Welcome to World War III (!$$+ just got real) *EDIT: 4 dead, more injured

I'm sorry, but most of you guys in here don't know what you're talking about. First, Korea doesnt have the biggest military in the world, China does. Secondly, the US isn't going to fight NK unless they mess with Japan.
I'm sorry, but most of you guys in here don't know what you're talking about. First, Korea doesnt have the biggest military in the world, China does. Secondly, the US isn't going to fight NK unless they mess with Japan.
North Korea keeps doing what they do because China backs them. China regulates the world. The US is indebted to China. People don't realize what is going on in the world today...

Even though there will be a media blitz, and some other BS happening, I don't see the US getting heavily involved because they don't want it with China...
North Korea keeps doing what they do because China backs them. China regulates the world. The US is indebted to China. People don't realize what is going on in the world today...

Even though there will be a media blitz, and some other BS happening, I don't see the US getting heavily involved because they don't want it with China...
Originally Posted by WhatsLosinLike

Originally Posted by DimesLikeHefner

Originally Posted by Mo Greene

why the world havent invaded NK years ago is still a mystery to me

They have the LARGEST military in the WORLD 
damn seriously? never knew that
Yea but we got the biggest Allies so our military + NATO (Australia Albania Belgium Bulgaria Canada Croatia Czech Republic Denmark Estonia France Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Italy JAPAN Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Slovakia Slovenia Spain Turkey 
United Kingdom) = RIP NK
Originally Posted by WhatsLosinLike

Originally Posted by DimesLikeHefner

Originally Posted by Mo Greene

why the world havent invaded NK years ago is still a mystery to me

They have the LARGEST military in the WORLD 
damn seriously? never knew that
Yea but we got the biggest Allies so our military + NATO (Australia Albania Belgium Bulgaria Canada Croatia Czech Republic Denmark Estonia France Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Italy JAPAN Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Slovakia Slovenia Spain Turkey 
United Kingdom) = RIP NK
I can't believe many of you are even trying to compare North Korea's military to that of the United States. North Korea doesn't even have the largest military by PERSONEL, regardless, the size of the United States military including equipment, base locations, and personel dwarfs North Korea's military power. The United States has been stymied by both Afghanistan and Iraq because those are asymmetric wars and are not conventional wars. Aircraft carriers and stealth bombers are not very effective against insurgents hiding out in buildings and laying IEDs. Below is a comparison of the US and North Korea on a few stats.

# of Foreign Military Bases

United States: 700+ different bases in 130 countries

North Korea: 0

# of Aircraft Carriers (there are a total of 21 active aircraft carriers in the world, the US has 11 of them)

United States: 11

North Korea: 0

# of Tanks

United States: 13,000

North Korea: 3,500

Size of Defense Budget:

United States: 600+ billion/4.3% of GDP

North Korea (estimate since no one actually knows): 5 billion (from GlobalSecurity.com) and %25 of GDP

[font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]American declinism is a popular viewpoint that has emerged several times throughout American history however the fact of the matter is that the United States is far and away the most powerful country in the world bar none. I admit the debt of the United States is problematic however countries who we owe money (China) couldn't really do anything if we decided to not pay them back. I am not saying there wouldn't be catastrophic geopolitical consequences for a defaulting United States however it would not culminate in a Chinese invasion of the United States. China (or any combination of alliances in the world) can't face the United States military.[/font]

oh, and f-22s...

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[font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]
I can't believe many of you are even trying to compare North Korea's military to that of the United States. North Korea doesn't even have the largest military by PERSONEL, regardless, the size of the United States military including equipment, base locations, and personel dwarfs North Korea's military power. The United States has been stymied by both Afghanistan and Iraq because those are asymmetric wars and are not conventional wars. Aircraft carriers and stealth bombers are not very effective against insurgents hiding out in buildings and laying IEDs. Below is a comparison of the US and North Korea on a few stats.

