WELCOME TO THE MARVEL MULTIVERSE -*RIP STAN LEE & Boseman* - Deadpool & Wolverine = 07/26/24

How is she supposed to be someone who travels throughout the galaxy oftentimes very close to stars when it looks like she's never been exposed to sunlight before?

Sorry to hurt feelings but it's true. Young Justice is dope. No question. The production was good. Got the whole dark vibe going on for a cartoon. It's a Batman themed show without Batman (besides cameos). If Young Justice happened now on the heels of BvS it would be a bigger hit but then people would still be hoping for it to be Justice League instead of Young Justice. It's dope tho. As dope as it is, a story about the C team isn't as good as a story about the A team. Essentially Young Justice is Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. A team doing all the little things in the world. If you like a cartoon that seems a little more mature then by all means, it's better. If you want a more traditional style cartoon with more action and bigger names with bigger missions and that your kids will definitely like, Avengers EMH is the show for you.
I thought they confirmed that Hulk wasn't gonna be in CW a few weeks back?

If he's in it, it's probably as Banner. Probably no Hulk or very brief Hulk appearance. It could be a setup for him in Thor 3. Getting an idea of his mindset or where exactly he's at. I'm lowkey thinking with the accords that he might get captured.. Maybe tossed into space lol. Not likely lol
Sorry to hurt feelings but it's true. Young Justice is dope. No question. The production was good. Got the whole dark vibe going on for a cartoon. It's a Batman themed show without Batman (besides cameos). If Young Justice happened now on the heels of BvS it would be a bigger hit but then people would still be hoping for it to be Justice League instead of Young Justice. It's dope tho. As dope as it is, a story about the C team isn't as good as a story about the A team. Essentially Young Justice is Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. A team doing all the little things in the world. If you like a cartoon that seems a little more mature then by all means, it's better. If you want a more traditional style cartoon with more action and bigger names with bigger missions and that your kids will definitely like, Avengers EMH is the show for you.
You know how I'm going to respond to this post
That new chick looks the part of Captain Marvel, but the more I think about it, James Gunn has been pretty adamant that Star Lord is the only human in Gotg2

So maybe she is somebody else
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if ronda is CM, at least we know the story will have a happy ending

if the villain ends up winning she might try to kill herself 
Repped. Ef Ronda Rousey.

Oh wait, did she try to trademark that too? After she cried her eyes out on Ellen?

Childish. Hate her.

You're trippin

Don't know if you watched Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes or even Avengers Assemble but they were clearly the favorite duo of the show to say the least. The episode where Fury tells Stark there's a traitor among them and everyone thinks it's Hawkeye, Hulk took on the whole team to defend him. The episode where Hawkeye and Hulk took on the Leader who had all the other Avengers under control was lit too. Then there's the episode where Banner couldn't transform because he was shot by Falcon with adrenaline reducer, seeing Hawkeye hurt made Banner finally turn into Hulk. Granted the MCU hasn't really showed them together but fans been wanting to see it

You mean to say Hulk and Thor, or even then Tony and Steve, as both relationships get far more focus and development. Hulk and Hawkeye is pure comedy, typically due to Clint doing something that annoys Hulk and causes Hulk to try smashing him. There's no serious movie telling potential in that. There's isn't some longstanding fan favorite pairing. They don't have anywhere near the history or chemistry that the others do. They're not getting a teamup film. :lol:

Better than young justice?

Hell no. :lol: :rofl: The ****?
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You mean to say Hulk and Thor, or even then Tony and Steve, as both relationships get far more focus and development. Hulk and Hawkeye is pure comedy, typically due to Clint doing something that annoys Hulk and causes Hulk to try smashing him. There's no serious moving telling potential in that.


Yes, that's the case in Avengers Assemble. Not in Avengers EMH. The best relationships in Avengers EMH are Hulk and Hawkeye and Hawkeye and Black Panther. Hulk and Thor don't get along and Tony and Steve barely do. Now, Hulk and Thor have a good relationship on Avengers Assemble and so does Tony and Steve. But there's no hype in the bromance like their is on Hulk and Hawkeye. Most fans of the shows will tell you it's those two. There's sites, tumblr pages and IG pages based on their bromance.

I wasn't being serious about Hulk and Hawkeye getting their own movie. There's no precedence for it in the films. I was simply giving a nod to their relationship in the cartoons. In the cartoons their the Tony and Bruce of the movies.

