Gwen Stacey death scene was better than;

Wolverine killing Jean
The Captain America and Agent Carter plane crash scene (which I REALLY like)
Storm dying in DOFP
Uncle Ben death scene (both and I prefer TASM)
Loki not so death scene from Thor
Agent Coulson not so death scene
Captain America "I'm with you til the end of the line" scene
Rachel death scene from TDK
Poppa Kent death scene
Professor X death scene in X3

It's late.. Can't think of others but it was better than all those
There's really not much value in most deaths in comic book movies or at least the ones you listed. I mean these are not the best heartfelt death scenes with the acting to match in the first place.

This entire list really don't hit me with any feels except for the ones I felt were dumb.

:lol: @ counting Uncle Ben death scenes. Might as well count the death of the Wayne parents too.

At best I can say remember feeling Coulson's death was a bit shocking cuz I didn't think he did even thought he seemed expendable but he aint even stay dead long.

I would say even though it was the ugly version in TDK, Joker tricking Bats and Rachel dying was better than Gwen's death just cuz of how many ppl Joker managed to get to in one fell swoop. Better movie, better death scenes. No coincidence there.

To be fair, the films weren't that great. And I liked them. They just missed the mark. But I felt she was killed too soon. Just because we were to believe that we were together for however long they were, we didn't see all that. We just saw what we saw on screen. And I didn't see them long enough for her death to be super impactful. I wanted her to die in the 3rd one.

I agree on that. I thought it was way too soon to kill her because I their chemistry is what carried the franchise. That's why I really believe in a third film she still would've been in it. No way they could afford not to
Nah these fools at SONY were toying with the idea of Shailene Woodley being Mary Jane Watson and introducing her in ASM2.

That chick looks worse than Kirsten Dunst.
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So you can shed tears like you hormonal watching a crybaby weep over his dead gf but can't relate and get the feels from a talking raccoon sadness over the apparent death of his sentient tree best friend?

You lack sympathy lame :smh:
Just saw AOU again and I feel as if folks were overly harsh on it due to really high expectations. Aside from the BW/Hulk romance, Strucker dying (which could be a fakeout) and the robot army, movie was great. They could've toned down the sarcastic tone, but  I didn't mind this interpretation of Ultron. Evil robot is boring. I like that he had somewhat of a personality.
I think Whedon stated that he wanted an angry, emotional evil robot as opposed to a cold, logical one.

And :rolleyes at the Gwen Stacy death NTing--if those movies did anything right, it was Gwen and Peter's relationship and the build-up to Gwen's death after Captain Stacy.
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Rachel's death wins for the dark knight if only because to this day I still remember how ******* shocked I was when it happened! Didn't expect it at all. Damn good movie all around.

A lot of the other deaths you have in comic book films that are supposed to be deeply emotional then fall completely flat. Johnathon Kent in MOS, Coulson from Avengers, Loki from Thor 2, etc. That's comic books for you. They have to work a little harder to get that kind of thing from me.
Gwen stacy hurt. More so because u thought she was saved. And his reaction was him not knowing initially. Then u sit there like....yo shes dead....
Gwen Stacy death >>>>>> Rachel death from TDK

It's like Peter can't accept she's dead along with the audience. And then he starts consoling her dead body, talking to it...tryna fix her hair :smh: :wow: :wow: :smh:

Masterpiece to this day. **** NT
Toby's Peter Parker is obsessed with an average looking girl who gets her back blown out by a high school jock who bullies him, his bosses son and his best friend twice :stoneface:

He also cries when said average looking girl breaks up with him....Not because he watched her fall to her death and failed to save her...but because she broke up with him :stoneface:

Y'all don't know spiderman

Just saw this and totally have to agree! Y'all tripping on Spidey knowledge. Everyone loves geeky Parker for whatever reason, but dude was only Geeky for maybe the 2 years of his 50+ year lineage. In fact, he spent most of his time as an adult playboy. I'm sick of Teenage Peter, give us a grown man already that maintains a normal life.

And Gwen's death will be the best in comic movie history...until Thanos rips that Gem from Vision's head.
Gwen Stacy death >>>>>> Rachel death from TDK

It's like Peter can't accept she's dead along with the audience. And then he starts consoling her dead body, talking to it...tryna fix her hair :smh: :wow: :wow: :smh:

Masterpiece to this day. **** NT

Bro... Don't take me there
Geek.com claims about Thor: Ragnarok...


A new report from Geek.com claims to reveal how The Hulk will factor into Thor: Ragnarok next year. Revealing that Hela manages to destroy Mjolnir and banish the God of Thunder from Asgard, the site adds that the hero apparently ends up not on Midgard, but an alien gladatorial planet instead. Knowing he needs to stop her and Loki, Thor fights his way through all of the opponents put before him so he can escape this world, but it's when he runs into the current champion that he gets an unpleasant surprise.

As you've probably already guessed, that's The Hulk, and "he’s managed to avoid reverting back to the Banner state since we last saw him in the Quinjet in Avengers: Age of Ultron. Hulk in Hulk form is pretty much unkillable, so he survived the trip to Sakaar (however he got there). His 'Banner' is starting to seep through into the Hulk persona, and because of the Hulk-Banner melding, Hulk actually remembers Thor and his relationship to him. That’s what starts the two on a Midnight Run to the MacGuffin that Thor desperately needs."

which I would love to happen because... yeah but the director recently claimed that they are still trying to figure things out:

When asked if he could give hints about the plot, Waitii said, “No, because I don’t even know. We're still figuring out what characters are in it and how they all interact. We’re very early on in prep, storylining, figuring it all out”
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LOL how many scenarios and rumors are they trying to throw into Ragnarok in order to concince us that it won't be just another mediocre Thor movie
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If that Thor:Ragnarok rumor is true, I'm all in! 

