well, its PUT UP or SHUT UP time now i guess......

Originally Posted by Return Of The Mac

[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]So y'all are upset that there is techno music in this BLACK film?  .......Are you kidding me?

That doesn't nor will it take away from this movie.  It's the movie score, you can't have jay z/waka/biggie instrumentals play for every black film....Y'all are nitpicking this flick.  Most actors in this, esp the young ones, are good actors.  It's good to see NEW BLACK faces in a predominately white market.  And the fact that these actors are portraying positive roles instead of living the everyday rap music video should make some of y'all proud. 

As for the graphics?  Nothing is different compared to any other Lucas Film, his FX usually look similar.
You missed the point about the music because clearly NO ONE is saying that it should have a hip-hop score...

Cuba Gooding Jr
Terrance Howard
(from The Wire)
Michael B. Jordan (Wallace)
Tristan Wilds (Michael)
Andre Royo (Bubbles)

...the rest of the male talent appear to come from a good resume of work. and you find flaws in this?
...let me also point out that i FULLY understand your point that if they expect the best outcome for the movie that they should have gotten someone the almost ensure the numbers they expect. you question was did it 'bother us'. well, they went in another direction for the actors and it didnt/doesnt bother me one bit.

SV, I totally get where you're coming from...but let me clarify by what I meant by my problem w. the cast.  I see Cuba Gooding Jr. and Terrance Howard, and IMMEDIATELY I think "is that the best they can do?"  Probably a flaw of mine, but that's exactly what I thought when I saw them in the clip.  Now, here comes Method Man and Ne-Yo, and I'm pretty much snickering at this point because of seeing them in fighter jets on some sort of divebomb.  I just couldn't separate WHO they are to what role they were playing. 

Again, a Lucas project that's based off of an important aspect of our country's history, and there is no big-time A-list actor lending their hand in this project.  That to me is a problem.  The draw would probably be 100x greater if Denzel Washington, Will Smith, or even Jamie Foxx helped out.  My question is WHY aren't any of them on board with this? 

Going back to the Miracle at St. Anna (which, IMO, had a FAR superior cast and was a Spike Lee production), it only grossed 8 or 9 million.  I just think that this movie is going to be a failure.  I have no problem eating crow if I'm wrong, and by all means....throw it right back in my face if I am.  However, I don't like a couple of things about this movie and there is little-to-nothing about it that is appealing enough to me to watch it in the theaters. 

...when i first heard that particular trailer's music, what came to mind apparently was exactly the intent when they made that trailer. an unbiased attempt to attract ALL TEENAGE BOYS regardless or race. hell, i didnt even know who the *$%# a dubstep was until this thread.

But why is there a need to do that?  Seems like a cheap and sad ploy to get people to watch the film...and yes, I still stand by the fact that even that little bit of dubstep takes away from the legitimacy of the film.  Dubstep for a movie based out of the 1940's 
  I would expect something like that for Cowboys vs. Aliens, but not a movie like this. 

The point of a15 second TV ad is to garner the attention of the audience. Loud dubstep music placed over what appears to be a corny action film which happens to feature a predominately African American cast is one way to do that. I appears it has y'all talking about it. While I'm not a fan of the commercial itself that doesn't mean I won't see the movie. Perhaps the advertisers were targeting a certain demographic with the flashy visuals and popular song. My personal feelings towards Lucas aside (prequals...ugh) you shouldn't shove this movie aside simply because the initial TV release portrays it as the next Expendables with black people. Instead take the time to check out the full length trailer and then make up your mind. If you have seen it and still don't care for the film then fine; I'm not going to hate youor argue with you about it. I feel that the movie is getting an unjust wrap over the way STUDIOS have decided to advertise a movie they don't believe has a market. Again, the studios didn't say the movie was bad, but rather a movie depicting African American males wouldn't have enough traction in this world to turn a profit.
This is probably the only movie coming out in the next 2-4 weeks that I know I will go out of my way to see.... I do eventually wanna get around to The Grey and Safe House though...

the action looks like a TV movie that splurged on sfx.
no inspiration or style to it at all...so standard George Lucas.

Band of Brothers was better made than this.

Miracle at St. Anna with all it's flaws ##@*$ on whatever those 7 minutes suggest.
Hand me down war film, setting major black film back yet again.

Guess I'll hold my hope out on Django Unchained, even though that barely counts.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by presequel

The dubstep in the commercial completely threw me off, not because its dubstep, but because the previous trailer I saw marketed the movie as a historic revision of these group of fighters or whatever and the struggle and story of their lives. Then when I saw the dubstep commercial, it seemed more like a high paced action thriller that just happened to have an all black cast. Its like they couldn't make up their minds, or perhaps its the tv channel I was on. In any case, its just a bit confusing as to what kind of movie I am about to see (if I am even gonna see it). The electro music actually made me NOT want to see it, because it seem like a cheap attempt to gain interest because they felt their original vision/direction wasn't gonna work. Its understandable, but sad too. Also, is this movie really directed by George Lucas? If so, they should be advertising that more than anything else.

Summed up what I was trying to say about the music in the commercial...

It's like a movie like Amistad, which has some historical significance, sneaking in the "Ante Up" instrumental somewhere in the trailer
...it would TOTALLY take away some of the legimitacy of the project. 

Well said, Presequel. 

