well, its PUT UP or SHUT UP time now i guess......

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Do yall think this will do better than the Miracle at St. Anna? According to IMDB, it only grossed 7 mil.

Personally, I'm going to wait till it comes on DVD if I even consider watching it. I seriously wonder who's decision it was to put techno in the commercial.

....@++# man, dont say that. if this film grosses less than 10 million hollywood wont make any quality black films for another 20 years.....oh god no.
Honestly, from the music choice in the commercial to the cast, I'm just not feeling it.  At all.  I get that it's under the Lucas umbrella...I also understand the historical significance.  However, the movie just looks poor.  Who knows, I could be totally wrong and it's a blockbuster....but I have SERIOUS doubts. 
I have the same doubts. I don;t think it will be good, but thats honestly not the point at this stage.
dunno if this was covered in the thread but theres a lot of racial tension over on the IMDB boards over this film http://www.imdb.com/title...985/board/nest/192872290

There was a movie some years back called Tuskegee Airmen. When it came out there were several veterans of WWII who referred to the airmen as the "Missing Engine Squadron." This was do to an inordinate amount of pilots from the squadron would radio back to the airfield that they were returning to base because their engines were missing, as in miss firing. I have no problem with Red Tails but can't we just be totally honest when dealing with political and racial issues?

Originally Posted by kdawg

The only worrying thing is what was said already - George Lucas writes bad dialogue.
The screenplay was written by John Ridley (who's writing resume includes The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Martin and Undercover Brother 
) and Aaron McGruder (yes, THAT Aaron McGruder).
If a movie is good a movie is good, with that said it doesn't matter if it's an black cast or all white, I'll support it as long as it delivers, Lucas is a legend that alone is good enough to make me curious, the trailer looks awesome, ol' Ray Lewis sounding boy in the trailer getting me all hyped.
Preview I saw has me fearful. There is a lot riding on this project in terms of future funding for major black films from studios (which is already non existent).
i'm seeing it off the strength of Mike and Wallace

one of my friends said his family rented out a theater for this so i'll def. be checking it since they did all that
I'm definitely trying to see this movie. That we fight chant gets me hyped every time I hear it
I've seen the trailers on TV, I'll definitely be watching this.

Huge fan of WW2 movies.
def gonna see it....hopefully i can get them tyler perry supporting n's on fb to support it too
it took me a while to remember... but I knew they made a movie about this already...

new one doesn't look too bad.. although the "we, fight" chant reminded me of the Saints drew brees chant.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Personally, I'm going to wait till it comes on DVD if I even consider watching it. I seriously wonder who's decision it was to put techno in the commercial.

No disrespect to you DoubleJ's or anyone else that has this mentality but do you and others critique white movies as much as you do a black movie like this one??  What difference does it make if they had techno music in the commercial or not, you know the significance of this movie from a history standpoint and you should also know the significance of this movie for other black projects like this one to continue in the future which is why WE need to support this.  

Black people line up by the truckload to watch buffoonery and movies that show blacks in a subservient role (shot out to all the sistas that went to go see The Help), but we make up piss poor excuses to not support a movie that shows blacks in a prominent role because folks think they heard "techno music" in a commericial about the movie, or what some deem as bad casting for the movie, SMH.  We truly are our own worst enemy at times.  Not to mention that Black History Month is right around the corner as well.    
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Personally, I'm going to wait till it comes on DVD if I even consider watching it. I seriously wonder who's decision it was to put techno in the commercial.

No disrespect to you DoubleJ's or anyone else that has this mentality but do you and others critique white movies as much as you do a black movie like this one??  What difference does it make if they had techno music in the commercial or not, you know the significance of this movie from a history standpoint and you should also know the significance of this movie for other black projects like this one to continue in the future which is why WE need to support this.  

Black people line up by the truckload to watch buffoonery and movies that show blacks in a subservient role (shot out to all the sistas that went to go see The Help), but we make up piss poor excuses to not support a movie that shows blacks in a prominent role because folks think they heard "techno music" in a commericial about the movie, or what some deem as bad casting for the movie, SMH.  We truly are our own worst enemy at times.  Not to mention that Black History Month is right around the corner as well.    

