"Welcome to America....Now Speak English!!"

OrenthalJames wrote:
Its weird how the MAJORITY in USA speak english, our schools are in english, TV, books, music, stores, etc.....and yet people still get butt hurt when someone believes immigrants should learn english.
like seriously is that farfetched for a person to think that if you are going to live in a country that speaks MOSTLY english, then others should learn english as well? Don't give me that soft %+* "there is no official language" BS. Everyone knows USA = English, period. There is absolutely no argument against that. This country started with Englishmen (yes I know Natives were here first).

-The Juice


It's called the U.S Constitution.
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by ToppShotta

Originally Posted by TheYoungestGun

Originally Posted by ToppShotta

Originally Posted by kmn2008

I have no problem with people who cannot speak english but when they get mad at me for not understanding them, then we got issues.

I also think people should at least make a valid effort.
some people might get upset when i say this... but foreigners sometimes write better than US citizens, that is a very very bad thing..
The point of this post totally flew over your head I see...
We're talking about learning English well enough to function and interact with people whose native language is English or a dialect of it.

how can you ask of people to learn a language when the people that speak English as a native language can't even do it the way they should, without mistakes and errors?

I made it bigger since you seem to have missed the point
What I highlighted in green is very funny and ironic. However, improper grammar is ultimately a non-issue. If I can understand what you're saying regardless of how broken your English is, then you are good to go.

It's funny though. The guys with the worst grammar and the least education are the first to express their narrow xenophobic views on society.

you say that improper grammar is a non issue. trust me, it's not. a foreigner that can speak the language, but can't read and write the way he/sheshould is not going anywhere. it's always about understanding when someone is talking to you. grammar is very important especially if you are not a nativespeaker. but then again, the grammar and spelling mistakes that people make on this website show that your point. that grammar is a non issue..
america was built on immigrants. just because they don't speak english does not make them inferior
Well as long as America has no official language, people should be able to speak or not speak whatever they want as far as I'm concerned. Americans are soarrogant, that's why people throughout the world dislike Americans.

"Speak our language!" when you're here despite us not having an official language, then when we go abroad, "does anyone speak English?"Nah son, use that same logic and learn their languages and customs before you go out of the country.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by 49ers650

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Mexico doesn't accommodate English...if i'm in Ajijic, and i want an apple soda, i'm pretty much on my own......

i wouldn't imagine trying to do a complex transaction in mexico, knowing i don't speak spanish.....

if i can't point to it and hand money over for it, i wouldn't even ATTEMPT it...

meanwhile, 40 percent of stock in grocery stores is either half-spanish or FULL-spanish...

i think that's quite ridiculous.

I've never been to a place in Mexico where some staff didn't speak English.

well, i have, and it sucks.

i was in the guad airport....noone spoke English to me....the 10 times i was in the airport...


i love how dudes will quote me but won't read any of my other posts.....

Go to Ajijic and try to speak English to non-white people...

unless one of them translates FOR you, you're SOL...period

same with Morella, where i lived for a little over a month....

mexico city?


go speak some English to random people in mexico city.....


see how much help you receive....

@someone happening to speak english in the obvious tourist area YOU were kicking it in...in a hotel, fine, english speaking staff...try at the local supermarket.....how about when you call Telmex up....you think Telmex is asking their customers english or spanish?

oh, i'm sorry, it's cause they're the biggest minority in the country.....

Your comparing apples to oranges.
We like to think that it's a "melting pot"; however, it is exactly the opposite. Immigrants come here and stick to their own groups in an effortto hold on to their culture and their values as much as possible.

The melting pot idea is why people think immigrants should learn English, but that's not what America is.
If they want it to be English only.....then it's English only. Is it fair to the immigrants? Probably not but get over it. Life isn't fair. They make the rules, we follow them. Plain and simple. Don't like it? Then steal the land back or simply learn English.
Come on man, steal the land back?

English-only is fair, but it doesn't make sense in this country. Anywhere you see Spanish labels, Spanish speaking people, etc., it's due either to $or votes. These parts of the country are merely accommodating a large part of the work force. I believe we would've secured our borders & drasticallylowered the amount of legal immigrants we allow long ago if we didn't need them.

Would y'all support English-only if there weren't millions of illegals in the country that aren't fluent in English?

Its weird how the MAJORITY in USA speak english, our schools are in english, TV, books, music, stores, etc.....and yet people still get butt hurt when someone believes immigrants should learn english.
Who's butt hurt? Who doesn't believe immigrants should learn English?

This doesn't seem to be a matter of should or shouldn't. It's about whether or not the U.S. should prohibit any signs, legal documents, etc. to beproduced in any language other than English and whether or not that benefits the U.S. economy and culture. Culturally, we probably lose when it comes to ahigh standard of living for everyone. Economically, the 1% probably wins. How is it affecting any of you in a such a negative way that we need to make theU.S. Enlish-only?

IMO, English-only isn't necessary if we control our borders.
I think everyone in this country should speak English, but since it isn't our "National Language", they don't need to.
okay, so let me get this straight....

