From a main dev

leader got nerfed(?) at last

wolvy got buffed but cyclops still gets no love

  • Leader: [6/7] On Reveal: Copy all cards your opponent played to the location to the right, but on your side.
    • Dev Note: Leader is a prominent “finisher” in the current Snap meta, and we're not happy with some of the card choices and play patterns he encourages, especially his strength against other cool 6-cost cards.
    • We're changing Leader to only copy cards played at the location to his right, with more base Power to compensate. We hope that this change will reward clever predictions and reduce the frustration of playing against him.
  • Wolverine: [2/2] When this is discarded or destroyed, regenerate it at a random location with +2 Power.
    • Dev Note: Wolverine sees virtually no play at the moment, which is a bummer given how iconic he is.
    • We’re giving him a substantial buff to reward players for activating his effect and create new deckbuilding options at both low and high collection levels.
    • Note: We have updated his text from “play” to “regenerate” to better reflect his gameplay functionality. This is purely a flavor and clarity choice.
leader got nerfed(?) at last

wolvy got buffed but cyclops still gets no love

  • Leader: [6/7] On Reveal: Copy all cards your opponent played to the location to the right, but on your side.
    • Dev Note: Leader is a prominent “finisher” in the current Snap meta, and we're not happy with some of the card choices and play patterns he encourages, especially his strength against other cool 6-cost cards.
    • We're changing Leader to only copy cards played at the location to his right, with more base Power to compensate. We hope that this change will reward clever predictions and reduce the frustration of playing against him.
  • Wolverine: [2/2] When this is discarded or destroyed, regenerate it at a random location with +2 Power.
    • Dev Note: Wolverine sees virtually no play at the moment, which is a bummer given how iconic he is.
    • We’re giving him a substantial buff to reward players for activating his effect and create new deckbuilding options at both low and high collection levels.
    • Note: We have updated his text from “play” to “regenerate” to better reflect his gameplay functionality. This is purely a flavor and clarity choice.
Wolverine might actually be good now. Carnage, Deathlok, Venom got a new best buddy

Also would be ridiculous with Zola if his power is up there around 8+

i always think of how much a card cost and how much power it puts out, like a good way of looking at scorpion for example, its a 2/2 card but if your opponet has 5 cards in their hand and each gets -1 power, then he is technically a 2/7

so for leader, he was 6/3 but its plus whatever power your opponent plays and then plus more power if you go second because it reactivates any on reveal abilities so a 6/3 easily become 6/23 if your opponent plays an infinaut

now leader is 6/7 but now both players got to anticipate where the card goes and in case of my surfer deck where i sera on turn 5, i can play 3 cards on the last turn, i spread it out and leader just ends up copying one card instead of all three + ability reactivation

and against galactus, leader becomes useless… there’s no ”right” location for him to copy.. before if i play galactus on turn 5, my opponent can just leader on turn 6 and its automatic defeat because it copies the card plus 3 power and even worse if i play gamora as it copies the buffed up gamora then activates again and she becomes 5/17 on his side while she’s only 5/12 on mine

people also cant put him on their negative zero decks either and one of the meanest decks ive seen is wave+leader+absorbing+odin, so from turn 4-5-6, the leader can be reactivated each time
Rewatched Civil war, didnt realize 1 of the russo bros was the murdered victim in the hotel lolol until today.

This film introduced spider man, aunt May, Black Panther, Zemo and Sharon carter. Fantastic film and trilogy.
Rewatched Civil war, didnt realize 1 of the russo bros was the murdered victim in the hotel lolol until today.

This film introduced spider man, aunt May, Black Panther, Zemo and Sharon carter. Fantastic film and trilogy.
Sharon Carter was introduced in Winter Soldier.


Some of these would be :pimp:, especially Adam Driver as Doom.

Could see Diego Luna as Reed too
Hmmm. Rege-Jean is already appearing in Secret Invasion though. Diego Luna as Mr. Fantastic would be pretty interesting.

That's going to trigger so many people.
I watch the MCU for the stories, but the hot women playing the characters just makes the stories better to watch imo.

They are comic book characters, everyone should be exaggeratedly be hot, I dont want to see normal looking people if I dont have to, I can go to Target for that.

Wouldnt you be upset if you went to a strip club or a high end club and all the strippers or patrons looked basic?

When I use to go out to chase women all the time before I settled down to chasing women one at a time, I wasnt tellin the crew, "Yo, we pickin up the most normal lookin girls TONITE, LETS GOOOOOO!"


Same mindset for Comic Book/Superhero movies.
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Im a little salty that Marvel Strike Force never caught on to this thread, its filled with predatory practices and a greedy developer but its far and beyond better than Snap
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