# of Foreign Military Bases

United States: 700+ different bases in 130 countries

North Korea: 0

# of Aircraft Carriers (there are a total of 21 active aircraft carriers in the world, the US has 11 of them)

United States: 11

North Korea: 0

# of Tanks

United States: 13,000

North Korea: 3,500

Size of Defense Budget:

United States: 600+ billion/4.3% of GDP

North Korea (estimate since no one actually knows): 5 billion (from GlobalSecurity.com) and %25 of GDP

[font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]American declinism is a popular viewpoint that has emerged several times throughout American history however the fact of the matter is that the United States is far and away the most powerful country in the world bar none. I admit the debt of the United States is problematic however countries who we owe money (China) couldn't really do anything if we decided to not pay them back. I am not saying there wouldn't be catastrophic geopolitical consequences for a defaulting United States however it would not culminate in a Chinese invasion of the United States. China (or any combination of alliances in the world) can't face the United States military.[/font]

oh, and f-22s...

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[font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]
Originally Posted by jumpman247

Originally Posted by blaxoid

I love how theres so many people in here who are convinced that the US would wipe the floor with North Korea, considering you are still involved in two failing wars elsewhere.
You have to remember we're playing politics, trying to make the Iraqis, and people of Afghanistan our friends. If it came to straight bombing the crap out of a country, and no politics being played it would be a different story.

We aren't even using one quarter of our hardware.  We are fighting a well organized group of people who duck and hide.  When we do find them, they hide amongst women and children and we can't kill them.  Every time we do a surgical strike and take out a high value target, the first thing the press jumps on is the dismembered body of the little girl on the ground.  If we were fighting an actual country and didn't have to hold back - it would be lights out.
Originally Posted by jumpman247

Originally Posted by blaxoid

I love how theres so many people in here who are convinced that the US would wipe the floor with North Korea, considering you are still involved in two failing wars elsewhere.
You have to remember we're playing politics, trying to make the Iraqis, and people of Afghanistan our friends. If it came to straight bombing the crap out of a country, and no politics being played it would be a different story.

We aren't even using one quarter of our hardware.  We are fighting a well organized group of people who duck and hide.  When we do find them, they hide amongst women and children and we can't kill them.  Every time we do a surgical strike and take out a high value target, the first thing the press jumps on is the dismembered body of the little girl on the ground.  If we were fighting an actual country and didn't have to hold back - it would be lights out.
Let us commence the construction of giant railguns in space for obliteration purposes. If we hit them first we want to make sure there's no way they can hit us back.
We aren't even using one quarter of our hardware.  We are fighting a well organized group of people who duck and hide.  When we do find them, they hide amongst women and children and we can't kill them.  Every time we do a surgical strike and take out a high value target, the first thing the press jumps on is the dismembered body of the little girl on the ground.  If we were fighting an actual country and didn't have to hold back - it would be lights out.

pretty much. If there weren't groups around the world who'd feed off the negative parts of what would happen we'd have bombed Iraq/Afghanistan back to the 1st century literally.
Let us commence the construction of giant railguns in space for obliteration purposes. If we hit them first we want to make sure there's no way they can hit us back.
We aren't even using one quarter of our hardware.  We are fighting a well organized group of people who duck and hide.  When we do find them, they hide amongst women and children and we can't kill them.  Every time we do a surgical strike and take out a high value target, the first thing the press jumps on is the dismembered body of the little girl on the ground.  If we were fighting an actual country and didn't have to hold back - it would be lights out.

pretty much. If there weren't groups around the world who'd feed off the negative parts of what would happen we'd have bombed Iraq/Afghanistan back to the 1st century literally.
Originally Posted by DwyaneWadeOG

I can't believe many of you are even trying to compare North Korea's military to that of the United States. North Korea has the largest military by PERSONEL which is somewhat important however the size of the United States military including equipment, base locations, and personel dwarfs North Korea's military power. The United States has been stymied by both Afghanistan and Iraq because those are asymmetric wars and are not conventional wars. Aircraft carriers and stealth bombers are not very effective against insurgents hiding out in buildings and laying IEDs. Below is a comparison of the US and North Korea on a few stats.

