The Fox men just seem so wetbehind the ears that I can’t see most of those actors mixing well with the McU actors...

Would be dope to see X-men Vs Avengers tho..
I still don't see why he haven't seen a Hulk vs Thor one shot akib to the animated version. Just could be like 5-10 minutes of destruction.
The Fox men just seem so wetbehind the ears that I can’t see most of those actors mixing well with the McU actors...

Would be dope to see X-men Vs Avengers tho..
I mean, even if Feige wants to establish xmen in their own universe to cross over with the rest of the mcu at a later time...he would still recast the xmen
honestly, i think xmen should be in their own world so that can be done properly.. establish the world with fear and hate towards mutants and you have so much with just them

i'd bring f4 into the MCU universe thou
I'm betting when they introduce mutants in to the MCU theyre just gonna make them proxies for Muslims and illegal immigrants instead of black ppl and jews.
I do wonder if Feige might alter secret wars and mix it with avengers v xmen

Develop xmen in their own world. With the plan to crossover with avengers universe in an adaptation to secret wars. Instead of avengers fighting alternate versions of themselves they'll be fighting xmen.

And it'll be like DragonBall super where the xmen world and the Avengers world is fighting for the right to exist.

Boom. Xmen incorporated into the mcu. Technically.
Nah. No reason to waste adapting Secret Wars on that.

just end A4 with House of M event, make Wanda OP again and kill her off that causes the reality altering events that gives birth to mutants... a white light shines on the world and next thing you know wolverine wakes up...
I was thinking one more last ditch effort by Thanos with the gauntlet where he realizes he's gonna lose so he just alters the **** out of the universe; dead are resurrected including villains, humanity is changed giving rise to mutants, etc.

Using Wanda that way now is a bit rushed and drastic. Plus it would at least make more sense if she didnt grt dusted and Tony was like we can't rebuild Vision at all.

I will way though some of yall better hope Feige isnt also a fan of Ultimate X-Men cuz then there's a wild easy way to introduce mutants.
From what I'm gathering, they'll be the same continuity but Deadpool for instance (and probably X-Force) will be acknowledged mostly in their movies.

So you could get a DP cameo in Spidey but a team-up with Spidey or say The Winter Soldier is morr likely to happen in a Deadpool movie. The next Deadpool movie probably wont be under the Marvel studios banner cuz it'll also be rated R.

The X-Men and F4 will be under the MCU.

Doesn’t Disney have an imprint/label for R rated or indie movies? Maybe distribute it there with a general understanding that it’s a marvel movie without it being said or in the MCU
I'm betting when they introduce mutants in to the MCU theyre just gonna make them proxies for Muslims and illegal immigrants instead of black ppl and jews.

Sliding timescale :nerd:

Magneto has to be a Holocaust/WWII victim forever though, no other way to explain his origin.
I don't remember what happened here. I hope Cap washed this disrespectful four eyes

I enjoyed the reaction of everyone when that dialogue began. But the event itself was underwhelming.
Captain Marvel and Cyclops?
Would MCU risk it?

Besides she just sympathized with Skrulls who she was warring with to help them find a home. Would be cold if she couldn't see the side of earth mutants.

If anything they'll introduce some boogeyman from the gov. to stoke the fire tonthe point Avengers have to step in and stop the X-Men from doing something.

I still don't see why he haven't seen a Hulk vs Thor one shot akib to the animated version. Just could be like 5-10 minutes of destruction.
They probably think they gave us that with Ragnarok.
Doesn’t Disney have an imprint/label for R rated or indie movies? Maybe distribute it there with a general understanding that it’s a marvel movie without it being said or in the MCU
They do or did but sounds like they're just gonna keep 21st century fox studios fir R rated flicks.
Cyclops is pretty much stick up the *** Leonardo from ninja turtles and it would be awesome to see on screen done right. The back and forth between him and a gritty wolverine would be priceless

Would Vibranium do any good against adamantium? I know both are described as indestructible to a point. But isn't one harder than the other?
Sliding timescale :nerd:

Magneto has to be a Holocaust/WWII victim forever though, no other way to explain his origin.
Probably make him a holocaust victim that has time traveled.

Cap had the pass cuz you can just keep him in ice for longer. I spoke about it before but Magneto was living all those decades. Right now he's suppose to be like 89. So unless he's got a secondary mutation that grants him eternal youth they're gonna have to get creative.

Maybe introduce the Joseph plot or transfer his consciousness to that younger clone body.
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