Well Maybe We Can Get Justice For Darius? Trayvon Part 2

Can't wait till all these old racist ******* rot off the face of the earth.

this is what im afraid of. our society is still producing racist pigs and we will always have to deal with these ssad events because ppl are still gunna be racist despite these events
John Henry Spooner Shooting VIDEO: Evidence Shows Darius Simmons Killed (GRAPHIC)

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that's what you call evidence.

that's why he's in custody with a mug shot and Zimmerman wasn't (before the media got involved)
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i think i see what it is

the life lost truly has no value to you

if all that matters from now is that there is evidence when people commit crimes like this then essentially what you are saying is that as living beings, our only purpose is to be killed and discarded as "evidence".


that's the problem right there, your critical thinking is impaired.

I'm saying this is way more clean cut, I really really really wish there was evidence against Zimmerman, so I wouldn't have to hear people running their mouth about their own accounts of racism rather than facts.
that's not how you treat a trial.

it's innocent until proven guilty, not, I've been profiled so I bet I know what happened.
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i think i see what it is

the life lost truly has no value to you

if all that matters from now is that there is evidence when people commit crimes like this then essentially what you are saying is that as living beings, our only purpose is to be killed and discarded as "evidence".

the "fact" that you are so hung up on trials and evidence and trying to ignore and downplay the human element of what happened is the real impairment

you can denigrate me all you want but you have yet to be up front and deny anything ive said you.

your problem is you dont like that i am speaking directly to you, whoever you are sitting behind your computer.  I'm challenging you as a person as to what kind of person you are, your integrity, your manhood. 

you dont like it, come at me bro.
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Every time you call someone racist when you can't prove it, it loses it's meaning.

It's sad, but the term 'racist' is becoming a joke because of people like you, that don't want to think about what they're saying.
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thats how a racist mentality works. you feel safe as long as your not exposed, but i called you out on it. you think you can subvert my line of questioning to get to the root of how you really feel.

i would actually respect you if you just came out and said it and owned up to it.  instead you are a coward, and condescedingly think you can tell me when it is and is not appropriate to express what i feel to be closet racism.
that's what you call evidence.

that's why he's in custody with a mug shot and Zimmerman wasn't (before the media got involved)
people who make comments like this..... technically u r right because thats how our crooked *** system works, but r u really okay with the system to begin with? some of u r always trying so hard to be right that u don't even take the time to think whether something is morally right or wrong to begin with

i honestly wish i could have that much blind respect (really fear) for authority.  life would be a lot easier instead of struggling to understand why most people grow more childish as they get older

keep overlooking zimmermans ties to law enforcement as if thats not the number 1 reason he is a free man today.
that's what you call evidence.

that's why he's in custody with a mug shot and Zimmerman wasn't (before the media got involved)
people who make comments like this..... technically u r right because thats how our crooked *** system works, but r u really okay with the system to begin with? some of u r always trying so hard to be right that u don't even take the time to think whether something is morally right or wrong to begin with

i honestly wish i could have that much blind respect (really fear) for authority.  life would be a lot easier instead of struggling to understand why most people grow more childish as they get older

keep overlooking zimmermans ties to law enforcement as if thats not the number 1 reason he is a free man today.

check the original thread when it happened, I was outraged at how the PD handled it, looked like they botched it from day 1.
I hate crooked cops and "connections", I know people that have gotten away with drunk driving because they knew people.

and about the system, technically yes, it's better that way,

it's hard to accept but with reasonable doubt, you might let some murderers go, but at least you won't put an innocent person in jail.(possibly for life).

I think that's the best way to go about it.
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but at least you won't put an innocent person in jail
u srs bro?

you ever have a loved one on trial for murder?

what's worse

letting a murder go free because there isn't enough evidence.


putting someone in jail for life that was innocent because they were framed?

you can't have it both ways, that's the best we have... anywhere in the world.

it's a matter of opinion, but I don't mind how the system is, the prosecutor didn't have evidence, I really really really wish they did, so I wouldn't have to argue people that swear they "KNOW", when they really have nothing but "what ifs"
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