well, its PUT UP or SHUT UP time now i guess......

"Tyler has the audience, Spike has the message. put the two together and you could have a winning combination."

Man... this right here would've been special on SO many levels because it wouldn't have just birthed a SINGLE film.

My thing with Tyler is that I wish he had it in him to REALLY challenge himself AND his audience and do something different every once in awhile you know? (not to change the subject)
Random....but why'd they use some techno track in the commercial I saw on TV the other day? I think this is going to flop big time.
Originally Posted by Freeze




yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I'm on it

I noticed that as well. I'm convinced that GL is lowkey a Wire fan and you can't tell me any different.
I have no problem with Tyler Perry himself...just with what Tyler decides to put out. As of right now, his catalog isn't that strong, IMO.

If spike lee was putting out the same trash cinematography, i'd have a problem with him too.

I'm glad Tyler is merely putting up dough and not sitting behind the camera.
This is also why i'm gunning for Don Cheadle's show to be successful. There has been nothing profiling black professional executives on TV or in the movies since the 90s as far as I can remember on a scale that big.

Kelsey Grammar's Girlfriends or anything Tyler Perry has done doesn't count in my eyes. I'm taking mainstream cross-cultural appeal. 
i don't care if it gets horrible reviews...

i'm still paying my money to see this.

i LOVE WWII flicks.

simply put, it will be better than pearl harbor...
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

I hope Meth n Neyo deliver decent performances.
I thought Lucas was joking when he said it would be a trilogy.

on paper, i thought it was a pretty solid casting job. im hoping the same
Won't do well b/c it's about black people playing protagonists. It's going to get my money though. Good to see the two dudes from the Wire getting some good roles as well. Hope the story line is great but it is Mr. Lucas we talkin bout so it should be pretty good. I can't wait to see it.

I've been waiting for this for a long time.  I remember Lucas talking about it being his pet project back when they were making the first Star Wars prequel.  I'm completely fascinated with the European theater of WWII and the Tuskegee Airmen has always been my favorite story from that.  The HBO original was pretty good as well.

I hope it gets enough support at the box office.  They've spent a great deal on marketing and the commercials are everywhere.  Shout out to Nick Saban last night.  He mentioned it like 5 times post game.
Originally Posted by Ruxxx

"Tyler has the audience, Spike has the message. put the two together and you could have a winning combination."

Man... this right here would've been special on SO many levels because it wouldn't have just birthed a SINGLE film.

.....ive pitched this same idea to a few people hell bent on condeming TP. they were too busy complaining that the idea flew right over their heads.
...for one? im dont believe TP is purposely trying to exploit our culture. i truely do believe TP thinks he's creating quality content. im not saying he's right or wrong, but if im say Spike Lee and i think otherwise id have approached him with a little more respect.
I thought the trailer looked pretty good.

The only worrying thing is what was said already - George Lucas writes bad dialogue.
Don't know why I'm just hearing about this. Will Peep. Nice to see the Director kept in touch with people he worked with on The Wire. This is either going to be HUGE or a let down financially.
I find it hard to support anything with Terrence Howard in it. Don't like his acting. As long as this aint Tyler Perry Presents Red Tails I don't see why ppl can't support it though. It's based on historical facts right? Aint like Lucas went to him for help on writing the script right? Just money to fund the film.

So yeah supporting wouldn't be that bad unless you're a person who hates Tyler Perry so much you don't even support movies where he makes money off of them. Which to me sounds like a bit of too much work.

As for the movie this is cool and all but I need somebody to address the lack of black ppl in cowboy movies. I want a mass influx of black ppl in cowboy movies so we can get it right this time around.
i truely do believe TP thinks he's creating quality content. im not saying he's right or wrong, but if im say Spike Lee and i think otherwise id have approached him with a little more respect.

I hear what your saying and I agree with some of your points, but I honestly find it hard to believe that Tyler Perry really thinks he's creating quality content deep down.  Even if he did, once he was approached by Lucas for helping to fund this movie or once he watched this movie Red Tails he should be ashamed of himself that as a prominent black producer he couldn't dare create a movie this good or epic.  As a black producer that caters mainly to the black community he's getting outdone and badly so on TV by Kelsey Grammer and on the movie screen by George Lucas, both of whom can make a better black product than him.  
Methon Man and Neyo???    

Least it has Cuba and that kid from Friday Night Lights.  But yea this will barely break half budget 
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