WELCOME TO THE MARVEL MULTIVERSE -*RIP STAN LEE & Boseman* - Deadpool & Wolverine = 07/26/24

Dr Strange was better than Fantastic Beasts. Plot was tighter, movie was paced better, better action, and so forth.

The only thing fantastic beastshad over Strange was that it wasn't as predictable a movie. It had a mystery factor that I liked.
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I just hope Miles Morales is in MvC.

Maybe they make X-Men characters a DLC to please the fans and also piss them off? Like Old Man Logan and....Morph 
I'm still pissed at Capcom for selling me an incomplete game with MVC3. Paid full price for that game, then a year later here comes UMVC3 with new characters and all modes from the jump. I'm leary about MVCI.
I'm still pissed at Capcom for selling me an incomplete game with MVC3. Paid full price for that game, then a year later here comes UMVC3 with new characters and all modes from the jump. I'm leary about MVCI.
I'm sure you'll still be pissed when MVCI releases.

Just look how Capcom handled the SFV release. Game was so incomplete at release date
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I just hope Miles Morales is in MvC.

Maybe they make X-Men characters a DLC to please the fans and also piss them off? Like Old Man Logan and....Morph 
I'm thinking the xmen will eventually be in the game either through being revealed later or through DLC. This game is pure fan service and fans will be pissed with no xmen especially with magneto, sentinel and storm being the 3 marquee characters on the tourney scene for 15+ years. Pringles, curley mustache, legendary phrases for Marvel vs Capcom...
I'm still pissed at Capcom for selling me an incomplete game with MVC3. Paid full price for that game, then a year later here comes UMVC3 with new characters and all modes from the jump. I'm leary about MVCI.
Not even a full year. Vanilla dropped in March and Ultimate dropped in November. I wasn't too upset because I had my 360 modded at the time and had MvC3 2 weeks before it officially released in stores. Everyone was trying to come over and play 
 but I had the finesse game on stupid because my local game stop was holding a tournament for midnight release and winner of the tournament got a free copy of the game. Walked in there with 2 weeks of gameplay under my belt while all the tournament players were playing the game for the first time trying to learn little combos and convince themselves that they could get the hang of it because it was like Marvel vs. Capcom 2 and Capcom vs Tastunoku....meanwhile I owned all 3 games....needless to say I won a free copy of the game 
by the time Ultimate MvC 3 dropped, it was $40 if I'm not mistaken. Gladly gave capcom money for all the good memories they've given to me and would continue to give me.
...but this Marvel vs. Capcom **** has rubbed me the wrong way though. Marvel is a little too obsessed with their movie universe now. I'm might be one of the biggest Marvel homers in here but Marvel just laid the seeds for karma to come get them. What are the odds that audiences start getting sick of the films....


I get the point of shoehorning things when they still own the rights for things outside of movies. The cartoons are horrendous as a result of this, I have no hope for the video games. This is where DC has the edge.
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The title alone hints at a deliberate distancing from the OG franchise :lol:

And Miles was in MvC3 as a skin for Spidey.

By the way, if this FOX speculation is legit then no Dr. Doom lol
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Both are good. I've enjoyed both. They're just different. Fantastic Beasts would've dragged if the humor wasn't good. Strange had a tighter script and was paced a lot better.
Late pass, just watched dr strange. My girl and i both fell asleep.

This mystical arts thing just doesnt appeal to us.

Avengers gotg and cap set the bar so high.
Late pass, just watched dr strange. My girl and i both fell asleep.

This mystical arts thing just doesnt appeal to us.

Avengers gotg and cap set the bar so high.

I knew i wasnt the only one to fall asleep. And not just because im old
Late pass, just watched dr strange. My girl and i both fell asleep.

This mystical arts thing just doesnt appeal to us.

Avengers gotg and cap set the bar so high.

I knew i wasnt the only one to fall asleep. And not just because im old

You old coots take your geritol and move along. Never fell asleep in the theatre and I watched The Village from start to end.
People who fell asleep during Strange will likely find FB even more boring, tbh lol

Btw I might get banned if Tdogg makes one more 'I'm old' comment. Everytime he does that he makes me feel old too cuz I'm like ten days older.
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Late pass, just watched dr strange. My girl and i both fell asleep.

This mystical arts thing just doesnt appeal to us.

Avengers gotg and cap set the bar so high.
Late pass, just watched lukecake show. My girl and i both fell asleep.

This street fighting thing just doesnt appeal to us.

Avengers gotg and cap set the bar so high in the marvel universe.
You and your girl getting plenty of sleep if you dozed off to Cage and Strange.

Maybe it's anything longer than 40 min that don't appeal to yall?


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Theres only been 2 movies in the last 5 years i haven't fell asleep or dozed off in. Winter soldier and hotel translvania.
Theater seats are perfect they keep it that nice cool temp in the movies. ...
Best most expensive nap ive ever took was the 2nd hunger games. Fell asleep 5 min after previews. Woke up to people clapping.
I miss the days of the 90 min or less movies
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I mean they had cumbercatch go from doctor to karate expert in 20 mins.

I didnt have much interest from the beginning i just wanted to continue the MCU.

This is the first movie i ever fell sleep through.

I woke up just in time to see him put dude in the loop.
Theres only been 2 movies in the last 5 years i haven't fell asleep or dozed off in. Winter soldier and hotel translvania.
Theater seats are perfect they keep it that nice cool temp in the movies. ...
Best most expensive nap ive ever took was the 2nd hunger games. Fell asleep 5 min after previews. Woke up to people clapping.
I miss the days of the 90 min or less movies


You fell asleep during Winter Solder?

Winter Solder?! Give me your cap card now.
Y'all ****** old. I'm talking with a bunch of cranky old men stuck in their ways :lol: :smh:
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