So we just suppose to believe the quintet can travel through space now? Was that stated at all in AOU?

To me that's trying to fit too much in to one story and doesn't sound good. It's Planet Hulk on the fly in a Thor movie. Throwing Hulk in to Ragnarok is already something you have to work out adding another story in to it lessens it.

If you want Hulk somewhere stranded or fighting for his life until Thor shows up and helps him and then they go back to the 9 realms and take care of Hela there's other places to explore instead of taking Planet Hulk done right off the board.
That would be pretty weak sauce too. Ragnarok is suppose to be a huge event for Asgardians with all the prophecy and magical **** involved. Hulk triggering it wouldn't make much sense.

Plus it seems like Hela is the main villain and not Surtur, might as well make it so she triggered it so she can fill her ranks with more of the dead and deny them Valhalla.
Yeah him getting to wherever Thor will be is already an issue.

Also, I don't think this is full on Ragnarok we're going to be seeing. Kinda like what Civil War is doing.  The Civil War issue starts in the film, but the arc will not just end in that film. I think this Thor film is the setup to Ragnarok in a way.
Many discredit Geek.com's reports because they seem to be like Mayimbe that just throws everything to the wall and see what sticks.

So take all of those reports with a grain of salt.
Don't know about that Thor: Ragnarok rumor. Though it sounds cool, it also sounds too convoluted. Ragnarok has to set up IW as well.
So we just suppose to believe the quintet can travel through space now? Was that stated at all in AOU?

To me that's trying to fit too much in to one story and doesn't sound good. It's Planet Hulk on the fly in a Thor movie. Throwing Hulk in to Ragnarok is already something you have to work out adding another story in to it lessens it.

If you want Hulk somewhere stranded or fighting for his life until Thor shows up and helps him and then they go back to the 9 realms and take care of Hela there's other places to explore instead of taking Planet Hulk done right off the board.

That would be pretty weak sauce too. Ragnarok is suppose to be a huge event for Asgardians with all the prophecy and magical **** involved. Hulk triggering it wouldn't make much sense.

Plus it seems like Hela is the main villain and not Surtur, might as well make it so she triggered it so she can fill her ranks with more of the dead and deny them Valhalla.
Yeah him getting to wherever Thor will be is already an issue.

Also, I don't think this is full on Ragnarok we're going to be seeing. Kinda like what Civil War is doing.  The Civil War issue starts in the film, but the arc will not just end in that film. I think this Thor film is the setup to Ragnarok in a way.
Well that would suck, Marvel dropped the ball with Thor. Like they can't get that **** right. I can understand changing this for CW for a lot of reasons but Thor's stuff is just lying there.

They got a whole sci-fantasy world for Thor they aint even bother exploring.

Feige must not be a Thor fan :lol:
Well that would suck, Marvel dropped the ball with Thor. Like they can't get that **** right. I can understand changing this for CW for a lot of reasons but Thor's stuff is just lying there.

They got a whole sci-fantasy world for Thor they aint even bother exploring.

Feige must not be a Thor fan
Yeah  I've been saying that Thor should've been the easiest out of the Avenger roster to adapt. But I have faith in this film.
Since they aren't following any particular arc to a tee, it can make sense. It'll need some good explanation but it's plausible.

LOL how many scenarios and rumors are they trying to throw into Ragnarok in order to concince us that it won't be just another mediocre Thor movie

This man knows!!

Why do we even post spoilers anymore lol

Weren't you begging for more....

spoilers to be

put into spoilers?
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Mark Ruffalo Promises Epic Arc For Hulk Across Thor 3 and Infinity War

Speaking to Yahoo Movies while promoting ‘Spotlight’, the superb real-life drama which he’s been nominated as Best Supporting Actor for at the Oscars, Ruffalo told us he’s got a big part to play in ‘Thor: Ragnarok’ and beyond.

“I’d love to do a Hulk movie, but that’s beyond my control. It’s controlled by Universal. Marvel doesn’t even hold the rights to it. So, it’s not on the horizon. And I don’t know if it will be.”

“But we’ve worked a really interesting arc into ‘Thor 3′, ‘Avengers 3′ and ‘4′ for Banner that I think will – when it’s all added up – will feel like a Hulk movie, a standalone movie.”

We also asked The Ruff about his time on ‘Avengers: Age Of Ultron’ which, as it transpired, was the last Marvel movie he’d get to make with Joss Whedon, the man who hired him to play Hulk in the first place.

Did he know it was Joss’ last outing in that world?

“Yeah. He basically told me it was and I was like ‘goddamn it, you dragged me in to this world and now you’re abandoning me here!’ But they’re doing fine. Joss’ll do fine. I just miss him, and I will miss him. He cracked this character, he obviously cracked the Avengers which was nearly impossible. It was a miracle and he did it so beautifully.

“I think the Russo brothers are great and I think they’re well positioned to take it on, and I’m happy to be doing it with them, but I’m friends with Joss. He had a hard time making the first one and he had a hard time making this one. I think it’s partially the nature of that beast.”

So it seems like that rumor might just be false because they are still writing the script according to Ruffalo:

As for preparation for ‘Thor: Ragnarok’, which is planning to shoot in Australia soon, Ruffalo told us he’s under no pressure to get super-hench like Chris Hemsworth, but that he’s really excited to work with the director.

“Taika Waititi’s coming in and I love him. That’s a surprise and it fits part of this Marvel doing the unexpected, casting the unexpected, and now bringing in the unexpected for writer and director. I’m really interested in where that’s going.

“They’re writing the script now. I am thinking about it, I’m doing script meetings and stuff so we’re starting to prep it.”

I mean there's a chance that is still the story they are going with but it does seem weird to get an early report as such when the script isn't done but here's to hoping for the best Thor movie yet (though most would say it would be an easy task).

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I feel like Mark Ruffalo always hypes up what the Hulk is gonna do in between movies and it's better to ignore him for the most part.

But I dunno maybe I'm just on my high horse.
Y'all trippin. Say what you want about the movie, I don't care. But y'all not gonna say from the moment green goblin swooped her until the funeral scene that it wasn't one of the best scenes in comic book movie history. Even in non comic book films that scene was great. Sony did a great job building their characters for the scene. The execution of the scene was on ******* point!
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The aftermath of Gwen's death was better than the death itself. The death was expected and failed to evoke any emotion from me whatsoever, which is how I felt about the entire Green Goblin subplot in fact. I was waiting for it to be over. Peter constantly visiting her grave after the fact? That was well done and looked like a real person grieving for a loved one they'd lost.
The love of his life died and after a 30 second montage he's back to cracking jokes with bad guys

It was super rushed and capped off a terrible movie with a wildly uneven tone
I hope with a new director the hulk is different. I always felt that this hulk was more of a monkey. Dude is always slouched. I'd like to too 'TIH' version again
The love of his life died and after a 30 second montage he's back to cracking jokes with bad guys

It was super rushed and capped off a terrible movie with a wildly uneven tone

Pretty sure Gwen's speech is what inspired him to go back to fighting crime.

Pretty sure Peter goes back to fighting crime after the death of Gwen Stacy in the comics.

Stop being a bully sea manup sea manup why are you telling Manta his taste in movies is bad when you're a fan of Guardians of the galaxy :lol:
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