And as I stated, Young Justice is dope. It's in my top 5. But it's not better than Avengers EMH IMHO. Older teens and mature audiences will probably like YJ better. But again, YJ is a show about the C team. Their basically the Agents of SHIELD. Dealing with the smaller events. There's JL hitters, JL B squad and then there's YJ.
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You mean to say Hulk and Thor, or even then Tony and Steve, as both relationships get far more focus and development. Hulk and Hawkeye is pure comedy, typically due to Clint doing something that annoys Hulk and causes Hulk to try smashing him. There's no serious moving telling potential in that.


Yes, that's the case in Avengers Assemble. Not in Avengers EMH. The best relationships in Avengers EMH are Hulk and Hawkeye and Hawkeye and Black Panther. Hulk and Thor don't get along and Tony and Steve barely do. Now, Hulk and Thor have a good relationship on Avengers Assemble and so does Tony and Steve. But there's no hype in the bromance like their is on Hulk and Hawkeye. Most fans of the shows will tell you it's those two. There's sites, tumblr pages and IG pages based on their bromance.

I wasn't being serious about Hulk and Hawkeye getting their own movie. There's no precedence for it in the films. I was simply giving a nod to their relationship in the cartoons. In the cartoons their the Tony and Bruce of the movies.

No that's the case in EMH as well, with Tony and Steve and Hulk and Thor again getting more focus. I didn't say that either had the best relationship in terms of getting along with one another. I said that they get more focus, which they do. Most fans of the show are going to tell you that they're more interested in the other relationships than Hawkeye and Hulk. Not sure where you'getting that the other relationships don't have "hype". People love watching the characters interact, whether it's in good fun or they're at each other's throats and always have. Sounds like you're taking your personal opinion and applying it to an entire fanbase.

In fact, Tony and Steve get along a lot better in EMH than they do in Assemble, with Tony basically being the one that helps Steve adjust to the modern day, whereas Assemble is basically them in the films or the comics post-civil war, clashing over their different way of doing things, while still getting along outside of that.

They have a relationship in the shows, but it's by no means the one that gets the most focus.
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No that's the case in EMH as well, with Tony and Steve and Hulk and Thor again getting more focus. I didn't say that either had the best relationship in terms of getting along with one another. I said that they get more focus, which they do. Most fans of the show are going to tell you that they're more interested in the other relationships than Hawkeye and Hulk. Not sure where you'getting that the other relationships don't have "hype". People love watching the characters interact, whether it's in good fun or they're at each other's throats and always have. Sounds like you're taking your personal opinion and applying it to an entire fanbase.

In fact, Tony and Steve get along a lot better in EMH than they do in Assemble, with Tony basically being the one that helps Steve adjust to the modern day, whereas Assemble is basically them in the films or the comics post-civil war, clashing over their different way of doing things, while still getting along outside of that.

They have a relationship in the shows, but it's by no means the one that gets the most focus.

Which episodes do Hulk and Thor get more focus? Off the top of my head there's the episode where Hulk leaves the mansion. All they do is fight because he's under a spell. What other episodes? Thor is gone for the first half of season 2 and even when he returns, Hulk is still in lockup. You literally see Hulk liking to be around Hawkeye and showing that he likes him. He only joins the team if they allow Hawkeye.

Captain America and Iron Man is how it is in films for the most part. Season 1 is basically just Iron Man tryna get him up to speed. They had the training episode (which you see Hulk hanging with Hawkeye BTW). It's just basically Captain following orders. There's no friendship with it. Then season 2 is a Skrull and when he comes back it's pretty much Tony wanting Steve to lead.

Now if we're talking Avengers Assemble it shows Tony and Steve actually having a relationship which they care about each other. Same with Thor and Hulk. But like I said, Avengers EMH was ended to bring in Avengers Assemble which is more loosely based on the films. They made the show to show Thor and Hulk along with Steve and Tony as close.

That's the truth
No that's the case in EMH as well, with Tony and Steve and Hulk and Thor again getting more focus. I didn't say that either had the best relationship in terms of getting along with one another. I said that they get more focus, which they do. Most fans of the show are going to tell you that they're more interested in the other relationships than Hawkeye and Hulk. Not sure where you'getting that the other relationships don't have "hype". People love watching the characters interact, whether it's in good fun or they're at each other's throats and always have. Sounds like you're taking your personal opinion and applying it to an entire fanbase.

