1. What compelled Marvel to look at him him in the first place

2. What he might have done, said or pitched to get Marvel to like him (besides tattooing the logo on his chest :x)

3. What about his two other movies that could translate well into a Spidey movie

4. His level of understanding or devotion to the character

5. Whether or not Cop Car or Clown are good or objectively trash because it's likely nobody here has seen them or even wants to

I mean yall talk about everything under the sun but all of a sudden when I question this decision or try to investigate the motivations there's "nothing to discuss"? There has to be random *** rumors on a wiki page to discuss ****? :lol:
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Sounds more like you want us to speculate based off nothing to go off of. Not discuss something.


1. Maybe he has a huge buzz as an up and comer and everybody at Marvel and Sony were intrigued or maybe they wanted a novice they could get for cheap and control.

2. Maybe he pitched the greatest Spidey pitch OF ALL TIME! Or maybe he just said the right things out of all the other candidates and was cheap and easy to control

3. I ain't watch his movies and don't plan to. I'd probably watch them if I really love the Spidey movie though.

4. Talking about that is pure conjecture. None of us know this guy. Is there even one interview of him talking about directing this movie? :lol: Is there even a soundbyte of him displaying his understanding of the character. If you could provide any of those things we'd have something to discuss. If not you should just be patient and wait until they're done filming or something.

5. Answered this.

Good luck discussing this. I ain't really see any results of your investigation other than asking questions in here. More like inquiring and getting no answers cuz nobody knows. Seems you want to speculate, doesn't seem many are interested yet. Gonna be hard with limited info on dude and what he plans for the movie but if this turns in to just trashing 2 movies he made I won't knock it :lol:
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Civil War hits $400 million domestically. I wonder has the MCU peaked? Civil War won't surpass AOU or Iron Man 3.
Civil War hits $400 million domestically. I wonder has the MCU peaked? Civil War won't surpass AOU or Iron Man 3.
It's a Cap movie though. Was it expected to surpass either? The last 2 Cap movies have been pleasant surprise successes and they did a favor packing CW with Avengers.

Plus as I understand it Civil War is the first movie of the year to reach 400 mil domestic this year. To me that's just a sign of the decline of the domestic box office for movies across the board not the MCU peaking.
It never had a chance though.

If they renamed it Avengers: Civil War........... Cap 2 then maybe.
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Movie probably lost 200 mil cuz of salty IM fans :rolleyes

Homie just took a little L that's all. He'll bounce back. :smile: Just in time for Thanos.
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Disgusted? The movie still made crazy BANK. It's a massive success. At this point, revenue is insignificant. There's a lot of movies that would be content with an eighth of the revenue than CW made. I don't care how much money these films make. I just want them to be good.
Civil War hits $400 million domestically. I wonder has the MCU peaked? Civil War won't surpass AOU or Iron Man 3.
It's a Cap movie though. Was it expected to surpass either? The last 2 Cap movies have been pleasant surprise successes and they did a favor packing CW with Avengers.

Plus as I understand it Civil War is the first movie of the year to reach 400 mil domestic this year. To me that's just a sign of the decline of the domestic box office for movies across the board not the MCU peaking.

Also have to remember that Iron Man 3 was riding that Avengers hype train.

And yeah, the film might be packed to the brim with other heroes in order to create a story, but this is still a Cap film. Have to be real with yourselves about what it's capable of.
I'm disgusted that Cap 3 might not beat IM3. Combine this with GS losing last night and I'm in a foul mood :rolleyes

Cap needs more help than Steph

Cap fans are low key worse than Superman fans. At least Superman saves the world by himself on a regular basis. Captain America needs help for days, but when all is said and done his fans act as if he's the only hero on the planet :smh: This is despite the fact that he routinely pulls less weight than other members of his team when push comes to shove :lol:
Son had Spider-Man in his damn movie but couldn't pull the numbers of other superhero flicks :smh:

We just saw a film with superman, batman and Wonder Woman in it together that couldn't even make a billi. I like what civil war did and what it was for the MCU. It was like a 10 y/o wrote the screenplay. Black Panther coming outta nowhere, Spiderman coming outta nowhere. Everyone fighting. Amazing.
We just saw a film with superman, batman and Wonder Woman in it together that couldn't even make a billi. I like what civil war did and what it was for the MCU. It was like a 10 y/o wrote the screenplay. Black Panther coming outta nowhere, Spiderman coming outta nowhere. Everyone fighting. Amazing.

Superman is washed in the public eye though. Cap was not.
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