Welcome to our updated site!

Just came in to say this looks really nice. To all the staff that worked on this: Thank You.

I'm sure the wrinkles will be ironed out in time.

Thank you for your kind words. I worked for nearly 24 hours straight to get this going with Meth so we definitely tried our hardest to make it as meaningful as possible. We're still working on all performance issues, and we hope to resolve those soon.
Load time is crazy. I figure that'll work itself out in time, though.

I have two requests.

1. Please extend the aspect ratio to reflect widescreen. Why is this joint 4:3 on my desktop.

2. Please extend the characters allowed for the User Name row. My x being cut off and lonely is not the business.

You can change the width below on the bottom right corner like here:

Change width.png

We'll adjust the width so your username stays on a single row. Thanks for letting us know!
One small (literally) thing I noticed is how tiny the red dot is next to unread threads. I'm on desktop using chrome btw.

For the most part I like the changes, thanks for all the hard work NT team!

Looks great! The OG theme is much smoother on mobile than desktop. I assume it’s a graphical or cache thing?
HellaSteph HellaSteph - great work! thank you!!

one request please - when we go to our watched threads, can you bring back the button to see the first unread post?

Okay, I'll put this on my list to do. I had to make sure the site is fast again before I get to requests. I appreciate your patience and will let you know once we get that back for you.
the thread galleries coming back is definitely appreciated... yesterday i was trying to find a picture and had to go back several pages... now i dont have to do all that... thanks!
Cache. We did a clean sweep and rebooted all our systems. It's tricky when we had to manually configure everything again.
Gotcha! One thing, is there a way to have different themes on mobile and desktop? Seems like when I changed to OG on mobile, it did it on desktop. I like the new theme on desktop, it just isn't smooth on mobile.
Also the dropdown menus on top used to be mouse-over driven.
The FORUMS menu opens after clicking, the other three don't open after clicking but immediately start loading a new page.
Hey Meth, whats really good with this " update"?

I was actually up 4-5am in the morning when the site was momentarily shut down for a hr or two and when it came back to the update I did not experience any lag or loading.

Now, just to see my alerts it takes almost a minute for that to show up. Same with quoting, liking posts, and I don't want to find out what else.

I know the kinks are still being worked out but it feels like NT is on a dial up connection right now.
For some reason with the default color scheme, I was having major frame rate issues on my iPhone X with iOS 13.1 , but after switching to OG, frame rate is smooth again and there’s no screen tearing as I scroll
Don't have much to say about the new look except that this wouldn't have gone up without proper testing to ensure that load times among other things are smooth. It takes minutes for a page to load and I'm on a network that is exceptionally fast.
Appreciate The Hard Work That Went In To Something Like This Fella’s And Always Open To Change :nthat: Thankful We Didn’t Have To Confirm/Change Screen-names This Go Around.

As Others Have Mentioned, Hopeful These Last Little Glitches Get Ironed Out And We’re Smooth Sailing Again!

Noticing On Mobile “OG” Mode That The Post Section Is A Little Jumpy When First Replying In A Thread Methodical Management Methodical Management

Cheers Fella’s!
Any network or latency issues? I'm from Ontario, Canada and the site's painfully slow.
My email is getting blown up w/ notifications, and I've turned everything off. Make it stop!!
Same my email just got flooded after I unwatched.

It was all the updates that got bottlenecked from the slowness of the site. Since everyone had been updating, and not being sent out, the flood came when I fixed the slowness.
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