well, its PUT UP or SHUT UP time now i guess......

Didn't Lucas say in an interview that this would be the last big budget film he'll ever do?  Maybe someone else will take over if it does become a trilogy.
Seems like a pretty good story but I have my doubts about a Lucas movie.
Ne-Yo, ehh...
I'm not completely saying no to him just because he was in Battle LA
Method Man on the other hand,
I really hope this goes well for Lucas in bringing this story to life. I will forgive him for making Star Wars 1 and Jar Jar Binks if that is the case but on a side-note I just can't believe how Lucas made the Star Films look like Joan Rivers though...

Classic Star Wars                                               REDONE, REMASTERED, 3D, WHATEVER THE HECK LUCAS DID TO STAR WARS
....swear to GOD we are our own worst enemy:

I said this earlier as well, and I couldn't agree more.  Any and every black person IMO needs to go the theater, purchase a ticket and watch this movie.  They need to support that CAUSE, that's the most important aspect that I think folks are missing here.
Television writer John Ridley ("The Wanda Sykes Show") and comic-strip creator Aaron McGruder ("Boondocks") must shoulder the blame for the screenplay, but the stilted pacing and overall wishy-washiness of the drama must be ascribed to director Anthony Hemingway.

Hemingway, a TV veteran making the leap to the big screen, seems stuck in the land of boxy close-ups. For all its zooming aerobatics, there's something small, earthbound and unambitious about "Red Tails" (titled for the squad's distinctive paint), as though everyone chose the easiest possible path to the climax. What a shame that is. Because men this proud - and a tale this heroic - deserve a better movie.

Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Thing is, This movie won't get a lot of buzz b/c of the all black/predominantly black cast. On top of the non-blacks that won't see it, u got the blacks who won't see it based off of the trailor and other pointless reasons.

These are the same black ppl that talk about these fx but line up to see Paranormal Activity

I'm going to see it regardless. I miss the movies w/ black casts and there were some great ones, whether stereotypical or not.

Looks like everybody is trying to find a reason not to see it
Yeah I agree with the bold it's some silly chicks on a mb my sister post on talking about they aren't going to see because they aren't repping black women in the movie.  The only women are latinas apparently and the black chicks were taking out in the final cut.  I was just smh at the whole thread but that's just how some people are though.
Its unreal how little press this is getting.

...I feel stupid for ever denying the pro-white bias in hollywood.
I went to a screening last night and I thought it was pretty damn good.

A little cheesy at times, but thats what they were going for.

The CGI was nice as hell.
I just saw it. Helluva flick with a powerful message for me personally.

Two reasons why I could see why Hllywood wasn't behind it but I'll hold off on commenting on that till probably after this weekend.

I wanted a bit more character development but if it's part of a trilogy, that makes sense.
Surprised to see George Lucas doing a movie like this. Not sure how I feel about it. Might want to go see it. My man Wallace tho
Honestly, I have zero interest in this movie.

Has nothing to do with race ... the trailers just make this look super cheesy.

If the reviews are good id consider seeing it on Tuesday for $7. Otherwise ill wait till its ondemand.
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

I just saw it. Helluva flick with a powerful message for me personally.

Two reasons why I could see why Hllywood wasn't behind it but I'll hold off on commenting on that till probably after this weekend.

I wanted a bit more character development but if it's part of a trilogy, that makes sense.

Can't wait. Most likely going tomorrow with shorty to see it.
Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Thing is, This movie won't get a lot of buzz b/c of the all black/predominantly black cast. On top of the non-blacks that won't see it, u got the blacks who won't see it based off of the trailor and other pointless reasons.

These are the same black ppl that talk about these fx but line up to see Paranormal Activity

I'm going to see it regardless. I miss the movies w/ black casts and there were some great ones, whether stereotypical or not.

Looks like everybody is trying to find a reason not to see it

Not true at all.  Say hello to all the Whack tyler perry movies that get publicity.

You sound really butt hurt, now blacks are at fault for not seeing it because they don't like the trailor?  I'm sorry, but if a trailor doesn't meet my taste why would I go waste money on the movie?

You'd think this dude was the director or something
dont know why but ive never been able to take cuba gooding jr seriously..

probably a rental for me.
Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Thing is, This movie won't get a lot of buzz b/c of the all black/predominantly black cast. On top of the non-blacks that won't see it, u got the blacks who won't see it based off of the trailor and other pointless reasons.

These are the same black ppl that talk about these fx but line up to see Paranormal Activity

I'm going to see it regardless. I miss the movies w/ black casts and there were some great ones, whether stereotypical or not.

Looks like everybody is trying to find a reason not to see it

Not true at all.  Say hello to all the Whack tyler perry movies that get publicity.

You sound really butt hurt, now blacks are at fault for not seeing it because they don't like the trailor?  I'm sorry, but if a trailor doesn't meet my taste why would I go waste money on the movie?

You'd think this dude was the director or something

...of course right? his attempt to challege people to see the big picture and support something due to what may come afterward if the film fails somehow = "You'd think this dude was the director or something".
^ yeah, that must be it right?
...straight CLOWN status.
...sometimes man.....sometimes. my people

....we are truely a lost cause.
speaking of which:



Today is the day the future of big budget Black filmmaking hangs in the balance. According to George Lucas at least. After spending about 555 million adjusted for inflation dollars to make his 6 installments of Star Wars, Lucas has now vowed to abandon half a billion budgets forever partly because of the racism he encountered making the all Black cast Red Tails, which opens today. Lucas’ very public recounting of what he calls his 25 year struggle to tell the heroic tale of the Tuskeegee Airmen seemed to many, slightly heroic itself. There seems little doubt that Lucas is well intentioned. But his warnings of never being able to crawl out of Hollywood’s basement should we miss the opening weekend of Red Tails also reeks of paternalism.
“I realize that by accident I’ve now put the black film community at risk
This movie was awesome.

You all really gotta ignore a lot of what's said here. Just go see it for yourself. Everyone at the theater was excited to see this.

The older folks were acting like it was a class reunion tho
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