Ehh a gun wasn't being held to Ant Man and Hawkeye. They made an informed decision as adults to join the cause.

Peter's brain is still forming. He doesn't have the mental capacity to consent. Tony might as well have kidnapped him.
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Naah, he just asks random citizens to join in his war and to abandon their children, thereby becoming international criminals :lol: Steve Rogers, man of the year :rofl:
As opposed to single handedly killing a bunch of people in Sokovia due to your creation? How can facist Tony fix his entitled lips to suggest that Avengers need to be put in check? He needs to be put in check. None of these events would have happended if Scumbag Tony would have lived within his means. Now Cap and crew have to constantly clean up his messes. Tony Stank's behavior is CRIMINAL!!

Wonder how many people die without tony being involved with avengers..

Who else flies the nuke out?
Naah, he just asks random citizens to join in his war and to abandon their children, thereby becoming international criminals :lol: Steve Rogers, man of the year :rofl:
As opposed to single handedly killing a bunch of people in Sokovia due to your creation? How can facist Tony fix his entitled lips to suggest that Avengers need to be put in check? He needs to be put in check. None of these events would have happended if Scumbag Tony would have lived within his means. Now Cap and crew have to constantly clean up his messes. Tony Stank's behavior is CRIMINAL!!
Are you just ignoring what happened in the beginning of the movie? :lol:

Take Ultron out of the equation and wanting to reestablish the checks and balances the Avengers had via SHIELD back in the Avengers movie was only a matter of time.

Cuz of Steve and his team, ppl died cuz they decided to pursue a crazy terrorist and co. trying to move a biological weapon in a populated city.

Plus Hydra still running around is Steve's fault.

:smh: But yeah, blame Tony.

Wonder how many people die without tony being involved with avengers..

Who else flies the nuke out?
The Hulk would have smacked that B**** out tha air!!

View media item 2277183

Tony gets no credit for that.
You're seriously suggesting the Hulk hit a nuke at point blank range? :lol:

You trying to kill and poison the entire eastern seaboard.
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Dudes completely skipped WS.. and wasn't cap's wanna be girlfriend one of the founders of shield
 Originally Posted by WorldBreaker  

[thread="583561"]Marvel C U Thread Dr Strange Out Now New Gotg2 Trailer Comes Out Tomorrow/33930#post_27215267​[/thread]
The winter soldier is a criminal without what he was framed for in CW. The law is the law. There is no I was brainwashed exemption. He's still have to go through due process.

Steve should've tried to do it on his own since it was personal.
Wasn't Tony going to kill the WS once he saw the video of his parents murder?
Imagine what cap nazi would have done if he saw his parents get killed...

Considering the bridges he burned for folks just trying to capture his butt buddy

BP and tony deserved to off couple folks.. but cap & co getting butt hurt about a known crazy being stuck in a massive facility

Speaking of the crazy, isn't that why her previous actions were forgiven because of the deaths she witnessed and what she suffered?
I wasn't questioning Steve's actions. I was calling into question Tony's and Zik saying that WS should have to go through due process when it looked like Tony was going to kill him at the end. If the roles were reversed, I'm sure Cap would do some crazy ****. I never said Cap wasn't a scumbag. I think they are both scumy.
Scumbag Steve kept interfering so we never got to see if Tony would've went through with it.

T'Challa managed to hold himself back.
Fair point, but who waits to see if someone is going to kill their friend or not? Also T'Challa isn't Tony. T'Challa held himself back at the end of the movie after realizing what was going on. 

Thor in the movies can only fly with a hammer in his hands. Nuke in the other hand?
His hammer could have shorted out the nuke with a jolt of electricity.

Yes, cuz Thor has shown to have that precision with lightning so many times before.

Strike a nuke with lightning above NYC :lol: Okay that'll work. Next you'll tell me Hawkeye could've shot an arrow to hit the off switch on the nuke.

You still trying to kill and poison everybody b.

Unless Dr. Strange time travels to save the day everybody dying if Tony aint there
You're seriously suggesting the Hulk hit a nuke at point blank range? :lol:

You trying to kill and poison the entire eastern seaboard.

I'm saying :lol: Hulk destroying a nuke doesn't mean that the blast doesn't still happen, thereby still killing that entire city full of people. :rofl:

Naah, he just asks random citizens to join in his war and to abandon their children, thereby becoming international criminals :lol: Steve Rogers, man of the year :rofl:
As opposed to single handedly killing a bunch of people in Sokovia due to your creation? How can facist Tony fix his entitled lips to suggest that Avengers need to be put in check? He needs to be put in check. None of these events would have happended if Scumbag Tony would have lived within his means. Now Cap and crew have to constantly clean up his messes. Tony Stank's behavior is CRIMINAL!!

