The Sokovia Act basically means that the Avengers (or any hero) must join the task force under the supervision of the UN in order to act or do something right? So why does Stark answer to Ross in the movie? 

Black Widow wasn't locked up with the others right? She's MIA at the end of the movie? 
Spidey is the last guy left to be confirmed in Infinity War. According to Tom Holland, Sony and Disney are still negotiating :rolleyes

You already have Dr Strange, GotG and Captain Marvel confirmed in there, so get it done Disney :rolleyes

It really would suck if negotiations take so long that it's like another civil war situation where he's not confirmed until late in shooting and writers got to scramble to shoehorn Spidey in somewhere.
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Spidey is the last guy left to be confirmed in Infinity War. According to Tom Holland, Sony and Disney are still negotiating

You already have Dr Strange, GotG and Captain Marvel confirmed in there, so get it done Disney

It really would suck if negotiations take so long that it's like another civil war situation where he's not confirmed until late in shooting and writers got to scramble to shoehorn Spidey in somewhere.
Wow, that really sucks. I'm surprised that wasn't already written in the initial contract agreement. They better have him in the 1st or 2nd Infinity War film.

So Captain Marvel will make her debut in Infinity War?
I went and re-watched Civil War last night. And I further reaffirm my position that Tony Stank is the root cause of everything. 
 Vision: In the 8 years since Mr. Stark announced himself as Iron Man, the number of known enhanced persons has grown exponentially. And during the same period, a number of potentially world-ending events has risen at a commensurable rate. 
Steve Rogers: Are you saying it's our fault? 
Vision: I'm saying there may be a causality. Our very strength invites challenge. Challenge incites conflict. And conflict... breeds catastrophe. Oversight... Oversight is not an idea that can be dismissed out of hand. 
Even Vision knows what's sup. Stank's arrogant nature and path of self destructive behavior has cost the life's of countless citizens. 
how long has hydra been operating within the shield that was formed by peggy carter?

and what does IM have to do with all of the infinite stones that are on earth, I don't remember any of them being present in any of the 3 IM movies
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Seriously tho. Horrible Situation for everyone involved. Movie really made the conflict really... grey.
not really.. I'm supposed to side with the dude who didn't even read the document

vision siding with tony confirmed the point that there had to at least be some perimeters to their actions.. and one would think that someone as supposedly in love with the military as cap and even falcon are, they would get it

cap has dealt primarily with 1 single enemy his whole damn life and he has allowed that to cloud every single decision he makes.. literally, dude thinks the only people who can now be trusted are them (and peggy's niece)

instead of learning from previous mistakes and trying to make something better, do thinks that they and only they are capable of handling the problems of the world.. and only they should have the information and say
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how long has hydra been operating within the shield that was formed by peggy carter?

and what does IM have to do with all of the infinite stones that are on earth, I don't remember any of them being present in any of the 3 IM movies
Howard Stark was also a founder of  S.H.I.E.L.D. don't forget that.
how long has hydra been operating within the shield that was formed by peggy carter?

and what does IM have to do with all of the infinite stones that are on earth, I don't remember any of them being present in any of the 3 IM movies
Howard Stark was also a founder of  S.H.I.E.L.D. don't forget that.
and got offed by cap's bestie.. why didn't the other founder get offed?

also, where would cap have been without howard stark?
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and got offed by cap's bestie.. why didn't the other founder get offed?
Because she wasn't the one with the super soldier serum.... WS's mission was to retrieve the serum and to leave no witnesses.
also, where would cap have been without howard stark?
Nowhere. I have no problem with Howard. Only brought him up because you're making it seem like Peggy created shield on her own.
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Can't see how anyone can cape for Scumbag Steve.

His own best friend killed Tony parents. And what makes it worst he knew about it.
Can't see how anyone can cape for Scumbag Steve.

His own best friend killed Tony parents. And what makes it worst he knew about it.
see.. I don't even think it gets that far.. steve never even attempted to read the document

he decided, before even reading the damn thing, that he was opposed to it.. so after everything that happened, that he was involved in, dude was against the idea of regulation

a dude we preaches the values of the military and all that jazz and values and other BS.. but against regulation in form, except for certain people
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^^ Not that it matters, but just because he didn't read it on screen, doesn't mean he didn't read it. Ross presented the document and said "talk it over". Cut back to them in the room after some time has passed, and the avengers are arguing about it. I thought it was clear that they went over the document together.

Let's be honest. The Team Stark vs Team Rogers debate was over before it even began 
. Evidence against Cap is overwhelming, but no need to stretch to further prove Steve's scumbagary.
Can't see how anyone can cape for Scumbag Steve.

His own best friend killed Tony parents. And what makes it worst he knew about it.

Tony was wronged on so many levels. WS killed his folks, His mans was crippled, takes blame for everything in the MCU, and Steve stabbed him in the back. Too much for one man to take. :smh:
Can't see how anyone can cape for Scumbag Steve.

