WELCOME TO THE MARVEL MULTIVERSE -*RIP STAN LEE & Boseman* - Deadpool & Wolverine = 07/26/24

Review below......
Loved it very much. This was one of the rare films where I was able to completely stay in the dark as much as possible, yet still see the previews and what not, and still be surprised. I had no idea Happy was in this. No idea Pepper cameos. I kinda did expect the Cap cameos, but they were well done. I had no clue Gambino was in the film. All those little things just added up so well for me, it let me just take it all in.

Very interesting way to open the film getting straight into Vulture’s origins. Then coming in off Civil War with the “extra” footage they used, which was clever.

I was at first nervous about Stark-IM being overused here, but they did just enough to use him, but not bury us with him. I was impressed they pulled that balance off.

LOVED the suit. Hell yeah that was awesome. Was the Interrogation voice a shot across the Batman bow?
Either way, it was hilarious.

Don’t know if I loved the female Jarvis, but it’s whatever at that point, didn’t ruin my fun or anything.

Keaton was really really good, he never shoulda been blacklisted from Hollywood back in the day. I was VERY happy with the scene between he and Holland, outstanding work by both of them. Loved the small twist too.

I wasn't thrilled with him bein 15. Maybe my biggest gripe. I would have preferred 18-19 year old or somethin, but I understand they wanted to give him some youth with their other stars pretty old at this point.

If we were treating this as a DC movie, we would complain about the fact that Tony sent FBI guys to a boat to deal with Alien tech that was giving Spidey a struggle, a guy who went toe to toe with Captain America, Winter Soldier, and Black Falcon. That makes sense.

We'd also complain about them pointing out that May was supposed to be hot this time, but really she looked like a hot mess the whole time.
I was kinda sad about that.

We'd also point out that this plane of extremely important and dangerous stuff was flown off in an empty plane? Not a single security guard aboard?

But, this is a Marvel film, so we don't point any of that out, we just enjoy the good feelings we got from the film and save our issues for other films.

LOVED the ending with May, so much lulz. Well done.

My theater was PACKED. I mean, LOADED up to the front row. This movie is going to do numbers. The theater I went to is a small time theater that rarely ever has traffic issues for me, no matter what day/time I go, and this joint was JACKED. I did not expect that at all.

Didn't really like Ned that much. I liked Amazing Spiderman's portrayal of how smart he was better, not a fan of the need for Stark tech and all that, I like it better sein Parker build his own uni, handle all his own smarts and what not, Ned kinda didn't need to be there for that.

Loved that they avoided saying Ben, but alluded to May has been thru so much. Well done there.

Peter looking into the water and the spidey mask reflecting back was

That was a nice touch seeing seeing the reflection of Peter's and Spidey's mask.
I really thought we were going to see Kingpin cross paths with Toomes, instead of Gargan. But either way, that was cool.
Don’t know if I loved the female Jarvis, but it’s whatever at that point, didn’t ruin my fun or anything.

I haven't seen this yet, but pretty sure all the AIs after Jarvis have been voiced by a female
ya'll know that Siri Karen was voiced by Jennifer Connelly who happens to be married to Paul Bettany who voiced jarvis
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Do you guys think Marvel will work a film towards Banner/Hulks storyline? Still feels weird how Betsy Ross has been a simple afterthought of Banner since his inclusion to the MCU.

I would have expected him to still miss her or have a reference of her in Avengers 1.

Yes, I know her father was in CW.
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Do you guys think Marvel will work a film towards Banner/Hulks storyline? Still feels weird how Betsy Ross has been a simple afterthought of Banner since his inclusion to the MCU.

I would have expected him to still miss her or have a reference of her in Avengers 1.

Yes, I know her father was in CW.

I mean they do have Ross back, which could be setting up something for later on

And read something somewhere about red hulk
Do you guys think Marvel will work a film towards Banner/Hulks storyline? Still feels weird how Betsy Ross has been a simple afterthought of Banner since his inclusion to the MCU.

I would have expected him to still miss her or have a reference of her in Avengers 1.

Yes, I know her father was in CW.

I don't think Universals willing to let go of the solo Hulk film rights so best they could do is throw him into another feature film.

Probably the main reason why Gunn wasn't able to make a Hulk v Red Hulk film he wanted.
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@CP1708 a few of your gripes when trying to mention what would be brought up if this was a DC film are at least someone explained through details in the plot. Tony sent the FBI to bust the deal seeing that Damage control was government mandated by Stark. He could put the guys in jail that are stealing the tech from the sites his operation is supposed to be working on. Peter wasn't suppose to be his hit man.

