well, its PUT UP or SHUT UP time now i guess......

Originally Posted by Drama23

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

bruh, thats my site and image you're stealing... i'll switch it to porn if i wasn't nice.  check out menterests.com tho
Oh, you salty about that bandwidth huh? 
You salty about that hotllinking huh?

I feel you bruh. 
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Personally, I'm going to wait till it comes on DVD if I even consider watching it. I seriously wonder who's decision it was to put techno in the commercial.

No disrespect to you DoubleJ's or anyone else that has this mentality but do you and others critique white movies as much as you do a black movie like this one??  What difference does it make if they had techno music in the commercial or not, you know the significance of this movie from a history standpoint and you should also know the significance of this movie for other black projects like this one to continue in the future which is why WE need to support this.  

Black people line up by the truckload to watch buffoonery and movies that show blacks in a subservient role (shot out to all the sistas that went to go see The Help), but we make up piss poor excuses to not support a movie that shows blacks in a prominent role because folks think they heard "techno music" in a commericial about the movie, or what some deem as bad casting for the movie, SMH.  We truly are our own worst enemy at times.  Not to mention that Black History Month is right around the corner as well.    
The reason they put dubstep in that particular trailer is clearly to appeal to the younger generation where 10,000+ kids between the ages of 14-18 flock to see artists like Skrillex, Nero, or Deadmau5. Dubstep is currently the most popular music among that age range so if they wanted to try to appeal them it makes sense the advertisers would use that music. Additionally, the point has been brought up already but a lot of people already see the movie fighting an uphill battle with a major black cast. It makes sense they would use other tactics to bring in another demographic. I will be there opening night. 
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Personally, I'm going to wait till it comes on DVD if I even consider watching it. I seriously wonder who's decision it was to put techno in the commercial.

No disrespect to you DoubleJ's or anyone else that has this mentality but do you and others critique white movies as much as you do a black movie like this one??  What difference does it make if they had techno music in the commercial or not, you know the significance of this movie from a history standpoint and you should also know the significance of this movie for other black projects like this one to continue in the future which is why WE need to support this.  

Black people line up by the truckload to watch buffoonery and movies that show blacks in a subservient role (shot out to all the sistas that went to go see The Help), but we make up piss poor excuses to not support a movie that shows blacks in a prominent role because folks think they heard "techno music" in a commericial about the movie, or what some deem as bad casting for the movie, SMH.  We truly are our own worst enemy at times.  Not to mention that Black History Month is right around the corner as well.    
Does this mean you don't listen to most of hip hop artists that are out like Little Wayne, etc? Because those guys are modern day Step & Fetch Its if you ask me. When you look at hip hop videos, it's alarming to see how simular they are to footage like Amos & Andy.

I didn't like the choice of the music in the trailer, but I'm going to see it none the less. It's critical to support films like this.

Originally Posted by Quincy Powell

Thanks for this.
Thanks a whole bunch for that find. I LOVE star wars, as a child I was overly obsessedwith it. And now seeing that Lucas is going back in to make another trilogy with that same kind of passion, to the point where he's saying "this is the closest thing you will get to episode 7" is amazing to hear. To hear that he put that kind of effort into this film, and to have that same passion is really a great thing. Especially since its for these forgotten heroes what don't get as much shine and appreciation as they deserve (as there are other heroes who also deserve just as much as well).
I can't wait to see this.
Originally Posted by tim teufel

The fact it has meth and neyo as actors makes me not wanna see it.

This. Also, the special effects from the trailer look terrible. If the movie gets decent reviews i'll watch it on blu-ray.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Personally, I'm going to wait till it comes on DVD if I even consider watching it. I seriously wonder who's decision it was to put techno in the commercial.

No disrespect to you DoubleJ's or anyone else that has this mentality but do you and others critique white movies as much as you do a black movie like this one??  What difference does it make if they had techno music in the commercial or not, you know the significance of this movie from a history standpoint and you should also know the significance of this movie for other black projects like this one to continue in the future which is why WE need to support this.  

Black people line up by the truckload to watch buffoonery and movies that show blacks in a subservient role (shot out to all the sistas that went to go see The Help), but we make up piss poor excuses to not support a movie that shows blacks in a prominent role because folks think they heard "techno music" in a commericial about the movie, or what some deem as bad casting for the movie, SMH.  We truly are our own worst enemy at times.  Not to mention that Black History Month is right around the corner as well.    

