WELCOME TO THE MARVEL MULTIVERSE -*RIP STAN LEE & Boseman* - Deadpool & Wolverine = 07/26/24

That tells how much I know. I was confusing EMH with Avengers Assemble.

EMH was first. I watched all those eps. It was good. Nothing special. When they restarted with Assemble is when I couldn't keep up.

I don't gush over Young Justice and rate it as highly as everybody else so I can see comparing it to EMH. Wouldn't even disagree if ppl liked that more.

As far as I'm concerned the OG Teen Titans > YJ, EMH, etc.

OG teen titans was lit! I thought Robin was the baddest mofo on the planet lol. Slade was bad AF lol
Again, getting focus has nothing to do with whether or not they get along. That's irrelevant and in pretty much every scene they're in together they're clashing in some way. You see Clint and Hulk hang out, you see Thor and Hulk fighting and pushing each other. Like I said, Hulk and Clint is a comedy relationship, but with no actual serious story telling potential to it.

How is that anything like MCU Tony and Iron Man, who are butting heads and shown as being drastically different from their first scene? As you said, in EMH Tony is the one who helps Cap adjust to the real world. They bond over the connection Cap had to Tony's father, whereas in the film that's a sore point for Tony. Tony also points out he grew up hearing stories about Captain America and considers him to be a hero. Again, this is the direct opposite of the films, where Tony looks down on Cap and they argue. Captain America goes to Tony Stark for advice about the present day, whereas in the film Tony uses Cap being out of touch as a joke. Cap goes out of his way to help Tony train in self-defense. When Purple Man uses Tony to take over the world, its Steve that Tony turns to to talk about how he feels over the situation for a heart to heart. If all you think that happens between them is Tony giving orders and Cap following i'd say watch the show again. Though once more, whether or not it's friendship is irrelevant, as I said the "relationship" gets more focus and it does. A relationship can be either good or bad and still receive heavy focus in a show.

You have a glorified view of Tony and Steve's relationship in the films honestly. They get along, just as Tony and Steve do in Assemble, but they're hardly best friends. They have just as many scenes arguing with each other as they do behaving in a genuinely friendly manner outside of battle. Age of Ultron in fact is the only point you could call them friends, since they just meet in Avengers and aren't on good terms till near the end of the film. Tony and Steve in EMH actually spend time together, outside of their costumes, just having regular *** discussions like friends do, with Tony listening to Steve's issues and vice versa.

And Thor and Hulk in Assemble get along FAR better than Thor and Hulk in the MCU, probably because Thor and Hulk in the MCU barely interact in the grand scheme :lol: But I suppose you're going to try to tell me that Assemble Thor and Hulk playing video games with each other, having eating contests, and working out together is how the MCU versions are? :rolleyes They made changes to bring it closer to the films, but they didn't make it and the relationships an exact copy of the film. Hence you have Red Skull being just as much Iron Man's villain as he is Captain America's, Black Widow being way more serious in regards to Hawkeye's pure comedy (And Hawkeye in general is less serious than the MCU version), and Falcon being Tony's fanboy.

In all honesty, you're proving my point. As I said in the beginning, Hulk and Hawkeye had a great relationship. A bromance. You're going completely left when the only point I was making was Hawkeye and Hulk's relationship was the highlight of the series. No other duo in the cartoon had the closeness that has been shown. You said Hulk and Thor had a better relationship when that's not true. Same with Tony and Steve.

Like I said, Avengers Assemble is made to be more in line with the movies. In the trailer of Civil War you hear Stark and Steve talk about being friends or whatever. You don't see it in the movies so a lot of people are confused by it. But if you follow the cartoon, clearly they made Tony and Steve to be BFFs. First episode Tony wants revenge for what he thinks is the death of Steve. Then Steve rushes frantically to get Tony back before he dies. They have the cartoon giving backstory and setting up for things in the movies. Thor and Hulk are now buddies and guess what.. Now they have Hulk about to be in Thor setting up what may/could be a buddy team up.