With the plane I can agree that a guard on the plane may have made that scen work better, something like an innocent casualty caught in between Spider-Man and Vultures fight but the plane was invisible until Vulture came to interfere with it. It was flying at night and was only flying upstate....The Marissa Tomei thing is completely off too, she looked very tasty to me :lol: but that's subjective. No disputing that Marissa Tomei is way more attractive the Amy Adams' Lois Lane though.
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@CP1708 a few of your gripes when trying to mention what would be brought up if this was a DC film are at least someone explained through details in the plot. Tony sent the FBI to bust the deal seeing that Damage control was government mandated by Stark. He could put the guys in jail that are stealing the tech from the sites his operation is supposed to be working on. Peter wasn't suppose to be his hit man.

With the plane I can agree that a guard on the plane may have made that scen work better, something like an innocent casualty caught in between Spider-Man and Vultures fight but the plane was invisible until Vulture came to interfere with it. It was flying at night and was only flying upstate....The Marissa Tomei thing is completely off too, she looked very tasty to me :lol: but that's subjective. No disputing that Marissa Tomei is way more attractive the Amy Adams' Lois Lane though.

It was kind of weird that Vultures been stealing stuff for years without Stark with all his tech knowing and seeing that Vulture dude destroy the ship and that supposedly believing Peter, he was still lackadaisical by not being present at all or be on patrol in case something happens, hell even his empty drone that he controls with his shades would have sufficed.
It was kind of weird that Vultures been stealing stuff for years without Stark with all his tech knowing and seeing that Vulture dude destroy the ship and that supposedly believing Peter, he was still lackadaisical by not being present at all or be on patrol in case something happens, hell even his empty drone that he controls with his shades would have sufficed.

I loved the apparent character flaw of Tony Stark displayed in the film. I think it was presented in a way to show how pure Peter is and how he still looks at Stark as larger than life even though Stark is clearly not meant to be a mentor figure. It all goes back to Tony Stark just as a character, his positioning in the accords and everything. Tony was so absent minded in the film and with the what he did to Peter's psyche, in a sense getting him extremely hooked on superhero(ine). Peter damn near dies trying to handle something that truthful doesn't involve him and tries to get Tony to help. When Peter gets the job done, Tony is ready to take the credit for it and give him the title of Avenger and have him in the mansion. Tried to say him taking away the suit was a training exercise when it was really cause he didn't want the blame if Peter ****** up :lol: Stark's character arc in the MCU is amazing.
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I don't even think it's a flaw in Stark, it just seems like lazy writing in this one.
we not spoiler tagging anything in here anymore :lol:

The film is too dope not to just openly talk about at this point :lol:

I don't even think it's a flaw in Stark, it just seems like lazy writing in this one.

I agree in a sense but they acknowledge Stark being all around absent and hard to reach which made for a pleasant chuckle when he popped out the suit.

"Zip it kid the adult is talking!" I was like oh, excuse me :lol:
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So we do or we don't nitpick marvel?

I mean cause I thought that was what most of our back in forth about CW was based on, nitcpicky stuff.. like Tony's suit being nerf'd or the fact that falcon's chest should have been caved in.. or cap talking back and not following superiors.. hawkeye throwing fist with anyone other than BW and falcon
we're all comic book fans here so we're going to nitpick no matter what but it isn't really to bring down the movie (in MCUs case) but just little details that the casual viewer probably wouldn't know about

like Starks absence, I completely get it, it is a Peter story and less of Stark the better and those complaints does not affect the overall feel of the film and how good it is

I agree in a sense but they acknowledge Stark being all around absent and hard to reach which made for a pleasant chuckle when he popped out the suit.

"Zip it kid the adult is talking!" I was like oh, excuse me :lol:

felt like that comedy wasn't necessary and that scene where he tells Peter to zip it wasn't even a comedic scene, it as serious

I just feel like it could have been executed better instead of Stark just chilling attending some Indian wedding, would have been nice if they acknowledged that he was busy when it seems like Happy had more things to do than Tow-nee
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Having not watched the movie but watched a ton of stuff on it, I assumed it would be a situation of the impatience of a child..

Tony was essentially setting up sting operations.. letting dudes get far enough to figure out what they were up to before reacting.. purposely leaving the door open/unlocked, per se

While spidey saw and was reacting, not fully realizing you need evidence of actual crimes to convict

Again I didn't see the movie, I'm just stating what I assumed would be going on
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Having not watched the movie but watched a ton of stuff on it, I assumed it would be a situation of the impatience of a child..

Tony was essentially setting up sting operations.. letting dudes get far enough to figure out what they were up to before reacting.. purposely leaving the door open, per se

While spidey saw and was reacting, not fully realizing you need evidence of actual crimes to convict

Again I didn't see the movie, I'm just stating what I assumed would be going on

Once you see the film it'll feel like Tony and Happy just didn't take Peter seriously and when he was able to get them on the phone they just brushed it off as something not that important. Vulture has been at this for "8 years" as well too so he's been robbing sites constantly but he's able to stay lowkey cause he's not tryna have world domination or anything. He just wants to provide for his family.

Toomes' crib >>>>>>>>>>>>

It looked like they were in Forest Hills. The price of that crib :wow:
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