I think Marvel Studios nailed it with the current Peter Parker. I'm not the biggest fan of the last two guys. Toby was good in the first two, but oh my lawd was he annoying in number 3.
what did you guys think of tobey macguire as spiderman?

Loved him. Great Peter Parker, great Spider-Man. Really the two flaws for me were in the fighting style and the lack of joking around from his Spider-Man. Beyond that he had everything the character needs.
^ In the comics, isn't Peter supposed to be a nerd who also happens to be very charming and a bit of a joker?
^ In the comics, isn't Peter supposed to be a nerd who also happens to be very charming and a bit of a joker?

In the comics Peter Parker's (depending on the era) a quiet guy in his everyday life, but very outspoken and wisecracking as Spider-Man. He then attracts a number of women over the years, while also being intelligent.
^ So in essence, it's similar to the duality of Bruce Wayne/Batman?

Where one is his mask and the other is his true identity
^ So in essence, it's similar to the duality of Bruce Wayne/Batman?

Where one is his mask and the other is his true identity

Naah, I wouldn't go that far. Really, depending on the version we're talking about I wouldn't go that far for Bruce Wayne/Batman either. But that character (And Superman years and years ago) is the only mainstream hero I can think of who really has that going as a regular thing for DC. The Hulk's got it over in Marvel 99% of the time.

Peter Parker and Spider-Man are much more like two halves of the same coin, with Peter being able to do or say things as Spider-Man that he couldn't as regular old Peter Parker. Though this definitely depends on the era more than anything else, because by the time he's a grown man and married to Mary Jane there's no difference anymore.
^ So in essence, it's similar to the duality of Bruce Wayne/Batman?

Where one is his mask and the other is his true identity
Not necessarily. Bruce Wayne's act is just that, something he puts on to fool the public and even "friends". In reality, he's a determined borderline psychotic, disciplined guy focused on one thing.

With Pete it's different. Before his powers, he really was just a nerdy shy dude who deep down did want to do the cool things like date girls, stick up for himself, and just have fun like many real teenagers. Spider-Man powers gave him an outlet to do that while also having a wildly different personality to the point nobody would detect he and Spidey were the same. For him it's wish fulfillment realized. Then the whole responsibility and accountability thing checks in so he saves ppl, tries to earn money to help out his aunt, etc.

Yo this was so cringey. Like man, who was the old cornball who thought this would be the coolest thing ever? Did no one current interject?

I liked Tobey though, just not enough Spiderman swag from him.
In hindsight, it wasn't meant to be cool. It was jokey and honestly, almost every successful Sam Raimi project injects that type of corny humor at some point (Hercules, Xena, Ash, etc.)

Not excusing it but this was not a by the book adaption of the effects of the Venom symbiote.
Isn't that what's going on in comics right? Would be dope.

there were some concept drawings but it never came out. :smh:
So dude who was gonna do it (forget his name but he's writing Nightwing and exclusive to DC now) stopped doing by his own decision due to the current climate of same race writers penning same race characters (and same gender writers penning same gender characters) feeling it was not right for w/e reason to do it any longer and pressure (from where? who knows) despite Marvel's support.

Marvel had to stall. They then tapped Afua Richardson (a black female artist and possibly transitioning to writer) to do the book and she tweeted about doing it some time early this year or late last year. She even posted some of her partial art for it.

At the moment it's up in the air where it's at.

Couple that with all the rumor talk that Marvel studios is doing something with Blade in the movies or tv and there's something up with the whole property.
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Y'all confident MBJ can play a villain?

Can somebody describe the character he's playin? Sam with Winston Duke's character.
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dont know much about black panther but im excited for his solo movie. looks promising.
I thought someone posted saying that Raimi was mad at the studio so he basically gave no dambs about the last movie.
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