Thor, Winter Soldier, Dark World, Incredible Hulk, etc. None of those had anything to do with Tony, all featured losses of life, which led to the Sokovia Accords being drafted, as covered by Ross at the start of Civil War :lol: People can try to blame Tony for this as much as they want, but it was a group effort. Hell, the final nail in the coffin wasn't even Sokovia. It was Cap and his B-team's unregulated jaunt into Africa, which didn't even make sense from a tactical standpoint. You get word of a terrorist threatening to steal a bio-weapon and you don't inform the authorities? You leave behind a heavy hitter like Vision, who has the ability to go intangible? After your mission takes a bad turn you avoid taking any kind of responsibility for it to make up for what you did? :smh: Face it, Steve Rogers is a scumbag. Yeah, Tony messed up in Sokovia, but at least he recognized it and was willing to work with the people of the world to use his abilities to do better in the future. Steve Rogers would rather just continue on the path he's on.

"The safest hands are still ours"

No the **** they aren't you maniac. Best you could do on your own was crash a ship into the ice.
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Fair point, but who waits to see if someone is going to kill their friend or not?
Who doesn't tell their friend that their other friend killed their parents? Who protects the killer of your friend's parents? Steve had no right. Should've stayed out of it.

Hell Steve could've waited until at least it looked like Tony was gonna really kill him in cold blood. Nah he just kept throwing his shield and jumping in. He had no firm stance or a convincing argument to even try to help Tony reach some clarity.

He saw a friend in pain face to face with the murderer of his parents with video proof and a sad sap long time friend that's killed hundreds if not thousands for Hydra and sided with the killer.
Also T'Challa isn't Tony.
I didn't say he was. I just made an apt comparison.

T'Challa held himself back at the end of the movie after realizing what was going on. 
T'Challa spent the entire movie trying to kill Bucky cuz he thought he killed his dad. That's it. When he found out it was Zemo and he orchestrated the whole thing he held back especially after getting a look at Tony who was angry for the same exact reasons.

Tony began to fight Bucky and scumbag Steve was jumping in from the start.

One on one we don't know what Tony does at that key moment.

That's the facts.
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  T'Challa spent the entire movie trying to kill Bucky cuz he thought he killed his dad. That's it. When he found out it was Zemo and he orchestrated the whole thing he held back especially after getting a look at Tony who was angry for the same exact reasons.
Tony began to fight Bucky and scumbag Steve was jumping in from the start.

One on one we don't know what Tony does at that key moment.

That's the facts.
Like you said T'Challa spent the entire movie trying to kill WS. When he figured out it was Zemo and saw what it did to the Avengers he held back.

It was the reverse for Tony no? He wanted to bring WS in, finds out he was actually framed by Zemo, goes to help, see's the video, goes into revenge mode. I don't see how Tony's actions through out the movie would indicate he would have held himself back like T'Challa. 
Who doesn't tell their friend that their other friend killed their parents? Who protects the killer of your friend's parents? Steve had no right. Should've stayed out of it.

Hell Steve could've waited until at least it looked like Tony was gonna really kill him in cold blood. Nah he just kept throwing his shield and jumping in. He had no form stance or a convincing argument to even try to help Tony reach some clarity.
Can't really argue this without digging a bigger hole. you win 
but not sure what that has to do with Tony and his ability to stop himself from killing Bucky.
I'm comparing both men's motives for pursuing their parents killers. Tony was never given the chance to reach the point T'Challa had. He could've let up. He was talking to Bucky in between Steve jumping in.
I don't see how Tony's actions through out the movie would indicate he would have held himself back like T'Challa.
I'm accounting for Tony's character growth and character arc since the first Iron Man movie. Not just Civil War.

Tony is not prone to angry fits of revenge filled murderous rage to say the least.

At best, without Steve's involvement Tony just takes a leg from Bucky. Then gives him a metal one later on.
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When I saw this thread jump like 40-something posts, I got all hype like Marvel blessed us with some new media. 'Til I found out its just some more NT Civil War. :lol:
When I saw this thread jump like 40-something posts, I got all hype like Marvel blessed us with some new media. 'Til I found out its just some more NT Civil War. :lol:

Blame Jay's friend for not being a real friend getting him a Scumbag Tony Stank poster
Everyone in this thread should be well aware of the terrible life choices you have made if you end up on the same side as tdogg
When I saw this thread jump like 40-something posts, I got all hype like Marvel blessed us with some new media. 'Til I found out its just some more NT Civil War. :lol:

Blame it on Jay for posting a horrible Christmas gift. :lol:


Oh Tdogg beat me to it.

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