In fact, Tony and Steve get along a lot better in EMH than they do in Assemble, with Tony basically being the one that helps Steve adjust to the modern day, whereas Assemble is basically them in the films or the comics post-civil war, clashing over their different way of doing things, while still getting along outside of that.

They have a relationship in the shows, but it's by no means the one that gets the most focus.

Which episodes do Hulk and Thor get more focus? Off the top of my head there's the episode where Hulk leaves the mansion. All they do is fight because he's under a spell. What other episodes? Thor is gone for the first half of season 2 and even when he returns, Hulk is still in lockup. You literally see Hulk liking to be around Hawkeye and showing that he likes him. He only joins the team if they allow Hawkeye.

Captain America and Iron Man is how it is in films for the most part. Season 1 is basically just Iron Man tryna get him up to speed. They had the training episode (which you see Hulk hanging with Hawkeye BTW). It's just basically Captain following orders. There's no friendship with it. Then season 2 is a Skrull and when he comes back it's pretty much Tony wanting Steve to lead.

Now if we're talking Avengers Assemble it shows Tony and Steve actually having a relationship which they care about each other. Same with Thor and Hulk. But like I said, Avengers EMH was ended to bring in Avengers Assemble which is more loosely based on the films. They made the show to show Thor and Hulk along with Steve and Tony as close.

That's the truth

Again, getting focus has nothing to do with whether or not they get along. That's irrelevant and in pretty much every scene they're in together they're clashing in some way. You see Clint and Hulk hang out, you see Thor and Hulk fighting and pushing each other. Like I said, Hulk and Clint is a comedy relationship, but with no actual serious story telling potential to it.

How is that anything like MCU Tony and Iron Man, who are butting heads and shown as being drastically different from their first scene? As you said, in EMH Tony is the one who helps Cap adjust to the real world. They bond over the connection Cap had to Tony's father, whereas in the film that's a sore point for Tony. Tony also points out he grew up hearing stories about Captain America and considers him to be a hero. Again, this is the direct opposite of the films, where Tony looks down on Cap and they argue. Captain America goes to Tony Stark for advice about the present day, whereas in the film Tony uses Cap being out of touch as a joke. Cap goes out of his way to help Tony train in self-defense. When Purple Man uses Tony to take over the world, its Steve that Tony turns to to talk about how he feels over the situation for a heart to heart. If all you think that happens between them is Tony giving orders and Cap following i'd say watch the show again. Though once more, whether or not it's friendship is irrelevant, as I said the "relationship" gets more focus and it does. A relationship can be either good or bad and still receive heavy focus in a show.

You have a glorified view of Tony and Steve's relationship in the films honestly. They get along, just as Tony and Steve do in Assemble, but they're hardly best friends. They have just as many scenes arguing with each other as they do behaving in a genuinely friendly manner outside of battle. Age of Ultron in fact is the only point you could call them friends, since they just meet in Avengers and aren't on good terms till near the end of the film. Tony and Steve in EMH actually spend time together, outside of their costumes, just having regular *** discussions like friends do, with Tony listening to Steve's issues and vice versa.

And Thor and Hulk in Assemble get along FAR better than Thor and Hulk in the MCU, probably because Thor and Hulk in the MCU barely interact in the grand scheme :lol: But I suppose you're going to try to tell me that Assemble Thor and Hulk playing video games with each other, having eating contests, and working out together is how the MCU versions are? :rolleyes They made changes to bring it closer to the films, but they didn't make it and the relationships an exact copy of the film. Hence you have Red Skull being just as much Iron Man's villain as he is Captain America's, Black Widow being way more serious in regards to Hawkeye's pure comedy (And Hawkeye in general is less serious than the MCU version), and Falcon being Tony's fanboy.
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That tells how much I know. I was confusing EMH with Avengers Assemble.

EMH was first. I watched all those eps. It was good. Nothing special. When they restarted with Assemble is when I couldn't keep up.

I don't gush over Young Justice and rate it as highly as everybody else so I can see comparing it to EMH. Wouldn't even disagree if ppl liked that more.

As far as I'm concerned the OG Teen Titans > YJ, EMH, etc.
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