No offense taken...

My take on movies is this...if it looks bad to ME, or if I can't take the cast seriously...I won't watch it.  I'd never knock you or anyone else for seeing the film.  However, I'm not going to support something JUST for the sake of supporting it or just because Black History Month is around the corner.  That's foolish.  Doesn't make a difference if it's a black film, white film, etc.  I'm not going to force myself to watch something that I personally feel will be terrible.   

....you have to crawl before you walk though.
....plus the fact that this isnt your run of the mill type movie, there's alot riding on this one.

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Personally, I'm going to wait till it comes on DVD if I even consider watching it. I seriously wonder who's decision it was to put techno in the commercial.

No disrespect to you DoubleJ's or anyone else that has this mentality but do you and others critique white movies as much as you do a black movie like this one??  What difference does it make if they had techno music in the commercial or not, you know the significance of this movie from a history standpoint and you should also know the significance of this movie for other black projects like this one to continue in the future which is why WE need to support this.  

Black people line up by the truckload to watch buffoonery and movies that show blacks in a subservient role (shot out to all the sistas that went to go see The Help), but we make up piss poor excuses to not support a movie that shows blacks in a prominent role because folks think they heard "techno music" in a commericial about the movie, or what some deem as bad casting for the movie, SMH.  We truly are our own worst enemy at times.  Not to mention that Black History Month is right around the corner as well.    

No offense taken...

My take on movies is this...if it looks bad to ME, or if I can't take the cast seriously...I won't watch it.  I'd never knock you or anyone else for seeing the film.  However, I'm not going to support something JUST for the sake of supporting it or just because Black History Month is around the corner.  That's foolish.  Doesn't make a difference if it's a black film, white film, etc.  I'm not going to force myself to watch something that I personally feel will be terrible.  Again, I could be totally wrong....but in watching the clips of the movie in the commercials (which weighs HEAVILY in my decision as far as whether or not I'll watch a movie), it just looks poor.  Like I said in another post...I understand the historical significance, but I'm not feeling the cast or how the movie was being presented in their ads.  I love movies.  I love watching movies that will keep ME entertained and engaged.  Of course it's hit/miss when you go into a theater or watch a DVD because the finished product could be a complete 180 from what you thought it would be.  Maybe that's the case with Red Tails.  If I do watch it, it will most likely be on DVD because I'm not going to waste $30 on tickets for something that I have a bad feeling about going in. 

If you honestly think or feel this movie is going to be bad based upon what you have seen from the commercials then that's one thing, I can't and won't knock you for that.  Even with that being said just like seasoned vet stated there is ALOT riding on this more than what I think people are understanding.  This movie can truly impact both good and bad FUTURE black movies or black production in roles or movies such as this.  From Hollywood's standpoint I'm sure they are saying to themselves...."We can make movies about blacks being inferior, show blacks in a negative light, or show blacks as slaves and they will show up to pay their money hand over fist but if we show blacks in a positive light based upon facts and historicial truth they don't show up and support."  To you DoubleJ's and anyone that feels like you based upon the cast or certain music that you have heard, I would still encourage to reconsider and support the movie and the cause, let me say that again, I encourage you to support the movie and the CAUSE.  

From the trailer if they were showing the pilots in the plane with a bucket of fried chicken in their hands or a stereotype like that then I could definitely see how and why folks wouldn't want to watch the movie.  I wouldn't even want to watch the movie myself of course if that were the case.  This movie and movies like this are a start, but if we don't help by keeping the momentum and speed up, we aren't going to be able to one day finally cross the finish line.    


Dubstep is currently the most popular music among that age range so if they wanted to try to appeal them it makes sense the advertisers would use that music. Additionally, the point has been brought up already but a lot of people already see the movie fighting an uphill battle with a major black cast. It makes sense they would use other tactics to bring in another demographic.
  Makes sense.

Does this mean you don't listen to most of hip hop artists that are out like Little Wayne, etc? 
I listen to hip hop alot, mostly older hip hop, not much of the new age stuff.  I don't listen to Wayne or others rappers like that which cater to the lowest form.  Those @**$++ like Wayne and such are a cancer within hip hop and the black community so I don't support that kind of foolishness.