Undecided if I'll go see it or not..prolly will just not opening weekend..i nvr see movies opening weekend

like a lot said the future of black hollywood/films is riding on red tails..so its not just "only a movie" in a weird way
The commercial for it sucks, why not have a melo dramatic trailer for it, showing more of the actors, even a bit of the story line? We're talking about a historical story on the Tuskegee Airmen. All you get (if you dont know your history) is a bunch of @@#$$+ in a plane, shooting to techno music. *%$#*!! commercial. I would of thought Lucus would do something better than that.
Originally Posted by Vendetta

� ��

The point of a�15 second TV ad is to garner the attention of the audience. Loud dubstep music placed over what appears to be a corny action film which happens to feature a predominately African American cast is one way to do that. I appears it has y'all talking about it. While I'm not a fan of the commercial itself that doesn't mean I won't see the movie. Perhaps the advertisers were targeting a certain demographic with the flashy visuals and popular song. My personal feelings towards Lucas aside (prequals...ugh) you shouldn't shove this movie aside simply because the initial TV release portrays it as the next Expendables with black people. Instead take the time to check out the full length trailer and then make up your mind. If you have seen it and still don't care for the film then fine; I'm not going to hate you�or argue with you about it.� I feel that the movie is getting an unjust wrap over the way STUDIOS have decided to advertise a movie they don't believe has a market.� Again, the studios didn't say the movie was bad, but rather a movie depicting African American males wouldn't have enough traction in this world to turn a profit.
No %**%, I'm sure Jane and Steven in there million dollar Bel Air home isn't first in line at the midnight show. It's like the marketing is severely pinged at the black youth, since this is a commercial that will move them. While that may be what they are trying to accomplish, they're also saying that if we show a good, historical driven, more actors shown, story line exposed trailer people will not want to see it. IMO a movie driven off these historical men shouldn't be water down, it should be just an epic trialer as (for example) Saying Private Ryan.
George Lucas began developing Red Tails around 1988 with a scheduled release in 1992
Production began in March 2009. In an interview on The Daily Show, Lucas claimed that the long delay in the production of the film was because the major film studios balked at financing and marketing a film with an all-black cast

He was on The Daily Show last week talking about it, he himself said that they don't know how to market the movie.
Originally Posted by ErickM713

George Lucas began developing Red Tails around 1988 with a scheduled release in 1992
Production began in March 2009. In an interview on The Daily Show, Lucas claimed that the long delay in the production of the film was because the major film studios balked at financing and marketing a film with an all-black cast

He was on The Daily Show last week talking about it, he himself said that they don't know how to market the movie.


Seems like a lost cause....intentions were probably good, but damn....

Even after watching some of that 7 minute clip and reading what Erick posted, I don't know how anyone can go into this movie with high hopes. 
Damn I hope this movie does well. As much as I love watching old Spike Lee joints and older movies. Some more current African American movies that don't have us jiving and all of that bs would be greatly appreciated.
I just actually met, shook hands, and took pictures with one of the living Tuskegee Air Men... Walked out the theater from seeing Girl with the Dragon tattoo into a premier with 7 air men doing interviews and taking pictures... Surreal moment.
please dont tell me you not seeing the movie based on music placed in a TV trailer?
i dont even  have the time to go through every hip hop song placed in a movie trailer, having nothing to do with the film. 

the uptempo choice is only to get your attention. little else. dont think so highly of your musical preferences. 
Thing is, This movie won't get a lot of buzz b/c of the all black/predominantly black cast. On top of the non-blacks that won't see it, u got the blacks who won't see it based off of the trailor and other pointless reasons.

These are the same black ppl that talk about these fx but line up to see Paranormal Activity

I'm going to see it regardless. I miss the movies w/ black casts and there were some great ones, whether stereotypical or not.

Looks like everybody is trying to find a reason not to see it
I am actually looking forward to seeing this movie. I love history, especially WW2 era and have been wanting to see a film about the Tuskegee airman. I only saw the original trailer but after seeing the recent commercial spot and reading more about this movie, my expectations have sunk a little. I really hope this movie does well though.
Typical Lucas graphics and special effects, but still, who doesn't wanna see some P-51 Mustangs squaring off against Me-262's!? 
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

I just actually met, shook hands, and took pictures with one of the living Tuskegee Air Men... Walked out the theater from seeing Girl with the Dragon tattoo into a premier with 7 air men doing interviews and taking pictures... Surreal moment.
That's awesome
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

I just actually met, shook hands, and took pictures with one of the living Tuskegee Air Men... Walked out the theater from seeing Girl with the Dragon tattoo into a premier with 7 air men doing interviews and taking pictures... Surreal moment.
That's awesome
edit: on an unrelated note

no MLK Jr. Banner on NT again? 
So this is the second Tuskegee movie with Cuba in it? Nothing against him but we need more options. Like someone said earlier Idris shouldve been a part of this film. Casting concerns aside Im still going check this movie out, hope it doesnt flop.
I see new movies regularly with my group of friends 6-10 of us (I'm filipino they're mostly chinese and viet) and speaking about next week movies, Red Tails falls in last place vs Underworld and Haywire. They're Star Wars fans and such, but that's making a lick of difference having Lucas behind this. I really hope this movie does well and have been waiting to see it since I first saw the trailer, but it's going to struggle without a good word of mouth campaign
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