[h1]The Ultimate Universe Is Possible In The Marvel Cinematic Universe[/h1]

Marvel President Kevin Feige has teased for months that Doctor Strange  will open up the concept of a multiverse – universes that are tangentially connected, alternate realities and dimensions.

During a set visit, he clarified that stance and explained what shape that multiverse could take in the film.

"When comic book fans hear parallel dimensions or multiple dimensions, they think of Earth 616 and Earth 617 or Earth 618," Feige said. "That's all possible, but what we're playing with in this world is that there are dimensions. That the other dimensions are not just parallel realities.”

So, while it’s certainly possible that worlds like the Ultimate Universe, the Squadron Supreme’s world, or a world where the Avengers are evil could all exist in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (or is that the Marvel Cinematic Multiverse?), don’t expect to see those on screen in Doctor Strange.

Feige continued to explain the dimensions we will  see, name-dropping a major Doctor Strange villain along the way.

“Although some of them are [parallel realities]… there are the dark dimension, where Dormammu inhabits. There are dimensions that are so mind-bending that you can barely perceive them. There are dimensions that ... That's where a lot of the Ditko images come from. They're dimensions that are just mind trips, that the human mind can barely fathom, which is why it's hard to turn them into something to show an audience in November,” he said with a laugh. “We’re playing as much with the multiverse as alien dimensions for lack of a better term, than as parallel realities where there’s a Strange that wears Iron Man armor! We’re not there yet.”

Perhaps that’ll be Doctor Strange 2  or 3, a few years down the road.

Doctor Strange  is in theaters November 4, 2016.

So dimensions are just your typical magical realms and what not.

More Weirdworld and Limbo than Squadron Supreme universe.
Black Panther Finds Its M’Baku in Winston Duke



Dude left an impression when he was in Person of Interest.
That's my boy from college
Is it safe to go in the netflix thread or have fools pretty much already marathon luke cage and just itching to spoil?
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 [h1]The Ultimate Universe Is Possible In The Marvel Cinematic Universe[/h1]

Marvel President Kevin Feige has teased for months that Doctor Strange  will open up the concept of a multiverse – universes that are tangentially connected, alternate realities and dimensions.

During a set visit, he clarified that stance and explained what shape that multiverse could take in the film.

"When comic book fans hear parallel dimensions or multiple dimensions, they think of Earth 616 and Earth 617 or Earth 618," Feige said. "That's all possible, but what we're playing with in this world is that there are dimensions. That the other dimensions are not just parallel realities.”

So, while it’s certainly possible that worlds like the Ultimate Universe, the Squadron Supreme’s world, or a world where the Avengers are evil could all exist in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (or is that the Marvel Cinematic Multiverse?), don’t expect to see those on screen in Doctor Strange.

Feige continued to explain the dimensions we will  see, name-dropping a major Doctor Strange villain along the way.

“Although some of them are [parallel realities]… there are the dark dimension, where Dormammu inhabits. There are dimensions that are so mind-bending that you can barely perceive them. There are dimensions that ... That's where a lot of the Ditko images come from. They're dimensions that are just mind trips, that the human mind can barely fathom, which is why it's hard to turn them into something to show an audience in November,” he said with a laugh. “We’re playing as much with the multiverse as alien dimensions for lack of a better term, than as parallel realities where there’s a Strange that wears Iron Man armor! We’re not there yet.”

Perhaps that’ll be Doctor Strange 2  or 3, a few years down the road.

Doctor Strange  is in theaters November 4, 2016.

So if Marvel did ever get the rights back to X-Men, they could say they're from another universe lol.
[h1]The Ultimate Universe Is Possible In The Marvel Cinematic Universe[/h1]


Marvel President Kevin Feige has teased for months that Doctor Strange
 will open up the concept of a multiverse – universes that are tangentially connected, alternate realities and dimensions.

During a set visit, he clarified that stance and explained what shape that multiverse could take in the film.

"When comic book fans hear parallel dimensions or multiple dimensions, they think of Earth 616 and Earth 617 or Earth 618," Feige said. "That's all possible, but what we're playing with in this world is that there are dimensions. That the other dimensions are not just parallel realities.”

So, while it’s certainly possible that worlds like the Ultimate Universe, the Squadron Supreme’s world, or a world where the Avengers are evil could all exist in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (or is that the Marvel Cinematic Multiverse?), don’t expect to see those on screen in Doctor Strange

Feige continued to explain the dimensions we will
 see, name-dropping a major Doctor Strange villain along the way.

“Although some of them are [parallel realities]… there are the dark dimension, where Dormammu inhabits. There are dimensions that are so mind-bending that you can barely perceive them. There are dimensions that ... That's where a lot of the Ditko images come from. They're dimensions that are just mind trips, that the human mind can barely fathom, which is why it's hard to turn them into something to show an audience in November,” he said with a laugh. “We’re playing as much with the multiverse as alien dimensions for lack of a better term, than as parallel realities where there’s a Strange that wears Iron Man armor! We’re not there yet.”

Perhaps that’ll be Doctor Strange 2
 or 3
, a few years down the road.

Doctor Strange
 is in theaters November 4, 2016.

So if Marvel did ever get the rights back to X-Men, they could say they're from another universe lol.

F4 or DC?

I really do hope we get an amalgam film in my lifetime, let Marvel handle the story/writing/directing/editing and let SnyderGod do the action sequences and fight scenes.
Some ppl were a little reckless so I had to unsub. It's not that I'm entering the thread but I hate how you can see the last post in complete form from outside the thread on mobile now.

Two episodes in and I think I'm going to like Luke Cage better than I liked Daredevil and Jessica Jones.
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