WELCOME TO THE MARVEL MULTIVERSE -*RIP STAN LEE & Boseman* - Deadpool & Wolverine = 07/26/24

Whatever they do with X-Men, they better get Gambit right. That's all I care about with that squad outside of their costumes.

Hopefully, they pull off the head condom look better than they did for Sam:lol:

Whatever they do with X-Men, they better get Gambit right. That's all I care about with that squad outside of their costumes.
You right. Gambit been disrespected way too long. My favorite X-men too since day one.
Justice for Remy! Trying to see atleast 2 episodes where Gambit the focus. X-Ternally Yours, Future Past as well. Trying to see that vibe.
You right. Gambit been disrespected way too long. My favorite X-men too since day one.
Justice for Remy! Trying to see atleast 2 episodes where Gambit the focus. X-Ternally Yours, Future Past as well. Trying to see that vibe.
For me, they did Colossus dirty too many times. Killed him a lot in DOFP and made him less capable against Juggernaut in DP2, aside from less screen time on the first X-men trilogy. a frigging fairy on First Class had better screen time than him. They even killed Havoc which is another awesome character.
Across the Spiderverse is amazing. If you're a Spiderman fan, I don't see how it's not your favorite movie.. strictly off of all of the different Spiderman and easter eggs and references. I WISH I was as big of a fan so I could have appreciated all of them. True fan service. As a movie, I think this one can challenge the first one for sure. I think it looks better visually, as the animation is just as good but didn't feel as overwhelming. I rewatched the first one this week, and I felt like sometimes the animation was a bit too much and hard to watch, despite how gorgeous it looked. This one gives you all the same uniqueness but it slows it down just enough where I'm not feeling nauseous halfway through. Some of the shots in this movie are just jaw dropping. I think the first one has a tighter story, but that's also because this is part 1 of 2.. so it's tougher to judge. This one also feels a bit long at times, like it drags just a bit. If the first one is a 96/100, this one is right there probably with a 95/100. I'll probably flip flop on which one I like more, but it's excellent across the board.

Prisoner of the moment I'd probably pick this one just because it amps up what you liked about the first one. More emotional depth with the family, more Spider struggles this time with Gwen replacing Peter as the secondary lead, but it's absolutely top notch. I can't wait to see how they bring this one home with the finale.
Those helmets are pretty legit.. I was tempted, far more than the Charger popcorn bucket for Fast X, but couldn't pull the trigger. I didn't get a poster though, and I didn't feel like asking for one :lol:

I’m having a hard time finding words for just how much I enjoyed it. Awesome movie.
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theyve really managed to blend in a great story and humor expand on characters (plural), pull on the heart strings add in great art/cinematography/style and music while also doing a huge fan service in what seemed like every 5 min

(no pun)

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