well, its PUT UP or SHUT UP time now i guess......

So wait, studios can figure out a way to market a remake of Police Academy but they can't figure out a way to market Red Tails? This doesn't surprise me though....Hollywood has long been racist. I remember going to a lot of "black" films & having the ticket stub say I went to another movie so the revenue wouldn't count to the film. I remember going to see Spike Lee's X & my ticket said Forrest Gump. I demanded the manager for my ticket to say the X. I wouldn't leave & continued to cause a huge scene until it was fixed. Rat bastards...
DoubleJs07 wrote:
Random....but why'd they use some techno track in the commercial I saw on TV the other day? I think this is going to flop big time.
I was thinking the same thing. I know Lucas had to have John Williams score this movie. He couldn't use one of the patented John Williams dramatic pieces for the commercial?

 @ that Public Enemy vid.
damn! what happened to hiphop?
Originally Posted by Deuce King

i truely do believe TP thinks he's creating quality content. im not saying he's right or wrong, but if im say Spike Lee and i think otherwise id have approached him with a little more respect.

I hear what your saying and I agree with some of your points, but I honestly find it hard to believe that Tyler Perry really thinks he's creating quality content deep down.  Even if he did, once he was approached by Lucas for helping to fund this movie or once he watched this movie Red Tails he should be ashamed of himself that as a prominent black producer he couldn't dare create a movie this good or epic.  As a black producer that caters mainly to the black community he's getting outdone and badly so on TV by Kelsey Grammer and on the movie screen by George Lucas, both of whom can make a better black product than him.  

...yeah, maybe (about the quality). however i disagree about the Kelsey Grammer thing. i dont care how successful his shows are they're still trash.
......you know? to be completely honest? i watched a 7 minute mashup of clips from the movie and it looks horrible.........im still going to support it though


Im taking the whole fam to see this on saturday.I dont think people actually realize how important this film is for the future of black Hollywood.never has there been a film like this with a all black cast with such a high budget. If a movie like this dosent do well with a legend like George lucas as its director, do you ever think hollywood would give a nobody film student a chance? this has FAR reaching long term effects in Hollywood..NO matter what u actually think of the movie...
i doubt it gross 50M tho 

should have gone with slight  comedic undertones, make it lighter, family movie, and denzel & will 

but the real solution is just to buy a ticket. no need to even go see it . 
Originally Posted by vandal044

Im taking the whole fam to see this on saturday.I dont think people actually realize how important this film is for the future of black Hollywood.never has there been a film like this with a all black cast with such a high budget. If a movie like this dosent do well with a legend like George lucas as its director, do you ever think hollywood would give a nobody film student a chance? this has FAR reaching long term effects in Hollywood..NO matter what u actually think of the movie...

Right On!!!
Originally Posted by roc4life24

i doubt it gross 50M tho 

should have gone with slight  comedic undertones, make it lighter, family movie, and denzel & will 

but the real solution is just to buy a ticket. no need to even go see it . 
I completely disagree, it's a shame comedy has to be added, or it has to be a "family movie."
I would honestly rather a real, true to the fact, and emotional film instead of a great story ruined and rewritten for Hollywood.

And why the hell would you buy a ticket and not see it 
 How do you know it won't be good, either support it or don't man.

Just my opinion tho 
I will def be watching this. And if the advertising is well planned out(which Lucas is brilliant at) this movie will do well. I've had the privilege of meeting a couple of Tuskegee Airmen--the conversation I had was unreal and very inspiring. One particular man did so much more after the war and I was just amazed at how much he achieved despite the cultural conditions.One of them:http://www.huskeralum.org.../soaring_achievement.pdf
I think this movie will fail. IT was presented in the wrong manner. Should have been presented as a drama that just so happens to have action. Tusketegee airmen was more than just airplane flying and bomb killings. These were black men in racist life prime in europe. Focus on the struggle they went through more than the air battles. I watched 106 today and the actors was on there talking about shuns was swagging in planes. No Terrence howard, those BLACK MEN were fighting for OUR F, REEDOM. That was no swag, tihat was fight or die. It aint no joke and I wish it wouldnt be treated as one. big budget blacr bek movies might not ever do good.
I'm really hyped for this. Been a huge fan of the Tuskegee airmen since I was a child.
Would of went to Tuskegee if they would of given me a scholarship too but it's way too expensive to pay out of pocket.
I got this jacket for Christmas too, usually don't care for jackets this busy but I like this one.


Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

Originally Posted by roc4life24

i doubt it gross 50M tho 

should have gone with slight  comedic undertones, make it lighter, family movie, and denzel & will 

but the real solution is just to buy a ticket. no need to even go see it . 
I completely disagree, it's a shame comedy has to be added, or it has to be a "family movie."
I would honestly rather a real, true to the fact, and emotional film instead of a great story ruined and rewritten for Hollywood.

And why the hell would you buy a ticket and not see it 
 How do you know it won't be good, either support it or don't man.

Just my opinion tho 
completely agree with you..why every time  a film is made with with black actors it has to be on some soft comedy type of stuff or Jamaal from the hood? Its refreshing to see some black faces in leadership roles fighting for the country.
so upon second thought i agree keeping serious is better for history since thats where we learn a ton from ill admit
buying a ticket = a vote = saying we want more films like it. box office bottom line matters
I have two good reasons to see it

1. My grade school algebra teacher went to Tuskegee U, and put me up on game about the airmen at a young age. I had the internet at home since '95 so I did further research about their statistics and how they were requested by white bomber pilots for their services. Mind= blown

2. There's two kids from the "The Wire" in it
Do yall think this will do better than the Miracle at St. Anna? According to IMDB, it only grossed 7 mil.

Personally, I'm going to wait till it comes on DVD if I even consider watching it. I seriously wonder who's decision it was to put techno in the commercial.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Do yall think this will do better than the Miracle at St. Anna? According to IMDB, it only grossed 7 mil.

Personally, I'm going to wait till it comes on DVD if I even consider watching it. I seriously wonder who's decision it was to put techno in the commercial.

....@++# man, dont say that. if this film grosses less than 10 million hollywood wont make any quality black films for another 20 years.....oh god no.
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