80 percent of you are arguing from the perspective of "we don't have an official language...."?

so, if tomorrow, the U.S. officially declares English our language, then you ALL will miraculously agree with me?

is that it?

-rolls eyes-
Originally Posted by Los Angeles Fresh

what about tourists? should they learn english before they come visit? or, how about us when we go over seas?
Whenever I travel somewhere, I always try to learn basic phrases so that I'm not completely lost. Politeness counts as well, so"Please", "Thank you", "Excuse me", etc. are all necessities.

I've found that people in countries where English isn't the dominant language are typically happy to help if they find that you're at least tryingto speak their language, rather than being an #*$ and knowing nothing at all.
Originally Posted by PrurientSole

I've found that people in countries where English isn't the dominant language are typically happy to help if they find that you're at least trying to speak their language, rather than being an #*$ and knowing nothing at all.
what a co-inky-dink, me too....

highlighted for emphasis....

this is pretty much my point in a nutshell....

i'm just on a tirade about American products having spanish-only labels...

it's moreso about the non-speakers actually making an effort to communicate with the other 98 percent of our country
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by ToppShotta

Originally Posted by TheYoungestGun

Originally Posted by ToppShotta

Originally Posted by kmn2008

I have no problem with people who cannot speak english but when they get mad at me for not understanding them, then we got issues.

I also think people should at least make a valid effort.
some people might get upset when i say this... but foreigners sometimes write better than US citizens, that is a very very bad thing..
The point of this post totally flew over your head I see...
We're talking about learning English well enough to function and interact with people whose native language is English or a dialect of it.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]how can you ask of people to learn a language when the people that speak English as a native language can't even do it the way they should, without mistakes and errors?[/color]

I made it bigger since you seem to have missed the point
What I highlighted in green is very funny and ironic. However, improper grammar is ultimately a non-issue. If I can understand what you're saying regardless of how broken your English is, then you are good to go.

It's funny though. The guys with the worst grammar and the least education are the first to express their narrow xenophobic views on society.
Since you're so smart, surely you understand the concept of "mutual intelligence" when it relates to language, right?

@your argument being "some native english speakers speak bad english,"

there is no "standard" of english, only dialects.

I would LOVE for non-english speakers to learn a dialect....

as long as they can understand and be understood, it's all love...no matter how broken or bad their english is...

@you thinking that response was even intelligent.

EDIT: Sir, is MY English good enough to want people to learn basic English?


Originally Posted by PrurientSole

I've found that people in countries where English isn't the dominant language are typically happy to help if they find that you're at least trying to speak their language, rather than being an #*$ and knowing nothing at all.
what a co-inky-dink, me too....

highlighted for emphasis....

this is pretty much my point in a nutshell....

i'm not just on a tirade about American products having spanish-only labels...

it's moreso about the non-speakers actually making an effort to communicate with the other 98 percent of our country


I think non-English speakers should attempt to learn English, but we shouldn't make them learn.
Originally Posted by Jumpshot

I think non-English speakers should attempt to learn English, but we shouldn't make them learn.
the only way they'll attempt is if they have to....

currently, they don't have to, cause they can pay their cellular, cable, electric and gas bills in spanish.....and they can buy their ice cream, laundrydetergent, and paper towels in spanish, too...

i'm glad ole boy isn't on that "how are spanish speakers treated special" kick anymore, i guess the "what about the somalipopulation?" worked wonders...lol
Smh at some people in this thread, my dad came here illegally and didn't know one word in english but nw speaks it and knows it well, same with all myaunts and uncles. My cousin who got deported was here for about a year and could understand it well and speak it well enough to not need a translator. My pointis that there's always gonna be those lazy and worthless people that won't even attempt to learn, and those people. Come in every race, color, etc.Don't let those idiots that thought coming to the US would male life easier ruin your thought on a whole country or continent w/e.
I'll admit, enphan is personally one of my favorite ntrs of all time ... ahem ahem ... that being said, he is right on with this thread ...

Ironically im reading the immigration chapter in 'Liberty and Tyranny' by Mark Levin and it will surely open your eyes to some of the things talkedabout in this thread ...
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by Jumpshot

I think non-English speakers should attempt to learn English, but we shouldn't make them learn.
the only way they'll attempt is if they have to....

currently, they don't have to, cause they can pay their cellular, cable, electric and gas bills in spanish.....and they can buy their ice cream, laundry detergent, and paper towels in spanish, too...

i'm glad ole boy isn't on that "how are spanish speakers treated special" kick anymore, i guess the "what about the somali population?" worked wonders...lol
How would you make them learn though? Would you make it illegal to speak any other language but English? Would you create a law which compelsnon-English speakers to learn English and speak English in communication with other Americans?
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

I'll admit, enphan is personally one of my favorite ntrs of all time ... ahem ahem ... that being said, he is right on with this thread ...

Ironically im reading the immigration chapter in 'Liberty and Tyranny' by Mark Levin and it will surely open your eyes to some of the things talked about in this thread ...

