It's just the separation of comics and cartoons and mostly everything else.

Movies know who they'll have killing and not for practical reasons.

The only reason it's an issue is the atomic age of comics, McCarthyism, and the comics code authority which brought about the silver age where comics like video games after it were being blamed for creating serial killers and raising crime.

Some idiots needed somebody to blame and it's so funny not is that comics sort of was not looked at as a serious job, a childish hobby, and overall a joke. Due to all that you got this wave of heroes who were originally set coming out of WW2 or in the middle of the Korean and/or Vietnam war who would kill now vowing not to kill cuz it's fiction and somehow it'll make your kids in to murderers.

A real shame. Golden age Batman was using guns and killing when necessary.
It's not a real shame.

Not using guns and not killing are overwhelmingly positive additions to Batmans and most super hero mythology.
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It's not a real shame.

Not using guns and not killing are overwhelmingly positive additions to Batmans and most super hero mythology.
I'm sorry but being on the side of comics depicting killing of bad guys by the good guys results in murderous youth is complete and utter bull ****.

Unproven and just plain nonsense. Batman uses a gun and fools start clutching their pearls.

Spare me the the neutered version is right and the intended OG is wrong perspective.

Using guns and killing can be overwhelmingly positive to superhero mythology.
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There are plenty of comics with killing, they exist you can read them.

obviously the seduction of the innocent argument is nonsense, I'm not making a censorship argument I'm making an artistic storytelling argument.

but as it relates to batman, superman and most mainstream heroes, the reticence or outright prohibition against killing adds a dramatic tension to the super hero super villain conflicts, and adds thematic complexity that actually makes the characters more complex and mature not less.

never mind the obvious problems it creates:

if hero is willing to kill the villain, then they should kill all of them, and the story is over.
If they kill with impunnity then they the heroes become are no different from villains
If the super powered heros are handing out death sentences as vigilantes then no society would tolerate their existence.

necessity is the mother of invention, and imo no way comics reach the current cultural position they inhabit if they didn't have those limitations placed on them at a critical point in their invention.

they would have gone the way of other forms of formerly popular pulp fiction. noir, detective novels, comics would have decline like the rest of them.
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There are plenty of comics with killing, they exist you can read them.

obviously the seduction of the innocent argument is nonsense, I'm not making a censorship argument I'm making an artistic storytelling argument.
You're confused about what I'm talking about.

I'm not anti-no killing in comics. That ideology serves its purpose and can (and has) generate great stories with certain heroes. Works great for DD with the added religious angle. Works well for younger heroes. Has its place in other mediums obviously.

I was specifically talking about using comics as a scapegoat and how it curtailed artistic creatively in comics for about 25-30 years give or take. Its well documented, first hand by the creator's during the time.

but as it relates to batman, superman and most mainstream heroes, the reticence or outright prohibition against killing adds a dramatveubg nsion to the super hero super villain conflicts, and adds thematic complexity that actually makes the characters more complex and mature not less.
Killing and using a gun works in context for Batman. The reasoning against it was always weak to me. Mind you guns were phased out of Batman before the CCA but the killing issue which happened every now and then was due to the unfair and unwarranted senseless bashing of comics.

Superman is a whole other case. I wasn't talking on an individual case to case basis.

I disagree that it can't or couldn't work on a mainstream level for reasons that should be clear when we look it comics today or entertainment in general. We could go decade for decade as well. In America, the good guys killing the bad guys isn't an issues until we want to be hypocritical about our values which is simply just an ongoing theme in this country.

never mind the obvious problems it creates:

if hero is willing to kill the villain, then they should kill all of them, and the story is over.
Until the villains ressurrect, revealed to not actually be dead, are cloned, time travel return, or any other machination to bring back any villain worth being brought back cuz you know comics. Death in fiction is as finite as you want it to be in the big 2 mainstream comics business where the stories being told are serialized and never stop.

Before we get in to the whole death problem in comics my stance is it always depends on the stories being told and how they're executed. The Green Goblin can die in a great story in 2016 just to come back in 2017 or 2035 where he can be involved in great stories onward.

If they kill with impunnity then they the heroes become are no different from villains
If the super powered heros are handing out death sentences as vigilantes then no society would tolerate their existence.
This whole no different than the villain argument always sturruck me as odd and contradictory or just convienently ignoring facts. By and large all superheroes are committing the crime of vigilantism even if they're not killing with impunity (unless they work for an established recognized authority). So they're already criminals from that stand point. They're ******* up crime scenes, causing all sorts of damage and destruction in public.

As far as the killing aspect. Most would be killing in self defense or the self defense of others. Its what law enforcement usually does and wouldn't be much different other than the whole part where they're consistently committing the crime of vigilantism.

I'm really not sure the public and even the powers that be would across the board be against it in certain circumstancea let alone entire societies but hey that's an interesting issue to explore within comics in itself.

necessity is the mother of invention, and imo no way comics reach the current cultural position they inhabit if they didn't have those limitations placed on them at a critical point in their invention.

they would have gone the way of other forms of formerly popular pulp fiction. noir, detective novels, comics would have decline like the rest of them.
I disagree with this completely :lol:

Especially when we look at the start date of comics, it's success, then it's waning in popularity, and then it's sudden ressurrgence and then continued succes.

The idea that without that period where comics was being stupidly policied was needed cuz creators were just ready to have Green Lantern throw a bus full of criminals in to sun is bull ****. The editors of both companies know how to set their own limitations. The creators at that time doing mainstream comics (many of which created the mainstream heroes themselves) know what works for each and every character.

People have been naysaying with doom and gloom predicting the death of the comics industry since its inception for all sorts of reasons. Now I'm being told that bull **** era of McCarthysim, pseudo intellectuals using faux science/psychology who had a soapbox that gave us the CCA was a good thing. Instead of comics survivng it like the majority recognizes it.

:smh: :stoneface: :x Not buying it.
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This is definitely not holding back. No way this guy is alive after being sent over with shattered ribs and his internal organs dented by Cap's foot. :lol:


Cap is a soldier and these are armed combatants. The reason he told Bucky not to kill in CW was because he was trying to prove that that man was innocent of the bombing. Killing UN soldiers wouldn't help his case but neither would running so Cap is just an idiot.
Says a lot that Cap doesn't even bother to check on him to see if he's ok or to tie a rope around his ankles to make sure he doesn't die Batman style. Like he straight up kicks dude with the strength of America and then lets him fall to his death :lol: Son just doesn't give a ****. :rofl: Once Justice League comes out I wonder who will drop more bodies, the League or the Avengers.
Says a lot that Cap doesn't even bother to check on him to see if he's ok or to tie a rope around his ankles to make sure he doesn't die Batman style. Like he straight up kicks dude with the strength of America and then lets him fall to his death :lol: Son just doesn't give a ****. :rofl: Once Justice League comes out I wonder who will drop more bodies, the League or the Avengers.

Hmmm... I'm thinking JL
Doc Strange Sneek Peek in Select Theaters


...also announced that an exhibition of 15 minutes of exclusive footage from the film across 115 North American theaters on October 10 at 7 PM.

“As a movie fan, I am thrilled to take audiences along on the visual journey of ‘Doctor Strange’ and give them an early peek at what we’ve been working on,” director Scott Derrickson said. “The completed film will feature more than an hour of specially formatted IMAX sequences that will provide audiences with a totally immersive—and mind-blowing—film-going experience and I’m excited to share a taste of that with our fans on 10/10.”
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So wait is that an advanced screening or just 15 min of Imax viewing? :nerd:

I don't want a tease a month before the movie.
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