My post weren't even about the differences in the show. I just was providing a nod to the Hawkeye and Hulk's relationship. Hulk the big buddy and Hawkeye the little buddy. If you don't think it's people's favorite duo, ok. But I'm pretty sure to fans of the show it is.
Again, getting focus has nothing to do with whether or not they get along. That's irrelevant and in pretty much every scene they're in together they're clashing in some way. You see Clint and Hulk hang out, you see Thor and Hulk fighting and pushing each other. Like I said, Hulk and Clint is a comedy relationship, but with no actual serious story telling potential to it.

How is that anything like MCU Tony and Iron Man, who are butting heads and shown as being drastically different from their first scene? As you said, in EMH Tony is the one who helps Cap adjust to the real world. They bond over the connection Cap had to Tony's father, whereas in the film that's a sore point for Tony. Tony also points out he grew up hearing stories about Captain America and considers him to be a hero. Again, this is the direct opposite of the films, where Tony looks down on Cap and they argue. Captain America goes to Tony Stark for advice about the present day, whereas in the film Tony uses Cap being out of touch as a joke. Cap goes out of his way to help Tony train in self-defense. When Purple Man uses Tony to take over the world, its Steve that Tony turns to to talk about how he feels over the situation for a heart to heart. If all you think that happens between them is Tony giving orders and Cap following i'd say watch the show again. Though once more, whether or not it's friendship is irrelevant, as I said the "relationship" gets more focus and it does. A relationship can be either good or bad and still receive heavy focus in a show.

You have a glorified view of Tony and Steve's relationship in the films honestly. They get along, just as Tony and Steve do in Assemble, but they're hardly best friends. They have just as many scenes arguing with each other as they do behaving in a genuinely friendly manner outside of battle. Age of Ultron in fact is the only point you could call them friends, since they just meet in Avengers and aren't on good terms till near the end of the film. Tony and Steve in EMH actually spend time together, outside of their costumes, just having regular *** discussions like friends do, with Tony listening to Steve's issues and vice versa.

And Thor and Hulk in Assemble get along FAR better than Thor and Hulk in the MCU, probably because Thor and Hulk in the MCU barely interact in the grand scheme :lol: But I suppose you're going to try to tell me that Assemble Thor and Hulk playing video games with each other, having eating contests, and working out together is how the MCU versions are? :rolleyes They made changes to bring it closer to the films, but they didn't make it and the relationships an exact copy of the film. Hence you have Red Skull being just as much Iron Man's villain as he is Captain America's, Black Widow being way more serious in regards to Hawkeye's pure comedy (And Hawkeye in general is less serious than the MCU version), and Falcon being Tony's fanboy.

In all honesty, you're proving my point. As I said in the beginning, Hulk and Hawkeye had a great relationship. A bromance. You're going completely left when the only point I was making was Hawkeye and Hulk's relationship was the highlight of the series. No other duo in the cartoon had the closeness that has been shown. You said Hulk and Thor had a better relationship when that's not true. Same with Tony and Steve.

Like I said, Avengers Assemble is made to be more in line with the movies. In the trailer of Civil War you hear Stark and Steve talk about being friends or whatever. You don't see it in the movies so a lot of people are confused by it. But if you follow the cartoon, clearly they made Tony and Steve to be BFFs. First episode Tony wants revenge for what he thinks is the death of Steve. Then Steve rushes frantically to get Tony back before he dies. They have the cartoon giving backstory and setting up for things in the movies. Thor and Hulk are now buddies and guess what.. Now they have Hulk about to be in Thor setting up what may/could be a buddy team up.

My post weren't even about the differences in the show. I just was providing a nod to the Hawkeye and Hulk's relationship. Hulk the big buddy and Hawkeye the little buddy. If you don't think it's people's favorite duo, ok. But I'm pretty sure to fans of the show it is.