His own best friend killed Tony parents. And what makes it worst he knew about it.
And how many orphans and widows did scumbag tony create? Hell Wanda and Pietro were orphaned due to stank's weapons. Tony killed Zemo's family because his ego created ultron. 
Wouldn't eem be any Avengers without Tony's brain and resources. While they were chillin in Stark Tower, decked out in state of the art gear, slinging vibranium shields, and flourishing off of a super soldier serum developed by a Stark, the guy wants to not tell the man who has been nothing but charitable to him, that his lover killed his parents.

That revisionist history...

The Avengers happened cuz of Shield. Not Stark. Without Stark's money, they would've just gone to the next rich guy willing to support a bunch of superheroes.. There'd be no shortage of rich guys willing to do that either.
Iron Man took them on 2 vs. 1 like a G.

So S.H.I.E.L.D. made all the tech and super soldier serums that came from the Stark family? Cap still didn't tell Tony (after all of his charity) that his lover Bucky killed his parents.
I went and re-watched Civil War last night. And I further reaffirm my position that Tony Stank is the root cause of everything. 

[QUOTE url="[URL]http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0079273/[/URL]"]
 Vision:In the 8 years since Mr. Stark announced himself as Iron Man, the number of known enhanced persons has grown exponentially. And during the same period, a number of potentially world-ending events has risen at a commensurable rate. 
Steve Rogers:Are you saying it's our fault? 
Vision: I'm saying there may be a causality. Our very strength invites challenge. Challenge incites conflict. And conflict... breeds catastrophe. Oversight... Oversight is not an idea that can be dismissed out of hand. 
Even Vision knows what's sup. Stank's arrogant nature and path of self destructive behavior has cost the life's of countless citizens. 

That's not even close to what Vision is saying though :lol: He's literally only saying that the number of enhanced individuals has increased since Iron Man and that their very existence invites others to challenge them. Nowhere in that comment is Tony's personality being critiqued. Furthermore, this is also a part of him making the argument that the Avengers NEED to be put under control and that the safest hands aren't their's, which goes directly against what Old Man Rogers is saying. So, pick a side. If you're supporting Vision's statement, then you're admitting that Steve On the Run Rogers was wrong and that all he really accomplished was splitting his team due to lies, self-doubt, and a consistent need to call in other people to save his budy Bucky :rolleyes
That's not even close to what Vision is saying though
He's literally only saying that the number of enhanced individuals has increased since Iron Man and that their very existence invites others to challenge them. Nowhere in that comment is Tony's personality being critiqued. Furthermore, this is also a part of him making the argument that the Avengers NEED to be put under control and that the safest hands aren't their's, which goes directly against what Old Man Rogers is saying. So, pick a side. If you're supporting Vision's statement, then you're admitting that Steve On the Run Rogers was wrong and that all he really accomplished was splitting his team due to lies, self-doubt, and a consistent need to call in other people to save his budy Bucky
That is exactly what Vision is saying. Sugar coat it all you want. Iron Man's very existance caused an arms race. The likes of Whiplash, iron monger, aldridge killian, ultron, scarlet witch, and quick silver wouldn't exist if it weren't for Tony " he killed my mum " Stank. The avengers as a whole doesn't need to be put in check, only mr. shell head. Cap's actions didn't put world security at risk. No, that was all stank. Cap and co saved the world by themselves. And they didn't need government oversight to accomplish that.  The only reason for these Sakovia Accords is because Tony doesn't want Cap to outshine him. Now he wants to level the playing field because Cap is the true leader of the Avengers.
I went and re-watched Civil War last night. And I further reaffirm my position that Tony Stank is the root cause of everything. 

[QUOTE url="[URL]http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0079273/[/URL]"]
 Vision:In the 8 years since Mr. Stark announced himself as Iron Man, the number of known enhanced persons has grown exponentially. And during the same period, a number of potentially world-ending events has risen at a commensurable rate. 
Steve Rogers:Are you saying it's our fault? 
Vision: I'm saying there may be a causality. Our very strength invites challenge. Challenge incites conflict. And conflict... breeds catastrophe. Oversight... Oversight is not an idea that can be dismissed out of hand. 
Even Vision knows what's sup. Stank's arrogant nature and path of self destructive behavior has cost the life's of countless citizens. 
Bruh you keep ignoring things for convenience :lol:

Vision was talking from a scientific satistical standpoint.

Notice the words "our" constantly used. He clearly elaborates on his point :lol: Its no different than what Thor said about humanity signaling to the universe they're ready for a higher form of war by using the cube to make weapons. But yeah you wanna blame Tony for that too :lol: :smh:

You need to be quoting all the incidents Ross mentioned for why they're in the position they're in at Civil War.

Tony Stark didn't kill a bunch of Wakandans in pursuit of a bio weapon.

The Sokovia Act basically means that the Avengers (or any hero) must join the task force under the supervision of the UN in order to act or do something right? So why does Stark answer to Ross in the movie? 
Black Widow wasn't locked up with the others right? She's MIA at the end of the movie? 
Ross apparently is in charge or or be US appointed liaison of the UN taskforce. Given the majority of powered or vigilante heroes are American it makes sense.

