Then y'all will say fans of Tony Starks are always drudging up these Tony vs. Colonizer debates

"colonizer" is not only hypocritical when supporting a man whose wealth influences global politics, but an unbearable insult to an egalitarian defender of justice.

them's fighting words, cousin.

Or the old belligerent man who's bellicose nature is the only reason he clings to life.

No war, no Rogers.

do you realize that this is your line of logic in defending the merits of a depressed alcoholic warmonger?
Yes. Arms dealer, tech monopoly, etc

think you're confusing tony with obadiah (at least philosophically)

tony wasnt actively seeking war prior to becoming IM (and even then he went looking for his weapons).. shhh before he became IM, seems the only thing he was actively seeking was a good time.. he was in that situation doing a weapons presentation to the US government

but the US government has a long history of supplying weapons to war torn nations
You should post more often.
Not with these kind of posts
you mean like when a certain somebody drafted a 16 year old boy into intergalactic combat on a school night and had him turn to Old Bay in his arms?

It's like you colonizers don't pay attention AT ALL.

Who was the one that told Peter to go back? Who actually tried to send him back?


But show me the scene where he drafted Peter in to intergalactic combat?

Then there's the main thing where you don't understand that it doesn't matter where Peter was or what he was doing. Going to Titan isn't what killed him.

Thanos completing the IG and snapping his finger is what killed Peter Parker


So yeah nothing like that.
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They didn’t give a crap until civil war was released.

Colonizer been corny since his first movie. Not getting the Peggy cheeks. He had every deficiency known to man then just started calling himself a Captain with no tactical training. Plus he let Hydra outsmart him and make him freeze himself. Loki sonned him too.

Feige and company honestly did nothing in Phase 1 to highlight him in a positive way. He just came off of as an entitled war hungry smuck.
you mean like when a certain somebody drafted a 16 year old boy into intergalactic combat on a school night and had him turn to Old Bay in his arms?

you mean the guy who did everything he could to join the military in TFA..

and ALL OF SUDDEN, in CW doesnt want rules?
Those rules were baloney anyway..

The rules said for Rhodes to arrest Cap, BW, Falcon, SW, and Vision when they came for safe harbor in iw. To disobey would be a court martial. Now tell me... what did Rhodes choose to do? Keep in mind this guy was Team Tony in CW...
They didn’t give a crap until civil war was released.
I mean he wasn't worth talking about much other than his dumb decision in TWS.

He was just the corny straight laced "leader". Was almost in the same boat as Thor but then Thor became funny (post CW).
Those rules were baloney anyway..
What exactly about those rules that are meant to keep regular ppl safe make them "baloney"?
The rules said for Rhodes to arrest Cap, BW, Falcon, SW, and Vision when they came for safe harbor in iw. To disobey would be a court martial. Now tell me... what did Rhodes choose to do? Keep in mind this guy was Team Tony in CW...
No. Not Vision. Just the criminals.

Did you not pay attention to Civil War? Vision was routinely checking in with Tony. Tony got Ross and any other accords lackey under his thumb.

As for Rhodes, forget what he did or didn't do, he made his stance clear in his argument with Ross before he hung up on him.

Given Rhodey doesn't have a clue where Tony is I don't blame him for giving the scumbag a pass given the situation.

I know you agree.
Those rules were baloney anyway..

we never saw the rules.. we are not in a position to judge what they actually were and are.. we simply know the reason the rules came about

this is something very common in society

take for example gun control.. in other nations, after a mass shooting has occurred changes are made which have been extremely successful

in america, the country i assume you live in, you have the gun lobbyist that control enough of the politicians that the only things being suggested by them are absurd and would endanger more lives (take for example the suggestion of that texas' politician to reduce the number of entrances to a school, which i'm sure would help if something caught on fire)
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