Except it wasn't lol again having a good relationship doesn't mean said relationship is the focus or that it's the "highlight of the series". You made the statement that Hawkeye and Hulk were the "favorite duo of the show" as if they were taking all the screentime when they weren't.

I never once said that Hulk and Thor or even Tony and Steve had a better relationship in EMH:

You mean to say Hulk and Thor, or even then Tony and Steve, as both relationships get far more focus and development. Hulk and Hawkeye is pure comedy, typically due to Clint doing something that annoys Hulk and causes Hulk to try smashing him. There's no serious movie telling potential in that. There's isn't some longstanding fan favorite pairing. They don't have anywhere near the history or chemistry that the others do. They're not getting a teamup film. :lol:?

All i've argued from the start is which set of relationships got more focus, which isn't Hawkeye and Hulk.

You hear Tony and Steve "talk" about being friends in Civil War. Where do you actually see them being friends? EMH. Steve and Tony in Assemble are by no mean's "BFFs", just like they aren't in the movies. Again, you're blowing their film relationship out of proportion and then doing the same for their relationship in Assemble. Hulk and Hawkeye in EMH, Thor and Hulk in Assemble, Tony and Steve in EMH, those are BFF's where the people are friends that hang out on a regular basis and joke around. MCU Tony and Steve don't do that. They have a cordial relationship, you could even call them friends, but to try to say they're best friends? That's a massive exaggeration and anyone can tell you that.

Your logic makes no sense. Assemble made Thor and Hulk best friends when in the film they're not, but you're arguing they might be, but Assemble is copying the films? :lol: That's backwards logic if i've ever seen it. Nothing you've then said about Steve and Tony in Assemble counters what I said about them from EMH. Difference between Tony and Steve in the two? In Assemble they argue and fight, which actually is in line with the films. They're actually better friends in Assemble than their film counterparts are, which is why I say again that you're exaggerating how well they get along in the MCU.

The fact that you're really trying to argue that MCU Steve and Tony are best friends is incredibly silly in all honesty. Avengers has Tony mocking Steve, the two of them nearly coming to blows and criticizing one another, and then at the end they come together along with the entire team. AoU has them working well along with everyone else at the start, Tony going behind Steve's back because he doesn't want his opinion, Steve gets angry, they have another argument over the Ultron issue, go out into the field and work together, and then actually do come to blows over the Vision issue, come together again with everyone else for the final battle, and then part on good terms. That's them being best friends? :lol: The thing is, you're, again, right about Assemble being more in line with how they are in the MCU, unlike the other relationships, but the Assemble incarnation still has FAR more going for it than the MCU does.
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Except it wasn't lol again having a good relationship doesn't mean said relationship is the focus or that it's the "highlight of the series". You made the statement that Hawkeye and Hulk were the "favorite duo of the show" as if they were taking all the screentime when they weren't.

I never once said that Hulk and Thor or even Tony and Steve had a better relationship in EMH:
All i've argued from the start is which set of relationships got more focus, which isn't Hawkeye and Hulk.

You hear Tony and Steve "talk" about being friends in Civil War. Where do you actually see them being friends? EMH. Steve and Tony in Assemble are by no mean's "BFFs", just like they aren't in the movies. Again, you're blowing their film relationship out of proportion and then doing the same for their relationship in Assemble. Hulk and Hawkeye in EMH, Thor and Hulk in Assemble, Tony and Steve in EMH, those are BFF's where the people are friends that hang out on a regular basis and joke around. MCU Tony and Steve don't do that. They have a cordial relationship, you could even call them friends, but to try to say they're best friends? That's a massive exaggeration and anyone can tell you that.

Your logic makes no sense. Assemble made Thor and Hulk best friends when in the film they're not, but you're arguing they might be, but Assemble is copying the films? :lol: That's backwards logic if i've ever seen it. Nothing you've then said about Steve and Tony in Assemble counters what I said about them from EMH. Difference between Tony and Steve in the two? In Assemble they argue and fight, which actually is in line with the films. They're actually better friends in Assemble than their film counterparts are, which is why I say again that you're exaggerating how well they get along in the MCU.