They would need to explain how he got there though lol.
I doubt it's a planet hulk plot. It's much more likely it'll take from Hulk vs Thor. Loki brings Hulk to Asgard to and Hulk triggers Ragnarok by laying waste to everything. If you seen the movie, you know the story
Rachel's death wins for the dark knight if only because to this day I still remember how ******* shocked I was when it happened! Didn't expect it at all. Damn good movie all around.

A lot of the other deaths you have in comic book films that are supposed to be deeply emotional then fall completely flat. Johnathon Kent in MOS, Coulson from Avengers, Loki from Thor 2, etc. That's comic books for you. They have to work a little harder to get that kind of thing from me.
It was one of the perks of creating a Batman love interest out of thin air. You know she may die but you don't have any idea of when or how.

Pa Kent is probably the worst death on the list :lol: The dumbest thing I've seen in a while reasoning wise. Like they must be living in a different world society wise :smh:

Now it reminds me of the thread asking if you'd stay or run if you and your daughter were held at gun point :lol: Just switch out the gun for a hurricane/tornado :rofl:
Geek.com claims about Thor: Ragnarok...


A new report from Geek.com claims to reveal how The Hulk will factor into Thor: Ragnarok next year. Revealing that Hela manages to destroy Mjolnir and banish the God of Thunder from Asgard, the site adds that the hero apparently ends up not on Midgard, but an alien gladatorial planet instead. Knowing he needs to stop her and Loki, Thor fights his way through all of the opponents put before him so he can escape this world, but it's when he runs into the current champion that he gets an unpleasant surprise.

As you've probably already guessed, that's The Hulk, and "he’s managed to avoid reverting back to the Banner state since we last saw him in the Quinjet in Avengers: Age of Ultron. Hulk in Hulk form is pretty much unkillable, so he survived the trip to Sakaar (however he got there). His 'Banner' is starting to seep through into the Hulk persona, and because of the Hulk-Banner melding, Hulk actually remembers Thor and his relationship to him. That’s what starts the two on a Midnight Run to the MacGuffin that Thor desperately needs."

which I would love to happen because... yeah but the director recently claimed that they are still trying to figure things out:

When asked if he could give hints about the plot, Waitii said, “No, because I don’t even know. We're still figuring out what characters are in it and how they all interact. We’re very early on in prep, storylining, figuring it all out”
So we just suppose to believe the quinjet can travel through space now? Was that stated at all in AOU?

To me that's trying to fit too much in to one story and doesn't sound good. It's Planet Hulk on the fly in a Thor movie. Throwing Hulk in to Ragnarok is already something you have to work out adding another story in to it lessens it.

If you want Hulk somewhere stranded or fighting for his life until Thor shows up and helps him and then they go back to the 9 realms and take care of Hela there's other places to explore instead of taking Planet Hulk done right off the board.
I doubt it's a planet hulk plot. It's much more likely it'll take from Hulk vs Thor. Loki brings Hulk to Asgard to and Hulk triggers Ragnarok by laying waste to everything. If you seen the movie, you know the story
That would be pretty weak sauce too. Ragnarok is suppose to be a huge event for Asgardians with all the prophecy and magical **** involved. Hulk triggering it wouldn't make much sense.

Plus it seems like Hela is the main villain and not Surtur, might as well make it so she triggered it so she can fill her ranks with more of the dead and deny them Valhalla.
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Rachel's death wins for the dark knight if only because to this day I still remember how ******* shocked I was when it happened! Didn't expect it at all. Damn good movie all around.

A lot of the other deaths you have in comic book films that are supposed to be deeply emotional then fall completely flat. Johnathon Kent in MOS, Coulson from Avengers, Loki from Thor 2, etc. That's comic books for you. They have to work a little harder to get that kind of thing from me.
It was one of the perks of creating a Batman love interest out of thin air. You know she may die but you don't have any idea of when or how.

Pa Kent is probably the worst death on the list :lol: The dumbest thing I've seen in a while reasoning wise. Like they must be living in a different world society wise :smh:

Very true and that actually may be why Gwen Stacy's death completely failed to get me. If you're a long time Spider-Man fan then you know that Gwen Stacy dies. Like i'd go so far as to say that that's what she's the most well known for. Her death had dramatic implications just not on the character of Spider-Man, but for comics in general. So when she appears on the big screen and is Peter's main love interest there's kind of just the general expectation that she's going to die. You're waiting for it to happen. Like the Waynes or hell even Jason Todd. I'd actually say that her living would've been the better way to go.

Pa Kent's death in MOS was trash. :smh: I liked the movie overall, but that was truly one of the worst things i've ever seen done with Superman. And i've seen the previous films where he flew the planet back in time and lifted up an island made of kryptonite (Which is pure poison to him if you didn't know). Sat there stunned for a good five minutes because I was wondering why the **** Superman just let his ******* father die.

So they're trying to cram Planet Hulk into Thor Ragnarok? Sounds like a good way to have a bad time. :smh: May as well throw the Clone Saga into Civil War and hell since we're merging different major story arcs lets just go ahead and have Fear Itself during Infinity War :lol:
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