.....glad someone said it, i really was trying to bite my tongue on the issue, but what can you do *shrug*
...i found this on another forum and expect the same:
George Lucas exec produced Red Tails. He put up the entire budget (50 mil I think) solely out of his own pocket. Then he continued by hiring Black screenwriters and a Black director to bring it to the screen.

I love this dude for that.

And I'm pissed that "Black Hollywood" couldn't get their collective $+%$ together to do something like this. But...gift horse, right?

Now the REAL question is...

Are Black audiences going to get off our complacent $++!% to support this film? In theaters? Opening weekend? Take the kids? Tell a friend (or two)?
Or are we going to do what we always do...
1) get the bootleg...
2) act like we "forgot it came out already?"...
3) flock to the next Tyler Perry movie, then complain about how "Hollywood doesn't offer us enough choices"...

dude that does the boondocks co wrote this? interesting.... its based on a true story so you cant possibly mess that up.

budget is only 58 million. i will be shocked and saddened if this does not atleast make 100 million at the box office.

i love ww2 movies and loved the hbo movie in the 90's

im hyped for it. gonna see it first day
i'm def goin to see it on opening weekend

i didn't learn $#+* about these dudes in any of my history classes.. i hope that the schools around here take the kids to see it.. with black history month coming up and all
Originally Posted by NobleKane

dude that does the boondocks co wrote this? interesting.... its based on a true story so you cant possibly mess that up.

budget is only 58 million. i will be shocked and saddened if this does not atleast make 100 million at the box office.

i love ww2 movies and loved the hbo movie in the 90's

im hyped for it. gonna see it first day
....budget was 58 million just to make the movie before advertising (which costs 35 million) that puts the total to 93 million or so.
...damn man, the more i read about this movie the more i realize this %%+@ is gon flop......and flop HARD. 100 million? no way in hell.
....Lucas himself realizes he's put black films in a potential bad situation with the budget: 
"I realize that by accident I've now put the black film community at risk [with Red Tails, whose $58 million budget far exceeds typical all-black productions]

...we need some Selma, Alabama type togetherness to get this movie over the hump and thats just not going to happen, unless?
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Personally, I'm going to wait till it comes on DVD if I even consider watching it. I seriously wonder who's decision it was to put techno in the commercial.

No disrespect to you DoubleJ's or anyone else that has this mentality but do you and others critique white movies as much as you do a black movie like this one??  What difference does it make if they had techno music in the commercial or not, you know the significance of this movie from a history standpoint and you should also know the significance of this movie for other black projects like this one to continue in the future which is why WE need to support this.  

Black people line up by the truckload to watch buffoonery and movies that show blacks in a subservient role (shot out to all the sistas that went to go see The Help), but we make up piss poor excuses to not support a movie that shows blacks in a prominent role because folks think they heard "techno music" in a commericial about the movie, or what some deem as bad casting for the movie, SMH.  We truly are our own worst enemy at times.  Not to mention that Black History Month is right around the corner as well.    

No offense taken...

My take on movies is this...if it looks bad to ME, or if I can't take the cast seriously...I won't watch it.  I'd never knock you or anyone else for seeing the film.  However, I'm not going to support something JUST for the sake of supporting it or just because Black History Month is around the corner.  That's foolish.  Doesn't make a difference if it's a black film, white film, etc.  I'm not going to force myself to watch something that I personally feel will be terrible.  Again, I could be totally wrong....but in watching the clips of the movie in the commercials (which weighs HEAVILY in my decision as far as whether or not I'll watch a movie), it just looks poor.  Like I said in another post...I understand the historical significance, but I'm not feeling the cast or how the movie was being presented in their ads.  I love movies.  I love watching movies that will keep ME entertained and engaged.  Of course it's hit/miss when you go into a theater or watch a DVD because the finished product could be a complete 180 from what you thought it would be.  Maybe that's the case with Red Tails.  If I do watch it, it will most likely be on DVD because I'm not going to waste $30 on tickets for something that I have a bad feeling about going in. 
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