.....glad someone said it, i really was trying to bite my tongue on the issue, but what can you do *shrug*

Thanks champ.  We gotta start calling folks and things out if and where we see it, in a respectful manner of course.  If we don't discuss these things, then nothing get talked about or resolved as needed.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Personally, I'm going to wait till it comes on DVD if I even consider watching it. I seriously wonder who's decision it was to put techno in the commercial.

No disrespect to you DoubleJ's or anyone else that has this mentality but do you and others critique white movies as much as you do a black movie like this one??  What difference does it make if they had techno music in the commercial or not, you know the significance of this movie from a history standpoint and you should also know the significance of this movie for other black projects like this one to continue in the future which is why WE need to support this.  

Black people line up by the truckload to watch buffoonery and movies that show blacks in a subservient role (shot out to all the sistas that went to go see The Help), but we make up piss poor excuses to not support a movie that shows blacks in a prominent role because folks think they heard "techno music" in a commericial about the movie, or what some deem as bad casting for the movie, SMH.  We truly are our own worst enemy at times.  Not to mention that Black History Month is right around the corner as well.    


I have immense issues with the portrayal of black men in Hollywood. Either you're some pet Negro or you gotta wear a dress to get on or you're some other janky role. A movie comes out with Black men as protagonists...an all black cast backed by a legend...this man brought us Star Wars. Giving younger brothas a chance to star without being in Denzel or Will or Tyler Perry's shadow. There's a LOT riding on this project. Hollywood is all about a dollar. Look at the early 90s when the Black consciousness was awakening..you had Eddie playing an playboy advertising exec, now? You'd never see that! Watch if this flick even does remotely well, they're gonna jockride it and give it more power....but only to a certain degree because you dont want to have Black people waking up and messing up the money you could lose out on by doing more ****ish movies.

We have to start supporting what we want to see. Black women will go out and see Tyler Perry flicks and The Help; there's no excuse for Black men not to see this. The techno music is a huge cop out, ya'll watch movies with more messed up music in their commercials.. I'll be watching this and I'm really considering buying two tickets to this just because. The men they're portraying are heroes and war vets. "We" have been waiting for this movie for ages. I dont even care if the critics pan it, which I am almost so sure that will happen since it's not a movie like The Help or Blindside. Ya'll are worried about the cast, let them brothas build their resumes, obviously Tyler Perry aint writing these types of roles for them. It's curious enough that even a white producer had to say that Hollywood had problems with the movie. 

Ya'll keep on enjoy seeing Black men in lame roles. I'll be supporting this.
Let me ask you all...do any of you have a problem with the lack of "star" power in this film? Meaning, if this was such an important project, why aren't the likes of Denzel or Will Smith taking on a role? Yes, we know that they command salaries that are probably close to what the entire budget of this movie was....but, wouldn't it be a better look to have someone like that attached to the project? THEY draw people to the box office....

The techno music is a huge cop out, ya'll watch movies with more messed up music in their commercials..

It's not a cop out....the music choice in the ad takes away from some of the legitimacy (sp?).  My .02
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Does this mean you don't listen to most of hip hop artists that are out like Little Wayne, etc? 
I listen to hip hop alot, mostly older hip hop, not much of the new age stuff.  I don't listen to Wayne or others rappers like that which cater to the lowest form.  Those @**$++ like Wayne and such are a cancer within hip hop and the black community so I don't support that kind of foolishness.

You earned some respect from me today Deuce...
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Let me ask you all...do any of you have a problem with the lack of "star" power in this film? Meaning, if this was such an important project, why aren't the likes of Denzel or Will Smith taking on a role? Yes, we know that they command salaries that are probably close to what the entire budget of this movie was....but, wouldn't it be a better look to have someone like that attached to the project? THEY draw people to the box office....

The techno music is a huge cop out, ya'll watch movies with more messed up music in their commercials..

It's not a cop out....the music choice in the ad takes away from some of the legitimacy (sp?).  My .02
There's some star power in this with Howard & Gooding Jr. But I'm ok if a movie had all unknowns/little knowns. Look at HBO's Band of Brothers. That was one of the best things on TV ever IMO, same thing with The Wire. You don't need name actors, but you better have a great casting director that knows how to find good actors...