The fact that you're really trying to argue that MCU Steve and Tony are best friends is incredibly silly in all honesty. Avengers has Tony mocking Steve, the two of them nearly coming to blows and criticizing one another, and then at the end they come together along with the entire team. AoU has them working well along with everyone else at the start, Tony going behind Steve's back because he doesn't want his opinion, Steve gets angry, they have another argument over the Ultron issue, go out into the field and work together, and then actually do come to blows over the Vision issue, come together again with everyone else for the final battle, and then part on good terms. That's them being best friends? :lol: The thing is, you're, again, right about Assemble being more in line with how they are in the MCU, unlike the other relationships, but the Assemble incarnation still has FAR more going for it than the MCU does.

lol why are you trying to argue relationships [emoji]128514[/emoji]? What I said is true. Now you're leaning on Assemble to back up your claims when they're two different shows. You IN FACT argued that Hulk and Thor got more focus in EMH. That's false.

Also, all you have to do is watch. You say Tony and Steve have a friendship in EMH. That's not true. They seem closer in Assemble. Yes the bicker but the relationship is closer and should be considering Assemble takes place years after the team originally assembled. I'm not saying their BFFs in the MCU. Did you read my post by chance? I said if you watch the cartoon you can understand where the statement "so was I" hits home. You're trying to tell me that their friends in EMH when if you watch they're actually closer in Assemble. Like I said, Steve was a damn Skrull most of EMH season 2.

I never said Tony and Steve are BFFs in the MCU.

I never said Assemble is copying the films. What I said is that Assemble is in line with the MCU. Never said it copies from the MCU. I said its IN LINE with the MCU. Things you see in Assemble are more in line with the MCU. Which means some of what's in Assemble you will see in the movies. You don't have to agree but I believe the cartoon gives us hints of where they're going. Just like the rumor of Odin being on Earth in Thor 3. He was on Earth in Assemble. Even fought Hulk. The reason they tossed EMH is because it showed too much of what they want to save for movies. No Ms Marvel in the MCU which means no Ms Marvel in Assemble. Assemble has no Black Panther, no Black Panther in MCU (yet).

You can't argue opinions dude nor can you argue my theories.

You're making books cause I wanted a Hulk and Hawkeye team up? Lol
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Except it wasn't lol again having a good relationship doesn't mean said relationship is the focus or that it's the "highlight of the series". You made the statement that Hawkeye and Hulk were the "favorite duo of the show" as if they were taking all the screentime when they weren't.

I never once said that Hulk and Thor or even Tony and Steve had a better relationship in EMH:
All i've argued from the start is which set of relationships got more focus, which isn't Hawkeye and Hulk.

You hear Tony and Steve "talk" about being friends in Civil War. Where do you actually see them being friends? EMH. Steve and Tony in Assemble are by no mean's "BFFs", just like they aren't in the movies. Again, you're blowing their film relationship out of proportion and then doing the same for their relationship in Assemble. Hulk and Hawkeye in EMH, Thor and Hulk in Assemble, Tony and Steve in EMH, those are BFF's where the people are friends that hang out on a regular basis and joke around. MCU Tony and Steve don't do that. They have a cordial relationship, you could even call them friends, but to try to say they're best friends? That's a massive exaggeration and anyone can tell you that.

Your logic makes no sense. Assemble made Thor and Hulk best friends when in the film they're not, but you're arguing they might be, but Assemble is copying the films? :lol: That's backwards logic if i've ever seen it. Nothing you've then said about Steve and Tony in Assemble counters what I said about them from EMH. Difference between Tony and Steve in the two? In Assemble they argue and fight, which actually is in line with the films. They're actually better friends in Assemble than their film counterparts are, which is why I say again that you're exaggerating how well they get along in the MCU.

