 39 million plus (and rapidly growing).

i just don't understand how a human being can subject theirselves to such an existance...

living in a place where you cannot communicate with 90 percent of the people around you...(yes, you could live in a neighborhood where everyone speaks spanish, but how about you venture outside of those 5 blocks.....)

It is not for you to understand. Live your life and let them live theirs.

if a natural disaster was trying to be averted, of course, the warnings would be in english, it's not troublesome to you that "your people" (since you're so wildly upset by my 'offensive' statements) would perish due to complete ignorance?

First of all what do you mean "your people"
Do you happen to know me? I simply try to think I belong to a global community. While I do not think that your statements have taken low blows at a group or community I do think that many of your arguments are flawed. I do not need to belong to any "People" in order to make that observation.

Hypothetically anything can happen. Though I cannot think of an event happining in the USA where more non-English speaking residents would parish because of a language barrier.
Minorities have news and newspapers, and the same way that English speakers are informed and guided by there respective news and media outlets, so are non-english speaking minorities.

i pity them.....i know what it feels like to be in another country and not speak the native language...and i couldn't imagine actually trying to start a life there...and live there....at all.

Not your job to "pity" them nor to try and imagine how they can live or start a life. Many have a done very well, and many more will after them. Many have failed as well, but then again many USA born English speaking residents fail too.

from that perspective, that of someone who has traveled and had THAT shoe on his foot, is where i base my stances on this topic.....

You have traveled but it is not equitable. Therefore your argument is flawed. You didn't leave your county for the same reasons many of these people flee their native land. Many of them do it because they have to, and once here they don't need people telling them what language to speak. As long as they pay taxes and live life legally than what is it to you or me what language they practice or embrace?

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]don't sit around pouting when you're treated funny because you can't communicate in the country in which you reside...[/color]

Define "treated funny"

You keep bring up a point about people complaining when they don't get "special treatment" who are these people? Who's pouting?

They accommodate them because of the size of their population. Hispanics as a unit contribute more tax money then "Somalians", they contribute morethan any other minority in the USA. This is due to the fact that they are the largest minority population. I assure you that is the African Americanpopulation spoke Arabic there would be as many forms in Arabic as there would be in Spanish. Its not constitutionally enforced to accommodate non-Englishspeaking citizens with anything, but what you fail to recognize is that English or non-English speaking citizens are indistinguishable under our constitutiontherefore the same rights that allow a person to obtain a tax form in English are the same rights given to a non-English speaker when such"accommodations" are made available.
I have no problem with people who cannot speak english but when they get mad at me for not understanding them, then we got issues.

I also think people should at least make a valid effort.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by 731balla

They accommodate them because of the size of their population.
i didn't read anything you wrote but this.

and i agree, wholeheartedly.

i just don't think it's right, fair, or comparable to any other country in the world.

period, end of story. thanks for arguing....

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

my problem is this, nowhere else in the world, besides the USA, is a minory language accomadated at such length...

other countries, of course, accoadate for english, but not even as hardcore as we do spanish...

There is no other country in the world that hosts a foreign Hispanic population of 39 million plus (and rapidly growing).

Had already said this but if you want to keep repeating yourself that's fine, ill keep correcting you. No other country has a comparable Hispanicpopulation, ( Or a foreign population of this magnitude) therefore it would not make sense for them to make such accommodations.
he has the right to have 50 or more those stickers on his car, if HE wants to. I agree with the bumper sticker. you come to america, you better know how tospeak and read in English.
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