The dubstep in the commercial completely threw me off, not because its dubstep, but because the previous trailer I saw marketed the movie as a historic revision of these group of fighters or whatever and the struggle and story of their lives. Then when I saw the dubstep commercial, it seemed more like a high paced action thriller that just happened to have an all black cast. Its like they couldn't make up their minds, or perhaps its the tv channel I was on. In any case, its just a bit confusing as to what kind of movie I am about to see (if I am even gonna see it). The electro music actually made me NOT want to see it, because it seem like a cheap attempt to gain interest because they felt their original vision/direction wasn't gonna work. Its understandable, but sad too. Also, is this movie really directed by George Lucas? If so, they should be advertising that more than anything else.
Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

I'm supporting this regardless. Been saying that since I first heard about it.

This. It's about damn time the Tuskegee Airmen get some kind of love the proper way. Lucas guna make them shine. I'm HYPED to see this movie.

Meth + Ne-Yo as supporting roles, Terrence Howard and my man CGJr? It's a wrap.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Let me ask you all...do any of you have a problem with the lack of "star" power in this film? Meaning, if this was such an important project, why aren't the likes of Denzel or Will Smith taking on a role? Yes, we know that they command salaries that are probably close to what the entire budget of this movie was....but, wouldn't it be a better look to have someone like that attached to the project? THEY draw people to the box office....

This movie has Terrance Howard, Cuba Gooding Jr., and alot of good and upcoming young black actors.  It's not like they got a bunch of dudes off the street or something.  Sure it might have been nice to get either Denzel or Will Smith, but for whatever reason that's not the direction Lucas went, so I'm not upset with that, and I'm also not upset with some of the lesser known black actors in Hollywood getting a shot at a big movie such as this.  It's nice and refreshing.  The problem is not the lack of "star" power or any other point that someone might make, it's the lack of support within the black community for projects such as this.  As a community WE spend foolishly on products that give us no return or do nothing for us, so folks IMO shouldn't become penny pinchers when it comes to seeing this movie IN the theatre and purchasing a ticket.

You earned some respect from me today Deuce...   

"My man"
Originally Posted by presequel

The dubstep in the commercial completely threw me off, not because its dubstep, but because the previous trailer I saw marketed the movie as a historic revision of these group of fighters or whatever and the struggle and story of their lives. Then when I saw the dubstep commercial, it seemed more like a high paced action thriller that just happened to have an all black cast. Its like they couldn't make up their minds, or perhaps its the tv channel I was on. In any case, its just a bit confusing as to what kind of movie I am about to see (if I am even gonna see it). The electro music actually made me NOT want to see it, because it seem like a cheap attempt to gain interest because they felt their original vision/direction wasn't gonna work. Its understandable, but sad too. Also, is this movie really directed by George Lucas? If so, they should be advertising that more than anything else.

Summed up what I was trying to say about the music in the commercial...

It's like a movie like Amistad, which has some historical significance, sneaking in the "Ante Up" instrumental somewhere in the trailer...it would TOTALLY take away some of the legimitacy of the project. 

Well said, Presequel. 
I'm not worried about the star power. Everyone ALWAYS complains about Black actors not having roles and how Tyler Perry is always looking for opps to give black actors roles. These guys can add this to their resume and possibly spark something special. I'm not worried at all about the cast. Ya'll forget that even Denzel and Will started somewhere. A film comes out with actors that dont have the Tyler Perry cosign and people are questioning the credibility of the cast.

Maybe I'm coming across strong, but it's only because I feel that this flick can start an undercurrent. Denzel got an Oscar for Training Day and Glory and Malcolm X were WAY stronger roles than that. It's bad enough the Black male image is assassinated by the same media who uses OUR music and pop cultural dictations to determine what's cool. To the point where it's been a chain of all our Black actors wearing dresses in movies and to where they got Dave Chappelle out of here (coincidentally, he's gone on record as saying he'd never wear a dress). It's obvious what the agenda is and if you have the power to demand something more, do so.
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]So y'all are upset that there is techno music in this BLACK film?  .......Are you kidding me?

