Well Maybe We Can Get Justice For Darius? Trayvon Part 2

thats how a racist mentality works. you feel safe as long as your not exposed, but i called you out on it. you think you can subvert my line of questioning to get to the root of how you really feel.

i would actually respect you if you just came out and said it and owned up to it.  instead you are a coward, and condescedingly think you can tell me when it is and is not appropriate to express what i feel to be closet racism.

You think he's a racist because he acknowledges how the legal system works even though he has expressed his dislike for it?

That's stupid.

As for this case, he needs to be executed by firing squad.
thats how a racist mentality works. you feel safe as long as your not exposed, but i called you out on it. you think you can subvert my line of questioning to get to the root of how you really feel.

i would actually respect you if you just came out and said it and owned up to it.  instead you are a coward, and condescedingly think you can tell me when it is and is not appropriate to express what i feel to be closet racism.

You think he's a racist because he acknowledges how the legal system works even though he has expressed his dislike for it?

That's stupid.

As for this case, he needs to be executed by firing squad.

he knows if he sprinkles the word 'racist' in there, he'll get support because everyone hates racism.

even though he said something clearly racist in the other thread.
because they were framed?
u mean like in a novel or sumn? i feel like you just making stuff up to fit your points now....

i understand that can happen, but think about it fundamentally.

a murdererer goes free due to no evidence, free to kill as much as he wants and overall bring greater harm to society. 

an innocent goes to jail, possibly for life, possibly fighting and gaining their freedom, but overall society is less harmed by the loss of an innocent.

we all sign into this social contract. together, we establish these courts and laws for our common safety and protection.

if my loved one was murdered and the killer went free due to lack of evidence, or if my loved one was innocent and went to jail unjustly would bring me equal unhappiness.
the point is, you don't know, you have a doubt, you're 80%

would you rather put them in jail for life when you're not sure

or let them go free when you have a feeling they murdered someone

whats your opinion?

an innocent goes to jail, possibly for life, possibly fighting and gaining their freedom, but overall society is less harmed by the loss of an innocent.

I thought you championed freedom, you think it's less of a crime to put a possibly innocent person in jail without his freedom?

we all sign into this social contract. together, we establish these courts and laws for our common safety and protection.

but you said the system is broken...

and what if your loved one was the accused murderer, not the victim?

and what if he was found 'not guilty' and people still wanted his head?
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You think he's a racist because he acknowledges how the legal system works even though he has expressed his dislike for it?

That's stupid.

As for this case, he needs to be executed by firing squad.
thats not it at all. its not about the legal system its about how does he feel about TM being dead. 
check the original thread when it happened, I was outraged at how the PD handled it, looked like they botched it from day 1.
I hate crooked cops and "connections", I know people that have gotten away with drunk driving because they knew people.

and about the system, technically yes, it's better that way,

it's hard to accept but with reasonable doubt, you might let some murderers go, but at least you won't put an innocent person in jail.(possibly for life).

I think that's the best way to go about it.
true i guess i just hate how this system allows ppl to fall through the cracks on technicalities.  anyone with common sense and somewhat of a diverse life knew the deal as soon as we heard about this case.  but because of technicalities and the way the system is structured, zimmerman was able to use it to his advantage and get away with killing a kid.  people wanna talk evidence i say theres enough evidence to call it premeditated murder if u really wanna go there.  but no we only pay attention to the important facts like trayvons facebook pics
well i could do like juror b37 and go with my own prejudices, no one would know so its "legal" right?

id sleep better at night knowing i followed my own intuition into whats right and wrong and made my own decision then have it made for me by whatever "evidence" alone may or may not hae been provided or allowed, or anybody else's swaying my opinion.
well i could do like juror b37 and go with my own prejudices, no one would know so its "legal" right?

id sleep better at night knowing i followed my own intuition into whats right and wrong and made my own decision then have it made for me by whatever "evidence" alone may or may not hae been provided or allowed, or anybody else's swaying my opinion.

no one asked about her, stop using comparisons as a crutch.
Just realize you have no critical thinking skills, give up. You've been spewing things you've heard from day one and weren't willing to keep your mind open.
You're not in the minority (don't even ask me how ), you'll be okay with the rest of the "he wanted to kill a little boy and I knew it all along" crowd.
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the point is, you don't know, you have a doubt, you're 80%

would you rather put them in jail for life when you're not sure

or let them go free when you have a feeling they murdered someone

whats your opinion?
I thought you championed freedom, you think it's less of a crime to put a possibly innocent person in jail without his freedom?
but you said the system is broken...

and what if your loved one was the accused murderer, not the victim?

and what if he was found 'not guilty' and people still wanted his head?
my bad i should have said ideally, of course we didnt build this system together thats obvious.

hard as it is for you to accept, im not the bad guy you want me to be.  i dont hold that kind of malice. 

yes the system is broken thats why a guilty man went free, not the opposite where GZ's "innocence" landed him in jail...

since you want to twist your hypothetical again... if i had a loved one accused of murder, (ill make it fun for you) and he's guilty, and he gets off not guilty??

i would do my best to make amends with the victims. maybe the money i raised in their defense, or the auctioned gun
Who picks the jurors and how come they almost always get rid of minorities?

It's like your life is decided upon by some white jurors who probably see you as just another one of "them"?

We have to start parenting our kids so they can get into these powers of position so they can call the shots.
blows my mind that disgusting racists who may as well come out of hiding at this point can CELEBRATE

the fact that a teenage boy whow as just trying to get home with some snacks, ended up dead all because of the actions of a grown man playing super cop....

this is the world we live in though.
I've been arguing with Mother Teresa, donating to their defense
the decent, humane thing to do would be to not profit off a death that you caused

not to mention what kind of person could spend that money and sleep at night?
I think a person who admitted to killing someone free on the street is worse than getting framed, that's just my feelings though.
I've been arguing with Mother Teresa, donating to their defense :rolleyes

the decent, humane thing to do would be to not profit off a death that you caused

not to mention what kind of person could spend that money and sleep at night?

I, and you said, a loved one, not yourself.

you can't even keep your own facts straight, how are you trying to argue people on the internet?
I, and you said, a loved one, not yourself.

you can't even keep your own facts straight, how are you trying to argue people on the internet?
ok my family member jeez you asked me like 4 hypotheticals, then changed the hypothetical like twice how u expect me to keep up?
I think a person who admitted to killing someone free on the street is worse than getting framed, that's just my feelings though.

I appreciate your response, but
but they wouldn't be in court if they had a confession.

I'm talking a shadow of a doubt, they're in court pleading not guilty.

that's what our court system is there for.
everyone says it's broken.. but it was like that before the trial, it's like that after the trial, how is it broken?
i answered your question now will you please respond to this:
the "fact" that you are so hung up on trials and evidence and trying to ignore and downplay the human element of what happened is the real impairment

you can denigrate me all you want but you have yet to be up front and deny anything ive said you.

your problem is you dont like that i am speaking directly to you, whoever you are sitting behind your computer.  I'm challenging you as a person as to what kind of person you are, your integrity, your manhood. 

you dont like it, come at me bro.
there was justice for trayvon, just not the justice that people wanted

deal with it


and you cant even compare the two

the guy in the OP just staight up killed the kid without him doing anything..

SMH, mods please close this thread.
all i wanted was your response to it.  im sufficiently convinced you have none.  

if you had any real sincere feelings regarding TM's death, even if you wanted to extoll the virtues of the justice system you couldnt.
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