What are the odds everyone dies and Scott finds himself lost in time at the end of the movie? I have a feeling this movie won’t have a happy ending at all.
What are the odds everyone dies and Scott finds himself lost in time at the end of the movie? I have a feeling this movie won’t have a happy ending at all.

It has already been expressed by the creative team for this movie that the tone for this movie will be very different compared to the first two, which was comedic.

I definitely "wish" for a sad/non happy/IW type ending, but you never know.
I personally don't see everyone dying, but I can see them killing off one or both of Hope's parents.

Rather than deaths, I feel like the likely scenario is we see someone get stuck in the QR again.

Luis gonna save them.

Don't see talent respond to rumors directly. That comment must have hurt her so much she wanted to prove dude wrong so bad. :lol:

But I never watched AOS, so don't have any attachment to wanting to bring anyone from there into the MCU.

I get mans saying Samuel L and maybe Florence, who I guess has been getting "acclaim", but Hailee Steinfield? I got love for her, but the gap between Hailee and Chloe's acting prowess can't be significant...
She was nominated for an Academy Award and other awards. I think Hailee is a pretty good actor and has range.
She was nominated for an Academy Award and other awards. I think Hailee is a pretty good actor and has range.
Nah I feel you and believe she's solid too, but mans said "share the screen with" and included Florence Pugh and Hailee Steinfield LOL! They're not Angela Bassett or Meryl Streep, I just hate Hollywood snobbery tbh. A trigger for me, because at the end of the day if they wanted to plant folks and enable them to go a certain trajectory, they will. Homie from Everything Everywhere All At Once been a great actor for a long time, but just finally won something. That told me a lot.
Nah I feel you and believe she's solid too, but mans said "share the screen with" and included Florence Pugh and Hailee Steinfield LOL! They're not Angela Bassett or Meryl Streep.
Yeah, I get your point lol
I get mans saying Samuel L and maybe Florence, who I guess has been getting "acclaim", but Hailee Steinfield? I got love for her, but the gap between Hailee and Chloe's acting prowess can't be significant...
It is.

True Grit alone really.

But Samuel did Snakes on A Plane with a bunch of nobodys so its not a good argument.
Nah I feel you and believe she's solid too, but mans said "share the screen with" and included Florence Pugh and Hailee Steinfield LOL! They're not Angela Bassett or Meryl Streep, I just hate Hollywood snobbery tbh. A trigger for me, because at the end of the day if they wanted to plant folks and enable them to go a certain trajectory, they will. Homie from Everything Everywhere All At Once been a great actor for a long time, but just finally won something. That told me a lot.
Florence Pugh is thousands of times a better actor than a good deal of most actresses in the MCU.

Optical illusion or she holding like that?
Optical illusion.
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When it was first announced Loveness was doing QM & KD, I had no idea who he was & due to his Rick & Morty background, I felt he was just gonna continue the comedic route & tone.

But as I read more articles like the above where he briefly touches on the process, he is really dedicated in trying to honor/portray Kang perfectly in the MCU, so I'm really excited to see how QM turns out.

Who cares about all these b-grade women characters, when are we going to see top star women characters like Psylocke, Storm and Rogue in the MCU.
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