Originally Posted by WorldBreaker  

Well in Amel's defense when some says that an actor should play a certain character, I assume it's for a movie coming out in the next year or 2 not 5-10 years. 
Thanks for coming to my defense. Most ppl don't
Geeeezus rice.....

Why u hate Hakeem so much. Lol. Dont let empire fool you. He soft
plus these actors don't actually play their age anyways

Holland is playing a 15 year old Spidey when he is already 20 years old

He does that high pitched pre-puberty voice well. I already had a deep voice and a mustache when I was 14.
Dude....so apparently i didnt watch episode 11 or 12 of season 6 shameless. You aint tell me kev made his dreams come true
Dude....so apparently i didnt watch episode 11 or 12 of season 6 shameless. You aint tell me kev made his dreams come true

The episode before the season 5 finale is when I stopped watching. I was watching so many shows that I took a break from a few of them. Will definitely binge Shameless soon though. Lip's professor (Sasha Alexander) is a gawdess. The Russian ladyfriend of Kevin and V is nice too but a little dirty.
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The episode before the season 5 finale is when I stopped watching. I was watching so many shows that I took a break from a few of them. Will definitely binge Shameless soon though. Lip's professor (Sasha Alexander) is a gawdess. The Russian ladyfriend of Kevin and V is nice too but a little dirty.

all on net flix now, you won't be disappointed. it was a very good season. Sasha is a beast
Melisandre has perfect nips. Sasha got near perfect looking biddies. She'd be my lunch everyday.

I think everyone should just let go of the idea of Donald Glover playing any Spider-Man.

Curious to see what his role is in the movie though.

Been saying Robbie Robertson from the jump.

That kid is like ten. He's cool though if you guys are cool with waiting five years

you act like they making Miles Spider-Man in the next ten years :lol:

Why can't they?

Even if they chose to, this is just like the idea of them getting the X-Men or the Fantastic 4 as properties. Be real with yourself. The first Spider-Man film hasn't even come out yet. Miles wouldn't possibly be getting a film before that and that's next July. Marvel then already has 3 films coming out a year all the way through 2018, with 2 already planned for 2019. This then doesn't take into account other properties that will be viable for sequels, such as Captain Marvel and Black Panther, and obviously Spider-Man. At the earliest, Miles would get a film in 2020 if Marvel decided tomorrow to give him some attention. And that's then going to require them to change their strategy and split the franchise between Peter and Miles and would also require putting Peter's sequel on hold in order to give Miles a film. Chances are we'll be getting 3 Peter Parker Spider-Man films before a Miles Morales film. We know for a fact that Peter can pull that off and Marvel knows it too.

So that being said, the kid from Stranger Things could easily be ready for the role by the time they decide to start working on Miles. You can't judge him based on current age. It has to be like 4-6 years into the future.
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The first Spiderman is coming this summer. Ten years is a long time to not see another spiderman. Don't see why not you can't have two Spidermen at once.
No it's not, because Peter will have at least one sequel within that time, and Peter will be appearing in places like Infinity War. People will get plenty of Spider-Man. There's then no pressing need to give people a second Spider-Man, just like there's no need to give people a second person as Captain America, or Thor. Marvel has a bunch of other characters who they could be giving us right now, who have the exact same name and role as the ones they have been given us. You could make that basic argument for all of them, but clearly they don't want to do that. Probably because they're already splitting their resources with enough properties as it is. Not really any point in splitting it further just so you can see 2 Spider-Men on the screen.
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Cuz you're not really thinking it through.

Lame touched on like half of the issues of giving Miles his own movie any time soon.

First off why does Marvel need to make another Spidey solo in the first place? You say 10 years is a long time as if they'd miss out. The sequel for Peter Parker is gonna be out in like 3 years and the one after that probably in another 3.

You could make that same kind of argument for Spider-Man 2099, Scarlet Spider, etc.

The question really is why does the MCU need to be releasing 2 separate solo Spidey movies given all of the other properties they can launch?

Just seems redundant.

Also I'm more than positive by the time Miles shows up it'll be in some Peter Parker movie first anyway.
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Lol idk about releasing two separate Spidey movies at the same time. But I do think we can see a Miles spiderman in ten years time. Likely in one of Tom Holland's movies.
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