The fact that you're really trying to argue that MCU Steve and Tony are best friends is incredibly silly in all honesty. Avengers has Tony mocking Steve, the two of them nearly coming to blows and criticizing one another, and then at the end they come together along with the entire team. AoU has them working well along with everyone else at the start, Tony going behind Steve's back because he doesn't want his opinion, Steve gets angry, they have another argument over the Ultron issue, go out into the field and work together, and then actually do come to blows over the Vision issue, come together again with everyone else for the final battle, and then part on good terms. That's them being best friends? :lol: The thing is, you're, again, right about Assemble being more in line with how they are in the MCU, unlike the other relationships, but the Assemble incarnation still has FAR more going for it than the MCU does.

lol why are you trying to argue relationships [emoji]128514[/emoji]? What I said is true. Now you're leaning on Assemble to back up your claims when they're two different shows. You IN FACT argued that Hulk and Thor got more focus in EMH. That's false.

Also, all you have to do is watch. You say Tony and Steve have a friendship in EMH. That's not true. They seem closer in Assemble. Yes the bicker but the relationship is closer and should be considering Assemble takes place years after the team originally assembled. I'm not saying their BFFs in the MCU. Did you read my post by chance? I said if you watch the cartoon you can understand where the statement "so was I" hits home. You're trying to tell me that their friends in EMH when if you watch they're actually closer in Assemble. Like I said, Steve was a damn Skrull most of EMH season 2.

I never said Tony and Steve are BFFs in the MCU.

I never said Assemble is copying the films. What I said is that Assemble is in line with the MCU. Never said it copies from the MCU. I said its IN LINE with the MCU. Things you see in Assemble are more in line with the MCU. Which means some of what's in Assemble you will see in the movies. You don't have to agree but I believe the cartoon gives us hints of where they're going. Just like the rumor of Odin being on Earth in Thor 3. He was on Earth in Assemble. Even fought Hulk. The reason they tossed EMH is because it showed too much of what they want to save for movies. No Ms Marvel in the MCU which means no Ms Marvel in Assemble. Assemble has no Black Panther, no Black Panther in MCU (yet).

You can't argue opinions dude nor can you argue my theories.

You're making books cause I wanted a Hulk and Hawkeye team up? Lol

You made statements about Hulk and Hawkeye being the highlight of EMH and then tried to drag other fans into it by saying its some widely held belief and that you're certain a lot of people agree with you lol so please don't try to use that "my opinion" argument. Once you start mentioning how other people feel you've gone out of your opinion and are talking about facts. Your original statement isn't even written as an opinion. You say that Hulk and Hawkeye were the "favorite duo of the show", again, as if they recieved some major amount of focus above and beyond everyone else. They didn't. That is a fact. And you have yet to actually counter any of my points about it, simply mentioned time and again that they happen to get along.

Yes it is. Tony and Steve are friends in EMH lol already gone over various instances proving this. Steve being a Skrull in Season 2 doesn't change that. Hulk was in jail most of season 2, doesn't change his relationships with the others. So because Tony and Steve are friends in Avengers Assemble the statement "So was I" from the films hits home? That makes no sense unless you're trying to say that the two are related to one another, which they aren't. Neither affects the other and none of the events matter in regards to the other, so that statement doesn't hold anymore weight one way or the other. Your theory about things happening in Assemble that will happen in the films also doesn't change that. You don't seem to get what "in line with" actually means. The argument you tried to make is that Assemble is in line with the films currently, which means that what's in the show is what's in the films, which isn't the case. You're now attempting to make some argument about Assemble showing the future of the MCU, which is a completely different argument entirely :lol: Tony and Steve's relationship in Assemble isn't "in line" with the MCU. Hulk and Thor's relationship isn't "in line" with the MCU. Widow and Hawkeye's relationship isn't "in line" with the MCU. For the most part, all of the relationships are very different, with the characters themselves being different. Hulk isn't even a crucial character in the Avengers or Age of Ultron, like he is in EMH and Assemble.

