WELCOME TO THE MARVEL MULTIVERSE -*RIP STAN LEE & Boseman* - Deadpool & Wolverine = 07/26/24

Oh my word. You're saying the only movies you haven't slept in was Cap 2 and Hotel Transylvania.

Hotel Transylvania. Hotel Transylvania?!?????
Man yall hurting my feelings too much. I ain't old

I am young damn it

I'm not CP [emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji]
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Damn! Let that man sleep during Doc Strange. Ain't like he bothering errbody else by snoring. Hell, I fell asleep during star wars TFA.
Haven't seen Doc Strange, so I can't comment on it. All I know is i'm not paying money to see something and then not going to see it. I could have $10, I could have $10 million, and I still wouldn't do that.
Yea, I will never understand falling asleep at the movies unless it was a movie I didn't want to go to in the first place
To be fair, I don't think he fell asleep on purpose. I wonder who's snapchat he's on tho
Be the Co-President of Marvel Studios.

Though you could probably wait for Hot Toys as they'll likely make them for sale.
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