# of Foreign Military Bases

United States: 700+ different bases in 130 countries

North Korea: 0

# of Aircraft Carriers (there are a total of 21 active aircraft carriers in the world, the US has 11 of them)

United States: 11

North Korea: 0

# of Tanks

United States: 13,000

North Korea: 3,500

Size of Defense Budget:

United States: 600+ billion/4.3% of GDP

North Korea (estimate since no one actually knows): 5 billion (from GlobalSecurity.com) and %25 of GDP

[font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]American declinism is a popular viewpoint that has emerged several times throughout American history however the fact of the matter is that the United States is far and away the most powerful country in the world bar none. I admit the debt of the United States is problematic however countries who we owe money (China) couldn't really do anything if we decided to not pay them back. I am not saying there wouldn't be catastrophic geopolitical consequences for a defaulting United States however it would not culminate in a Chinese invasion of the United States. China (or any combination of alliances in the world) can't face the United States military.[/font]

oh, and f-22s...

[font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]

[font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]
Agree with everything you said, but the raptor (F-22) is a bad example.  That thing has so many flaws.  It works as advertised unless it: rains, foggy, sanding, or muggy.  Other than that, it's all good.  That is one of the reasons why it has yet to fly an actual combat mission in Iraq/Afghanistan. 
Originally Posted by DwyaneWadeOG

I can't believe many of you are even trying to compare North Korea's military to that of the United States. North Korea has the largest military by PERSONEL which is somewhat important however the size of the United States military including equipment, base locations, and personel dwarfs North Korea's military power. The United States has been stymied by both Afghanistan and Iraq because those are asymmetric wars and are not conventional wars. Aircraft carriers and stealth bombers are not very effective against insurgents hiding out in buildings and laying IEDs. Below is a comparison of the US and North Korea on a few stats.

# of Foreign Military Bases

United States: 700+ different bases in 130 countries

North Korea: 0

# of Aircraft Carriers (there are a total of 21 active aircraft carriers in the world, the US has 11 of them)

United States: 11

North Korea: 0

# of Tanks

United States: 13,000

North Korea: 3,500

Size of Defense Budget:

United States: 600+ billion/4.3% of GDP

North Korea (estimate since no one actually knows): 5 billion (from GlobalSecurity.com) and %25 of GDP

[font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]American declinism is a popular viewpoint that has emerged several times throughout American history however the fact of the matter is that the United States is far and away the most powerful country in the world bar none. I admit the debt of the United States is problematic however countries who we owe money (China) couldn't really do anything if we decided to not pay them back. I am not saying there wouldn't be catastrophic geopolitical consequences for a defaulting United States however it would not culminate in a Chinese invasion of the United States. China (or any combination of alliances in the world) can't face the United States military.[/font]

oh, and f-22s...

[font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]

[font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]
Agree with everything you said, but the raptor (F-22) is a bad example.  That thing has so many flaws.  It works as advertised unless it: rains, foggy, sanding, or muggy.  Other than that, it's all good.  That is one of the reasons why it has yet to fly an actual combat mission in Iraq/Afghanistan. 
 Lt. Col. Wade Tolliver, the squadron commander of the 27th FS from Langley AFB commented on the upkeep and reliability of the Raptor's RAM during simulated combat conditions, stating "the stealth coatings are not as fragile as they were in earlier stealth aircraft. It isn't damaged by a rain storm and it can stand the wear and tear of combat without degradation."

(and to think we paid 65 billion for the f22 program
 for a plane that only now can withstand rain


In two weeks of exercises, the Raptor-led Blue Force amassed 241 kills against two losses in air-to-air combat, and neither Blue Force loss was an F-22.

This was followed from 13 April to 19 April 2008 by an Operational Readiness Inspection (ORI) of the integrated wing in which it received an "excellent" rating in all categories while scoring a simulated kill-ratio of 221-0.
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