How is it? I'm reading other things right now.
Originally Posted by Jumpshot

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by Jumpshot

I think non-English speakers should attempt to learn English, but we shouldn't make them learn.
the only way they'll attempt is if they have to....

currently, they don't have to, cause they can pay their cellular, cable, electric and gas bills in spanish.....and they can buy their ice cream, laundry detergent, and paper towels in spanish, too...

i'm glad ole boy isn't on that "how are spanish speakers treated special" kick anymore, i guess the "what about the somali population?" worked wonders...lol
How would you make them learn though? Would you make it illegal to speak any other language but English? Would you create a law which compels non-English speakers to learn English and speak English in communication with other Americans?
naw, like i said, i'm just complaining about private companies...

what they CAN do is tax all-foreign language-packaged products like an import, do away with ALL government funding (local, city, state and federal) for any andall bilingual education and pretty much do away with all accommodations that aren't privately owned....

i'm not even AGAINST bilingual education, i just think it's grossly appropriated to accommodate spanish-speakers moreso than any other culture orrace...

we saw what happened when Oakland proposed a bilingual education program for speakers of ebonics...

but spanish? oh, that's alright...we roll with that...


i'm not really proposing anything, just complaining.....

like i said in my first post, i have no problem with people who can't speak english and have no aspirations to learn it...

i do have a problem with people accomodating them though....

you don't wanna know english in the USA? fine...

we shouldn't SUPPORT or ENDORSE it by helping these people, specifically, when it comes back to bite them in the !@!.....especially when that same supportisn't available for ALL non-english speaking people...

Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

I'll admit, enphan is personally one of my favorite ntrs of all time ... ahem ahem
, first time for everything.....
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by Jumpshot

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by Jumpshot

I think non-English speakers should attempt to learn English, but we shouldn't make them learn.
the only way they'll attempt is if they have to....

currently, they don't have to, cause they can pay their cellular, cable, electric and gas bills in spanish.....and they can buy their ice cream, laundry detergent, and paper towels in spanish, too...

i'm glad ole boy isn't on that "how are spanish speakers treated special" kick anymore, i guess the "what about the somali population?" worked wonders...lol
How would you make them learn though? Would you make it illegal to speak any other language but English? Would you create a law which compels non-English speakers to learn English and speak English in communication with other Americans?
naw, like i said, i'm just complaining about private companies...

what they CAN do is tax all-foreign language-packaged products like an import, do away with ALL government funding (local, city, state and federal) for any and all bilingual education and pretty much do away with all accommodations that aren't privately owned....

i'm not even AGAINST bilingual education, i just think it's grossly appropriated to accommodate spanish-speakers moreso than any other culture or race...

we saw what happened when Oakland proposed a bilingual education program for speakers of ebonics...

we shouldn't SUPPORT or ENDORSE it by helping these people, specifically, when it comes back to bite them in the !@!.....especially when that same support isn't available for ALL non-english speaking people...
I do agree with that.
Originally Posted by Jumpshot

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by Jumpshot

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by Jumpshot

I think non-English speakers should attempt to learn English, but we shouldn't make them learn.
the only way they'll attempt is if they have to....

currently, they don't have to, cause they can pay their cellular, cable, electric and gas bills in spanish.....and they can buy their ice cream, laundry detergent, and paper towels in spanish, too...

i'm glad ole boy isn't on that "how are spanish speakers treated special" kick anymore, i guess the "what about the somali population?" worked wonders...lol
How would you make them learn though? Would you make it illegal to speak any other language but English? Would you create a law which compels non-English speakers to learn English and speak English in communication with other Americans?
naw, like i said, i'm just complaining about private companies...

what they CAN do is tax all-foreign language-packaged products like an import, do away with ALL government funding (local, city, state and federal) for any and all bilingual education and pretty much do away with all accommodations that aren't privately owned....

i'm not even AGAINST bilingual education, i just think it's grossly appropriated to accommodate spanish-speakers moreso than any other culture or race...

we saw what happened when Oakland proposed a bilingual education program for speakers of ebonics...
hem in the !@!.....especially when that same support isn't available for ALL non-english speaking people...
I do agree with that.

enphan put in work in this post
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

How is it? I'm reading other things right now.

theres a reason why it is the #1 best seller on amazon ... i think everyone can read it, republican, liberal, independent etc... and take something away fromit ... i have been researching the "facts" in this book and its startling how real it is ...
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

How is it? I'm reading other things right now.

theres a reason why it is the #1 best seller on amazon ... i think everyone can read it, republican, liberal, independent etc... and take something away from it ... i have been researching the "facts" in this book and its startling how real it is ...

Liberals reading it?

Remember they don't base results on facts, they base results on the "good intentions".

I'm gonna have to check it out though, I'm finishing up the "5000 Year Leap" now.
If epople don't speak english it there problem not mine. Why would I care if they can't speak it they will only hurt themselves long term but if theydon't learn and still have a job and are living fine than congrats to them.
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