if it is Hulk in the suit, kind of weird to put it on just to fight these grunts



I legit geeked out at work! We are so grateful to be lucky enough to witness and enjoy these movies!! 10 years in the making!

I may literally cry when the credits roll when Infinity War is done.

I’m seeing this in AMC Prime, then IMAX then AMC Prime again! Give no dambs!!

Was it confirmed that the Black Order would be in the movie? Didn't see anything hinting at their appearence yet in the trailer
Yea, there were some screenshots posted some pages back where Falcon is going up against Proxima Midnight :rofl:
That's what I was thinking, but everyone is already planning Vision's funeral. Now I'm not sure.

Yeah he's not staying dead. It would make his apparent death all the more important if that was the last stone he needed tho.

Visions doom was set the second they put an infinity stone in his head :lol:

I mean it's the automatic assumption, and Thanos may rip it out, but with it being shown in the teaser? He's not done for.
I don’t understand why Falcon gets so much more praise over Clint...they basically the same, if anything that boy Clint has a higher skill set :shrug:
i like how small and puny everyone looked compared to thanos in the trailer

iron man getting his lights punched out
spiderman gett handled like a bug
panther with his little kitty claws
vision getting his stone taken out
falcon and bucky with there stupid guns

it really makes thanos look OP, which i dig.

Not feelin this tank top look. He needs to be in full gear. Put a coat on him and he just looks like Hellboy :smh:
This is the first real battle appearance of Thanos, dont expect them to have him fully geared up for the first battle. Especially since he thinks the Avengers are no match for him. He has to have the full gauntlet to have him a battle gear, so expect that in Avengers 4
Atleast Falcon has flying wings. Hawkeye is on 2 feet with nothing other than some sharpened sticks that he flings with some tightened string.
Falcon a throwaway character at best. Just another guy with equipment. Difference between him and Tony is the IQ, plus billions. Hawkeye in his old uni with the headpiece was iconic even though all he did was shoot arrows...lol.

Never been a fan of the lower tier characters like Falcon and Black Widow. When bigtime baddies come around they are basically useless. Stick to the street level crime.
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