That doesn't nor will it take away from this movie.  It's the movie score, you can't have jay z/waka/biggie instrumentals play for every black film....Y'all are nitpicking this flick.  Most actors in this, esp the young ones, are good actors.  It's good to see NEW BLACK faces in a predominately white market.  And the fact that these actors are portraying positive roles instead of living the everyday rap music video should make some of y'all proud. 

As for the graphics?  Nothing is different compared to any other Lucas Film, his FX usually look similar.
It's amazing to think how racism in it's most insedious systemic form is evident with this movie. Like every facet of racism is evident here. Did Spike & Tyler really turn down Lucas for financing or is that an urban legend?
Originally Posted by Return Of The Mac

[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]So y'all are upset that there is techno music in this BLACK film?  .......Are you kidding me?

That doesn't nor will it take away from this movie.  It's the movie score, you can't have jay z/waka/biggie instrumentals play for every black film....Y'all are nitpicking this flick.  Most actors in this, esp the young ones, are good actors.  It's good to see NEW BLACK faces in a predominately white market.  And the fact that these actors are portraying positive roles instead of living the everyday rap music video should make some of y'all proud. 

As for the graphics?  Nothing is different compared to any other Lucas Film, his FX usually look similar.

Great points made...
Cant wait to see this
Originally Posted by Return Of The Mac

[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]As for the graphics?  Nothing is different compared to any other Lucas Film, his FX usually look similar.
But the graphics look like they are straight outta Phantom Menace
that movie is over a decade old
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Let me ask you all...do any of you have a problem with the lack of "star" power in this film? Meaning, if this was such an important project, why aren't the likes of Denzel or Will Smith taking on a role? Yes, we know that they command salaries that are probably close to what the entire budget of this movie was....but, wouldn't it be a better look to have someone like that attached to the project? THEY draw people to the box office....

...not at all. so much so, that it NEVER crossed my mind until you brought it up.
...the ironic part? this is one of those cant win for losing things, because i vividly remember not too long ago many black folks complaining about all the good roles going to Denzel, Fishburne, and Will Smith types and how they wanna see new up and coming actors get those roles. well, here it is...and here come the complaints
...to add, i was very pleased to see them take the budget and spread it across a wide range of good actors instead of blowing their load on that ONE great actor everyone expects.
you have the likes of:
Cuba Gooding Jr
Terrance Howard
(from The Wire)
Michael B. Jordan (Wallace)
Tristan Wilds (Michael)
Andre Royo (Bubbles)

...the rest of the male talent appear to come from a good resume of work. and you find flaws in this?
...let me also point out that i FULLY understand your point that if they expect the best outcome for the movie that they should have gotten someone the almost ensure the numbers they expect. you question was did it 'bother us'. well, they went in another direction for the actors and it didnt/doesnt bother me one bit.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by presequel

The dubstep in the commercial completely threw me off, not because its dubstep, but because the previous trailer I saw marketed the movie as a historic revision of these group of fighters or whatever and the struggle and story of their lives. Then when I saw the dubstep commercial, it seemed more like a high paced action thriller that just happened to have an all black cast. Its like they couldn't make up their minds, or perhaps its the tv channel I was on. In any case, its just a bit confusing as to what kind of movie I am about to see (if I am even gonna see it). The electro music actually made me NOT want to see it, because it seem like a cheap attempt to gain interest because they felt their original vision/direction wasn't gonna work. Its understandable, but sad too. Also, is this movie really directed by George Lucas? If so, they should be advertising that more than anything else.

Summed up what I was trying to say about the music in the commercial...

It's like a movie like Amistad, which has some historical significance, sneaking in the "Ante Up" instrumental somewhere in the trailer...it would TOTALLY take away some of the legimitacy of the project. 

Well said, Presequel. 

- the Amistad example isnt exactly accurate. Amistad wasnt made as an action film for teenage boys. by George Lucas own account Red Tails was. so one should expect a trailer or two with middle of the road music...in this case techno *kanye shrug*
...when i first heard that particular trailer's music, what came to mind apparently was exactly the intent when they made that trailer. an unbiased attempt to attract ALL TEENAGE BOYS regardless or race. hell, i didnt even know who the *$%# a dubstep was until this thread. 

Originally Posted by psk2310

 Did Spike & Tyler really turn down Lucas for financing or is that an urban legend?

.....this is the first ive heard of this. link?

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