Black Panther doesn't answer to him. I assume Widow has US citizenship by now given all that work for SHIELD. Vision is technically born here too.

Spidey is the last guy left to be confirmed in Infinity War. According to Tom Holland, Sony and Disney are still negotiating :rolleyes

You already have Dr Strange, GotG and Captain Marvel confirmed in there, so get it done Disney :rolleyes

It really would suck if negotiations take so long that it's like another civil war situation where he's not confirmed until late in shooting and writers got to scramble to shoehorn Spidey in somewhere.
The deal been done.

You falling for the actor can't spoil details about the movie when it's already a foregone conclusion.

:rolleyes @ being duped. Sony already bent the knee and have Marvel/Disney doing their solo Spidey flick for them.
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That's not even close to what Vision is saying though :lol: He's literally only saying that the number of enhanced individuals has increased since Iron Man and that their very existence invites others to challenge them. Nowhere in that comment is Tony's personality being critiqued. Furthermore, this is also a part of him making the argument that the Avengers NEED to be put under control and that the safest hands aren't their's, which goes directly against what Old Man Rogers is saying. So, pick a side. If you're supporting Vision's statement, then you're admitting that Steve On the Run Rogers was wrong and that all he really accomplished was splitting his team due to lies, self-doubt, and a consistent need to call in other people to save his budy Bucky :rolleyes
That is exactly what Vision is saying. Sugar coat it all you want. Iron Man's very existance caused an arms race. The likes of Whiplash, iron monger, aldridge killian, ultron, scarlet witch, and quick silver wouldn't exist if it weren't for Tony " he killed my mum " Stank. The avengers as a whole doesn't need to be put in check, only mr. shell head. Cap's actions didn't put world security at risk. No, that was all stank. Cap and co saved the world by themselves. And they didn't need government oversight to accomplish that.  The only reason for these Sakovia Accords is because Tony doesn't want Cap to outshine him. Now he wants to level the playing field because Cap is the true leader of the Avengers.

Exactly, his EXISTENCE. None of that other **** you mentioned about his personality had any role to play in it :lol: **** outta here. You're out here talking about people sugar coating it, but you're completely ignoring the context of what Vision is saying. He literally disagrees with you, but you're trying to use his argument as proof of the Avengers not needing to be put in check :rofl: Pure comedy.
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That revisionist history...

The Avengers happened cuz of Shield. Not Stark.
Remind me again which Avenger made sure SHIELD wouldn't be rebuilt right away forcing Fury and then Coulson to make them work 100% in the shadows?
Without Stark's money, they would've just gone to the next rich guy willing to support a bunch of superheroes..

There'd be no shortage of rich guys willing to do that either.
Name one rich guy in the MCU willing to do that?

Also trying to simplify this down to the Avengers needs a rich guy to back then while ignoring Tony's genius is plain silly.
That's not even close to what Vision is saying though :lol: He's literally only saying that the number of enhanced individuals has increased since Iron Man and that their very existence invites others to challenge them. Nowhere in that comment is Tony's personality being critiqued. Furthermore, this is also a part of him making the argument that the Avengers NEED to be put under control and that the safest hands aren't their's, which goes directly against what Old Man Rogers is saying. So, pick a side. If you're supporting Vision's statement, then you're admitting that Steve On the Run Rogers was wrong and that all he really accomplished was splitting his team due to lies, self-doubt, and a consistent need to call in other people to save his budy Bucky :rolleyes
That is exactly what Vision is saying. Sugar coat it all you want. Iron Man's very existance caused an arms race. The likes of Whiplash, iron monger, aldridge killian, ultron, scarlet witch, and quick silver wouldn't exist if it weren't for Tony " he killed my mum " Stank. The avengers as a whole doesn't need to be put in check, only mr. shell head. Cap's actions didn't put world security at risk. No, that was all stank. Cap and co saved the world by themselves. And they didn't need government oversight to accomplish that.  The only reason for these Sakovia Accords is because Tony doesn't want Cap to outshine him. Now he wants to level the playing field because Cap is the true leader of the Avengers.
You sound wild ignorant on the facts bruh :lol:

Avengers were conceived by a part of the government.

The original government oversight was SHIELD.

Tony's stance has nothing to do with outshining anyone. Pay attention. Scumbag Steve wanted Tony to join him.

Scumbag Steve is a delusional anarchist suffering from severe ptsd. Don't you see how he's moving?; never takes care of Hydra, falls asleep on the job for decades, then when he returns accuses a spy and defense organization for being a spy and defense organization when they prepare for war with new weaponry, prevents SHIELD from returning on a global stage just so he can try to protect the world with one team, still fails to end Hydra, and then when the UN tries to reestablish some oversight for the Avengers he becomes a criminal on the run cuz he believes no one other than his team can protect ppl and to save his murderous lover.

Dude is a mad man.
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Poor Pete having to be mentored by that scumbag for Homecoming :frown:

He has the wrong hero teaching him the ways

Who says 'leave the flying man to the others?' That's being a lazy superhero
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