If you consider what i've written to be a book you need to read more. :lol: If this is too stressful for you to respond to or read then by all means move along. I'm good either way.
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You made statements about Hulk and Hawkeye being the highlight of EMH and then tried to drag other fans into it by saying its some widely held belief and that you're certain a lot of people agree with you lol so please don't try to use that "my opinion" argument. Once you start mentioning how other people feel you've gone out of your opinion and are talking about facts. Your original statement isn't even written as an opinion. You say that Hulk and Hawkeye were the "favorite duo of the show", again, as if they recieved some major amount of focus above and beyond everyone else. They didn't. That is a fact. And you have yet to actually counter any of my points about it, simply mentioned time and again that they happen to get along.

Yes it is. Tony and Steve are friends in EMH lol already gone over various instances proving this. Steve being a Skrull in Season 2 doesn't change that. Hulk was in jail most of season 2, doesn't change his relationships with the others. So because Tony and Steve are friends in Avengers Assemble the statement "So was I" from the films hits home? That makes no sense unless you're trying to say that the two are related to one another, which they aren't. Neither affects the other and none of the events matter in regards to the other, so that statement doesn't hold anymore weight one way or the other. Your theory about things happening in Assemble that will happen in the films also doesn't change that. You don't seem to get what "in line with" actually means. The argument you tried to make is that Assemble is in line with the films currently, which means that what's in the show is what's in the films, which isn't the case. You're now attempting to make some argument about Assemble showing the future of the MCU, which is a completely different argument entirely :lol: Tony and Steve's relationship in Assemble isn't "in line" with the MCU. Hulk and Thor's relationship isn't "in line" with the MCU. Widow and Hawkeye's relationship isn't "in line" with the MCU. For the most part, all of the relationships are very different, with the characters themselves being different. Hulk isn't even a crucial character in the Avengers or Age of Ultron, like he is in EMH and Assemble.

If you consider what i've written to be a book you need to read more. :lol: If this is too stressful for you to respond to or read then by all means move along. I'm good either way.

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I thought it was commonly known that Assemble by design is more compatible with the mcu than the previous show

Is it going to be a replica of the mcu? No. It's obviously its own thing but I do notice similarities and that's by design
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I thought it was commonly known that Assemble by design is more compatible with the mcu than the previous show

Is it going to be a replica of the mcu? No. It's obviously its own thing but I do notice elements both eh cartoon and the movies share

The point I was simply trying to make
I thought it was commonly known that Assemble by design is more compatible with the mcu than the previous show

Is it going to be a replica of the mcu? No. It's obviously its own thing but I do notice elements both eh cartoon and the movies share

Never disagreed with that. Dude was just wrong in the ways he tried to point out it was similar, then started talking about foreshadowing which is something else entirely. :tongue:
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I definitely don't see anyway the MCU adapts a Hulk/BannerxHawkeye bromance at all or see them even starting it.

They already have the science bros going with Banner and Tony.
I definitely don't see anyway the MCU adapts a Hulk/BannerxHawkeye bromance at all or see them even starting it.

They already have the science bros going with Banner and Tony.

Of course it's not going to happen. But it doesn't stop me from wanting it. A man can wish
There's already going to be a Hulk buddy pic. It's called Thor 3.

Yeah. I said that in one of my post. Their gonna force it on us lol
Their rivalry and "friendship" is way more faithful to the comics though.

Some of the stuff you posted with Hawkeye just kinda reminded of when Hulk interacts with Deadpool and Spidey.

Plus I don't like Hawkeye in the comics at all and the MCU version is just bland as ****.
A Thor Hulk buddy chemistry would be far less forced than a Hawkeye Hulk bromance the way the mcu and character relations has shaped up so far
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